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Over 400 Commodore computer accessories.  The following list is an idea of what is available

--     computers (C-64, C-128, Vic & some others)

--     disk drives (1541, 1571, 1581 & some others)

--     monitors (1702, 1802, 1902, CM-141 & some others)

--     power supplies (for all the computers, drives, monitors & whatever else)

--     software, LOTS of them - some new, some copied (games, business, audio, video  & some others)

Other brands include the likes of Apple, Amiga and IBM.

This is stuff that was collect over many years.  Some works and some does not work.

A List

A list of about 400 tested items can view it by downloading the list in Excel format (which is around 100Kb) so you can sort the data to suit your interests.

When trying to download, if you get a screen with an option to “save” the file, choose “save” and save the file where you want it. Only if you know how to handle the file straight to “open”, then select that option (if offered).


The whole lot is available and is the best price plan.  You would not want to pay anyone here to rummage through the stacks and ship it to you.  You would pay more than the device you select.

But, if you are determined enough to go after a few pieces, then maybe we can negotiate.

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