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Holocaust Revisionism And its Political Consequences Jürgen Graf, January 2001, in Tehran exile |
12. The number of Jewish victims
On 24 May 1995, the fanatically pro-Jewish Berlin newspaper Die Tageszeitung, reporting that the holocaust museum Yad Vashem in Jerusalem was planned by the Zionists as early as in 1942, expressed surprise at the fact that such a step was already being envisaged at a time when most of the future victims were still alive (p. 12). In fact, the six million figure was repeatedly mentioned by prominent Jews long before the end of the war. In December 1944, before the liberation of Auschwitz, Soviet Jewish propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg (who regularly exhorted the soldiers of the Red Army to kill German civilians and to rape German women) wrote: "Ask any German prisoner why his compatriots annihilated six million innocent people, and he will simply answer: 'Well, they were Jews.'" ("Remember, remember, remember", Soviet War News, 22 December 1944, p. 4, 5.) On May 31, another Jewish propagandist, Slovak rabbi Dov Weissmandel, stated in a letter: "Up to this day, six times a million Jews of Europe and Russia have been exterminated." (Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, Behrmann House, New York 1976, p. 327.) A third Jewish propagandist, Nahum Goldmann, who later would become president of the Jewish World Congress, predicted already in May 1942, at an event at the Baltimore Hotel in New York, that of eight million Jews living in the German sphere of influence, only two or three million would still be alive at the end of the war. (Martin Gilbert, Auschwitz und die Alliierten, Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 1982, p. 44.) But at that time the holocaust was allegedly only just beginning, so how could Goldmann know the future number of victims?
Our astonishment takes on huge proportions when we read an article from 31 October 1919 (!!) in the American Jewish newspaper The American Hebrew which deplores a "holocaust" of "six million Jewish men, women and children" allegedly going on in some unspecified area in Eastern Europe. The six million figure appears no less than seven times. Six is the holy figure of Judaism, and the alleged number of holocaust victims is probably derived from the Talmud.
In order to arrive at the desired number of six (or almost six) million holocaust victims, the court historians indulge in all sort of impudent manipulations. The best example is furnished by a book published in 1991 by a collective of authors under the leadership of Wolfgang Benz, a professional pro-Jewish propagandist from Germany (Dimension des Voelkermords, Verlag R. Oldenbourg, 1991). As Germar Rudolf has pointed out in an article in the anthology Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (English version: Dissecting the Holocaust), Benz and his team are guilty of the following manipulations:
- Double count of Jews, resulting from shifting of territories during the Second World War. For example, Jews from the Romanian territories temporarily annexed by Hungary who really or allegedly died in the war are counted twice.
- Victims of Soviet purges and deportations are calmly added to the German side of the ledger.
- The number of Polish Jews in 1939 is exaggerated by about 700.000.
- Worst of all, Benz and his team act as if no Jewish emigration ever took place. Every Jew who, after the war, no longer lived in the same place where he had been living before, is simply counted as exterminated! An analogy demonstrating the imbecility of this kind of argument would be the following one: Shortly before Algeria became independent, about one million Frenchmen lived in that country. Some time later, there were only 100.000 of them left, so the Algerian freedom fighters must have murdered 900.000 Frenchmen! In reality, the case of Poland, the demographic key country, is much more complicated than the one of Algeria, because the borders of the latter country did not change after independence, whereas Poland was moved West after the war. The Eastern part, where Jews had been particularly numerous, was annexed by the Soviet Union, while Poland acquired big German territories where few Jews had lived even before 1939.
Unlike the swindler Benz, German-American revisionist Walter Sanning pays Jewish emigration the attention it deserves. Sanning's very important book The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry (Institute for Historical Review, Costa Mesa 1983) is almost exclusively based upon Jewish and allied sources. Sanning conclusively proves that about 1,5 million European Jews emigrated to Palestine, the USA and other non-European countries after the war. Now, these 1,5 million do not yet solve the statistical problem. The solution to the riddle is to be found in the Soviet Union. According to the census of 17 January 1939, the USSR had 3,02 million Jews shortly before the outbreak of World War Two. It is true that the first post-war census in 1959 showed only 2,267 million, but as every Soviet citizen could indicate the nationality he preferred, many assimilated Jews simply called themselves Russians. (Moreover, it cannot be excluded that the Soviet government deliberately falsified the results in order to support the holocaust story.) On 1 July 1990, long after the beginning of massive Jewish emigration to the West, the Zionist New York Post, referring to Israeli specialists, spoke of over 5 million Soviet Jews. In view of the fact that a natural increase of this population group would not have been possible due to emigration and a low birth-rate, it must be concluded that there were up to six million Jews in the Soviet Union in 1945.
What had happened? In 1939, after the beginning of the German-Polish war, a huge flood of Polish Jews moved West to East. In 1941, when the Germans invaded Russia (as Russian military specialist Viktor Suvorov and numerous other authors have proved, this was a preventive stroke, since Stalin, who planned to attack Germany in the same year, had concentrated a huge amount of soldiers and heavy weapons near the border), a large part of Soviet Jewry was evacuated and never came under Germans control. According to Raul Hilberg, about 40% of the Jews were moved East from the areas later conquered by the German Wehrmacht. Sanning mentions a much higher evacuation rate, 80%, but as his chief source is an unreliable Soviet Jewish propagandist, David Bergelson, the figure is certainly too high.
Thus, a large part of Polish Jewry spent the war in the URSS. Nevertheless, a British-American commission reported that 800.000 Jews were still living in Poland in February 1946 (Keesings Archiv der Gegenwart, 16./17. Jahrgang, Rheinisch-Westfaelisches Verlagskantor, Essen 1948, p. 651, report of 15 February). Of course, many of them were Jews who had returned from Russia after the end of the war. Subsequently, most Polish Jews left their country and emigrated to Palestine, the USA, and elsewhere.
Sanning concludes that about 1,3 million Jews perished in the Second World War, but that less than half, approximately half a million, died as a result of German repression; the remaining ones were killed in action as soldiers or died during Soviet deportations. It goes without saying that these figures are estimates as an exact number is quite impossible to establish. But Sanning's conclusions are confirmed by a Swedish specialist, professor Carl Nordling. Nordling studied the fate of the first 722 Jewish personalities mentioned in the Encyclopaedia Judaica who, in 1939, had lived in countries later conquered or controlled by the Germans. Of these 722, 44% had emigrated or fled from the German sphere of influence before the end of 1941, 13% died, 35% remained unaffected by deportation or internment, and the remaining 8% were deported or interned, but survived the war. (Revue d'Histoire revisionniste, Nr. 2, 1990, p. 50 ff.) If we assume that 4,5 million Jews lived in the countries temporarily controlled by Germany (which is a generous estimate; Sanning thinks that the figure cannot have exceeded 3,5 million), and if we further assume a death rate of 13%, as it results from Nordling's statistical investigation, this means that 600.000 Jews perished as a result of German policy.
As the death figures in most concentration camps are fairly well documented, and as the percentage of Jewish prisoners is approximately known for almost all camps, we can determine the number of Jews who died in the camps with a certain degree of accuracy. It can hardly have exceeded 350.000. Even if we assume that the German shot several hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Soviet Union, and if we consider the high mortality rate in the ghettos plus the high Jewish casualties during the evacuation of the Eastern concentration camps in the last months of the war, it is difficult to imagine how total Jewish population losses in the German sphere of influence could possibly have exceeded one million - which means that the six million figure is at least six times too high. On the other hand, if Sanning's estimate of half a million is correct, the six million figure would constitute an even more outrageous exaggeration, as it would be twelve times too high.
A short report, published on November 24, 1978 in the State Time (Baton Rouge, Louisiana), explains much more vividly that any population statistics the fate of the "missing" Jews:
"The Steinbergs once flourished in a small Jewish village in Poland. That was before Hitler's death camps. Now more than 200 survivors and descendants of survivors are gathered here to share a special four-day celebration that began, appropriately, on Thanksgiving day. Relatives came Thursday from Canada, France, England, Argentina, Columbia, Israel, and from at least 13 cities across the United States. 'It is fabulous', said Iris Krasnow of Chicago. 'There are five generations here - from three months old to 85. People are crying and having a wonderful time. It's almost like a World War Two refugee reunion.'"