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recipes for contribution, & suggestions, are welcomed.
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(an Italian [or Eastern European] pastry)
line # qty ingredients notes
1 4 eggs well beaten
2 1 cup sugar (honey)
3 1 lemon adjust for taste
4 1 tbls lemon rind adjust for taste
5 1 orange adjust for taste
6 1 tbls orange rind adjust for taste
7 1/2 # butter
8 1-2 tsp anise (preferrably real) adjust for taste
9 1-2 tsp vanilla (preferrably real) adjust for taste
10 4 tsp salt
11 2-5 cups flour adjust for managing


cream the butter with the sugar

Combine and mix ingredients well. 

add flour till dough is not runny and is managable (remember you can always add more flour)

>>>>>  Maybe place dough in fridge prior to use.  This can enhance handling.

place appropriate sized dough balls on iron (to fit iron) (a Pizelle iron is suggested, a waffle iron may work well enough, or you can experiment) & cook maybe 30 seconds to 1 minute ---  adjust time for finished texture.  Place cookies on towel (paper) to cool.  They taste great warm.  Of course the dough is also good to eat.

tradition is to put cooled Pizzeles in bags for stroage and delivery


approximate serving size = depending of cookie size, approx 75-150 cookies

Source or Contributed by ...

Grandma  200401a
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