Holocaust Revisionism And its Political Consequences

Jürgen Graf, January 2001, in Tehran exile

7. The evolution of the holocaust story

a) The killing methods

Starting in late 1941, the Jewish organisations in the allied and neutral countries inundated the world with an endless flood of gruesome tales about the extermination of the Jews in the parts of Europe controlled by Germany. When reading these accounts, we notice that they do not jibe with today's version of the holocaust. According to this latter, the Jews were murdered with Diesel exhaust gas in the four "pure extermination camps" Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor and Chelmno, while they were killed with the insecticide Zyklon-B at Auschwitz and Majdanek (in Majdanek, the Germans are also said to have used Carbon monoxide as a murder weapon). But the stories pandered by the Jewish organisations during the war were totally different. As we have already seen, Elie Wiesel contended in his book La Nuit, which was published in 1958, that the Germans burned their victims alive. Wiesel had belatedly taken up a horror story dear to the Jewish wartime atrocity mongers. Another killing method often mentioned in Jewish wartime propaganda was murder by electrical current. For example, Dr. Stefan Szende, a Swedish-based Jew of Hungarian origin, described the alleged mass extermination at the Belzec camp as follows:

"The death factory comprises an area approximately seven kilometres in diameter. (...) The trains filled with Jews entered the underground rooms of the execution factory. (...) The naked Jews were brought into gigantic halls. Several thousand people at one time could be filled into these halls. The floor was of metal and was submergible. The floors of these halls, with their thousands of Jews, sank into a water basin which lay beneath - but only far enough so that the people on the metal plate were not entirely under water. When all the Jews on the metal plate were in the water to over their hips, electrical current was sent through the water. After a few moments, all the Jews, thousands at once, were dead. Then the metal plate was raised out of the water. On it lay the corpses of the murdered victims. Another shock of electrical current was sent through, and the metal plate became a crematory oven, white hot, until all the bodies were burnt to ashes. (...) Each individual train brought three to five thousand, sometimes more, Jews. There were days on which the lines to Belzec supplied twenty or more trains. Modern technology triumphed in the Nazi system. The problem of how to exterminate millions of people was solved." (Stefan Szende, Der letzte Jude aus Polen, Europa Verlag, Zurich-New York 1945, p. 290 ff.).

On 14 December 1945, during the Nuremberg trial - where the victors, who had themselves committed heinous crimes against humanity, hypocritically judged the defeated - the Polish authorities submitted a report about Treblinka which described the alleged mass murder at that camp in the following way:

"All victims had to strip off their clothes and shoes, which were collected afterwards, whereupon all victims, women and children first, were driven into the death chambers. (...) After being filled to capacity, the chambers were hermetically closed, and steam was let in. In a few minutes all was over. (...)From reports received it may be assumed that several hundred thousands of Jews have been exterminated at Treblinka". (Nuremberg document PS-3311, translation of the German version).

In addition to burning alive, electrical current and steam, numerous other killing methods were described by the "eyewitnesses": Suffocating by pumping the air out of the chambers; quicklime; drowning; blood poisoning; burying alive; assembly line shooting. (See my book Holocaust or Hoax? The arguments, chapter five.) All these stories have fallen into oblivion. Only the gas remains.

b) Which camps had gas chambers?

Nowadays, most holocaust historians claim that only the "extermination camps", all of which are in Poland, had homicidal gas chambers (some historians hold that small-scale gassings involving a few thousand victims also occurred at Mauthausen, Austria, and Stutthof, Poland, but holocaust pope Raul Hilbergs does not mention gassings at either of these two camps in his standard work). However, according to the immediate post-war version, there had been a gas chamber used for the extermination of Jews in nearly every camp. British prosecutor Sir Stanley Hartcross claimed during the closing phase of the Nuremberg trial that the Germans had conducted murder "like some mass production in the gas chambers and the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Majdanek and Oranienburg" (Nuremberg volume IMT XIX p. 483, translation of the German version). Today, no self-respecting historian contends that there were gas chambers at Dachau, Buchenwald, and Oranienburg, or that the German conducted murder in the ovens (everybody agrees on the fact that the crematoria served for the incineration of dead bodies, not of living people). In January 1946, the Czech physician Dr. Franz Blaha, who had been interned in Dachau and practised his profession there, speaking under oath at the Nuremberg trial, declared that he had personally examined the corpses of gassed prisoners (Nuremberg volume IMT V p. 198, German version). Many "eye witnesses" confirmed the existence of gas chambers at Buchenwald, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen and other Western camps. However, in 1960, leading German holocaust historian Martin Broszat categorically stated that there had never been any homicidal gassings in the concentration camps of the "Old Reich" (to wit, of Germany in its 1939 borders), and that gassings had only occurred in the "extermination camps", which were on Polish soil (Die Zeit, 19 August 1960).Thus, Broszat declared null and void all eyewitness reports about gassings in the Western camps. Now, why should the eyewitness accounts about gassing at Auschwitz, Belzec and Treblinka be any more trustworthy that the ones about gassings in Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen and Dachau? Ever since the days of Rassinier, revisionists have been asking this simple and obvious question. They never got an answer.

c) The Jewish soap story

A particularly revolting example of Jewish atrocity propaganda was the claim that the German used the fat of murdered Jews for the production of soap. Many people still believe this today, as the preposterous rubbish was constantly warmed up by the media for decades. Jewish "Nazi hunter" and arch-lier Simon Wiesenthal wrote in the Austrian newspaper Der Neue Weg (Nr. 15/16, 1946):

"During the last weeks of March [1946] the Romanian press reported an unusual piece of news: In the small Romanian town of Folticeni, 20 boxes of soap were buried in the Jewish cemetery with full ceremony and complete funeral rites. The soap had been fund recently in a former German army depot. On the boxes were the initials RIF, 'rein juedisches Fett'" [pure Jewish fat].

As a matter of fact, "RIF" did not mean "rein juedisches Fett" (pure Jewish fat), but "Reichsstelle fuer industrielle Fettversorgung", to wit "State bureau for industrial fat provision". In 1990, Israeli holocaust specialist Shmuel Krakowski admitted that the Jewish soap tale was a myth (Daily Telegraph, 25 April 1990). However, Krakowski had the impudence to blame the lie on the Germans who, according to him, had invented the story in order to scare their Jewish prisoners!

d) The number of concentration camp victims

At the Nuremberg trial, the Soviets claimed that no less than four million people had perished at Auschwitz. (Nuremberg document URSS-008). For 45 years, the Polish authorities stuck to this absurd figure, but in 1990 they grudgingly admitted that it was greatly exaggerated, now contending that the real number was 1,5 million. (For the sake of honesty we should point out that the Western Jewish holocaust historians had never accepted the four million nonsense: in his standard work The Destruction of the European Jews, Holmes and Meier, New York 1985, p. 895, Raul Hilberg put the number of Jewish and non-Jewish Auschwitz victims at 1,25 million.) In 1993, the Frenchman Jean-Claude Pressac, whom the media enthusiastically extolled as the man who had finally refuted the revisionists, lowered the Auschwitz death toll to 775.00 (Les crematoires d'Auschwitz, CNRS, Paris 1993). In the subsequent German version of this book, Pressac further reduced the number to 630.000 (Die Krematorien von Auschwitz, Piper Verlag, Munich 1994). In reality, about 150.000 prisoners, probably just over half of them Jewish, died at the Auschwitz camp from all causes (diseases, starvation, exhaustion, old age, execution by shooting or hanging, etc.). This will be demonstrated by Italian historian Carlo Mattogno in a book due to appear in 2001 and exclusively based on German wartime documents. - As for Majdanek, the Poles and the Soviets claimed after the liberation of that camp in summer 1944 that 1,7 million prisoners had perished there. Already in 1948, the figure was lowered to 360.000, and in the early ninetieth, it was further reduced to 235.000. The real number is about 42.500 (Juergen Graf and Carlo Mattogno, KL Majdanek. Eine historische und technische Studie, Castle Hill Publisher, Hastings 1998).

Significantly, the massive reduction of the death toll for the individual camps does not affect the sacrosanct figure of six (or five to six) million holocaust victims. This figure remains as solid as the pyramids. So, if you have six apples in a basket, you can eat one, two or even three of them, there are still six apples left! That is holocaust mathematics.

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