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November 2002
Do You Trust the Propaganda from the Gov & Media
enough to get Shot?
contributed by Larry
"Progressive vaccinia is the most severe complication of smallpox
vaccination. It is almost always life threatening"
Back on November 25, 2002, I presented
an article regarding facets of smallpox vaccinations. Many have already
learned that programs of health related matters sponsored by the government
are detrimental to your health. The famous DPT for children is more
dangerous than the ailment it is supposed to prevent. Now think about
it. In the past year or more, the government has been saying that
Anthrax, Smallpox, and many other bio-chemical threats are poised against
the populace of the uSA. The nature of present day government is
to over react to anything and everything, and this is an easy way to justify
a job, especially in government. But, government is like a BIG boat,
it is often slow to get up to speed and once it gets going is difficult
to stop or change its course. So, now they have a policy of having people
get shots for deseases, real and imagined - just to be safe. Think
about the events of the time. The government
allowed, or helped, bomb the WTC and Pentagon on 9/11/01 (and that is what
those planes were) and now they have created a threat on the left hand,
while offering a fix on the right hand. This left hand/right hand
game is akin to a 3 card Monty or shell game. You are not supposed
to see what is really happening, but only keep your eye on the shell that
is not there or the card that has been removed. So, in the matter
of current events, ask yourself how the government knows which weopon WILL
be used. IF they know, this then why not simply stop it. I
know there is a bit of oversimplification here, but the point is still
valid. If the resources and manpower of the the most powerful nation
on Earth knows something, then why not do something to stop it? Why
instead are they placing more and more controls on their own people.
Could it be they view their own people as a threat? Having
said all that, take a look at what the vaccine for smallpox can do.
The above "Rense" site also offers the following links.
The following links are Mild images from the CDC files of reactions to Smallpox vaccines.
These images are frightful samples of SEVERE and/or FATAL Reactions
Making Cents of a 1966 VW
contributed by Larry
The issue of money and what passes for money is a complicated topic in this modern world because the banksters have gotten so entrenched and we let it happen. In this following article, the use of words like "dollar" and the "$" sign are misleading , but the message is still a good one for the newly learned individual. To set the record - by law, a "dollar" is equal to 1 ounce of silver and the "$" sign referes to 1 ounce of silver. To compare the paper notes (federal reserve notes, oft called money) to dollars is evidence of ignorance. This message from Don Stott in the following article about investing in substance is an eternal truth. Whether the substance is precious metals, land, health, or anything else which has a value in spite of what happens in the world, is an investment in substance.
A fellow called me the other day, and expressed surprise about the use
of gold as a storage vehicle for wealth. He told me he bought a new Volkswagen
in 1966 for
$1995, which then was exactly 57 ounce of gold. He recently bought
another new VW, and it was still priced at 57 ounces of gold. His call,
his words. Amazing?
Not really. Suppose he had taken his 1966 VW and put it up on blocks,
and it still had but maybe 10 original miles on it. What would it be worth?
According to
Hemmings Motor News prices, I think it would be worth about $8,000.
Of course for 36 years, there would have had to be covered storage for
the vehicle, and
probably insurance in case of fire. 36 years of garage rent wouldn't
be cheap. If he stored it in his own garage, it would have occupied a lot
of space, which has
value. After 36 years, the battery would be no good, and probably the
tires either. It would have been wise to turn over the engine or even run
it briefly during the 36
years, so as not to have it freeze up. Hopefully, the upholstery wouldn't
have cracked or been eaten by varmits, and the same with the insulation
on the wiring and
other rubber things such as windshield gaskets. Merely taking a new
car and placing it in a garage on blocks is not all there is to saving
its value. Lots of mechanical
things decay without use.
(While it is true that it was illegal in America to own gold in 1966, it wasn't in other countries, and when it became "legal' a few years later, the initial free market price still makes the comparison legitimate. People owned gold then, in spite of its illegality. I did.)
Suppose this fellow had placed the $1995 in a savings account at 3%? He would have gotten $5782.05 when he closed the account, and would have owed taxes on $3787.
The $5782.05, before taxes, would have less purchasing power than the original $1995 did in 1966, according to OFFICIAL US GOVERNMENT FIGURES.
Had he bought gold, say 57 Krugerrands, instead of the 1966 VW, they
would be worth $18,388.20 today. (Krugerrands were about the only bullion
gold coin
around then.)
Today, in Argentina, the paper money has become so worthless, that soy
beans are being used as "money," because they have actual tangible value,
whereas the
printing press money has been so proliferated, that it is a joke. Eating
a bean staves off starvation, and eating paper money doesn't give one any
Locally, where I live, on the Western Slope of Colorado, a new development
in my town was begun, called "English Village," about 1966. It is still
there, and the
homes are very much desired. Originally, they sold for $25,000. Today,
they command $125,000. The Volkswagen has gone up 900%, and in English
Village, they
have gone up 500%, in dollars. Same VW, same homes.
The "money" has gone down in purchasing power 80% or more. Same dollar
bills. They look the same. Just like magic, they buy less every week. The
are improved perhaps, but the "Beetles" are still loved by millions,
and new ones are still being turned out in Mexico. Draw your own conclusions.
Last weekend, we went to Denver. On the way home, we stopped at a gas
station for a snack. I saw a "Hostess Filled Twinkies" package, and immediately
it, as I hadn't had a "Twinkie" for many years. It was $1.40! I was
outraged, and everyone in the place burst out laughing at my protestations.
I bought them for a
dime when a kid. Same Twinkies…exactly. Luscious. But for $1.40? I
am still outraged.
I was in the theatre business for 11 years. My average ticket price
was 75 cents. When I had an exclusive run of Goldfinger, in 1963, I raised
the price to a dollar.
At a theatre in Denver, we saw the new James Bond film, and paid $7.50
for a ticket. (It is horrible. Don't waste your money on it.) A thousand
percent raise in
ticket prices in 40 years. Not nearly as good a flick as was Goldfinger
at a dollar.
I bought a new Mercedes at Bowman Motors on Georgia Ave. N.W. in Washington D.C., in 1962, for $3600. Need more information on that comparison?
Bought my 1887 3350 sq. ft. brick, Queen Anne Victorian, for $150,000
in 1991. It cost $8,000 to build, but included 40 acres in 1887. Now it
is on 5 lots of
10,000 square feet. I have turned down $400,000. Same house. Same town.
Same dollar bills used, only they are worth a fraction of their past purchasing
McDonald's Hamburgers were 13 cents in 1962, and I woofed down quite
a few. In the late 40's when I was a kid in DC, a weekly trolley pass,
good for as many
rides as you wanted was $1.25. Today, no more trolleys, DC is a warren
of useless bureaucrats, crime, graffiti, and wreckage, and who would want
to ride anything
there, at any time, regardless of the price? A fellow might get mugged
or killed.
So why do people save in dollars? I haven't the slightest idea. Why
do they buy government bonds and notes, when it is the government that
is making the dollar
worthless? Why don't they realize that the dollar, as a store of value,
is about as reliable as a promise from Dubya or New York Mayor Bloomberg?
I don't know,
but you guys have a wonderful Turkey Day, don't eat too much, and I'll
have more to say next week. Of course, Protect yourself!
Don Stott November 29, 2002
Don Stott has been a precious metals broker since 1977, has written
five books, hundreds of columns, and his web site is
High Levels of Toxic Mercury Found in Fish-Eaters
contributed by Larry
Many Americans have been passing up the steak at dinner in favor of what has been deemed a healthier choice-fish. What they don't know is that there is growing concern among health organizations that consuming large amounts of fish may be detrimental to your health.
Fish has long been promoted as a health food because it is low in calories and full of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. However, because pollutants are so widespread, most fish contains at least some toxic methylmercury.
A recent study found that among patients at a California medical practice, those who ate a lot of fish had high levels of toxic mercury, or methylmercury, in their systems. They were also suffering from symptoms of low-level mercury poisoning, including hair loss, depression, difficulty concentrating, headaches and fatigue.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) permits 480 micrograms of methylmercury per one pound of fish. However, commercial fish is not regulated and there is no way to know just how much mercury is in any given fish. Moreover, people tolerate mercury very differently. Much like a bee sting can make one person extremely ill while hardly affecting another, varying amounts of mercury can cause reactions ranging from severe to mild.
Mercury is especially dangerous to children and can cause birth defects during pregnancy. For this reason, the FDA recommends that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant limit their intake of fish to 12 ounces per week, and 10 states warn pregnant women to limit their consumption of seafood.
Methylmercury is a potent neurotoxin, causing axonal demyeliniation. Adults can experience symptoms months after an acute exposure consisting of ataxia, blurred vision, hearing deficits and paraesthesias.
Fetuses are particularly sensitive to methylmercury, as shown by the more than 1,400 infants from the Minimata area of Japan who were acutely exposed to the toxin in utero when their mothers ate fish contaminated by a factory discharge. The children, while often normal at birth, developed abnormal reflexes, problems with suckling, swallowing, gait, and speech, and mental retardation.
Stop Eating Fish BEFORE Becoming Pregnant
It is critical that women of childbearing age stop eating all fish for six months to one year before becoming pregnant. Currently, it is estimated that about eight percent of women of childbearing age have enough mercury in their systems to cause potential learning disabilities in their unborn babies.
Elemental mercury from rocks and soil exists naturally in background levels in lakes and streams but is concentrated in the environment by emissions from hydroelectric projects, smokestacks, the burning of garbage and fossil fuels, municipal waste facilities, other hazardous waste combustors and industrial pulp and paper and mining processes.
Microorganisms in lake and stream sediments convert elemental mercury to organic methylmercury, which binds tightly to the proteins in fish tissue and is concentrated in fish higher up the food chain.
Mercury is converted into methylmercury, an organic form, by bacteria in water. The substance is about 95 percent absorbed when consumed and is toxic to humans because it is very hard for the body to eliminate. This allows it to build up in the system where it can eventually affect the central nervous system.
Humans are exposed to methylmercury largely through fish consumption. The toxin accumulates in fish, as it does in humans, therefore big fish that eat other fish typically contain high levels of mercury. This includes meatier fish such as swordfish, shark, mackerel, and tuna. Swordfish had the highest correlation with mercury levels out of the 30 fish used in the study. Fish that generally have low levels of mercury include salmon, flounder, cod, catfish and trout.
When ingested by humans, methylmercury is easily absorbed and retained by the body; it has a half-life in blood of about 44 days, which makes blood tests useful measures of acute exposure. It concentrates in new hair, and consecutive hair segments indicate a person's exposure history. Methylmercury is eliminated fecally as inorganic mercury.
Although practices such as trimming off fat can reduce the intake of organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, insecticides and dioxins, mercury intake is unaffected by this because it is deposited uniformly throughout fish tissue.
Environmental Health Perspectives November 1, 2002
Canadian Medical Association Journal October 15, 2002;167(8):897
Further compelling evidence to heed the mercury warnings I have posted for some time now.
Although omega-3 fat with DHA and EPA fatty acids, naturally found in fish, is one of the most important elements of high-quality nutrition -- and sorely lacking in the American diet -- our culture has long since passed the point where it is healthy to obtain omega-3 from most commercially available fish. I now highly recommend routinely consuming fish oil/cod liver oil, instead, as they are purified of mercury and other toxins.
Mercury is rampant in the waterways of the world, and, as the article expresses, mercury is not just in the fat of the fish -- it is in all of the tissues.
Clinically, I use hair analysis on most of my patients as a way to determine mercury levels. While many view this as a controversial test, very few would deny its utility as a sensitive screen for heavy metal exposure. A person's mercury level in their hair is almost always related to their consumption of fish.
There are exceptions, of course, as there are other environmental exposures to mercury. I recently tested a dentist who was not eating fish but was still actively removing mercury amalgams, and he had very high mercury levels in his system. This is not typical, though, as the mercury measured in the hair analysis is usually related to mercury exposure in the last three months, and most mercury from a person's amalgams is low level and will not exceed that consumed in fish.
Nonetheless, the mercury from amalgams is still a problem as it accumulates over time, but it rarely shows up in the hair unless you have had amalgams removed in the three months prior to the hair analysis and a large mercury exposure resulted from the removal.
It is a tragedy that we have virtually devastated fish, previously one of the healthiest foods on the planet, with mercury toxicity. We have polluted the environment with hundreds of millions of tons of mercury by burning coal for electricity. The mercury eventually finds its way into the waterways where it is bio-accumulated to very high levels in most fish. Generally the larger the fish, the more mercury it contains. In fact, some mercury levels in fish have been unbelievably high.
Tragedy is an understatement.
Some fish have less mercury than others, but nearly all fish are contaminated with mercury. I have done thousands of hair mineral analyses on patients and can confidently state this as truth. Patients who don't eat any fish are the only ones who have immeasurable levels of mercury in their hair. In my experience, anyone eating fish has mercury in their system, and it is nearly always in direct proportion to the frequency of their fish consumption.
So here is my recommendation:
Avoid eating all fish, unless you know the fish has been tested and shown not to contai harmful levels of mercury and other toxins.
Almost all fish has mercury that will absolutely compromise your health. The one apparent exception are very small fish like sardines or anchovies that haven't been in the ocean long enough to accumulate much mercury. Presently, I am also searching the market for safe sources of other fish, perhaps those caught from more pristine water sources that may still exist.
We all need the omega-3 fats found in fish -- in the case of most Americans, in fact, omega-3 is desperately needed -- but you should get them from a clean source. Most fish oil supplements, like the Carlson brand of fish oil/cod liver oil that I highly recommend and offer on this site, go through a molecular distillation process to clean out the mercury. The Carlson brand is also routinely tested using standard international protocols in an independent, FDA registered laboratory; this testing not only ensures freedom from detectable levels of mercury, but also cadmium, lead, PCBs and 28 other contaminants. If you are using a brand besides Carlson, you should definitely contact the manufacturer to confirm they go through this process and testing.
Another reason I specifically recommend Carlson fish oil/cod liver oil is that I have seen clear and often substantial improvements in my patients who use it. For instance, the Carlson brand has helped them get high cholesterol back to appropriate levels, and it has also shown particularly positive benefits in those with rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's and Scleroderma. Meanwhile, the Costco brand of fish oil I now advise against, but at one time recommended for its low cost, did not show these same results; indeed, many patients who switched from Carlson to Costco fish oil showed a relapse in their original improvements. I do not yet know what to attribute this to in the Costco brand, but I now strongly suggest you use caution when choosing your brand of fish oil/cod liver oil.
You can find the Carlson fish oil/cod liver oil in my "Recommended Products" section; your local health food store may also carry Carlson, and usually they are very helpful in recommending any other trustworthy brands.
Clinton did the same thing, it must be a curse of the
contributed by Jan
Mexican Truckers Have Little Interest in U.S. Hauls
contributed by D
Is there any reason to think or believe
that the number of cross border action will not increase? I do not
mean just is truckers hauling legitimate cargo, but everything. Today,
they say, there is little interest (and there may have been little encouragement
for the interest, but now there is plenty of encouragement and there will
be lots of interest. Just wait and see, then I and others will say
"I told you so".
By Deborah Tedford
MONTERREY, Mexico (Reuters) - The desire to keep cross-border competition at bay and the uncertainties of entering a new market are expected to keep most Mexican truckers off U.S. roadways for the foreseeable future, Mexican transportation representatives said on Thursday.
President Bush (news - web sites) on Wednesday cleared the way for Mexican long-haul trucks to operate throughout the United States, pending a Transportation Department review of permit applications from Mexican trucking and bus companies.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) gave Mexican trucks access to U.S. roadways in 2000, but the Clinton administration limited their access to within a 20-mile commercial zone because of safety concerns and pressure from the Teamsters union.
Mexican transporters have been angry that the United States violated the treaty, even though enthusiasm for the venture has been lackluster.
So far, only 130 trucking companies -- of the thousands operating in Mexico -- have applied for permits.
"I don't see in the near future Mexican carriers going into the United States," said Felix Canales, a representative of the customs brokers' association of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
Instead, Mexican truckers will probably wait until they have forged enough business relationships with U.S. companies to make the northward excursions profitable.
"You don't make money by taking a load of glass to Detroit and going back to Mexico empty," he said.
Canales said both Mexican and U.S. companies are already making money running transfer, or drayage, trucks into border cities' commercial zones.
Inside the commercial zones, Mexican 18-wheelers hauling goods northward and Canadian and U.S. tractor-trailers with Mexico-bound products unhook their trailers to swap loads, with the transfer trucks making the exchange.
Produce transporter Said Mohamed Tamez predicted Mexican truckers will also be slow to enter the United States because they do not want U.S. trucks venturing into Mexico.
"The truth is, Mexican companies don't want U.S. trucks in Mexico" any more than U.S. transporters want their Mexican competitors in the United States, Mohamed said.
Mohamed's is one of 130 Mexican trucking companies that has applied for a U.S. Transportation Department permit to drive long-haul into the United States.
But the Monterrey businessman said he only did so because he thought bureaucratic red tape would make the process lengthy and he wanted the permit in place in the future.
But when Mexican trucks do begin their treks into the United States, Mohamed and Canales predicted Mexican long-haul rigs will be just as competitive -- and safe -- as U.S. trucks.
"They're made by the same companies. The engine is the same. The transmission
is the same. They meet the same safety and air standards," Canales said.
Conspiracy Theory of the Day
For some number
of years there have been people looking at the skies and thinking they
see trails from planes they are calling them chemtrails and contradistingished
from contrails. Contrails are formed by the edges of a craft slicing
through the air and heating it, then as the newly heated air cools, ice
crystals are formed. The persistence (how llong long they last) of
contrails (ice crystals) is dependant on many atmospheric conditions, such
as temperature, humidity, other elements in the air and several other things.
I have looked at the skies and not seen much that seems different than all my youth around air bases and cities near or having airports, or even on flight paths between airbases/airports. This is by no means a declaration that there are no such things as “chemtrails” wherein certain agencies are experimenting on the populace. There have been numerous reports in mainstream and “letters of confederation” (internet, smaller newsletters and papers), which revealed that government agencies have conducted many experiments on the people and with methods of delivery, so this is not un-imaginable.
Even 50 USC ??? (I could not quickly locate the exact “section” & maybe someone will send it to me - ed), provides “legal” authority for certain entities to conduct such tests on the populace so long as they give notice to some official of the area being tested.
But, today, while reading a description of some of the flight paths and the trails made, I began to glimpse a different perspective on the nature and purpose of the trails. If they are deliberate and not simple contrails, then they may be very large signals for viewers in space. It is rather like skywriting but for viewing from high Earth orbit or passing travelers. The Nasca lines in Peru are seemingly intended for viewing and interpreting from high above, so why not skywriting for a similar purpose? There are many sites for the Nazca glyphs, such as for some perspective
For what it is worth.
cause and origin
in the united States of America
Popular tradition tells us the story of the Pilgrims who landed on Plymouth Rock, suffered a harsh winter, then learned from the natives how to survive in the New World. As with many modern tales of our ancestors, elements of the truth have been mixed with fabrication, to create a false image of Thanksgiving Day. The result is a denial of God's fulfilled promise to his covenant people. f1 The truth of why our ancestors gave thanks to our Heavenly Father can be found in understanding the history of the 1600's and in the book, “Of Plymouth Plantation” by Governor William Bradford.
The Puritans wished to separate themselves from the established Church of England which they felt had become corrupt. They were seeking a simpler form of worship. Puritans also believed in a devout personal and family life, abolition of the clerical hierarchy and the Christianizing of all spheres of life. f2 This wish to separate themselves came to be the motivating factor which led to the Mayflower Expedition.
The Mayflower Expedition was financed by venture capitalists who formed a joint stock issuing company. The issuing company thereby gained total control of the economic system and therefore was able to dictate the social/debt and usury contrary to Biblical Economic Laws. f3
These venture capitalists who served as their bankers compelled the Pilgrims to adopt the non-Biblical communist system that existed in the old world which they had left. The system was largely one of communal farms that serfs labored on three days out of the week. The other three days were spent laboring on their lord's farms, thus feudalism and communism existed side by side in old Europe.
The traditional explanation of Thanksgiving Day is generally acknowledged to have begun one year after the Pilgrims landed. In 1621 a treaty was signed between the Pilgrims and Massasoit, a powerful chief of the Wampanoag Indian tribe. While the treaty was celebrated with traditional feast and exchange of gifts common to Indian custom, this was not the origin of Thanksgiving Day, nor can the celebration be traced back the English harvest festivals.
In truth, during the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had very little for which to be thankful. Half of the colony had died in the preceding winter and the remainder were still living under the harsh conditions of the communal system imposed by the venture capitalists. All property and the fruits of the Pilgrims' labor was owned by the issuing company. It was a grim existence in which, we can safely assume, fear was the prevailing emotion.
In the spring of 1623, Governor William Bradford realized the colony could not continue under the terms imposed by the issuing company. In violation of both the king's laws and signed agreement, Governor Bradford abolished the communal system and assigned private property. Hereafter, the Pilgrims were able to benefit from their own labor. Only the land was to be held in common stock as per God's Law. f4
The following was taken from the 1896 book entitled the “The “Beginners of a Nation” by Edward Eggleston describing this change.
"After two years of labor in common had brought the colony more than once to the verge of ruin, Bradford had the courage and wisdom to cut the knot he could not untie. During the scarce springtime of 1623, he assigned all the detached persons in the colony to live with families, and then temporarily divided the ancient Indian field on which the settlement had been made among the several families in proportion to their number, leaving every household to shift for itself or suffer want."
"Any general want of suffering hath not been among them since to this day", he writes years afterward. The assignment was a revolutionary stroke, in violation of the contract with shareholders, and contrary to their wishes. but Bradford saw that it was a life-and-death necessity to be rid of the pernicious system, even at the cost of cutting off all support from England. In his history he draws a very clear picture of the evils of communism as he had observed them.
Freed from the Babylonian economic bondage of a socialist communist system (which among other things stymies personal initiatives) imposed upon them by their bankers, the Pilgrim colony began to flourish. They were now keeping their Heavenly Father's Laws and He ultimately blessed them with an abundant harvest. f5
The book entitled “The Christian History of the Constitution“ of the United States of America records Governor Bradford's own words concerning the results.
"And afterwards the Lord sent them such seasonable showers, with interchange of fair warm weather as, through his blessings, caused a fruitful and liberal harvest, to their no small comfort and rejoicing. For which mercy, in time convenient, they also set apart a day of thanksgiving."
The actual proclamation of Governor Bradford tells us the true story:
"To all Ye Pilgrims. Inasmuch as the great Father has given this year an abundant harvest of Indian corn, wheat, beans, squashes and garden vegetables and has made the forest abound with game and the sea with fish and clams and inasmuch as He has protected us from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from the pestilence and disease, has granted us freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience; now, I your magistrate do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims, with your wives and little ones, do gather at ye meeting house, on ye hill, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the day time, on Thursday November ye 29th of the year our Lord one thousand six hundred and twenty-three, and the third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Pilgrim Rock, there to listen to ye pastor, and render Thanksgiving to ye Almighty god for all His blessings."
There are several points of interest to note in this proclamation. Although the popular legend has told us that it was only during the first winter that the Pilgrims faced these harsh conditions, the proclamation clearly states that they weren't delivered until the third year.
Because the communal (communist) living was in violation of Biblical Economic Law, the Pilgrims faced the ravages of the savages, pestilence, disease and a poor harvest in a desolate land. f6
The proclamation is specific regarding the date when the Pilgrims were delivered from these conditions. It was "this year..., the third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Pilgrim rock" that the blessings occurred. Only after correcting the error of their ways (repentance) did the blessings occur.
Another curious point in the myth that Thanksgiving Day revolves around the treaty of 1621 is the myth of the friendly Indians. Popular belief has the Pilgrims being welcomed with open arms and hospitality by the American Natives. In gratitude, the 'altruistic natives' by breaking their treaties, with treachery, violence, and by stealing their land. It seems, according to the proclamation, that the friendly and peaceful Pilgrims were the ones met with hostility and savagery.
The celebration of the signing of a treaty in 1621 and Thanksgiving Day of 1623 are two completely separate occasions. Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of of the people being delivered from the Babylonian debt and usury system. It is a celebration of thanks to God for His blessings that are showered upon his people when they uphold His Law. f7
Thanksgiving Day was made a national holiday in the United States in 1863, two hundred years from the date of the original celebration. The express purpose is to give thanks for the blessings received from God. How far we have strayed from what our ancestors intended as Thanksgiving to God when we instead dress our children in Indian garb to celebrate the planting of the corn and continue a headlong national plunge into the pit of more and more socialism.
f1 Genesis 12:2, 17:1-7 & Samuel 7:10
f2 Nethemiah 10:28-29
f3 Exodus 22:25, Leviticus 25:35-37 & Nehemiah 5:5-7
f4 Leviticus 25:23
f5 Leviticus 26:1-13, Deuteronomy 28:1-13
f6 Leviticus 26:16, 17, 20, Deuteronomy 28:20, 21, 22, 24, 25
f7 Isaiah 51:3, 1 Kings 6:12, 2 Chronicles 7:14
" I advise no one to place his child
where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Schools will
become wide-open gates of hell
if they do not diligently engrave the Holy Scriptures on young
hearts. Every institution
where men are not increasingly occupied with the word of God must
become corrupt."
-- Martin Luther (1520) (contributed by D)
20 Reasons Not To Take The Smallpox Vaccination
contributed by D & Diana
By Amy Worthington 1-8-2
1. George W. Bush has said of smallpox vaccination: "One of my concerns
if we were to have universal vaccination, some might lose their life."
~The Times (in London), November 09, 2001.
2. For each million people vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine, as many as 250 could die, according to the American Medical Association. Multiply 250 times 285 (millions of Americans) and the possible deaths from universal smallpox vaccination could equal 71,250. ~ Journal of the American Medical Association, June 9, 1999, Vol. 281, No. 22, p. 2132.
3. "The American Medical Association said on Tuesday it was not in favor of an immediate mass U.S.smallpox vaccination program, saying the potential threat of a bioterror attack did not warrant inoculating every American against the disease." ~Reuters, December 12, 2001.
4. "Right now the risk of getting the vaccine is higher than the benefit. You could get a secondary infection, a full-blown systemic infection." ~Marie Rau, Panhandle Health District nurse, quoted by The Spokesman-Review, November 20, 2001.
5. CDC director Jeffrey Koplan has admitted that universal smallpox vaccination could unleash a significant number of side-effects. He said that because many parts of ourpopulation do not have a"robust immune system," a fair number of people could have serious reactions. ~Koplan speaking on the PBS special "Bioterror Propaganda" aired by WETA, November 14, 2001.
6. If the entire nation were to receive a smallpox vaccine, several thousand people would likely develop encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
7. Roger J. Pomerantz, chief of the infectious disease department at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, said that doctors have no idea what the smallpox vaccine might do to people at the extremes of life--less than 2 and older than 65. He said that an even greater concern would be its effect on people with weakened immune systems from HIV infection, chemotherapy or transplants. ~Washington Post, Dec. 26, 2001.
8. "Researchers have been reluctant to recommend a new vaccination program which would use the smallpox vaccine for the local population because the vaccine can cause disease and death in persons with inadequate immune systems." ~Science, Vol. 277, July 18, 1997, pp. 312-13.
9. Routine smallpox vaccination in the United States ended in 1972. Officials are hesitant to resume the immunizations because the vaccine is the most reactive of all and has been linked to serious side effects, including death. ~ Reuters, November 29, 2001.
10. Eight printed pages of medical studies documenting the many serious side effects of smallpox vaccination can be obtained at See "smallpox vaccine adverse reactions 66-76." [Note: go to the home page above and put "smallpox vaccine adverse reaction" in the search engine.] Repercussions include serious brain and heart diseases, autism, abnormal chromosomal changes, diabetes, various cancers and leukemias, plus demyelination of nerve tissue years after vaccination.
11. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that vaccination must not be forced on persons whose physical condition would make such vaccination "cruel and inhuman." In other words, the state has no right to command that an individual sacrifice his life in the name of public health. ~Jacobsen V. Massachusettes, 197 U.S. 11 (1905).
12. By the 1920s, several British medical researchers documented that smallpox was not only more common among the VACCINATED, but that the DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had been vaccinated. This indicates that the vaccine was ineffective and predisposed vaccinated persons to more lethal disease. ~Vaccination, Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia, 1993, pp. 205-220. 13. Getting a vaccination does not guarantee immunity. ~CDC, January 28, 1994.
14. By 1987, scientific evidence indicated that the World Health Organization's 13-year global smallpox vaccination campaign may have awakened dormant HIV infection in many vaccinees. ~Times (in London) May 11, 1987.
15. Vaccines made from animal substrate contain animal viruses that are impossible to filter out. By 1961, scientists discovered that animal viruses in vaccines, including smallpox, could act as a carcinogen when given to mice in combination with cancer-causing chemicals, even in amounts too small to induce tumors alone. They concluded that vaccine viruses function as a catalyst for tumor production. ~Science, December 15, 1961.
16. Some of the new smallpox vaccine doses will be created with animal substrate. Because the vaccine will incorporate vaccinia, the cowpox virus, many wonder about possible mad-cow contamination. Fifty-five million doses of the new vaccine will be created using a cell line dating back to 1966 and cultured from the lung tissues of an aborted human fetus. ~World Net Daily, December 4, 2001.
17. The new smallpox vaccine will be genetically engineered. Many scientists believe that genetically engineered vaccines may be responsible for the global epidemic of auto-immune disease and neurological dysfunction. ~American College of Rheumatology, annual meeting, Nov. 8-12, 1998. Merck's genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine, Recombivax HB, is a classic example. According to Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of Baylor College of Medicine, many thousands of reported adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine include: chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and MS-like disease. ~Testimony of Dr. Dunbar to Texas Dept. of Health, March 12, 1999. Over 15,000 French citizens sued the French government to stop mandatory hepatitis B injections for school children because of resulting auto-immune diseases. ~Science, July 31, 1998. Dr. John Classen has published voluminous data showing that the hepatitis B and other vaccines are closely linked to the development of insulin dependent diabetes. ~Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, October 22, 1997.
18. The British vaccine manufacturer Medeva has a horrendous record of contamination and blunders. In 2000, the FDA found that Medeva was making vaccines in conditions of filth, resulting in contaminated products. Medeva had been illegally using bovine medium to culture its polio vaccines, then lied about it. Medeva also used the blood of a Creutzfeldt-Jakob victim (mad cow) to manufacture 83,000 doses of polio vaccine used for (against?) Irish children. Nevertheless, the FDA allowed the USA to accept Medeva's flu vaccine (Fluvirin) for the year 2000. ~London Observer series: October 20-26, 2000.
19. In 2001, the British socialized health care system was reported to be in a state of collapse, with many hospitals and labs operating in abysmal filth. Five thousand people die each year from infections contracted in British hospitals; 10,000 become deathly ill from such infections. Sterilization procedures are barely adequate and said to be risking the spread of mad cow disease. Government ministers are reportedly trying to hush up the scandal. Jan 06, 2001; The Sunday Times of London, November 12, 2001.
20. The U.S. government apparently intends to conduct NO double blind studies on the safety and efficacy of the new smallpox vaccine. It has ordered 286 million doses, one for every man, woman and child in America at a cost of $428 million. At least half of this vaccine will be delivered by Acambis PLC of great Britain.
Tip of the Week: Keep all vaccine needles away from your body! ___
Vaccination Liberation - Idaho Chapter Ingri Cassel, President P.O. Box 1444 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 (208) 255-2307 / 765-8421
"The Right to Know, The Freedom to Abstain"
Comment From kh6 1-9-2
I wouldn't take the vaccine either but consider this: Point #2 extrapolates the number of deaths following vaccination at 71,250. For perspective, this number is less than the number of deaths in 1996 from heat disease (733,361), cancer (539,533) and stroke (159,942). The number of deaths from smallpox vaccination would be less than the number of deaths from chronic respiratory diseases (106,027) and accidents (94,948), but more than the number of deaths from diabetes mellitus (61,767) and HIV (31,130) (CDC, for the year 1996).
Vaccination would kill a lot more people than firearms (1,400) (National
Safety Council, for the year 1996), though.
Breaking Through the (Feminist) Glass Ceiling
By Joseph J. Sabia | November 22, 2002
contributed by D
On November 20, the Cornell College Republicans and Cornell Review hosted a speech by Eagle Forum Founder Phyllis Schlafly. Mrs. Schlafly is best known for her successful campaign to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s and 1980s. She is the author of 16 books and was named by Ladies Home Journal as one of the most important women of the twentieth century. Mrs. Schlafly was kind enough to sit down for an interview with me during her stay in Ithaca, New York. The transcript of that interview appears below.
Joe Sabia: Mrs. Schlafly, if you had not led the fight to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the Constitution and it had become law of the land, how would America be different today?
Phyllis Schlafly: Well, the most immediate effect would have been on the military and the draft. You realize that when the ERA came out of Congress, we were just coming out of the Vietnam War and the draft was a very real threat to all the guys in this country. [The ERA] would have required the registration of young women. I think there would have been some type of social upheaval about that. I do not believe that the American people would have tolerated that. And yet there’s no way to argue against that happening. All the lawyers I’ve debated over the years never denied it. They all admitted it. Of course, they were all over draft age and didn’t have any daughters. They said, “Yeah, that’s what we want.”
And then, [the ERA] would have eliminated the laws and regulations that we had for assignment within the military. You couldn’t do like the Israelis do, which is to give women all the jobs to make coffee and type and so forth and leave the cruddy fighting to the men. They couldn’t do that under ERA.
I think we would have had an enormous number of lawsuits. And one of the biggest effects would have opened the doors to allow lawsuits. Then you’ve got the activist judges. They waited awhile to get what they really wanted and finally did use the state Equal Rights Amendments to get it. Tax-funded abortion is one of the main things they wanted. And Ruth Bader Ginsberg was very open and above-board on that. That’s what she wanted; she thought that tax funding should be a constitutional right for abortion. They have succeeded in several states under state ERAs. The most clear-cut example of that was New Mexico about four years ago. They really accomplished that in several states. And there’s a case in Texas right now. Texas doesn’t really have exactly the same language as the ERA, but they still got a lower court to hold that the Texas law requires taxpayers to fund abortions. We hope that the Texas high court will overturn that.
The other thing that they would go for is same-sex marriage licenses. In Hawaii, which is a state that did have exactly the same language as the federal ERA, their high court did rule that Hawaii’s ERA required same-sex marriage licenses. So Hawaii had to pass another constitutional amendment saying “No, we didn’t mean that” and take that power away from the court.
So those areas—and there are a lot of areas—there is just no way to avoid the way the courts would have held under strict gender-neutral rules.
Sabia: And you’re correct, the state experiments do provide an example through which to see the road our federal government could have gone down if it had passed the ERA.
Schlafly: Exactly.
Sabia: In your view, what was the turning point at which you said to yourself "We've done it. Despite ERA support from both major political parties, 90 percent of the Congress, Presidents Ford, Nixon, and Carter, we have defeated it?”
Schlafly: Well, I can’t say we were for sure until it was over because they fought it down to the bitter end. In the spring of 1982, we had battles, especially in Illinois, but also in North Carolina, Florida, and Oklahoma, all in that spring of 1982. However, as you look back, you can see what you might call the Midway Battle. If you look back on World War II and we see Midway was the turning point. The turning point [for us] was the Convention on International Women in Houston in November 1977. Bella Abzug was in Congress and they got $5 million of taxpayers money to hold this shindig. The purpose of it was to line up further support [for the ERA] and get their remaining states.
And they convinced themselves that we were such a threat that they had to make common cause with the lesbians. This event had enormous publicity. They had thousands of first-tier media people covering this in Houston. It turned out to be the same week as one of the big events in history, when Sadat flew to Israel to make peace with the Jews. All the networks had to send their second team because their first team was in Houston covering what was going on down there. [The conference] was kind of illustrated by a quote I’ve used from the Missouri governor later on. Some reporter said, “Governor, are you for the Equal Rights Amendment?” He said, “Do you mean the old ERA or the new ERA? I was for equal pay for equal work, but after they went down to Houston and got involved with all those abortionists and lesbians, I can tell you it’s never going to pass in Missouri.”
Sabia: In recent presidential elections, members of the mainstream media have spoken extensively about the so-called "gender gap." What is your explanation for this and where do you see the trend going?
Schlafly: The gender gap has turned out to be a bigger problem for Democrats because it’s meant that the men are voting for Republicans. To the extent that it’s real, it’s really a problem of single women who are raising children by themselves. These cultural changes have developed millions of women who are either having illegitimate children or are divorced and raising children by themselves and they look to government to provide what the husband isn’t providing. I don’t know any way out of that. There isn’t any gap between married men and married women. It’s the single women, and it’s a tough life raising your children by yourself and you need Big Brother government to help.
Sabia: I am going to read the names of some high profile women in America who have often spoken out on issues of women's rights. I'd like your view of each. First, Ann Coulter.
Schlafly: Ann Coulter has just a way with words that is absolutely delightful. She has a flamboyant style and she is delightful to read.
Sabia: Elizabeth Dole.
Schlafly: Her style is extremely cautious. It’s very difficult to figure out what she’s for. She has tried very hard to avoid people knowing where she stands on crucial issues like abortion. If she were giving an interview, she’d want the questions in advance. I understand that at her events, she either won’t take questions or wants the questions in advance. She doesn’t talk off the cuff.
Sabia: Christina Hoff Sommers.
Schlafly: Christina Hoff Sommers is in academia and nobody in academia has got the nerve to say “I am not a feminist.” So, she has tried to construct this notion that there are good kinds of feminists and bad kinds of feminists, which I don’t agree with. I think feminism has been a very destructive force in our society. However, her book on The War on Boys is great and we just have to recognize that the feminist movement is an attack on everything that is masculine. If we had a gender-neutral society, it wouldn’t be enough. They want to wipe out everything that is masculine. [Sommers] has identified that very well so I think her writings are very important.
Sabia: Nancy Pelosi.
Schlafly: She’s a complete feminist. That means she won’t tolerate the slightest restriction on abortion, anytime, anyplace. I’m sure she’d be proud to call herself a feminist. What that means to them is that if you talk about women’s rights, the number one right is abortion.
Sabia: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Schlafly: Likewise. Of course, she is a hero to the feminists because of what she did, but she wasn’t really what the feminists say they admire because she got her career the old-fashioned way—she married it.
Sabia: In her recent best-seller Slander, Ann Coulter writes: "Schlafly's feminist counterpart and molecular opposite is Gloria Steinem. While Schlafly is a serious intellectual, Steinem is a deeply ridiculous figure." She goes on to say that “Steinem’s influence was limited to a narrow sliver of liberal women living in big cities. It just happened to be the sliver that controls news and pop culture.” Do you concur with Ann Coulter? What is your view of Gloria Steinem?
Schlafly: Yes, I agree with that. There is nothing in-depth about her at all. And while I’ve debated every feminist that you can probably name, she consistently and repeatedly refused to debate me. I think she has no depth and couldn’t deal with the issues at all. In the early days on feminism, she was the only one who really wasn’t downright ugly and so she knew how to play her cards to get the coverage.
Sabia: Ann Coulter also wrote a bit in her book about how the mainstream media has short-changed you by never giving you the credit you deserved for dealing such a huge blow to feminism through your defeat of the ERA. Do you hold any animosity over that?
Schlafly: Well, I know who controls the media and it’s not my friends. Just to give you an example of that, it really was an event when we defeated the Equal Rights Amendment. We held a victory party on June 30, 1982. The media coverage was “ERA is Reintroduced.” That was the news of the day. It wasn’t “After 10 Years, Despite Enormous Odds, the ERA is Defeated.” The news story was “The ERA has been Reintroduced in Congress,” which is a non-story, of course.
Sabia: Why are college women’s studies departments indoctrination centers devoid of any serious academic inquiry? And what can be done about them?
Schlafly: Feminists are extremely adept at getting other people to finance their agenda. [Women’s studies departments] are a means of advancing the feminist agenda. The extreme feminists gravitate to that and that’s where they get their job. It’s a ridiculous academic department. It’s not women’s studies. It’s feminist studies and very frequently lesbian studies. And that isn’t an academic discipline. It’s a joke and they make us pay for their agenda.
Sabia: Onto military policy, Mrs. Schlafly, do you believe that the creation of a new federal Department of Homeland Security is sound public policy?
Schlafly: No, I don’t. It doesn’t do anything to secure our borders. It’s a non-event in regard to cutting back on giving visas to countries that sponsor terrorism. It doesn’t even get rid of the diversity lottery, which Kennedy put into law. I don’t see that there’s any policy that will make us more secure against terrorists coming into our country. I do believe that terrorism is an immigration and borders problem.
Sabia: Did President Jimmy Carter’s deserve to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?
Schlafly: No. What did he get it for?
Sabia: I imagine it was for his Middle East peace agreement.
Schlafly: We don’t have peace in the Middle East. It’s ridiculous. It’s like giving Henry Kissinger the peace prize for peace in Vietnam. They’re a bunch of left-wingers who handle the Nobel Prizes.
Sabia: It appears as though war with Iraq is imminent and inevitable. After Saddam Hussein is deposed, what role should the United States play in the formation of a new Iraqi government and what steps should we take to ensure a more pro-Western sentiment in that region of the world?
Schlafly: I’m very dubious about the whole thing. I’m hoping that Saddam sees the handwriting on the wall and caves and lets the weapons inspectors see whatever they’re supposed to see. I don’t think that the United States is capable of setting up governments. This thing of democracy in these countries is a joke. There isn’t going to be any democracy over there. Who’s going to replace him? Some people say his son is worse than he is. There are several disparate factions in Iraq and maybe they need some dictator to rule them all. I don’t know. But I don’t think that we can control that. I don’t think it’s our job to engage in nation-building. It was just reported in the news this week that our mission in Afghanistan has shifted to nation-building. Why are we rebuilding that country?
Sabia: Do you oppose military action in Iraq?
Schlafly: I haven’t seen the evidence that military action is called for. Maybe it is, but I haven’t seen it yet.
Sabia: Under what circumstances do you envision a long-term peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors? And should what extent should the United States be involved in these peace processes?
Schlafly: I don’t see a solution for it. Why don’t we solve the Irish problem? The only peace that’s in Bosnia is because our troops are there. These people have hated each other for the last 10 centuries. I just don’t think we can solve all those problems.
Sabia: President Bush has pushed very hard for his missile defense program. What is your view of the future of national missile defense?
Schlafly: I think we ought to build it right now. There was a piece in USA Today today saying that “Well, it’s all approved, it’s ready to go. All the tests have worked out fine.” I think we need it more than ever. We should have started doing it when Reagan called for it in 1983.
Sabia: Why is there such fierce opposition to missile defense on the Left?
Schlafly: Isn’t that interesting? Well [in the 1980s] I think the opposition was really set forth in all my books with Admiral Chester Ward. They really believed that the Soviet Union was going to win. They believed that they had the discipline, the dictatorship, and the determination to come out on top. They thought that nuclear war was the worst thing that could happen and that if we tried to oppose that, we were all going to be dead. So, the best way was to convince the Soviet Union that we were not a threat and that was by not building a missile defense. That’s, in a nutshell, the theme of my books, which was the explanation for why they were so opposed to building any defense against missiles.
Now, we’re not worried about the Soviets striking us anymore. Why are they still against it? It’s hard to figure out why they’re still against it. They’re arguments really don’t make sense. It does work. What’s wrong with defending ourselves against someone shooting a missile at us? It’s hard to explain it. Maybe they’re just living in the era of the Cold War and they haven’t gotten out of that.
Joseph J. Sabia is a Ph.D. candidate in economics at Cornell University.
Loss of Liberty?
contributed by Bob
While I can not give a URL for verification of the following commentary, I know the person who forward it to me, and having eyars ago heard them think this kind of thing was poppy cock, it is refreshing to see their eyes are open more than I recall. That alone makes this worth publishing. I could take exception with some of the comments, but I am glad to see those not as learned expressing their observations.
Soapbox commentary by AOL member Jjwmail
The recent election shows that Americans are in demand for a redress
of the problems and inadequacies in American counter-terrorism efforts
both before and after
9/11. President Bush is attempting to deal with this issue through
the promotion of a new Homeland Security Department, yet there are key
questions that remain which are not even being asked: Will the new department
be respectful of American liberties and is it the most efficient form of
security for our nation?
Unfortunately, if what has already happened serves as evidence, the answer may be no.
In the name of homeland security even ordinary Americans have been subjected to searches and inspections the likes of which would have been considered to be unheard of not long ago. It is now routine for Americans to be searched by federal officers when they travel from one city to another in their own country. This is one of the reasons why we opposed the Soviet Union in the Cold War, namely that citizens were not free to travel internally without state approval. In the public mind, federal oversight of security screening has translated somehow into "more effective." But has it really been? Recently a group of journalists successfully defied this new system by getting on board planes with knives. At LAX the only successful response to a terrorist threat since Sept. 11 was done by a private El Al security guard who shot an armed gunman. Clearly, federal does not mean effective and private does not mean incompetent.
Specific examples of other abuses in the name of homeland security have
also come about. In one case reported in The New American magazine,
a mother traveling with her children in Yakima, Wash., was stopped for
having an expired license tag. Her husband, being a sports shooter, had
left an empty semi-automatic rifle clip on the car dashboard. The officer
identified it as belonging to a type of rifle stored at a local army weapons
depot, where three such guns had been stolen and called for
backup. Eventually, the husband had to be brought in to straighten
the mess out. A week later, federal agents showed up at the family's home,
demanding to see all
weapons they had and citing homeland security as the cause. Scary?
You bet!
Will the new proposed department be effective in combating security?
One could simply point to the huge bureaucracy that it will create to say
no. However, let us rely on specifics. Who will be among those possibly
to lead the new department? According to The Washington Times, the choice
for intelligence czar will be John Gannon. As columnist Phil Brennan writes,
Gannon served in a number of key intelligence posts in the Clinton Administration.
He was part of the problem that allowed al-Qaida to freely roam America
and plot at will. He has been deeply involved with Intellibridge, a private
group that provides information for international corporations. Among his
key colleagues at Intellibridge have been individuals like Anthony Lake,
who not long ago was denied the top post at the CIA because of his radical
leftist history. In fact,
according to Brennan, Lake was Gannon's immediate superior. The influence
that Lake could have had on Gannon brings Gannon's qualifications into
If the Republicans are so interested in an effective security system,
why don't they look into re-adoption of America's old layers of security?
Why is there no talk of
reactivating the Justice Department's Internal Security Division? Why
is there no talk of reintroducing the House and Senate committees on internal
security, the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations, the
Subversive Activities Control Board, or the intelligence units of state
and local police departments? Though they had their critics, these
agencies served the public through diffused layers of protection harmonious
with American concepts of liberty and federalism.
Republicans are the party of smaller government. As such, they should be up in arms about what could arguably be called the greatest concentration of federal power in the history of America. Republicans in Congress should be opting for the best security system to protect Americans that does not harm the people's liberties. Unfortunately, the political winds are blowing the other way.
There are many threats to our way
of life,
... and not all of them wear uniforms
and carry guns.
Betty's father has FIVE daughters:
1. Chacha
2. Cheche
3. Chichi
4. Chocho
5. ????
What is the fifth daughter's name?
Florida Firm Seeks to Microchip
contributed by Viv
Applied Digital company makes what is know as "Digital
Angel" and "Verichip".
They have been promoting this technology for several years and getting
people ready. Are you ready? After you read this article take
a look at this site
(be certain to view all its 6 or so pages) which was created a good time
before Applied Digital started making noise.
By Laura MacInnis Tue Nov 19, 3:59 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Washington forum debated on Friday the benefits and hazards posed by a new way of identifying people with a microchip implanted under their skin to replace conventional paper identification.
The heated debate at the National Academies, a non-profit think-tank advising the government on matters of technology and science, focused on the threat to individual privacy versus the convenience of switching to a chip.
Implanted microchips have long been used in the animal kingdom, to track wildlife and to help pet owners recover their lost animals, but the idea of using them on humans has sparked fierce criticism from scientists and privacy advocates alike.
"We have absolutely no data about this particular product and about the implications over the long term if Americans are chipped," Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, said.
Applied Digital Solutions Inc. (NasdaqNM:ADSX - news) says its glass capsule the size of a grain of rice, injected into forearms and other fleshy body parts, could help authorities find missing persons and speed up medical diagnosis treatment.
The VeriChip, a scannable device worn under the skin containing a number corresponding to a separate database of personal information, was unveiled last year in Florida.
So far about 20 people have been "chipped," including an entire family in Florida.
"I can't feel them at all," said Richard Seeling, an Applied Digital executive who has implanted two microchips into his right forearm to test the product. "Most of the time I forget they're there until someone asks about it."
Seeling said the chips were both painless and safe but scientists at the National Academies said too little was known about the device and warned it could pose health risks like infections and immunity disorders for bearers.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) ruled in October it would not regulate the device so long as it was not used for medical purposes such as diagnosis.
This left Applied Digital free to market the chip for personal identification and security, for instance locating missing children or identifying car accident victims.
"I do think there could be beneficial uses, particularly for Alzheimer's patients, but on a large scale this is essentially a system of control," Rotenberg said.
Privacy advocates worry the microchip could spell the end of anonymity in the United States, particularly if authorities began requiring people to wear them to meet conditions of parole, employment or border crossings.
Seeling said each chip costs about $200, and that
scanner devices needed to read the data would be targeted for sale to police,
hospitals, schools and other agencies across the United States. Friday,
15 November 2002 20:11:55 RTRS
Saddamed if We Do, Saddamed if We Don't
contributed by D
by Edgar J. Steele November 22, 2002
"What is truth? No wonder jesting Pilate turned away. The truth, it has a thousand faces -- show only one of them, and the whole truth flies away! But how to show the whole? That's the question..." --- Thomas Wolfe, "You Can't Go Home Again," Ch. 27 (1934)
Executive summary: If we attack Iraq, we're screwed. If we don't attack Iraq, we're screwed. Therefore, we're screwed.
If I remember correctly from my Philosophy 101 course, taken at the University of Washington in 1964, that is what is known as a logical syllogism. Reaching an inescapable conclusion from exhaustive premises. Pure logic in action.
Of course, the secret in conclusion management is in picking your premises. That's why we're even in the Middle East, kicking various shades of Arab butt around. "Because they're jealous of our freedom," says the man from Planet Bush. That's a premise. Because they hit us in the WTCster. That's another premise.
Problem is, hardly anybody ever challenges premises, so conclusions go down like spilt antifreeze being lapped up by a cat. Tastes good, so it must be good for us. Right. Pure logic in action. That's what passes for truth these days. Or part of it, anyway.
Today, let's examine both "we're screwed" premises. There already is sufficient chaff and confetti flying around the Web concerning the faulty premises for waging war in the first place.
Premise #1: If (when, actually) we wade into Baghdad, we will end up being screwed. Saddam cannot allow himself to be disarmed because he will be overthrown and killed by his domestic enemies, if not his neighbors (can you say "Israel," boys and girls?). The moment he resists, America launches. Even if he fools the weapons inspectors, administration officials have already indicated their willingness to go in after him, anyway.
Saddam is now boxed into a corner and can be expected to respond rapaciously, as any cornered animal with claws would. The only question is when. City warfare is wicked stuff (rent and see "Blackhawk Down" for a small taste) and quite different from tanks in the open sands. The body bags coming home will be impressive because this time Saddam knows that we won't stop until we have his head on a stick.
Count on this one being a dirty war, too, with Saddam actually using his biological, chemical and dirty nuclear weapons (don't be naive and think he doesn't have them). Think body bags by the shipload.
And, when it's over, there will be several other countries nearby that won't be jockeying to be America's buddy. Each filled with millions of jihadists of the first order. By then, America will have eclipsed Israel in their eyes. Look at Israel and the way its people live, because it will become just like that anywhere that America has a presence. Including Des Moines.
Screwed, as I said earlier.
Premise #2: Maybe, by some miracle, we won't invade Iraq (who knows, maybe they'll catch Bush in that cubby off the Oval Office with Congolisa on her knees - now, there's an image). Doesn't matter, because we'll be just as screwed as Bush then, too. We already are, in view of how much water we have been carrying for Israel.
Left in power, Saddam truly becomes the boogeyman of the burning sands, with bazookas and missiles just a drippin' off of him and a launch button for every finger of his hands...
The Arab world then will unite behind their only leader to have faced down the Zionist-American axis. Israel will be turned into that giant, self-illuminated glass parking lot about which Dr. William Pierce always fantasized. America will have to retaliate and, before you know it...we're screwed. Global thermonuclear exchanges have that sort of effect.
The splintering of the Arab countries is what always has saved us in the past. However, now we are providing compelling reasons for them to unite. Reasons well beyond those previously provided by Israel, the country that started all of this in the first place.
Bush is getting record numbers of Americans to unite (against him and his insane policies, both foreign and domestic), so it isn't hard to understand how he is managing to bring all the Arab sheikhdoms together. And it is way too late to do a single thing about it; just ask the Afghanis. Therefore, we're screwed. Saddamed if we do and Saddamed if we don't.
But, Americans don't want to consider these things. There is still beer in the supermarkets and football games on TV, after all. Only some of our friends are out of work so far.
Meet Toed the cat. So called, because of the seven toes on each of his front feet. Toed lives with us. it that we live with him? A matter of perspective, I suppose.
Toed wants it to be summer again. In fact, so do I. Toed races to the front door anytime someone walks through the living room, his signal that we are to open the door so that he might go out. Then he stands there and tentatively sniffs at the chill mountain air, only to back away, right back into the house. We go through this ritual many times each day this time of year.
I imagine that he doesn't understand why we, who have such power over light and darkness and can make it as balmy as spring inside the house, can't do the same for him outside.
It's hard to find mice in six feet of snow.
It seems as though all of America is like Toed these days. With the arrival of the cold reality of a serious recession and its concomitant politically-driven war, we want it to be spring stroll through fields of mounding stock options, kicking up our heels in Enron-like profits. Instead, we stare with disbelief at every dip in the Dow, vainly expecting each following day to bring sunshine, buttercups and stock splits.
Everything will be just wonderful once we march into Baghdad and the Iraqis hand over Saddam for the show trial of the century. Right. In your dreams.
Forget it. We're screwed.
New America. An idea whose time has come.
"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus
Copyright C Edgar J. Steele, 2002
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
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Make a difference! The Patriot Civil Liberties Union (PCLU) needs
your support to continue its work fighting for the right of Americans to
be free of government tyranny at all levels and for restoration of the
US Constitution as America's guiding charter. Please mail donations
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How To Impress A Woman
01 Compliment her
02 Cuddle her
03 Kiss her
04 Caress her
05 Love her
06 Stroke her
07 Tease her
08 Comfort her
09 Protect her
10 Hug her
11 Hold her
12 Dine her
13 Listen to her
14 Care for her
15 Stand by her
16 Support her
17 Go to the ends of the earth for her
....... and more .......
How To Impress A Man
1st Show up naked
2nd Bring beer (or whatever he likes)
Hate Crimes Legislation
Could Trigger Lawsuits, Family Groups Warn\Culture\archive\200211\CUL20021122a.html
contributed by D
by Lawrence Morahan
November 22, 2002 Senior Staff
( - If passed, hate crimes legislation currently before the Pennsylvania House of Representatives could subject to lawsuits church ministers who express traditional views from the pulpit on sexual morality, a coalition of pro-family groups said.
"If pastors from pulpits speak either of the supremacy of biblical traditional marriage or speak of sexually alternative lifestyles in an unfavorable way, under this amendment they could be open to litigation," said William Devlin, president of the Urban Family Council, an inter-racial child and family advocacy group.
House Bill 1493, which likely will come up for a vote early next week, proposes to amend the state's Ethnic Intimidation Act to include "sexual orientation, gender or gender identity."
"Basically it's saying if you're sitting and you're hearing and you feel intimidated, you can sue," Devlin added.
The bill would empower people who consider themselves to be in a sexual minority, such as "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, pansexual and cross-dressers" to sue spiritual leaders who publicly espouse traditional views on sexuality, he said.
The amendment, which has been sitting in the Legislature since June 2001, was voted out of committee Nov. 12 by a 15-5 margin. The Pennsylvania Senate passed the bill last year by a 32-15 vote.
If the bill passes the House and Gov. Mark Schweiker signs it - as he has pledged to do - Pennsylvania will join 26 other states and the District of Columbia in extending hate crimes legislation to homosexuals. It will be the fifth state to include "gender identity" in those protections.
The bill has broad bipartisan support. Its proponents include Republican House Majority Leader John Perzel and Stewart Greenleaf, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Steve Miskin, a spokesman for Perzel, said the majority leader intended to vote for the measure, which could come up for a vote as early as Monday.
"He intends to support it," Miskin said. "I'm inclined to think it will pass, but there will be some people trying to amend it to death," he said.
Stacey Soebel, executive director of the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights in Philadelphia, said concerns that the amendment could be used to silence people of faith were unfounded.
"We support the First Amendment and of course we support people of faith being able to practice their religions," Soebel said. "However, what we're talking about is when people engage in criminal activities and do that based upon bias against people, such as gays or lesbians ... or their gender identity, then that's a hate crime."
Hate crimes are committed purposely to send a message to an entire community and need to be fought with diligence, she said. Proponents of the amendment are not seeking special rights for certain groups, but are trying to extend it to include others who are threatened.
"All we're trying to do is make sure that the people who are most vulnerable to attack are included in the law that we already have on the books," Soebel said.
Homosexual advocacy groups have been conducting an intense lobbying campaign in recent days to get the measure passed.
"If we can get it to the
floor, I believe we have the votes to get it passed," Soebel said.
Uncle Sam wants your data
contributed by Larry
by Clarence Page November 19, 2002
Some people read George Orwell's "1984" with a sense of dread. Others read it and think, "Hmmm, cool idea."
It must have taken such a mind to dream up the "data-mining proposal that is included in the Homeland Security Act that passed the House last week in a Republican-brokered agreement by a 299-121 vote.
It would enable law enforcement to peek into just about every public and private act of every American — and without the ubiquitous cameras and "telescreens" that "Big Brother" used to control folks in Orwell's nightmare.
Just think of it. Think of all the stuff about you that is now stored in some computer somewhere.
In the commercial world, there are your credit card purchases, your academic record, your bank records, your vacation trips, your medical prescriptions, the Web sites you surf, your e-mails .
Then there's the stuff the government has on you, like your driver's license, passport records, tollway EZ-Pass records, marriage and divorce records.
Yup, there's all kinds of good stuff people would like to know about you that you might not like others to know.
Now the Defense Department reportedly wants to set up "a virtual, centralized grand database," a computerized dossier on everyone's private life, a "Total Information Awareness" about every U.S. citizen.
And who's seeking all of this? John Poindexter, the national security adviser to President Ronald Reagan who was convicted of misleading Congress and making false statements in connection with the Iran-Contra scandal. An appeals court later overturned the verdict because Congress had given Mr. Poindexter immunity for his testimony.
The retired vice admiral now heads the "Information Awareness Office" in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which gave us Internet and stealth aircraft technology.
"Data-mining" is his idea, according to stories that first appeared in the New York Times and The Washington Post.
Computers and analysts could sift through this available information to determine patterns of behavior, detect and identify terrorists, decipher plans and presumably enable the United States to pre-empt terrorist acts.
"This is not some far-out Orwellian scenario," New York Times columnist William Safire, a veteran of the Nixon administration, opined. "It is what will happen if John Poindexter gets the unprecedented power he seeks."
Privacy is not a partisan issue. It's a tough question of what price is too high to pay in President Bush's "war on terror."
That's a big question lurking deep in the fine print of the Homeland Security Act, a question that has received surprisingly little attention as the measure speeds on a fast-track toward passage with President Bush's backing.
You could sort of understand how the U.S.A. Patriot Act zipped through Congress. It was right after the September 11 terrorist attacks. We, the public, were in a panic and grieving deeply.
So we let Congress and President Bush hastily sign away more than a dozen privacy laws, expand the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and relax some of requirements for government agents to report secret eavesdropping to Congress and the courts.
In an atmosphere of fear and tragedy, Americans surrendered some of their privacy rights and gave law-enforcement officials more powers of surveillance than they really needed.
Make their jobs easier, goes the logic of such circumstances, and everyone will feel safer. Feeling safer is what security is all about.
But it's less easy to forgive us, the public, the media and the rest of the chattering classes for refusing to pay attention as more and more of our privacy protections are sucked into the dark abyss of legislative fine print.
That's what governments often itch to do — take more power than they need when nobody's looking, or when nobody much cares.
Most of media attention the Homeland Security Act has received has been directed at the Republican-Democratic squabbles over Civil Service protections for government workers.
We in the media love such old-century partisan squabbles. They're easy to cover. Meanwhile, some of our most cherished liberties could go up in smoke.
Government needs to have access to information about potential bad guys and gals, but there also have to be limits. America's enduring form of government rests on a delicate system of checks and balances and oversight by one branch or agency over another.
Americans need to vigorously discuss and debate the new definitions of oversight that government officials want to have over the private lives of the rest of us.
It's easy to understand why government officials want these new powers. It is less easy to understand why the rest of us would surrender them without an argument.
Clarence Page is a nationally syndicated columnist.
Reasons To Be A Guy (man)
-- Phone Conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
-- You know stuff ... about tanks.
-- A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
-- You can open all your own jars.
-- Dry cleaners and hair cutters don’t rob you blind.
-- You can go to the bathroom without a support group.
-- You don’t have to learn to spell a new last name.
-- You can leave the motel bed unmade.
-- You can kill your own food.
-- You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
-- Wedding plans either take care of themselves or are someone
elses concern.
-- If someone forgets to invite you to something, he or she can
STILL be your friend.
-- Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack.
-- If you are 34 and single, nobody notices.
-- Everything on your face stays its original color.
-- You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger’s seat.
-- Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
-- You don’t have to clean your apartment if the meter reader
is coming.
-- Car mechanics tell you the truth.
-- You can quietly watch a game with your buddy for hours without
ever thinking: “He must be mad at me.”
-- Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.
-- Wedding dress - $2,000. Tuxedo rental – 75 bucks.
-- You don’t mooch off other’s desserts.
-- You can drop by to see a friend without having to bring a
little gift.
-- If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you
just might become lifelong friends.
-- Your pals can be trusted never to trap you.
-- Your friends do not expect you to "...notice anything different?”
-- You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors.
-- You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut
on a bolt.
-- You almost never have strap problems in public.
-- You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
-- The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
-- You don’t have to shave below your neck.
-- At least a few belches are expected and tolerated.
-- Your belly usually hides your big hips.
-- One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
-- You can “do” your nails with a pocketknife.
-- You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
-- Christmas shopping can be accomplished for many friends and
relatives, on December 24th, in a couple hours.
What is the answer to the riddle of Proverbs 30:4?
There are 7 questions in the riddle.
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
Here are the 7 questions:
1 Who hath ascended up into heaven,
2 or descended?
3 who hath gathered the wind in his fists?
4 who hath bound the waters in a garment?
5 who hath established all the ends of the
6 what is his name,
7 and what is his son's name
If the Lord asked the questions, it must be important and he also must have wanted you to know the answers. I would say he only asked questions to which you could learn the answer and that he also provided the answers.
If and when you give up, ask for help.
A parable?
[I removed all the "pass this on" stuff
in this story. I do not have to encourage you to do what your nature
compels you to do. I do not know if this story is true, and I have
seen it previously. I checked at "snopes"
and did not find a report on this story. But, whether the topic is
"driving" or much of anything else, the message of forgiveness and doing
the right thing over "doing your job", and several other messages is still
a good one. There are some who think
"testimonials" are signs of a "good" person,
but sometimes all that is needed is a parable. Thanks Viv --
Subject: perhaps save a life Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2002
Jack took a long look at his speedometer before slowing down: 73 in
a 55 zone. Fourth time in as many months. How could a guy get caught so
often? When his
car had slowed to 10 miles an hour, Jack pulled over, but only partially.
Let the cop worry about the potential traffic hazard. Maybe some other
car will tweak his
backside with a mirror.
The cop was stepping out of his car, the big pad in hand. Bob? Bob from
Church? Jack sunk farther into his trench coat. This was worse than the
coming ticket. A
Christian cop catching a guy from his own church. A guy who happened
to be a little eager to get home after a long day at the office.
Jumping out of the car, he
approached a man he saw every Sunday, a man he'd never seen in uniform.
"Hi, Bob. ! Fancy meeting you like this." "Hello, Jack." No smile. "Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see my wife and kids." "Yeah, I guess."
Bob seemed uncertain. Good. "I've seen some long days at the office
lately. I'm afraid I bent the rules a bit - just this once." Jack toed
at a pebble on the pavement.
"Diane said something about roast beef and potatoes tonight.
Know what I mean?" "I know what you mean. I also know that you have
a reputation in our
precinct." Ouch. This was not going in the right direction. Time
to change tactics.
"What'd you clock me at?" "Seventy. Would you sit back in your
car please?" "Now wait a minute here, Bob. I checked as soon as I
saw you. I was barely
nudging 65." The lie seemed to come easier with every ticket. "Please,
Jack, in the car."
Flustered, Jack hunched himself through the still-open do! or. Slamming
it shut, he stared at the dash board. He was in no rus h to open the window.
The minutes
ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad. Why hadn't he asked for a
driver's license? Whatever the reason, it would be a month of Sundays before
Jack ever sat
near this cop again.
A tap on the door jerked his head to the left. There was Bob, a folded
paper in hand. Jack rolled down the window a mere two inches, just enough
room for Bob
to pass him the slip. "Thanks." Jack could not quite keep the sneer
out of his voice. Bob returned to his police car without a word. Jack watched
his retreat in the
mirror. Jack unfolded the sheet of paper. How much was this one going
to cost? Wait a minute. What was this? Some kind of joke? Certainly
not a ticket.
Jack began to read: "Dear Jack, Once upon a time I had a daughter.
She was six when killed by a car. You guessed! it - a speeding driver.
A fine and three months
in jail, and the man was free. Free to hug his daughters. All three
of them. I only had one, and I'm going to have to wait until Heaven
before I can ever hug her
again. A thousand times I've tried to forgive that man. A thousand
times I thought I had. Maybe I did, but I need to do it again. Even
now. Pray for me. And be
careful. My son is all I have left." Bob.
Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car pull away and head down
the road. Jack watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later, he
too, pulled away and
drove slowly home, praying for forgiveness and hugging a surprised
wife and kids when he arrived.
Life is precious. Handle with care.
McDonald's to close stores, eliminate jobs; pulling
entirely out of three countries Security
is an illusion.
Press Writer Fri Nov 8
Does this not show that none are immune from the ravages of politics and the power of the elite controllers of the world? Then there are those who say they have a "regular job", in that they work for corporation and slave 8 or more hours each day for the corporation. They think this is security. SECURITY IS AN ILLUSION. When your security and "regular job" vanish, you will cluck around wondering what to do next.
CHICAGO - McDonald's Corp. announced Friday it will cease or restructure operations in seven Middle Eastern and Latin American nations, eliminating up to 600 jobs and closing about 175 restaurants in 10 other countries.
The company, based in suburban Oak Brook, is struggling with a crowded restaurant market, complaints about service and a depressed stock price. McDonald's says it expects the moves to reduce its fourth quarter pretax income by up to $425 million.
"These actions are the right things to do for McDonald's shareholders, the brand and our business," said chairman and CEO Jack Greenberg.
McDonald's shares fell 9 percent, or $1.81, to $17.50 each in midday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
The company did not name the seven countries in which it will cease or restructure operations beyond saying they are in the Middle East and Latin America. It said the decision to abandon three markets was driven by the lagging return of investment.
McDonald's says of the jobs it will eliminate, 200 to 250 are based in the United States. These reductions will be achieved in part through attrition and the elimination of open positions, the company said.
McDonald's has more than 13,300 stores in the United States alone and more than 30,000 restaurants worldwide.
Systemwide sales totaled $34.5 billion for the first 10 months of 2002, a 2 percent increase from the same period last year, according to the company.
Judge Moore to Appeal 10 Commandments Case
By BOB JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
Many people simply do not understand the Rights of the people as protected in this country, the united States of America. Many think that freedom of speech means they may say whatever they want and it is protected by the 1st amendment to the Constitution, or as many mis-understand - granted by the 1st amendment. But the truth is that every right enumerated and referenced in the Bill of Rights ONLY pertain to the relationship between the people and government entities/agencies. In other words (using speech as an example), we are protected in our liberty to speak in any way about government entities/agencies without fear of reprisal. This protection of speech does not extend to what we may say about another person (when they are not in a government capacity). For matters of that nature, there is slander and liable.
Constitutionally, we are protected in our Rights to assemble, to discuss, and rant about government, we are protected in our Rights to worship and believe in a sovereign entity commonly called God and government may not tell you how to do so. In other words, government is not supposed influence religion, BUT NOTHING CONSTITUTIONALLY PROHIBITS RELIGION FROM INFLUENCING GOVERNMENT.
The same is true for all the Rights/Liberties of men in the united States of America. Each and every liberty referenced in the Bill of Rights only relate to our relationship with government.
Ala. (AP) - The chief justice of Alabama's Supreme Court vowed to appeal
a federal judge's order that he remove a Ten Commandments monument from
the rotunda of the state's judicial building.
Attorney Stephen Melchior said Chief Justice Roy Moore would ask the appellate courts to allow the 5,300-pound granite monument to stay in the judicial building until the appeals process is completed.
U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson ruled Monday that the monument installed by the chief justice goes too far in promoting religion and ordered it removed within 30 days.
Thompson said he does not believe all Ten Commandment displays in government buildings are illegal, but he said the monument Moore placed in the rotunda of the state building crosses the line "between the permissible and the impermissible."
"Its sloping top and the religious air of the tablets unequivocally call to mind an open Bible resting on a podium," Thompson said.
Thompson said if Moore fails to remove the monument at his own expense, the federal court will issue an injunction forcing him to remove it.
Moore had no immediate comment, but scheduled a news conference for Tuesday morning. Melchior said he didn't think Thompson understood Moore's testimony over almost three days of the trial.
Thompson "uses the term religion 97 times in the opinion and the term religious 50 times, but goes on to talk about how it's dangerous to define the term religion. This is very troublesome to me. I can't imagine the appellate court buying such interesting logic," Melchior said.
The chief justice testified during the trial that the commandments are the moral foundation of American law. He said he installed the monument partly because of his concern that the country has suffered a moral decline over the past 40 or 50 years as a result of federal court rulings, including those against prayer in public schools.
Opponents of the monument argued that it promoted the judge's conservative Christian faith in violation of the Constitution's ban on government establishment of religion.
"Justice Moore was trying to force his religious beliefs on the people of Alabama. He turned the hall of justice into a religious sanctuary where people drop to their knees and pray," said Morris Dees, lead counsel and co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which joined in a lawsuit to remove the monument.
Moore became known as the "Ten Commandments Judge" when he fought to display a wooden plaque of the commandments on his courtroom wall in Etowah County. He easily won election as chief justice in 2000 and installed the monument the next year without telling any other justices.
The monument features the King James Bible version of the Ten Commandments sitting on top of a granite block. Around the monument are quotes from historical figures and documents, such as the Declaration of Independence.
What are Heroes?
With all the hoopla regarding alleged heroes during the time since
9/11/2001 (WTC & Pentagon), many people were called heroes who were
doing their job. I would not begrudge those people any gratitude,
but they were not heroes. In today's Orwellian society we are eager
to call people heroes and eager to accept without question those others
are calling heroes. Some may do heroic deeds, but still not rise
to hero status.
The true measure of a hero is when
a man lays down his life without knowledge that those he saves (helps)
will ever know.
The Day the Government Hid From the People
November 14, 2002: By Lisa Guliani (for
as reported in
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace.
We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand
that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
~ Samuel Adams ~
"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
~ Thomas Jefferson ~
"The income tax is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon any people
in history."
~ Bob Schulz ~
You can read the whole "The Day the Government Hid From the People" article at ::::::-
(right click on image to save it and view/print it)
In order to survive, a soldier must fight many battles, physical as
well as mental. But in the heat of the battle, reality can sometimes
fade like memory until only one
thing remains certain. The
first casualty of war is -- truth.
This is so true for all times and places and peoples. Eagerness to do battle is surely an eagerness to embrace deception (lack of truth).
Is this not worth considering and discussing at all levels and with all peoples, especially in light of power hungry people driving us and them to war these days?
If you are in need of proving the truth casualty, please review history and you own life. It has been there for you to learn.
Do not mis-understand me - I support fighting if that is all you have
or have remaining AND if the cause if just. There is an interesting
word "just".
Humans kill for Love, for revenge, for survival, even for ideas. Perhaps the capacity to kill is a very true part of our nature. But, with this behavior, defined by fear, must we also be taught - to hate?
Brainwashing is the best way to get others to fight for you or your cause. Military troops are undoubtedly brainwashed. They do not realized it, for surely if they did, they would not be brainwashed. A reason to take recruits when they are still young is that they have not yet learned enough truth to avoid brainwashing. They eagerly soak the training during their formidable years.
Whether is is military, police or the like, their training is an "us" verses "them" attitude. Yes, this is good if those troops are on your side. But, when you and they are in opposition, you soon learn the negatives of following lockstep or just-doing-my-job.
"Us" verses "them" is a hate mantra. Any military or police agent is trained to hate their contacts. That is the job. It is a dirty job, but as the saying goes, someone has to do it. All the more reason for limits and control of these people and their commanders.
Anyone can learn to fight, but they fight more fiercely when they have motivation. Fear of the enemy invokes the survival nature and then the fight is more fierce and determined. Hence, we must fear that the enemy is coming for us.
How much more ugly the matter if then you also hate the presumed enemy?
So many still believe and trust that bureaucracy and tyranny and other
elements of govt are working for their benefit. They will one day
know the truth.
Till then we will keep sounding the trumpet.::::::-
Tonight on NBC, "Dateline" at 8pm ct, a story of the "Christines" will be reported. The following link is a note from their attorney. ::::::-
You Are a Suspect - guilty till proven ... guilty
here is the
IAO homesite, does their vision bother you? Check their "mission".
IAO Vision: The most serious asymmetric threat facing the United States is terrorism, a threat characterized by collections of people loosely organized in shadowy networks that are difficult to identify and define. IAO plans to develop technology that will allow understanding of the intent of these networks, their plans, and potentially define opportunities for disrupting or eliminating the threats. To effectively and efficiently carry this out, we must promote sharing, collaborating and reasoning to convert nebulous data to knowledge and actionable options. IAO will accomplish this by pursuing the development of technologies, components, and applications to produce a proto-type system. Example technologies include: ......
The New York times has an editorial that is at least looks like it the
matter is before the common sheeple.
by -- Don Stott
The old game of tossing a hot potato from one to another, because if
you held it too long, you'd get burned, applies now. Think about it, and
once again compare it
to 1924 in Germany, writ much slower. In Germany, the currency was
declining in value so fast, that workers were paid two or three times a
day, so they could
spend it before it declined even further. A person would buy a cup
of coffee in a restaurant for 5,000 Reichsmarks, and a second cup may cost
10,000. You had to
spend them before they went any lower. Hundreds of presses were turning
out Reichsmarks by the billions, and there was a constant shortage. They
stamped new
values on old bills, to save time. If it hadn't been so tragic, it
would have made an excellent silent film comedy, featuring Ben Turpin.
"inter arma enim silent leges"
- "In times of war the law falls silent" - Cicero - Roman Poet
by Michael H. Keehn
Dedicated to those whose hearts seek freedom
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