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Energy Resources Trust
The Power of the Sun --
Solar / Wind / Water / Earth & more
Information and services for your energy needs
These charts are for a relatively SMALL system.
estimated about 30,000.00
for the elite user

The following charts are intended to help determine a possible cost for a system on your home/office.

In the 1st chart, look at the column with the headings "headings" and "# of ea appl" and see which appliance and how many are close to what you might have and use.

The 1st chart is a complex spreadsheet that take the input infomation and calculates many facets of energy use.

The 2nd chart is a summary of the information from the 1st chart.  Included in the 2nd chart is the energy usage and possible solar panels, batteries and inverters needed.  All values are subject to change depending on the particulars of each installation and personal desires.

There is a LOT of information here and it can be confusing, so if you hve any questions, please ask.

Each chart is best viewed by right clicking on it and saving it somewhere where you can find it, 
then opening it in your favorite image viewing program.  Then view it or print it in landscape format.


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