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Holocaust Revisionism And its Political Consequences Jürgen Graf, January 2001, in Tehran exile |
Appendix 1: Revisionist literature
The most important revisionist book is Dissecting the Holocaust, Theses and Dissertation Press, PO Box 64, Capshaw, Alabama (internet website www.tadp.org). Edited by Germar Rudolf, this scientific anthology, which appeared in August 2000, contains twenty-two articles written by different scholars about various aspects of the question. It is an enlarged and updated English translation of Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Grabert Verlag, Tuebingen/Germany 1994). An easy introduction to Holocaust revisionism is Juergen Graf's Holocaust or Hoax? The arguments (http://www.ety.com/HRP). In these two books, the reader will find ample references to further revisionist literature.
Revisionist books in French and German can be ordered from V.H.O, Postbus 60, 2600 Berchem-2, Belgium.
Appendix 2: Revisionist websites
Theses and Dissertations Press, http://tadp.org
V.H.O., http://www.vho.org
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, http://www.codoh.com.
Institute for Historical Review, http://www.ihr.org
Zundelsite, http://www.zundelsite.org
David Irving/Focal Point Publication, http://fpp.co.uk
Revisionnisme francais, http://abbc.com/a aargh
Air Photo Evidence/John Ball, http://www.air-photo.com
Russ Granata, http://www.russgranata.com
Udo Walendy, http://www.aazz.com/walendy
Arthur Butz, http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~abutz
Italian revisionism, http://members.tripod.com/~revisionismo
Adelaide Institute, http://www.adelaideinstitute.org
Historical Review Press, http://www.ety.com/HRP
Wilhelm Tell, http://www.ety.com/tell
National Journal, http://globalfire.tv/nj and www.nationaljournal.org