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recipes for contribution, & suggestions, are welcomed.
(if you want credit noted, please make that clear)

Vegi pie (Cossick pie - from Cherie)
line # qty ingredients notes
1 1 cup carrots 
2 1 cup broccoli 
3 1 cup yogurt 
4 1 cup green cabbage (if omitted, use more of other stuff) 
5 1/2 pound mushrooms 
6 1 cup oniion 
7 1/2 cup cottage cheese 
8 1 1/2 tsp basil 
9 1 egg 
10 1 1/2 tsp dill 
11 2 tbls wine - dry white (or wine vinegar) 
12 2 tbls flour
13 salt and pepper to taste


Use "Oil Pastry Crust" elsewhere in these recipes or a crust of your choosing 

saute vegi's in butter.  Take off heat and add wine and flour alternately 

add seasoning during saute 

mix in blender the egg, yogurt and cottage cheese. 

bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes 


approximate serving size = 4

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