"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - - - Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860 Whatever the evil (poison) is, it must
be presented in a mix of something good, or good for you.
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the yellow brick road,
am reminded of Dad's special brownies. It is the same truth.
If you want
to remain in your ignorance then take this blue pill -
01 | = | 02 | = |
03 | = | 04 | = |
05 | = | 06 | =High Temperature Of The Fever Stops The Flu Virus From Dividing And
=New Spyware Gives Drivers A Brake =Peacemakers Still Defiant =Why Son Refused to Stand =Police State! Coming or Already Here? =9-Foot Rattlesnake =Vermont - A Real National Emergency =Heil Hitler! It Has Begun =China Preparing For War And Few Notice =Who Will be a Player in Deceiving the People? |
07 | = | 08 | = |
09 | = | 10 | = |
11 | =Pregnant Moms can Harm Babies at Will
=Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper' =The Smoking Gun Regarding Vaccinations =To Catch a Thief =Ancient Aryan Civilization Achieved Incredible Technological Progress 40 Centuries Ago =Privacy Advocate Asks Court to Expand Case About Showing ID =Getting Your Gun Back Will Cost You, Sheriff Charging for Guns' Return =Total Surveillance =Internet Censorship |
12 | = |
13 | =News Agency Makes Up Story to Get Money
=The Value of Money or What Passes for Money =Cops Put a Guy in Jail 11 Days for Jaywalking, Bus Gestapo =Psychopolitics: Erasing Christianity through the ‘Consensus Process’ |
14 | = |
15 | = | 16 | = |
17 | = | 18 | = |
19 | =NY Diabetics May Soon Get Uninvited Doc's Call
=Rep. Davis Wants to Protect Symbols of Christmas =Tequila Holiday Cookies =Bush Says Iraq War Is Good for Israel =Time For Hard Questions |
20 | = |
21 | = | 22 | = |
23 | =Christians Fighting the Wrong Battle
=Holy Holocaust! =Bill Would Allow Arrests For No Reason In Public Place =The Police State Road Map =You're a REAL Idahun (or Survivalist ) if... |
24 | = |
25 | = | 26 | = |
27 | =Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve
="Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all" ="I wanted to remind you that your donations to the ..." =Retailers Setting Tougher Return Policies =The Holographic Universe |
28 | = |
29 | =The American Empire And Big Business | 30 | = |
31 | = | . | . |
http://www.brojon.org/frontpage/murdermedicine1.html contributing editor to ![]() |
Murder In The Medicine Cabinet - Part One
Marshall Smith, Editor, BroJon Gazette
The Deadliest Killer of the 20th Century, With More Deaths Than All the World Wars, Lurks Right Inside Your House, and Threatens to Take You and Your Family. The Story No One Told You.
In 1918, a virulent, never seen before, form of influenza seemed to suddenly appear. It seemed to kill within hours, and spread around the world within days. It seemed to appear simultaneously all around the world. Its spread was faster than any then known means of human travel.
In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization warned of repeats of such a rapid and deadly pandemic, through such variants of influenza as SARS and Bird Flu. But without knowing what caused the 1918 pandemic or how it spread, how can the CDC or WHO make such a claim? Unless they already know something they are not telling.
As yet no one has been able to identify the actual medical cause of the 1918 Flu, with only a few samples of a "bird-like" virus taken from only several cadaver tissue samples. But no sample is complete. And those are only one or two samples from among the estimated 20 to 40 million people who seemed to die mysteriously almost overnight. The 1918 Flu spread faster and was more deadly, killing more people than even the Plague and Black Death of the middle ages. Why does no one talk about it?
And even if the viral cause were identified, no one can explain the lightning fast spread of the disease. Maybe it wasn't a disease after all. Many researchers have even looked at some world-wide phenomena, such as extra-terrestrial biology filtering into the atmosphere from outer space. Or maybe, the jet stream spreading disease-laden dust from Asia all around the world in a matter of days. In an area of investigation where there seems to be no real facts and less logic, any "fringe theory" or "outre logic" is just as valid as any other. Maybe something about the 1918 Flu is being covered up. Something that we are not supposed to know.
Actually, there is another rather simple mundane solution to the medical mystery. There did exist in 1918 a then new technical invention by which the "disease" was spread almost at the speed of light. The "1918 Flu" was spread around the world almost instantaneously by telephone. Of course, that claim needs an explanation, and proof.
In the 1890's an American chemist made an improvement on an old home folk remedy called Willow or Aspen Tea. It seemed to relieve the pains of old-age gout, arthritis and other assorted pains. But the evil tasting tea containing acetylsalicylic acid was so strong that it caused many people to have nausea and vomiting, along with the pain relief if they could tolerate drinking the tea. This potion was later neutralized, synthesized and buffered, and then sold to the German Bayer company as a pain reliever.
I have researched the source and history of the name Aspirin and found no reasonable explanation has ever been found. I have found, instead, that the German Bayer company, in order to sell to both the American and European markets, used a name familiar in both markets. In America the common folk remedy form was called "Aspen Tea" made from boiling willow bark from the Aspen tree family. In Europe, the same home remedy was called "Spirain Tea" made from boiling the leaves of the common European shrub Spirae.
Both preparations were found to contain large amounts of natural acetylsalicylic acid, but unbuffered. Combining the common home-remedy folklore names Aspen and Spirain comes up with the Euro-American brand name Aspirin. My research is the sole source for the information about that unique derivation of the brand name.
The reason for the deep confusion and lack of any clear history about the trade name is that for almost a decade from 1905 to about 1915, the use of the trade name, and the source of the name Aspirin, was tied up in international courts. In the late 1890's when Aspirin became available as an easy to use "pop a pill" replacement to the sour tasting Aspen or Spirain Teas, many people used it to relieve the pain of joint arthritis. Many users also discovered, quite by accident, a unique side effect. If you had a fever when you took the Aspirin, it also made the fever suddenly go away. What a discovery! It appeared to be a cure for the the common cold and flu.
By 1905 many other drug companies were making acetylsalicylic acid preparations and calling it Aspirin, but they were selling it as a common cold remedy. Bayer took these other companies to court and sued over illegal use of their trademark. Many people believe that Bayer lost the decision and lost control of the name Aspirin. Most believe that Aspirin is now a generic name such as Kleenex, Scotch Tape or Xerox. Not so. It was an odd court decision and a confusing compromise. By 1915 it was decided in court that Bayer had the exclusive use of the tradename Aspirin, if it were sold as a pain-relieving analgesic.
The court also found that the other companies could also use the name Aspirin, if in their ads and packaging, they claimed that their product was an anti-febril agent or a fever reducer. This odd court decision is still in use today. You can still buy Bayer aspirin to relieve pain, and on the store shelf right next to it is Nyquil, Aleve, Tylenol, Motrin, Bufferin, Anacin and a whole long list of others, all containing aspirin or aspirin-like compounds and claiming to be treatments for Colds, Flu and Fever. Reducing fever was not in Bayer's original patent claim. Bayer didn't know in 1895 of the use of aspirin as a fever reducer and had not put that in their original trademark application.
And how does that strange court decision fit into the rapid spread of the 1918 Flu? The primary defense which the human body has, to stop the spread of viral infections is to produce a fever. The fever is not a symptom of disease, but is actually the body's primary anti-viral immune system. The fever stops the telomeres on the ends of viral RNA from making copies of itself.
The telomeres are like a zipper which unzips and separates the new RNA copy within miliseconds, but the telomeres are temperature sensitive and won't unzip at temperatures above 101F. Thus the high temperature of the fever, stops the flu virus from dividing and spreading. It is an immune system response which only mammals have developed to prevent the spread of viral flu infections, which mostly 99% come from the more ancient dinosaur-like earth life forms called birds. Almost all influenza is a form of "Avian Flu." A few influenza forms come from other dinosaur-like life forms, the modern reptiles, but these are usually classified as very rare tropical diseases, since that is where most reptiles live.
The doctors in the early 1900's didn't know about that, and even today few if any doctors are aware that fever is not a symptom of disease, but is the primary and only way for the human body to stop viral infections. If you stop or reduce the fever, viruses are allowed to divide and spread uncontrolled throughout the body. I have already described this process in detail in my articles posted in the Brother Jonathan Gazette in 2003, so I won't go into detail here. Do a search on "SARS" on the Gazette and you'll find the articles.
Normally the progress of a flu is that a virus enters the mucous membrane lining of the lungs, enters cells, then makes many copies of itself, which causes the cell to expand to such an degree that it bursts open. The new viruses then cloak themselves with a coating taken from the old damaged cell wall, thus hiding themselves from the human body's own T-cell antibody immune defense system. To the body's immune system the new viruses simply appear to be pieces of the body's own lung tissue.
By creating a fever, the viral infection is slowed down sufficiently so that the body's T cells can find the swollen infected lung cells, surround them and metabolize (literally eat) the damaged cell with strong acids which also breaks down the RNA viruses into basic amino acids. This effectively "kills" the viruses so that they can't reproduce. But viruses are not living things, and you can't kill something that's not alive. All the body can do is destroy or dissolve the RNA amino acid chain which makes up the virus.
Not knowing this, most doctors treat the flu with aspirin or fever reducers, as a palliative treatment to ease the aches, pains, and delerium fever effects. The result is that within hours, the fever goes down and the patient feels much better. What neither the patient nor the doctor knows is that with only a normal 98.6F body temperature, the viruses are allowed to reproduce unchecked. Within 72 hours, the viruses have grown from one or two virus bodies to millions or billions. The body is now completely overwhelmed. But while taking aspirin or cold medications, there are no symptoms or warnings of what is yet to come.
As a last resort the body tries to quickly flush the infection of billions of viruses from the lungs with massive amounts of T-cells, and fluid in the lungs to "cough out" the virus. This is called viral pneumonia. Soon within hours the patient is in the hospital. The doctors try to treat the now 105 degree fever with more anti-febril aspirins, or related medications to "treat the fever." Then within another 24 hours the patient, suffocating and gasping for breath, is dead.
You should note that the original infection did cause a mild fever, aches and pains, which the patient "self-medicated" with over-the-counter products. For the next several days, the patient seemed to have no symptoms, but was actually growing billions of copies of influenza virus in his lungs. Then days later, the patient and doctor seem to see a sudden rapid case of viral flu infection that is now overwhelming the body. Is that what really happened?
What caused the patient's death? Was it the original flu virus, or was it the use of Aspirin to lower the flu fever which then shutdown the patient's own immune system response? Obviously, the latter. So how did this cause the massive rapid spread of the 1918 Flu?
The Bayer court case had just been settled, and many companies other than Bayer, could now legally market aspirin to treat colds and fever. But then "The Great War to End all War" was on, and most aspirin products were going directly to the front lines in France to treat the soldiers in the diseased hell hole trenches of WWI.
The World War I medics knew that aspirin could quickly reduce a fever. If a soldier had a fever, the docs gave aspirin. Magically the fever went down, the soldier felt better and quickly went back to the fighting. Then three days later, the same soldier was back, now with severe pneumonia and died almost overnight.
No doctors then made the connection between aspirin and pneumonia death, since the trenches were filled with many other seemingly related diseases such as diphtheria or tuberculosis. Death and dying on the front line was common, so no investigation was done. Aspirin seemed to be a god-send since it allowed sick soldiers to swiftly get right back into the fighting.
After the Armistice of November 11, 1918 the fighting stopped and the soldiers went home. The soldiers around the world announced the good news to their families back home. Most of the low-ranked doughboys had to wait till they got back to their homebase in Kansas, or wherever, to call home. They couldn't afford the costly trans-Atlantic deep sea cable phone rates. But when the troop arrived in Kansas, the call from sergeant Tom was something like:
"Hey mom, I'm coming home. I'll see yu and dad next Tuesday in Chattanooga. How's everybody? Oh, Aunt Esther has a fever? Hey tell her to take some aspirin. Yeah, that stuff in the medicine cabinet for treatin' the aches and pains. Tell Esther, we used it in France. Works right away and the fever is gone. OK see yu Tuesday...."
So what does Esther do? She tries the aspirin, but the old Bayer label only says its for "aches and pains" and says nothing about fevers. She takes it and magically the fever is gone, and she feels much better, almost cured. She's so much better, she gets out the horse and buggy to go see her sister, Lucy in Mt Carmel, where Lucy and the kids are down with the fever. Mt. Carmel has no telephones and even no roads, only the buggy path to reach the outside world. But within hours of sergeant Tom's phone call home, by word of mouth, everybody in rural Mt. Carmel is now taking aspirin to treat fevers. Since the new information came from a soldier, from the US Army and the government, it must be true!
Within a week of the 1918 Armistice, by newfangled telephone, trans-oceanic telephone cables, and even the experimental ship-to-shore shortwave radios using Morse code, the message was flashed around the world -- "Have a fever? Take Aspirin. It worked in France, it'll work for you." That message spread at nearly the speed of light over millions of telephone lines all around the world. The news of the "miracle cure" even spread by word of mouth within a day or so, even to places with no phones nor roads.
Mysteriously, a week later, doctors round the world now had hundreds of sick and dying patients. Nobody could figure out why. The patients themselves never reported that just the week before they did have a mild fever. But it was so mild that when they took some aspirin, it simply went away. Nobody made the connection. The doctors only saw, by November 24, 1918 thousands of very sick patients with high fevers, lungs filled with fluid, and swift overnight death.
The medical profession had never seen anything like it before, nor since. It seemed to occur simultaneously all around the world and even reaching into such out of the way places like Mt. Carmel with no telephones nor roads. How could such a massive fast-spreading killer disease exist? It didn't. It wasn't a disease. It was a new use for an old home folk remedy which everybody already had in their medicine cabinet, Bayer Aspirin to reduce fever.
The medical profession, at a complete loss to explain it, simply called it the "Spanish Flu" or the "1918 Flu" or many similar names. It was a mystery with no known source, so it was assigned many place names. So far, nobody has been able to prove any single pathogen was responsible. And even if they did, they still can't explain how it seemed to spread world-wide at almost the speed of light, clear around the world within a week.
To this day there is no explanation. But, now you know. The "disease" was not a single pathogen, but many of the hundreds of similar types of flu which are always existing at any time around the world. What was different in November 1918 was the many hundreds of thousands of almost simultaneous phone calls from the millions of returning sergeant Toms saying, "...tell Aunt Esther to take the aspirin. It worked in France. It'll work for her..." Nobody traced the spread of the 1918 Flu to sergeant Tom. Nobody made the connection.
That very same source of disease still exists today. What is different today is that cold and flu products are sold and used all year long. This results in an estimated one million deaths from mysterious viral pneumonia reported every year, but also all around the year. In 1918, the new use of aspirin for treating colds and flu all started at the same time in November, thus creating the false impression of a sudden massive onset of a new disease. Even today SARS is not a disease. It is the improper use of a brand new high-tech flu fighter called Tamiflu. The FDA approved the use of Tamiflu several years ago. In 2003 it began to be used world-wide. But how is it used?
Many millions of people around the world still self-treat their own colds and flu with over-the-counter meds containing aspirin. Those are the most commonly sold medications in the world. The patient's mild fever quickly goes away. They forget about ever having felt sick. Then several days later the patient sees the doctor and now has a high fever, bad cough and fluid-filled lungs. The doctor, using the new CDC and WHO guidelines, treats the hospitalized "flu" patient with the new high-tech Tamiflu. But how often and at what dosage?
The doctors do what they've always done for the past 100 years. Tell the nurse to stick a thermometer in the patient's mouth, increase the Tamiflu dosage by 10cc's every hour until the fever starts to drop. Then maintain that dosage level until the patient dies. Then blame the death on some new highly contagious lethal virus. Nothing new here. It's the same old story, since 1918.
The only thing different is that they give it a new name like SARS, or Bird Flu or whatever sounds nifty and high-tech. Even today, each year about one million people world-wide die from the very same "disease" which first appeared in the fall of 1918. Has medicine, in the last 100 years, turned this "contagion" from Pandemic by Phone, into Illness by Internet? Is it the rapid and continuous spread of misinformation that is still killing millions?
So now, I have given you enough information that you are ready for Part
Two. Coming next is a review of the curious scientific evidence, medical
records and the biochemistry proof behind the Case of Murder in the Medicine
http://www.globetechnology.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20051128/SMARTCARS28/TPTechnology/ contributing editor to ![]() |
Monday, November 28, 2005 Page A1
It's the last thing many motorists would want -- a permanent, electronic back-seat driver, forcefully reminding them not to speed.
But Transport Canada is road-testing cutting-edge devices that use global positioning satellite technology and a digital speed-limit map to know when a driver is speeding, and to try to make them stop.
When a driver hits a certain percentage above the posted speed limit, the device kicks in and makes it difficult to press the accelerator.
While the idea appeals to some road-safety experts, even the researcher in charge of the project admits many drivers -- some of whom have shown fierce resistance to photo-radar and red-light cameras -- may balk at the science-fiction scenario of a machine forcing them to apply the brakes.
"We are trying to assess the operational acceptance issues," said Peter Burns, chief of ergonomics and crash avoidance with Transport Canada's road safety directorate.
While this pilot trial is believed to be the first of its kind in North America, similar devices have been tested in several European countries, including Sweden, the Netherlands and Britain. Dr. Burns said proponents of such devices are enthusiastic about the potential to reduce deaths and injuries from car crashes, as well as reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, which are greater at higher speeds.
"Excessive speed is a leading road safety challenge," Dr. Burns said, noting that speeding is a contributing factor in 25 per cent of fatal crashes across Canada.
Ten cars, driven by volunteers and outfitted with the Swedish-made speed-limiting system, are on Ottawa's roads -- minding the speed limits, one presumes. Researchers hope to collect enough data by spring to see if the system actually changed the drivers' speeding habits, before going ahead with a larger trial.
Using another 10 volunteer drivers, the project will also test the Otto Driving Companion, a less intrusive and commercially available system designed by Persentech, a Winnipeg firm. The dashboard-mounted device also uses GPS technology, but only warns drivers with a voice alarm and a light when they start to speed.
The $290 devices are on sale in Winnipeg and Ottawa and will be available in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer starting this week.
Company president Frank Franczyk said he has sold 400 of the devices in Winnipeg alone. He said conscientious customers appreciate the blue speed-warning light and even the voice that warns them they are going too fast.
Some say their children speak up when they see the alarm go off.
"They say, 'Hey mom, the blue light's on. Why are you speeding?" said Mr. Franczyk, who has plans to expand the service to Toronto, Hamilton, Vancouver and the United States.
His device, which can be updated on the Web with new digital maps, can also be set to tip off drivers about high-risk intersections, pedestrian crosswalks, deer crossings and red-light cameras.
The system can be set to go off when the vehicle is travelling anywhere from 2 to 10 per cent above the speed limit. The voice alarm can also be turned off.
In Europe, proponents have said that the technology should be mandatory in all vehicles or that insurance companies might offer discounts to drivers who use it.
In Britain, the more intrusive speed-limiting system is being suggested as a way to eliminate that bane of modern roads: the traffic-calming speed hump.
Toronto City Councillor Doug Holyday, who has led a lonely battle against the proliferation of what he says are hundreds of unneeded speed humps in Canada's largest city, said computerized speed-limiters appeal to him.
"It would certainly be better than having all these speed humps everywhere,"
Mr. Holyday said. "Certainly speeding is a problem. If you have a way to
control it, you have to take a look at it."
http://www.dailypilot.com/front/story/31208p-45539c.html contributing editor to ![]() |
[It is a matter of who is the boss. If the gubment is your master, then obey the gubment. With "The state health and safety code requires that a licensed establishment, such as the Country Store, allow health department officials to conduct periodic inspections.", it is apparent that the people in this case have already chosen the state as their master. Hence, legally, they have no grounds for their position - just like churches who have ubiquitously traded their status from free of gubment interference to wards of the state. If they wanted to be free of the beast, then they should not get a license or incorporate. Choose your master wisely (Joshua 24:15). -- Tribble]
Even as they face charges, members
of a Christian sect vow to stand firm against health laws.
By Lauren Vane, Daily Pilot
Immediately after appearing in court Monday on criminal charges of operating without a proper permit and blocking a health inspection, members of a Costa Mesa Christian sect vowed they would continue to serve food in their Country Store tea room.
Seven members of the Piecemakers, a Christian group that operates a craft store and restaurant at 1720 Adams Ave. in Costa Mesa, were arrested when they refused entrance to county health inspectors during a court-ordered inspection on Oct. 26.
The District Attorney's office filed charges against only four members Monday.
"There's no stopping us. They can burn my place down, but they can't take my soul," said Marie Kolasinski, the 84-year-old founder of the Piecemakers.
Kolasinski is charged with operating a food business without the necessary permit, refusing admittance to inspectors and obstructing health inspectors.
Douglas Follette is charged with obstruction and operating without a permit. Judy Haeger is charged with refusing admittance and obstruction. Kathleen Needham, who did not appear in court Monday, is charged with refusing inspection and obstruction.
The three who were present in court elected to continue their arraignment to Dec. 15. Orange County Superior Court Judge Brett London issued a $500 bench warrant for Needham for failing to appear in court.
Needham didn't come to court because she was "freaked out" and scared, Kolasinski said.
"It got too hot in the kitchen," Kolasinski said.
The Piecemakers have not complied with an Orange County Health Care Agency order to cease all unapproved food preparation and food service.
They do not have the required permit to prepare and serve food on-site, Orange County Health Care officials said. The Piecemakers' permit allows them to sell only prepackaged food.
Thousands of Orange County restaurants comply with health regulations, and the Piecemakers are not exempt from those requirements, said Deputy Dist. Atty. Scott Steiner.
"Our main focus is that ... these defendants, for one reason or another, feel that they're above the law," Steiner said.
The Piecemakers have had a long and troubled history with the Orange County Health Care Agency. They have repeatedly refused health inspections because they believe their customers are the only inspectors they need.
"Under God I'm guilty of nothing," Kolasinski said.
The state health and safety code requires that a licensed establishment, such as the Country Store, allow health department officials to conduct periodic inspections.
Members of the Piecemakers and their supporters crowded outside the courtroom at the Harbor Justice Center Monday. Holding signs and standing in a semicircle, the Piecemakers quietly protested the legal enforcement of health codes. "We would like to continue our business.... That's all we ask," said Follette, one of those charged.
* Lindsay Sandham contributed to this story.
http://www.suburbanchicagonews.com/couriernews/opinions/letters/3_4_EL25_VVBEDARD_S1.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
I am the father of the young man who did not stand for the singing of the Mexican national anthem during a cultural awareness program at Larkin High School.
I have been constantly asked to explain the details of the event, and it is in response to these individuals that I offer the following facts.
Some of the students, my son included, were compelled to attend this assembly. The Mexican national anthem was printed on fliers and handed out to the attending students. The Mexican flag was marched in and placed on a podium by itself. The attendees were then asked to stand and sing the Mexican national anthem.
My son was not alone in his refusal to stand. Statements given to me by other youths and parents put the number of refusals at close to 20.
Larkin staff members immediately confronted the seated youth. Some of the students were threatened with in-school suspension; most of the seated students were intimidated into standing.
My son explained to the angry teacher who confronted him that he did not see a U.S. flag on the podium and he did not believe they were going to sing our national anthem. This teacher stated, "They have to stand for our national anthem, so you have to stand for theirs."
My son stated in response, "Yeah, but they're in our country."
The teacher called my son a punk and sent him to the office. The administrator in the office supported the teacher's demand and told my son that he could have made a more intelligent decision. My son was not formally disciplined. The teacher who confronted my son defended her actions to her students during class the following week.
I called Larkin principal Richard Webb to express my disappointment and concern. I described the manner in which my son had been treated. I was told that my son should have stood and that the school stood by its right to have this assembly in its chosen form.
I then exercised my right as a citizen and addressed the school board.
The press was present at the board meeting and media awareness snowballed from that point forward. Some of my statements to the board included, "I am disappointed that those responsible for creating an assembly intended to educate and sensitize Americans also felt free to act insensitively with regard to our culture. It is permissible to present another country's anthem alongside ours and receive standing respect. It is not reasonable to expect or demand that Americans stand and display respect for another flag and country in absence of the American anthem or flag."
I also asked the board to consider two positive actions. "First, encourage Larkin High School administrators to not underscore one culture to the exclusion of others. This ill-conceived mandatory assembly did nothing but widen the current schism. Second, I would ask the board to lay down some principles for future assemblies. While it is good educational practice to teach about other cultures, it is not an acceptable practice to require mandatory response to the patriotic elements of those cultures."
I was appalled by Webb's printed statement. Apologizing only for the "unfortunate spotlight" placed on the school does not acknowledge the process that brought the spotlight. Lack of proper oversight created an assembly that offended a large number of people. Teachers behaving badly guaranteed parental follow-through. Administrative silence and denial has perpetuated their arrogant image.
Trivializing the incident and belittling those it concerned has only confirmed Webb's lack of grounding with the community.
Since Dec. 8, 2004, educational institutions receiving federal funding are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on Sept. 17 of each year. This year, Sept. 17 fell on a Saturday.
Our high school apparently chose on Sept. 16 not to hold an assembly on the Constitution of the United States, but to educate our youth on the patriotic elements of another country.
- Bedard is an Elgin resident.
http://www.etherzone.com/2005/rose101705.shtml contributing editor to ![]() |
Police State!
Coming Or Already Here?
God's Antidote For Tyranny
By: Tom Rose
A concerned reader who has been attentively observing the "signs of the times" makes a thoughtful comment and poses some pertinent questions:
It appears that our police forces in America are changing and that we are developing into a Police State/Surveillance Society. What is the traditional model for police forces in America? Are they in the process of being militarized? If so, for what reason? How can we reconstruct the American concept of police?The answer is yes. The orientation and underlying concept of police enforcement in America have, indeed, been changing, but changing so quietly as to be hardly noticeable except by a few careful observers. The traditional orientation of police enforcement has been local rather than national. It was the sheriff, the highest police official in the county, and his deputies who were unquestioningly in control of maintaining peace and apprehending law breakers.
Incorporated cities and municipalities have the same local orientation, but the titles change to chief of police and policemen on the beat. The general concept used to be that law enforcement was applied by the sheriff’s deputy or policeman on the beat right where problems occurred. This historic view has changed because of political pressures and monetary influences from the national level of government. But even now the sheriff, as the highest-ranking police officer in the county, still has authority to tell federal agencies and their SWAT teams (FBI, BATF, DEA, IRS, and federal marshals) how they must conduct themselves in his county. Sadly, very few sheriffs have the intestinal fortitude to buck the evolving national-statist system because doing so might threaten their careers or their standing with federal agencies on whom they have become financially dependent.
Police State Defined
Before we discuss the development of the Police State in America, it is needful to define the term. Police states are often initiated by a violent putsch: Lenin’s overthrow of the Russian government in 1917, Mussolini’s growing use of violence which led to his becoming Prime Minister of Italy in 1922, and Hitler’s Reichstag fire and appointment as Prime Minister of Germany in 1933. Each of these emerging police states focused on alleged internal and external enemies to solidify support among domestic followers. Terror, intimidation, and propaganda were freely used. Citizens were disarmed as quickly as possible to make them easier to control.
A Police State is characterized by centralized control over every aspect of society: political, economic, social, cultural, and religious. This can be done through state ownership of the means of production (socialism: France, Britain); or by being tied politically with "communist rule of the proletariat" (Lenin’s and Stalin’s USSR, Castro’s Cuba); or it can be done through a more sophisticated form of statist control by which ownership of the means of production is left in the hands of private entities (fascism: Mussolini’s Italy; Hitler’s NAZI Germany; and, sadly, our modern USA, which has over 85 government-control agencies: the ICC, FTC, FCC, FDA, EPA, IRS, DEA, FDIC, BATF, FEMA, IRS, Homeland Security, etc, etc).
The fascistic form of government control that developed in America got its big push by Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was enamored with Italian fascism. During the 20th century, regulation by federal agencies grew rapidly as each generation of American citizens was conditioned – through tax-supported education, textbook revisions, and government/news media propaganda – to embrace the freedom-destroying concept of "government regulation to protect the people." This was able to come about because each new generation had less understanding of the Constitution. Our founding fathers would be aghast at the centralized government control (fascism) which now exists in America. They thought in terms of the careful division of power to keep government from being centralized and unlimited. Only a very few limited powers were granted to the federal government by the states, and these were carefully delegated and enumerated.
Early Police States relied heavily on secret police squads (paid thugs) to intimidate citizens into submission (the Soviet Union had its KGB; NAZI Germany had its brown-shirt Gestapo; and fascist Italy had its black-shirt thugs called Facis Di Combattimento). Those who opposed the growing Police State never knew when the door of their home might come crashing down in the dark of night to be beaten, killed, or forcibly moved to a concentration camp.
In recent years in America, black-masked government SWAT teams ( also paid thugs) have increasingly appeared on the scene (BATF, FBI, DEA, federal marshals, and joint-task forces). Today, only the unaware feel safe.
Some very keen observers and excellent students of history regard the so-called "terrorist attack" of 9/11, and Hurricane Katrina with its disturbing aftermath, as likely "putsches" meant to generate chaos for justifying the imposition of Martial Law, the disarming of Americans, and the birth of a full-blown Police State in America.
A frightening thought? Certainly! But take heed to a timely warning: As I carefully watch the outworking of both 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, I see too many signs that Americans are being psychologically conditioned to accept a Police State! The growing use of masked government SWAT teams is an early warning signal of the erection of a Police State designed to rule over a frightened and compliant citizenry who have been conditioned to value the illusory promise of "security from terrorism" more than liberty and individual self-responsibility. The irony is that the so-called "terrorists" against whom we are to be protected are more likely to be found within our own government than in foreign countries!
Pressures to Federalize and Militarize Local Law Enforcement
Referring to the key role of sheriffs in law enforcement, mentioned above, one sheriff who did have the intestinal fortitude – along with a good understanding of the U.S. Constitution – to buck pressures from Washington, D C., was Richard I. Mack who served as sheriff of Graham County, Arizona. In January, 1994, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) mailed all law enforcement administrators in the country a copy of its interpretation of local law enforcement’s duties regarding the "Brady Law," which required a five-day waiting period to purchase firearms. Sheriff Mack correctly reasoned along this line:
First, the law is completely contrary to the U.S. Constitution, . . . The Brady Bill also violates the Constitution of Arizona, which states, ". . . the rights of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms in his own defense or in defense of the state, shall not be impaired." . . .Note that Sheriff Mack’s thinking concerning jurisdictional authority was perfectly in accordance with what is known as the principle of governmental interposition.2Second, the Federal Government has no jurisdictional authority to order or command me (or any other sheriff in this country) to enforce federal law. . . . I am not a federal agent; I work for Graham County and was hired by the people of the county to do their bidding.1
This is just one example of the country-wide effort to federalize local law enforcement. Other pressures come from the vast monetary resources of various federal agencies already mentioned. These agencies "share" money forcibly taken from citizens (from seizures of money and property) for distribution to "bought-off" local judges and law enforcement agencies. Thus, is justice perverted (Isaiah 59:14). It takes a county-level official with a iron will and a very high sense of internal integrity to resist the seductive lure of easy federal funds to buy new guns and equipment, training, or other forms of assistance because needed funds at the local level always seem to fall short of ever-pressing needs.
Posse Comitatus
The posse comitatus doctrine ("force of the county") comes from English common law. Posse comitatus consists of the body of men above age 15, whom the sheriff has authority to call into county service to help maintain law and order during an emergency. The U.S. Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878 because Congress had become concerned about the growing practice of federal marshals in the South, and local sheriffs in the West, to press army troops into their service to meet local emergencies without first getting approval from the president as commander in chief. Congress’ goal was to preserve the strength of the U. S. Army so it could perform its primary duty of protecting our country and its borders, something it might not be able to do if its manpower was systematically diverted to unauthorized uses.
On the other hand, posse comitatus does not – contrary to popular misunderstanding – prevent the President from using federal troops to quiet riots or civil disorders. This has been done many times in the history of our country. Nor does posse comitatus prevent the U.S. military from supporting local or state law enforcement, as long as troops are not used to make arrests or to investigate crimes. Finally, posse comitatus does not apply to the National Guard in its role as state troops while on active state duty under command of the governor of the state, or to state guards or State Defense Forces under command of the governor. (See the following for information: 1. The Posse Comitatus Act o f 1878; 2. The Origins of the Posse Comitatus, by Bonnie Baker; 3. The Posse Comitatus Act and Homeland Security, by J .R. Brinkerhoff ) Steps Toward a
Centralized Police State
At this point it is important to recap certain happenings, which when viewed as a whole, will show the systematic erection of a police state in America. Warning: Some parts of this will be disturbing to readers who are not aware of these "signs of the times." That is why our Lord raises up "watchmen on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6):
November, 1963: Shortly before President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas, he made certain statements, any one of which would align powerful antagonistic forces against him:
1) He would eliminate the CIA,
2) He would issue Treasury greenbacks (which don’t pay interest) in lieu of financing government deficits through the Federal Reserve, and
3) He spoke against empowering the state of Israel with nuclear capability.
Kennedy’s murder served as a clear warning to future Presidents that they better "toe the line" or suffer the same fate.
In short, JFK’s assassination amounted to a coup d’etat, a decisive exercise of force by which our constitutional government was subverted. Since then, America has been controlled by a ruthless, behind-the-scenes cabal, intent on building a New World order that is systematically destroying our constitutional government and erecting a centralized fascist state. Since 1963, every President, regardless of political party, has been little more than a fearful, though willing puppet of the ruling cabal.
February 28, 1993: The FBI made an armed raid on the Branch Davidian Compound, a religious community led by David Koresh (nee Vernon Wayne Howell) near Waco, Texas, of whom Sheriff Mack says, ". . . he was marked for death by the United States Government as deliberately as John F. Kennedy was marked by his assassin."0
Various charges were made against Koresh, but the key point is this: The allegations of wrong doing fell properly within the venue of local law enforcement rather than federal. Also, it was commonly known that Koresh made visits to town almost daily, so he could have been picked up without engaging in a military-type assassination on the compound which housed many women and children. Videos of the final assassination show that the federals intentionally fired machine guns at women and children every time they attempted to escape the roaring flames consuming the compound. Why were the federals so intent to eliminate survivors? Why did the federals preempt local police authorities to keep out observers? Why did federal authorities dispose of the rubble so quickly? What were they hiding?
Koresh’s group became aware of drug smuggling on a deserted army landing field next to the compound; therefore, everyone in the compound was marked for extinction. This allegation cannot be proven because the witnesses are all dead or compromised, but it fits in with the history of drug running by the OSS and the CIA to raise "off budget" operating funds. For information about CIA drug running read Kiss the Boys Goodbye.4
While the CIA was inundating our country with drugs to raise "off-budget" funds for undercover-operations overseas, Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) in 1970. An honest application of the law should have arrested everyone connected with CIA drug running. But, as always, such laws are only aimed at the common people.
And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter (Isaiah 59:14).
In 1973, following President Nixon’s declaration of a "War on Drugs," various federal law enforcement agencies were reorganized into the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Vast sums of tax monies were then directed to smother the flames of the very drug addiction that the CIA drug running operations were inciting! The use of federal and local SWAT teams soared. The amount of unconstitutionally seized property also soared; and the amount of internal police corruption resulting from the sudden inflow of captured drugs and seized property is beyond knowing.
Forcible property seizures skyrocketed because of a new "legal twist" that was applied to property by the courts. This innovative "legal twist" presupposes that property itself, not the owner or user of property, is the guilty party! Therefore it can be seized! Property even suspected of being used in relation to drugs was then seized and sold, even if the accused parties were never brought to trial and convicted! This is absolute totalitarianism! People with cash on their person became immediate suspects of drug involvement and were presumed guilty unless they could prove themselves innocent. Reports of people having their homes, autos, money, boats, and other property seized abounded. Use of drug-sniffing dogs confronted people at airports and other public places. Government surveillance of citizens mushroomed; their cash dealings and bank accounts were monitored – all of these are indications of an evolving Police State.
April 19, 1995: A home-made truck bomb exploded in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, allegedly killing 168 people. I use the word "allegedly" because of a problem: The truck bomb was not powerful enough to do much more than blow out the windows! On-the-scene witnesses testified of hearing internal explosions; it was these bombs that imploded the building! As in the Kennedy assassination, those who insisted in pursuing the truth met with untimely ends.
Ben Partin, a retired Air Force general who specialized in explosives, made a thorough study and issued a detailed report showing that the building was imploded by charges previously placed at key points "on the reinforced concrete superstructure."5 As in the Waco destruction some years earlier, the federal government invaded the proper political venue of local law enforcement to oust local investigators, then quickly cleaned up and disposed of the debris so a thorough and meticulous investigation could not be done. The bloody incident – which cries out to be recognized as an inside job – was used by the federal government to justify further growth of the Surveillance State.
September 11, 2001: There is no doubt at all that the so-called "terrorist act" of 9/11 was an inside job. How can we be so sure?
What follows is information from experienced civilian and military pilots who were invited by Col. Donn de Grand Pré (ret. Air Force) to a meeting to discuss and evaluate the 9/11 attack. Here are excerpts from the colonel’s report (portions not in quote marks belong to de Grand Pré) entitled "The Enemy Is Inside the Gates:"0
The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation . . . requiring the utmost professional military skill in command, communications and control. It was flawless in timing, in the choice of selected aircraft to be used as guided missiles, and in the coordinated delivery of those missiles to their pre-selected targets.If so, then we are dealing with high treason.. . . the attack, from a psychological impact on the American public, equaled the Japanese "surprise" attack on Pearl Harbor 7 Dec 1941.
One General officer remarked, "I seriously question whether these novices [the alleged hijackers] could have located a target dead-on 200 miles removed from takeoff point . . .
The extremely skillful maneuvering of the three aircraft at near mach speeds, each unerringly hitting their targets was superb. As one Air force officer – a veteran of over 100 sorties over North Vietnam – explained, "Those birds (commercial airliners) either had a crack fighter pilot in the left seat, or they were being maneuvered by remote control."
Another comment: "If there was an AWACS on station over the targeted area, did it have a Global Hawk capability? I mean, could it convert the commercial jets to robotic flying missiles?
A hotly debated question: Who would be in command of such an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)? Chinese? Russians? Saudis? Israelis? NATO? All of these countries possess AWACS-type aircraft. All (except the Saudis) have the capability to utilize electro-magnetic pulsing (EMP) to knock out on-board flight controls and communications of targeted aircraft, and then, to fly them by remote control.
Captain Kent Hill (American Airlines) said, " . . . Not one of the planes alerted ground control that they were being hijacked." How come?
"The fact is, all the transponders were turned off on the doomed flights virtually at the same time."
He [Hill] is convinced none of the pilots had control of their aircraft when they were flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The question then becomes, who was really in control?
" Even if I had a gun at my head, I’d never fly a plane into a building . . . and I’d be searing the h___ out of them (the hijackers) by flying upside down first," Hill said.
In fact, the pilot has the best weapon in his hand when threatened with imminent death by a hijacker, namely, the airplane.
Another airline pilot stated: "On hearing a major scuffle in the cabin, the pilot should have inverted the aircraft and the hijackers end up with broken necks." That none of the four pilots executed such a maneuver points toward the fact that none of them had control of their aircraft, but had been overridden by an outside force, which was flying them by remote control.
As an old and not so bold pilot, I became more convinced that the four commercial jets were choreographed by a "conductor" from a central source, namely an airborne warning and control system (AWACS). They have the electronic capability to engage several aircraft simultaneously, knock out their on-board flight controls by EMP (electro-magnetic pulsing) and assume command and remote control of these targeted aircraft.
As we consider all the options – and enemies . . . China, Russia, Israel, an Islamic country, or NATO), we must also consider that the enemy may be within the gates.
The above report provides overwhelming evidence that remote-controlled planes hit the Twin Towers.7
Both imploded in 8 to 10 seconds – an inescapable signature of a professionally engineered implosion from previously implanted explosives at key structural points. Rescue workers on the scene were eye witnesses (rather, "ear’ witnesses) of such explosions. Certainly, the low temperature diesel-fuel fires (smoke = insufficient oxygen, thus low temperature) were many degrees too cool to damage the structural support of the buildings, which were designed to withstand such collisions! Further evidence of a planned implosion is the collapse of Building #7 at the Trade Center, which was not hit by a plane, when the owner said, "Pull it!" Building #7 fell in the very same manner as the Twin Towers.
What about the Pentagon? Early photos immediately after the crash of the supposed "airliner" show a horizontal hole about 15 feet wide, much too narrow if it were actually hit by a large airliner with a wide wingspan and heavy engines. Also, the sharp turn this "air vehicle"reportedly made would have generated too much centrifugal force for a live pilot to remain conscious and in control of the plane. The answer? A Global Hawk-controlled aircraft also hit the Pentagon!8
Remember American history: It is now proven that President Franklin D. Roosevelt intentionally sacrificed almost 3,000 U.S. servicemen as bait to entice Japan to attack Pearl Harbor with the goal of convincing a reluctant American public to enter World War II.0
President Lyndon Johnson also lied to the American public about the alleged "Tonkin Bay Incident." He falsely claimed that North Vietnam had attacked two U.S. destroyers on August 2, 1964. Result: Congress passed the Tonkin Gulf Resolution on August 7, which got our country more deeply involved in the Vietnam War in which 58,000 Americans died.
Did George W. Bush have a good reason to invade Iraq? No! He first claimed Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. Later, when this was disproved, he claimed Saddam had "weapons of mass destruction." None was ever found. He then claimed Saddam had ties to a supposed "terrorist organization" called al Qaeda (another falsehood). The truth is that the controlling cabal behind the Bush Administration had been planning to attack countries in the Mid East whom the state of Israel regards as enemies (Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon ) for a long time. The Administration, dominated by so-called "Neocons," was looking for a plausible excuse for a preemptive attack on Iraq. The excuse was provided by 9/11. Proof of this is perhaps best grasped with the recent release of the "Downing Street Memo" which contains an overview of a top secret meeting in Britain held on July 23, 2002 (months before we attacked Iraq). Richard Dearlove (then head of British foreign intelligence, MI6) remarked that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy" of removing Saddam Hussein from power. In short, U.S. intelligence on Iraq prior to the war was deliberately falsified to fool the public in both the U.S. and in Britain!0
Political leaders who impose totalitarianism overseas will not hesitate to impose a centralized Police State domestically. This helps explain both the 9/11 "terrorist attack" and what has happened in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans
In the chaotic aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the Pentagon declared martial law in New Orleans, which it had no constitutional authority to do. According to many well-documented news reports, FEMA did not allow early help and supplies into the area: Three trailer trucks of drinking water from Wal-Mart were turned back. Jefferson Parish President, Aaron Broussard, on Meet the Press, told how FEMA refused to allow needed diesel fuel to be delivered by the Coast Guard. He also told how FEMA deliberately cut official communication lines, which Sheriff Harry Lee promptly reconnected and then posted armed deputies so the lines would not be cut again. Sheriff Jeff Hingle of Plaquemines Parish also ordered his deputies to patrol the county line with orders not to let FEMA in.0
G. Edward Griffin, a trustworthy "watchman on the wall," has this to say about FEMA’s "apparent failure" in New Orleans:
The primary job of the military, FEMA, and Homeland Security is not to protect the American people in times of emergency but to protect the government
. . . . Their objective was to bring the entire area under the control of the federal government - and they succeeded in doing very well. . . .0
Because of these Police State tactics by federal agencies, Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco refused to allow federal authorities to federalize National Guard units and state and local law enforcement.0
These acts by the Louisiana sheriffs and Governor Blanco are perfect examples of the biblical (and constitutional) principle of governmental interposition. The point to recognize is that these protective actions by civil magistrates at the county and state levels of jurisdiction were legitimate and necessary to preserve their proper venues of political jurisdiction. For, in a republic (these United States of America are a republic, not a democracy!), civil government is divided into various levels or venues of authority which must be kept separate and independent (local, county, state, and national) to prevent centralized tyranny.
Picking Up the Pieces
My evaluation of all these happenings, though we could go back another 30 years to FDR’s infamous coup d’etat, is that we have steadily been moving toward a full-blown Police State which keeps track of every aspect of every American’s life from birth to death as a means of centralized control. Please note that, though this is a conclusion based on factual happenings, people can disagree on how facts should be interpreted. Therefore, I don’t expect everyone to agree with my conclusions. But, as a "watchman on the wall" (Isaiah 62:6), I can only give a timely warning of what I see. What, then, can we do?
For three years, my wife and I held monthly Constitutional Study Group Meetings in our home. Patriots attended from an 80-mile radius. But, if I am right in my conclusions about the immanency of a totalitarian Police State in America, then it’s much too late to use the educational route of home meetings.
What, then, armed rebellion? This would be appropriate if Americans today were as freedom-minded as our forefathers were during the Revolutionary War period. But, sad to say, they are not. The vast majority of Americans today have been too firmly conditioned mentally through tax-supported education, government propaganda, and the controlled news media. Thus, they don’t have the slightest understanding of man’s God-given freedom coupled with God-given personal responsibility. Too many Americans today are recipients of federal monies in one form or another, so they fear to "bite the hand that feeds them."
What is left? Prayer is always available. But God has already warned a people who ". . . rejected me, that I should not reign over them (I Samuel 8:7), that they ". . . shall cry out in that day. . . and the Lord will not hear you in that day" (I Samuel 8:18). But, our Lord is always merciful and forgiving, so we might well pray for deliverance and ask Him to turn the hearts of our political leaders as a means of restoring freedom (Psalm 72:1; Proverbs 8:15; I Timothy 2:1-2; Psalm 143:8-9).
Another form of prayer is imprecatory prayer through which believers call upon God to pour out His wrath on evil rulers and doers of iniquity. Many Christians are unaware of the sheer number of imprecatory prayers in the Bible (Psalms 10:15; 55;9-11, 15-16; 58;3-8, 10-11; 68:1-2; 69:22-28; 83:11-18; 109:7-31). Now is a time to use God’s model for such prayers in asking God’s deliverance from growing tyranny.
Lastly, this brings us to God’s biblical method of deposing tyrants through intermediate civil magistrates whom God raises up to save His people by interposing themselves between the offending tyrant(s) and the oppressed people. But, first, we must repent from the sins for which He might be bringing the curse of governmental tyranny upon us. There is no doubt that we as a people have strayed far from applying the biblical principles of righteousness to every aspect of our life: personal, family, church, civil government, as well as economic pursuit. Can we expect God’s favor if we don’t first turn to Him in repentance?
I referred to the biblical and historical principle of governmental interposition earlier in this essay. The first published article that I wrote on this timely and much needed principle was entitled "On Reconstruction and the American Republic" in 1978.0
Thankfully, there are many individuals throughout America who qualify as an "intermediate magistrate." Every elected officeholder or political bureaucrat who has taken the oath of office and has sworn to protect the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic is, in fact, an intermediate magistrate from both a biblical and constitutional viewpoint. This, by the way, includes every person who is serving, or has served, in the military. Let us pray that God will raise up leaders to serve as intermediate magistrates, and citizens to rally behind them, to return America to constitutional government. Freedom and self-responsibility will then be restored. This is truly God’s revealed plan for restoring godly law and order to our troubled country!
1.Richard I. Mack and Timothy Robert Walters, From My Cold Dead Fingers (Safford, Arizona: Rawhide Western Publishing, 1996), 15-16.
2.Tom Rose, Reclaiming the American Dream by Reconstructing the American Republic (Mercer, Pennsylvania: American Enterprise Publications, 1996).
0.3.Mack, 111.
4.Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson, Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam (New York: Dutton, 1990).
5.The Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee, Final Report on the Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building, April 19, 1995 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee, 2001), 183.
7.Sources of Videorecordings: 9/11:The Great Illusion: End Game Of The Illuminati, Our Choice: Fear Or Love? produced by George Humphrey, Common Sense, P.O. Box 5772, Austin, TX, 78763. www.fearorlove.com. Confronting The Evidence: A Call to Reopen The 9/11 Investigation produced by Jimmy Walter and ReOpen 911 Org., P.O. Box 3871, Santa Barbara, CA, 93130. www.reopen911.org. 911 In Plane Site: The Director’s Cut produced by The Power Hour, P.O. Box 85, Versailles, MO, 65084. www.ThePowerHour.com. Painful Deceptions produced by Eric Hufschmid. www.erichufschmid.net.
8.Robert B. Stinnett, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (New York: The Free Press, 2000).
0.9."Downing Street memo," The Sunday Times, 1 May 2005.
0.11.G. Edward Griffin, The US Government Did Not Fail Its Mission In The Wake of Hurrican Katrina, 2005 September 16, www.freedom-force.org.
12.make me free, CNN confirms Bush/Blanco fight, Sep 5th, 2005, www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/5/94728/87063.
13.Tom Rose, "On Reconstruction And The American Republic," The Journal of Christian Reconstruction (Summer, 1978): 14.
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This snake was recently found at the old Turkey Creek gas plant located
just south of the Alibates Turnoff on Highway 136 south of Fritch Texas.
A reminder that these creatures are actually out there and no matter what you believe, sometimes they should get not only prescriptive rights to be there but the full right of way! 9 feet, 1 inch - 97 lbs. No matter what anybody else tells you, kill the snake before you try to do anything else to it! It's the safest way for you and the snake doesn't care anymore. Thanks Marc, et al. |
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By: Alan Stang
You will not find the usual humor in this essay, because I write about a pressing emergency. Government by concocted emergency is of course the rule in the District of Criminals and has been for decades, but the emergency I write about now is genuine and requires immediate action if our country is to survive.
Some 400 Yankee scum in the pipsqueak state of Vermont, which is not a heck of a lot bigger than Houston, met at the state house in Montpelier on October 28th, and adopted a resolution for secession that would lead to "national independence," for Vermont. It reads as follows: "Be it resolved that the state of Vermont peacefully and democratically free itself from the United States of America and return to its natural status as an independent republic as it was between January 15, 1777 and March 4, 1791."
Vermont is of course the only state that sends an outright Socialist to Congress, and harbors a physician who chairs a national political party because he screamed himself into oblivion at its national convention. Russian novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived there in exile for a few years until he left the country in disgrace after making the embarrassing speech at Harvard in which he disparaged the spirituality of the United States. At the recent conclave in Montpelier, the participants had the temerity to quote the Declaration of Independence for authority; they even mentioned God.
Of course the matter of secession was permanently settled long ago by the genius of Abe Lincoln. Probably no one else in the United States was aware when Abe first revealed it that the Union in effect created the states, not the other way round, and the creator has the power to modify or abolish his creation. So there is nothing more to talk about. No such right exists. As Abe put it in his first inaugural address, "The Union is much older than the Constitution."
Yes, it is a laughing matter could it be restricted to Vermont; but the danger is great that the contagion could spread. Similar sentiment is afoot in contiguous New Hampshire, another paltry Yankee backwater, which boasts the utterly hypocritical slogan, "Live Free or Die." The conspirators are planning to seek affiliation with the Canadian Maritime Provinces and Quebec, where the Yankees would find millions of frenchified weenies to do the unpleasant menial chores.
The plan is obviously to create a Great Slave Empire, made immune by specious "independence" from the beneficial, liberating guidance of the government of the United States. The pretenders are even talking about possible membership in the Communist United Nations. The eventual goal, however disguised it is by circumlocution, is the dissolution of the sacred, perpetual Union, which must be preserved at all costs.
In the present emergency, I call on President George W. Bush to put aside all politics and take the necessary action. It should include a coordinated invasion force, including the Third Marine Division and the 82nd Airborne, dropped in force behind enemy lines and commanded by a four-star general with the shermanesque qualities required to do the job right.
Remember that this is not the first time the Yankees have tried to destroy the Union. They did so at least once before, during the War of 1812, which interrupted the immensely lucrative trade they were conducting with our traditional enemy, the English, who were kidnapping our sailors and forcing them to serve on English ships. The conspiracy failed only because the war ended before they could complete their secession, which was endorsed by the traitor, Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster.
The division of the United States into digestible sections has long been a goal of the Communist International. In the 1930s, it sent John Pogany here to foment something called the Negro Soviet Republic, which was to include those Southeastern States with substantial Negro populations it would use as pawns. Presently, Latino revolutionaries are conspiring to create Aztlán, which would take the Southwestern States out of this country, using Mexicans and other Latinos for the purpose. The resolution from Vermont obviously fits into this scenario.
That is why I believe the Yankees must be taught a lesson, to ensure that they never try to do this again. Consider that they are trying to fracture the nation in the middle of a war, which certainly would give aid and comfort to the enemy. That is why we must repay these traitors in kind. The U.S. military must apply the policy of "scorched earth," just as Presidents Clinton and Bush wisely have done in Serbia and Iraq.
The task would be easy, the mission short. There is little or no genuine industry in the state. The only foreign exchange it could accumulate would come from international trade in maple syrup, American tourists learning how to yodel or overeating at the American version of the Trapp family lodge made famous in "Sound of Music." My wife and I did this ourselves for a few days, and I can assure you that the lodge renders the guest utterly helpless by leaving no time between meals.
Whatever there is must be destroyed so thoroughly there could be no recovery for at least a century. Vermont homes and businesses should be burned to the ground. Crops should be destroyed. The land should be salted so it cannot grow more. Food stores should be confiscated and shipped to the United States, or burned to prevent local consumption. A lenient federal policy on the collection of souvenirs should informally be explained to American troops.
The men of course should be required to take a loyalty oath to the United States, and to salute the American flag on pain of imprisonment. Those who refuse would be turned out of their homes, allowed to watch them burn and told to hit the road. Needless to say, the leaders of the rebellion would be imprisoned for treason; their property would be confiscated. Vermont women would be kept in a pen in Montpelier for the use of those invading troops who may need warming up.
I am well aware that some girlie men may shrink from the application of policies so firm. Let me remind you that Vermont not only is trying to subvert the Union; it also has willfully attacked us. What else would you call the shrieking daymare of Dr. Howard Dean, a far more grievous affront even than the cowardly Yankee attack on Fort Sumter?
Surely international observers will agree that when he crossed the border into the United States to drive normal Americans berserk, thereby implementing official Vermont policy concocted in Montpelier, he committed an intolerable provocation. Remember also that Vermont has long tried to restrain trade by refusing to admit Wal-Mart and McDonald’s to its territory, a policy that not only keeps its citizens in ignorance, but also promotes corrosive sectional hostility.
Because necessary federal policy in the matter is so complicated, I shall explain it. During the military phase of the operation, Vermont shall be treated for domestic purposes as a member of the perpetual Union in rebellion, waging a civil war to seize control of the government in Washington, not as a foreign nation, for the cited reason that secession does not exist and therefore is not possible. And there is another reason.
Two amenable U.S. Senators and a Member of Congress will be named to replace the members in rebellion, ready to cast their votes as needed to ensure the implementation of judicious federal policy. For international purposes, to justify the aforesaid policy of "scorched earth," Vermont will be treated at the same time as an enemy nation trying to seize power in Washington, D.C.
After those hostilities are concluded and the State is again at peace, a period of martial law will ensue, during which Vermont will be prepared to rejoin the happy family of States. For instance, the policy will include substantial reparations paid by Vermonters to the federal government, which will be used to pay for the war and to finance the necessary reconstruction. Vermont schoolchildren will be trained to appreciate the benevolence of the central government.
The world will little note nor long remember what we do here, unless we do whatever is required to preserve the Union. Mr. President, where do you stand? Remember, a Declaration of War would not be necessary. The job can be done entirely with Executive Orders. Bush! Bush! Bush!
"Published originally at EtherZone.com
: republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd141.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
By: Devvy, December 1, 2005
"If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained - we must fight!" - Patrick Henry | ![]() |
"I told him that I did have identification, but I wasn't going to show it to him," Davis explains. "I knew that I wasn't required by law to show ID and that's why I decided I wasn't going to. The whole thing seemed to be more about compliance than security."
This guard who obviously has no understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, called the federal dragoons who proceeded to drag Mrs. Davis off this public bus, handcuffed her like some criminal, shoved her into the back seat of their Barney Rubble guard car and transported her to a police station within the Federal Center. For all this guard knew, Mrs. Davis could have been going anywhere outside the fencing of the Denver Federal Center (there is a post office just outside the gated entrance on the south side) once she got off the bus. His apprehension of her in my opinion isn't just unlawful detention, but kidnapping. Mrs. Davis' son is in Iraq fighting Bush's war to control the oil in the middle East while his mother is being subjected to the same treatment as those who live in communist countries and did under Hitler's regime.
Mrs. Davis will be arraigned on December 9, 2005, and faces up to 60 days in jail on federal criminal misdemeanor charges. These charges would be that "citizens must, when requested, display Government or other identifying credentials to Federal police officers or other authorized individuals." The second would be that citizens must comply with "the lawful direction of Federal police officers and other authorized individuals."
Open your eyes America. First, Mrs. Davis was on a public bus, she was not on federal property. This guard had no right to demand any American produce papers of any kind whether they are riding a bus or walking.
Second, under the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to make criminal only four types of conduct: treason, piracies and felonies on the high seas, counterfeiting, and offenses against the laws of nations. Just because Congress has been getting away with passing a zillion laws with all kinds of "offenses" does NOT make it legal. They have only gotten away with it all this time because the American people have refused to hold their elected public servants accountable out of blind loyalty to their damn party. What you are seeing right now in this country is the result of foolish voters. Despite the refusal by the sheeple to boot out rotten politicians, the law is still law:
"The highest law of the land is the Constitution of the United States." Stephen K. Huber, Professor of Law, University of Houston
"The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statue must be in agreement with it to be valid. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail over the other. The Sixteenth American Jurisprudence, (2nd ed., Section 256), states:
"The general rule is that an unconstitutional statue, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby." Dr. Jacques S. Jaikaran, author of Debt Virus
The same nonsense is about to be unleashed upon innocent, law abiding citizens in Miami, Florida. The announcement came November 28, 2005: local coppers will "...stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant."
"Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. "This is an in-your-face type of strategy. It's letting the terrorists know we are out there," Fernandez said. The operations will keep terrorists off guard, Fernandez said. He said al-Qaida and other terrorist groups plot attacks by putting places under surveillance and watching for flaws and patterns in security.
"People are definitely going to notice it," Fernandez said. "We want that shock. We want that awe. But at the same time, we don't want people to feel their rights are being threatened. We need them to be our eyes and ears."
Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez is a fool who should be removed from his job as well as the Mayor and any member of the Miami City Council who approved this BS. First: There is no legal authority for coppers to demand anyone entering or leaving a bank, hotel or other public places "show their papers." The courts have consistently upheld the absolute right of Americans to travel freely without interference or harassment and walking is traveling, just like riding a horse or driving a car.
Second, the CIA's creation called 'al-Qaida' doesn't give a hoot about a bunch of local coppers acting like testosterone pumped goons harassing little old ladies. You just wait until one of these little old ladies is so "shocked and awed" by a sudden show of force, they drop dead from a heart attack or massive stroke. Then the City of Miami will pay dearly.
Walking into or exiting a hotel, bank or "other public places" is a fundamental right and an action freely chosen by an individual; it is not a mandated activity by any federal, state or local law, ordinance or statute. Free Americans have a constitutional right to travel which is protected by the U.S. Constitution; see Crandall v. Nevada, 73 U.S. (6 Wall.) 35, 49 (1868)("We are all citizens of the United States, and as members of the same community must have the right to pass and repass through every part of it without interruption, as freely as in our own states"); Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116, 125, 78 S.Ct. 1113, 1118 (1958)("The right to travel is a part of the 'liberty' of which the citizen cannot be deprived without the due process of law under the Fifth Amendment"); United States v. Guest, 383 U.S. 745, 757, 86 S.Ct. 1170, 1178 (1966)("The constitutional right to travel from one State to another, and necessarily to use the highways and other instrumentalities of interstate commerce in doing so, occupies a position fundamental to the concept of our Federal Union");
Shapiro v. Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 629, 89 S.Ct. 1322, 1329 (1969)("This Court long ago recognized that the nature of our Federal Union and our constitutional concepts of personal liberty unite to require that all citizens be free to travel throughout the length and breadth of our land uninhibited by statutes, rules or regulations which unreasonably burden or restrict this movement") Dunn v. Blumstein, 405 U.S. 330, 339, 92 S.Ct. 995, 1001 (1972)("....since the right to travel was a constitutionally protected right, 'any classification which serves to penalize the exercise of that right unless shown to be necessary to promote a compelling governmental interest, is unconstitutional'");(The Court in Dunn also declared that "The right to travel is an 'unconditional personal right, ' a right whose exercise may not be conditioned.'" Id, at 341); and Memorial Hospital v. Maricopa County, 415 U.S. 250, 254, 94 S.Ct. 1076, 1080(1974)("The right of interstate travel has repeatedly been recognized as a basic constitutional freedom").
See also Schachtman v. Dulles 225 F2d. 938, 941 (D.C.Cir. 1955)("The right to travel, to go from place to place as the means of transportation permit, is a natural right subject to the rights of others and to reasonable regulation under law"); Worthy v. Herter, 270 F.2d 905, 908 (D.C.Cir. 1959)("The right to travel is a part of the right to liberty"); Cole v. Housing Authority of City of Newport, 435 F2.d 807, 809 (1st Cir.1970)("...the right to travel is a fundamental personal right that can be impinged only if to do so is necessary to promote a compelling governmental interest"); King v. New Rochelle Municipal Housing Authority, 442 F.2d 646, 648 (2nd Cir. 1971)("It would be meaningless to describe the right to travel between states as a fundamental precept of personal liberty and not to acknowledge a correlative constitutional right to travel within a state"); and
Demiragh v. DeVos, 476 F.2d 403, 405 (2nd Cir. 1973)("...the fight to travel....[is] a 'fundamental' one, requiring the showing of a 'compelling state or local interest to warrant its limitation"); United States v. Davis, 482 F.2d 893, 912 (9th Cir. 1973)("....it is firmly settled that freedom to travel at home and abroad without unreasonable governmental restriction is a fundamental constitutional right of every American citizen....At the minimum, governmental restrictions upon freedom to travel are to be weighed against the necessity advanced to justify them, and a restriction that burdens the right to travel 'too broadly and indiscriminately' cannot be sustained"); and McLellan v. Miss. Power & Light Co., 545 F.2d 919, 923 n. 8 (5th Cir. 1977)("The Constitutional right to travel is 'among the rights and privileges of National citizenship");
Costa v. Bluegrass Turf Service, Inc., 406 F.Supp. 1003, 1007 (E.D.Ken. 1975)("...pure administrative convenience, standing alone, is an insufficient basis for an enactment which...restricts the right to travel"); Coolman v. Robinson, 452 F.Supp. 1324, 1326 (N.D.Ind. 1978)("The right to travel is a very old and well established constitutional right"); Tetalman v. Holiday Inn, 500 F.Supp. 217, 218 (N.D.Ga. 1980)("the constitutionally protected right to travel...is basically the right to travel unrestricted by unreasonable government interference or regulation"); Bergman v. United States, 565 F.Supp. 1353, 1397 (W.D. Mich. 1983)("The right to travel interstate is a basic, fundamental right under the Constitution, its origins premised upon a variety of constitutional provisions").
This right to travel is also a constitutional right under our state constitution, embodied within its "liberty" provisions; People v. Olivas (1976) 17 Cal.3d 235, 131 Cal. Rptr. 55, 551 P.2d 375, 381 (right to travel is a fundamental liberty interested protected by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; further "We conclude that personal liberty is a fundamental interest, second only to life itself, as an interest protected under both the California and United States Constitutions," 551 P.2d at 384); People v. Horton (1971) 14 CalApp.3d 930, 92 Ca.Rptr. 666, 668 ("...the right of the citizen to drive on a public street with freedom from police interference...is a fundamental constitutional right").
The Bill of Rights is just that: rights, not privileges and no federal or state agency can violate our rights as reaffirmed by the Bill of Rights. These are rights we are all born with, no government gave them to us nor can they take them away. These precious tenets are the very foundation of our Republic. In Miller v. U.S., 230 F., 2nd 286, 489 the court said: "The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted into a crime."
The City of Miami has no compelling reason to demand it's citizenry show identification papers while they practice a "show of force" to impress some would be terrorists. If the 80 million gun owners of this country would get off their hands and demand their state legislatures reconstitute the lawful, constitutionally authorized state militias, there would be no need for this ridiculous horse and pony "show of force" in any city in America. As for the question of terrorists, I cannot stress how important it is for the American people to get all the known facts at this time regarding 9/11 - the justification for the continued assault on our God given rights by Congress and state and local municipalities.
Jefferson said it perfectly and city fathers, local law enforcement and the federal dragoons need to pay attention:
"Under the law of nature, all men are born free, every one comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will. This is what is called personal liberty, and is given him by the Author of nature, because necessary for his own sustenance." --Thomas Jefferson: Legal Argument, 1770. FE 1:376
We the people are not going to lay down and take this flavor of tyranny. Oh, there will be those who quiver at the very thought of standing up for their rights, but there will always be cowards who want others to fight for their freedom. Mrs. Davis drew her line in the sand and so should the tens of millions of Americans in this country who claim they will fight for their rights. We must let our local, state and federal elected servants hear the roar of NO from coast to coast, border to border.
Will you fight by standing your ground or will you surrender yourself to slavery?
I will leave you with these words from real warriors:
"As long as a hundred of us remain alive we will never be subject to
tyrannical dominion because it is not for glory or riches or honours that
we fight, but for freedom alone which no worthy man loses except with his
life." The Declaration of Arbroath 1320
http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/cwarchive_092305.html contributing editor to ![]() |
by Chuck Baldwin, September 23, 2005
Ever since President Richard Nixon entered into detente with the communist regime in China, America has doggedly assisted in the commercial and military buildup of the Marxist nation. Both Republican and Democratic administrations have mollycoddled the Red Chinese to the point that now they have grown big enough to cause serious concern.
Both Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush have facilitated the transfers of billions of dollars of commercial assistance to Red China, not to mention vast amounts of technology which China has used to further its military machine. Each president refuses to identify China as an adversary, choosing rather to call it a "trading partner." However, China has not been hesitant to use this assistance to construct a formidable military apparatus. At the same time, the U.S. seems determined to reduce our military, especially our navy, to dangerously low levels.
For example, since Ronald Reagan left office, the United States has reduced its navy from a fleet of 600 ships and submarines to 288 and shrinking. To give the reader an idea of just how small our navy has become, our current navy fleet is equal in size to that when William Howard Taft was in office!
Beyond that, our carrier fleet is on its way to the elephant graveyard. Three of the five in service were built before 1975. Consider, too, that the number of fighter aircraft has dropped to fewer than 3,500 and is expected to fall to under 2,000. However, while the United States continues to mothball its military, Communist China is (with America's help) building its military like there is no tomorrow.
The Washington Times recently reported that "China soon will receive a new Kilo submarine from Russia, part of a naval buildup of modern warships and submarines that has triggered new fears for U.S. military planners.
"It is the first of eight advanced Kilos that China is acquiring, and intelligence officials say the submarine will be outfitted with advanced SS-N-27 cruise missiles, which are capable of attacking U.S. warships. Since 2002, China has built 14 submarines."
The Times report quoted one intelligence official as saying, "China's surface-to-air missile forces also are increasing, including new short- and long-range missiles, along with a new warhead that can maneuver to avoid missile defenses.
"If you take a step back and look at the entire array of Chinese weapons, the Kilos, the Songs, the Yuans, the ballistic missiles, this [maneuverable warhead] capability, more surface ships with anti-ship cruise missiles, these are all things that are going to give you capability to deal with any kind of naval force that comes toward you."
The China Reform Monitor recently ran a report saying, "Experts are warning that China is outpacing the United States in the development of attack submarines and could have as much as a three-to-one advantage over the United States by 2025."
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld recently warned that "China's investment in missiles and up-to-date military technology posed a risk not only to Taiwan and to American interests, but also to nations across Asia that view themselves as China's trading partners, not rivals."
Most all China experts agree that the Marxist government in Beijing is planning to attack Taiwan and is preparing to take on the United States if we interfere. It has more than doubled its fleet of amphibious landing and troop-carrying ships. It has entered into an agreement with Russia which guarantees Russia will not help the United States should conflict erupt between the U.S. and China. And just weeks ago, China even participated in joint military maneuvers with Russia. But the Chinese threat is actually even more ominous.
Syndicated columnist, Cal Thomas, recently quoted from a new book written by former special assistant for national security affairs to Ronald Reagan and CIA national intelligence officer, Constantine Menges, entitled, China: The Gathering Threat. Thomas quotes Menges as noting that "China has defined America as its 'main enemy' and can launch nuclear weapons at the U.S. capable of killing 100 million of us.
Thomas continues quoting Menges as saying, "China has threatened to destroy entire American cities if the U.S. helps Taiwan defend itself against a military assault or invasion. China also buys Russian weapons designed to sink U.S. aircraft carriers. It controls more than $200 billion in U.S. debt and sells more than 40 percent of its exports to America, using the profits to strengthen its economy and advanced weapons systems aimed at the U.S."
Furthermore, a World Net Daily report dated Tuesday, September 13, 2005, quotes a Chinese dissident as stating unequivocally that Beijing is planning nuclear war. The WND report states, "Wei Jingsheng, who spent 18 years in detention for his pro-democracy activism, told a forum at the National Press Club in Washington that China needs the distraction of a war with Taiwan to turn attention away from the people's frustration with rampant corruption and failed policies at home."
The WND report also quoted Jingsheng as saying, "The Chinese Communist Party is considering nuclear war, because it is not afraid to sacrifice China's people." Jingsheng cited Chinese general Zhu Chenghu's recent public declaration that "we [China] will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all the cities east of Xian" which would include Shanghai and Beijing. When one considers that China could lose the equivalent of the entire U.S. population and still have over 700 million people left, General Chengu's threat cannot be taken lightly.
So, while the United States continues to spend its manpower and monies
on a mouse-size threat in Iraq, it is virtually ignoring-no, worse than
that, it is commercially aiding and abetting-our most serious threat: Communist
China. Just about everything we buy these days is stamped "Made in China,"
major American corporations have moved and are moving their plants and
operations to China, and all of this is being encouraged by our own government
in Washington, D.C. Lenin was right: we are purchasing the rope which will
be used to hang us!
http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47661 contributing editor to ![]() |
The only possible question that can be at issue is cognizance, and I do not mean ONLY "self-aware", because it can be argued whether select other alive things are self-aware (ie, plants). It can be argued that a 2 cell human or a 512 cells human or a 1 billion cell human is cognizant. BUT, if that is the only issue, then the ONLY matter is whether it has any RIGHTS of self-governance. This is a different thing from a RIGHT to live.
Most definitely, a baby in it's mother's womb is "alive", and in the way of kind-after-kind we are "human" from at least the joining of egg and sperm. -- Tribble]
Court says unborn children not 'human,' mothers can't
be prosecuted for conduct
Posted: November 30, 2005
By Joe Kovacs © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
The Supreme
Court of Hawaii has ruled that unborn children are not "human beings,"
and therefore women cannot be prosecuted for causing the death of babies
by harmful behavior during their pregancies.
The unanimous decision overturns the manslaughter conviction of 32-year-old Tayshea Aiwohi, who was found guilty in connection with the death of her newborn son by smoking crystal methamphetamine shortly before his birth. "I'm extremely happy and grateful," said Aiwohi. "I believe [the case] changed me into a better person and I just hope to share that with others." "My son can finally lay to rest," her husband, Kimo Aiwohi, told reporters. "And I'm very happy for my wife." |
![]() Tayshea Aiwohi (courtesy: Honolulu Star-Bulletin) |
Tayshea gave birth to her son, Treyson, July 15, 2001, but the boy perished within two days with high levels of methamphetamine and amphetamine in his system, according to the local coroner.
The woman allegedly admitted to using the drugs for three days before the birth and took a "hit" on the morning her son was delivered.
In their ruling, the justices cited statutes noting a crime needed to be committed against "a human being." They declared since Treyson was not a "person" when Tayshea was smoking the drugs, she could not be prosecuted for harming the infant in her womb.
"The proscribed conduct must have been committed at a time when Treyson 'qualified' as a 'person,' defined by the Hawaii Penal Code as 'a human being who has been born and is alive,'" they wrote.
"It is so insane," Nancy Heisser of Grants Pass, Ore., told WorldNetDaily. "A little baby died, and the mother walks away scot-free. This is a travesty against this little one."
Beyond this specific case, some are worried about the decision's impact
in the future.
"If something happens to any fetus under any circumstance, by [this]
ruling, there could be no prosecution in any circumstance," Republican
Sen. Sam Slom told the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
But House Judiciary Chairwoman Sylvia Luke, a Democrat, agrees with the decision. "At least from the Judiciary Committee's standpoint, we don't have any interest in changing the current law to allow for such prosecution. I think that runs into a very dangerous ground because it can be expanded to not just drugs, but the state infringing on the woman's life when the woman is pregnant," Luke told the paper. "Are we now going to say that pregnant woman can't smoke or [dictate] how much calcium a person would take?" |
![]() Rep. Sylvia Luke, D-Honolulu |
Interestingly, while pregnant mothers are shielded from prosecution for their own detrimental behavior, others are not.
Under the new, federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, people other
than the mother who cause the death of an unborn child can face prosecution
for the baby's demise.
Also known as "Laci
and Conner's Law," the measure was enacted in the wake of the murder
of Laci Peterson of Modesto, Calif., and her unborn son. Laci's husband,
Scott Peterson, was convicted
of murder and is currently on death row.
In June, Gerardo Flores of Texas was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison after kicking his pregnant girlfriend repeatedly in the stomach to cause her to lose the couple's twins. The girlfriend, Erica Basoria, did not want the babies to be born and allowed Flores to kick her, but she was not charged with any wrongdoing by the state of Texas. Such a scenario worries John Long, executive director of the Hawaii Right to Life. "If that had been a boyfriend or a husband pressuring [Tayshea] to take crack or alcohol ... that would damage the unborn child, the ruling would have been entirely different," he told the Star-Bulletin. "I think that's where we got to come to grips with some sort of an equitable standard that is right for all." According to the Honolulu Advertiser, "no appeals court in the country has upheld a prosecution for the death of a baby based on the mother's conduct while pregnant." |
![]() Laci Peterson |
http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml contributing editor to ![]() |
[What part of his oath does Bush not understand? "I, George W. Bush, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of MY ABILITY, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Oh, I understand your ability is not up to the task. -- Tribble]
"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure
when we have removed their only firm basis,
a conviction in the minds of the people
that these liberties are a gift of God?"
-- Thomas Jefferson
By Doug Thompson, Dec 9, 2005, 07:53
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office
to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial
USA Patriot Act.
Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal. GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. |
![]() |
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”
And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”
Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.
Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.”
“"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a 'living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete's sake.”
As a judge, Scalia says, “I don't have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it's better than anything else.”
President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.
Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.
“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don't think that it's a one-way street.”
And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.
But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned
piece of paper.”
http://www.upi.com/ConsumerHealthDaily/view.php?StoryID=20051204-060313-6829r contributing editor to ![]() |
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret'
By Dan Olmsted, UPI Senior Editor
CHICAGO, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- It's a far piece from the horse-and-buggies of Lancaster County, Pa., to the cars and freeways of Cook County, Ill.
But thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don't have autism.
"We have a fairly large practice. We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines," said Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, Homefirst's medical director who founded the practice in 1973. Homefirst doctors have delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them have never been vaccinated.
The few autistic children Homefirst sees were vaccinated before their families became patients, Eisenstein said. "I can think of two or three autistic children who we've delivered their mother's next baby, and we aren't really totally taking care of that child -- they have special care needs. But they bring the younger children to us. I don't have a single case that I can think of that wasn't vaccinated."
The autism rate in Illinois public schools is 38 per 10,000, according to state Education Department data; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts the national rate of autism spectrum disorders at 1 in 166 -- 60 per 10,000.
"We do have enough of a sample," Eisenstein said. "The numbers are too large to not see it. We would absolutely know. We're all family doctors. If I have a child with autism come in, there's no communication. It's frightening. You can't touch them. It's not something that anyone would miss."
No one knows what causes autism, but federal health authorities say it isn't childhood immunizations. Some parents and a small minority of doctors and scientists, however, assert vaccines are responsible.
This column has been looking for autism in never-vaccinated U.S. children in an effort to shed light on the issue. We went to Chicago to meet with Eisenstein at the suggestion of a reader, and we also visited Homefirst's office in northwest suburban Rolling Meadows. Homefirst has four other offices in the Chicago area and a total of six doctors.
Eisenstein stresses his observations are not scientific. "The trouble is this is just anecdotal in a sense, because what if every autistic child goes somewhere else and (their family) never calls us or they moved out of state?"
In practice, that's unlikely to account for the pronounced absence of autism, says Eisenstein, who also has a bachelor's degree in statistics, a master's degree in public health and a law degree.
Homefirst follows state immunization mandates, but Illinois allows religious exemptions if parents object based either on tenets of their faith or specific personal religious views. Homefirst does not exclude or discourage such families. Eisenstein, in fact, is author of the book "Don't Vaccinate Before You Educate!" and is critical of the CDC's vaccination policy in the 1990s, when several new immunizations were added to the schedule, including Hepatitis B as early as the day of birth. Several of the vaccines -- HepB included -- contained a mercury-based preservative that has since been phased out of most childhood vaccines in the United States.
Medical practices with Homefirst's approach to immunizations are rare. "Because of that, we tend to attract families that have questions about that issue," said Dr. Paul Schattauer, who has been with Homefirst for 20 years and treats "at least" 100 children a week.
Schattauer seconded Eisenstein's observations. "All I know is in my practice I don't see autism. There is no striking 1-in-166," he said.
Earlier this year we reported the same phenomenon in the mostly unvaccinated Amish. CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding told us the Amish "have genetic connectivity that would make them different from populations that are in other sectors of the United States." Gerberding said, however, studies "could and should be done" in more representative unvaccinated groups -- if they could be found and their autism rate documented.
Chicago is America's prototypical "City of Big Shoulders," to quote Carl Sandburg, and Homefirst's mostly middle-class families seem fairly representative. A substantial number are conservative Christians who home-school their children. They are mostly white, but the Homefirst practice also includes black and Hispanic families and non-home-schooling Jews, Catholics and Muslims.
They tend to be better educated, follow healthier diets and breast-feed their children much longer than the norm -- half of Homefirst's mothers are still breast-feeding at two years. Also, because Homefirst relies less on prescription drugs including antibiotics as a first line of treatment, these children have less exposure to other medicines, not just vaccines.
Schattauer, interviewed at the Rolling Meadows office, said his caseload is too limited to draw conclusions about a possible link between vaccines and autism. "With these numbers you'd have a hard time proving or disproving anything," he said. "You can only get a feeling about it.
"In no way would I be an advocate to stand up and say we need to look at vaccines, because I don't have the science to say that," Schattauer said. "But I don't think the science is there to say that it's not."
Schattauer said Homefirst's patients also have significantly less childhood asthma and juvenile diabetes compared to national rates. An office manager who has been with Homefirst for 17 years said she is aware of only one case of severe asthma in an unvaccinated child.
"Sometimes you feel frustrated because you feel like you've got a pretty big secret," Schattauer said. He argues for more research on all those disorders, independent of political or business pressures.
The asthma rate among Homefirst patients is so low it was noticed by the Blue Cross group with which Homefirst is affiliated, according to Eisenstein.
"In the alternative-medicine network which Homefirst is part of, there are virtually no cases of childhood asthma, in contrast to the overall Blue Cross rate of childhood asthma which is approximately 10 percent," he said. "At first I thought it was because they (Homefirst's children) were breast-fed, but even among the breast-fed we've had asthma. We have virtually no asthma if you're breast-fed and not vaccinated."
Because the diagnosis of asthma is based on emergency-room visits and hospital admissions, Eisenstein said, Homefirst's low rate is hard to dispute. "It's quantifiable -- the definition is not reliant on the doctor's perception of asthma."
Several studies have found a risk of asthma from vaccination; others have not. Studies that include never-vaccinated children generally find little or no asthma in that group.
Earlier this year Florida pediatrician Dr. Jeff Bradstreet said there is virtually no autism in home-schooling families who decline to vaccinate for religious reasons -- lending credence to Eisenstein's observations.
"It's largely non-existent," said Bradstreet, who treats children with autism from around the country. "It's an extremely rare event."
Bradstreet has a son whose autism he attributes to a vaccine reaction at 15 months. His daughter has been home-schooled, he describes himself as a "Christian family physician," and he knows many of the leaders in the home-school movement.
"There was this whole subculture of folks who went into home-schooling so they would never have to vaccinate their kids," he said. "There's this whole cadre who were never vaccinated for religious reasons."
In that subset, he said, "unless they were massively exposed to mercury through lots of amalgams (mercury dental fillings in the mother) and/or big-time fish eating, I've not had a single case."
Federal health authorities and mainstream medical groups emphatically dismiss any link between autism and vaccines, including the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. Last year a panel of the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academies, said there is no evidence of such a link, and funding should henceforth go to "promising" research.
Thimerosal, which is 49.6 percent ethyl mercury by weight, was phased out of most U.S. childhood immunizations beginning in 1999, but the CDC recommends flu shots for pregnant women and last year began recommending them for children 6 to 23 months old. Most of those shots contain thimerosal.
Thimerosal-preserved vaccines are currently being injected into millions of children in developing countries around the world. "My mandate ... is to make sure at the end of the day that 100,000,000 are immunized ... this year, next year and for many years to come ... and that will have to be with thimerosal-containing vaccines," said John Clements of the World Health Organization at a June 2000 meeting called by the CDC.
That meeting was held to review data that thimerosal might be linked with autism and other neurological problems. But in 2004 the Institute of Medicine panel said evidence against a link is so strong that health authorities, "whether in the United States or other countries, should not include autism as a potential risk" when formulating immunization policies.
But where is the simple, straightforward study of autism in never-vaccinated
U.S. children? Based on our admittedly anecdotal and limited reporting
among the Amish, the home-schooled and now Chicago's Homefirst, that may
prove to be a significant omission.
contributing editor to ![]() |
Bill owns a company that manufactures and installs car wash systems.
(Magic Wand Car Wash Systems, just in case you want to buy one.)
Bill's company installed a car wash system in Frederick, Md. Now, understand
that these are complete systems, including the money changer and money
taking machines.
The problem started when the new owner complained to B that he was losing significant amounts of money from his coin machines each week. He went as far as to accuse Bill's employees of having a key to the boxes and ripping him off. Bill just couldn't believe that his people would do that, so they setup a camera to catch the thief in action. Well, they did catch him on film! |
![]() |
That's a bird sitting on the change slot of the machine. | ![]() |
The bird had to go down into the machine, and back up inside to get to the money! | ![]() |
That's three quarters he has in his beak! Another amazing thing is that it was not just one bird -- there were several working together. Once they identified the thieves, they found over $4000 in quarters on the roof of the car wash and more under a nearby tree. | ![]() |
And you thought you heard of everything by now!!!
And to think the phrase "bird brain" is associated with being dumb.
Not these birds. Share the story!!
http://english.pravda.ru/science/19/94/377/15814_Arkaim.html contributing editor to ![]() |
Ancient Aryan civilization achieved incredible technological progress
40 centuries ago
by Natalia Leskova, 07/16/2005 18:32
Scientists discovered mysterious circles on the area of the ancient Russian town of Arkaim, which is the same age with Egypt and Babylon
President Putin has recently visited one of the most mysterious places on planet Earth - the ruins of the ancient town of Arkaim, which is situated on the outskirts of the city of Chelyabinsk. Historians, archaeologists and ufologists have spent many years trying to unravel the secrets of the town. Which nation was living in Arkaim more than 40 centuries ago? How did people of such ancient civilization manage to accomplish incredible technological progress, which still seems to be unachievable nowadays? A group of Russian researchers, with Vadim Chernobrovy at the head, has recently returned from the mysterious region. The scientist said that specialists and students had built numerous tent camps around Arkaim.
The Arkaim valley in the south of Ural was supposed to be flooded in 1987: local authorities were going to create a water reservoir there to irrigate droughty fields. However, scientists found strange circles in the center of the valley: the authorities gave archaeologists 12 months to explore the area. Scientists were shocked to find out that Arkaim was the same age as Egypt and Babylon, and a little older than Troy and Rome.
Gennady Zdanovich, the chairman of the archaeological expedition in Ural had to prove the scientific significance of Arkaim to regional officials. "We achieved what seemed to be absolutely unreal: the multi-million construction project in the region was shut down," the scientist said.
Archaeological excavations showed that the people, who inhabited Arkaim, represented one of the most ancient Indo-European civilizations, particularly the branch, which is referred to as the Aryan culture. Arkaim turned out to be not only a town, but also a temple and an astronomic observatory.
"A flight above Arkaim on board a helicopter gives you an incredible impression. The huge concentric circles on the valley are clearly visible. The town and its outskirts are all enclosed in the circles. We still do not know, what point the gigantic circles have, whether they were made for defensive, scientific, educational, or ritual purposes. Some researchers say that the circles were actually used as the runway for an ancient spaceport," Vadim Chernobrovy said.
Researchers discovered that the ancient town was equipped with the storm sewage system, which helped Arkaim's residents avoid floods. The people were protected against fires as well: timbered floorings and houses themselves were imbued with fireproof substance. It was a rather strong compound, the remnants of which can still be found in the ruins of the town.
Each house was outfitted with "all modern conveniences," as they would say nowadays. There was a well, an oven and dome-like food storage in every house. The well was branching out into two underground trenches: one of them was directed to the oven and the other one ended in the food storage. The trenches were used to supply chilly air to the oven and to the food storage. The cool air from the trenches was also creating a very powerful traction force in the Aryan oven, which made it possible to smelt bronze there.
The central square in Arkaim was the only object of square shape in the town. Judging upon traces of bonfires that were placed in a specific order on the square, the place was used as a site for certain rituals.
Arkaim was built according to a previously projected plan as a single
complicated complex, which also had an acute orientation on astronomic
objects. While archaeologists are meticulously brushing dust off ancient
stones trying to recreate the lifestyle of Arkaim's residents, ufologists
study mysterious phenomena, which they register in the town: inexplicable
fluctuations of voltage, magnetic field tension, temperatures and so on.
http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20051208-1323-ca-airlineids.html contributing editor to ![]() |
SAN FRANCISCO – A wealthy Libertarian who is fighting a requirement that airline passengers show identification before traveling asked a federal appeals court Thursday to broaden the scope of his battle to cover other forms of commercial transportation.
The request to expand John Gilmore's case was made during arguments before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is considering his argument that identification demands at airports are illegal searches that violate his right to travel freely throughout the United States.
A lower court judge had earlier rejected Gilmore's case and U.S. government lawyers have refused to confirm or deny a federal law or regulation requiring IDs at airports even exists. Government attorneys say they are barred from disclosing the existence of security-related regulations.
Judge Richard Paez, one of the three appellate jurists hearing the case, called the government's actions "odd" and fellow panelist Judge Stephen Trott accused government lawyers of "playing cat-and-mouse" with the purported identification requirement.
Still, Trott appeared skeptical that demands for identification amounted to illegal searches.
"It's an inquiry, it isn't a search," Trott said.
U.S. Justice Department lawyer Joshua Waldman told the panel that anyone who objects to providing identification at airports can travel another way.
"(Providing identification) promotes the right to travel by protecting everyone's safety," he said.
But Gilmore's lawyer, James Harrison, called airplanes "unique and irreplaceable forms of travel." Harrison also argued that popular alternatives to air travel such as Amtrak make similar identification demands.
He asked the judges to not only reverse the lower court's dismissal of the case, but also asked to expand the case's scope to include all commercial transportation outfits that require identification.
The three judges will rule on the case later.
Gilmore is a San Francisco resident who made millions as a founding employee of Sun Microsystems Inc.
He also is an active member of the Libertarian Party and a co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties group concerned with Internet privacy issues.
On July 4, 2002, Southwest Airlines employees at Oakland International Airport barred Gilmore from boarding a flight to Baltimore after he refused to produce a government-issued, photo identification.
He also refused to allow security personnel to pat him down and search through his luggage instead of providing ID.
Gilmore went through a similar experience with United Airlines employees at San Francisco International Airport later that same day. Both airlines said they were following federal directives.
Gilmore, who hasn't flown domestically since, sued the government and both? airlines in federal court, alleging among other things that the identification requirement violates his right to freely assemble because he can't travel by air.
Gilmore arrived in court Thursday wearing Birkenstock sandals and a small pin on his lapel that read "Suspected Terrorist."
That same pin prompted a British Airways pilot to kick Gilmore off a London-bound flight in 2003.
"I'm doing this because I love America," Gilmore said outside court
Thursday. "And I want it to get better, not worse."
http://www.dailybulletin.com/news/ci_3288507 contributing editor to ![]() |
By Ben Baeder, Staff Writer
To the dismay of gun owners, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department is now charging $54 to return firearms seized during arrests or searches - even if the gun was legally owned and not used in a crime.
The Los Angeles County Supervisors recently approved the fee, which they say would help recover $27,000 the county spends each year storing guns.
People recovering stolen firearms, however, would not have to pay, according to county officials.
Sam Paredes, executive director of the Gun Owners of California, said Los Angeles County was "taking full advantage of state law in order to screw the public."
Paredes was referring to Assembly Bill 2431, passed in September 2004, which requires police to catalog guns and store them for at least one year before the agency is allowed to destroy them. It also allows agencies to charge a storage fee.
Paredes said no other city or county in California was charging the storage fee.
In a report to county supervisors, Sheriff's officials say it costs them about $54 to conduct background checks and to store and process guns.
"It's the same thing as impounding a vehicle," said Lt. Dan Cruz.
About 500 guns would be returned each year, according to the report. It was not known how many guns had been collected since the fee was enacted Nov. 22.
At an area Sheriff's storage facility - deputies asked its location be kept secret - police store thousands of guns, each of which must be carefully catalogued and labeled. Many are never claimed.
In addition to the storage fee, the gun's owner must pay the U.S. Department of Justice another $20 for a background check, according to the text of AB 2431. Each gun after the first one is $3.
Officers at the Covina and Baldwin Park police departments, for example, said those cities do not charge a fee to return guns, although Baldwin Park is considering one.
Members of a legal office specializing in firearms law called the fee an "illegal tax."
"They have to handle evidence all the time. It's part of their job. If they take your clothes (during an investigation), they don't charge you to get your clothes back?" said John Mustafa, a legislative analyst for Trutanich-Michell LLP in Long Beach, which has handled cases for the National Rifle Association.
The firm is considering sending a letter to the sheriff's office asking to suspend the fee, he said.
But he guessed it would take a new state law or a class-action lawsuit to stop deputies from charging the $54, he said.
Gun owners practicing at the Triple BBB Clays Shotgun Sports Park at the Whittier Narrows were livid when they heard about the fee.
Some owned dozens of sport-shooting firearms.
"I would say it's communism," said Gene Fister, 70. "But taking something that belongs to someone else and charging them to get it back -- it's worse. It's stealing."
Ben Baeder can be reached by e-mail at ben.baeder or by phone at (626)
962-8811, Ext. 2703.
http://www.motherjones.com/interview/2005/12/albrecht.html contributing editor to ![]() |
Interview: New consumer-tracking technology threatens to make personal
privacy a thing of the past.
By Michael Beckel, an investigative fellow at Mother Jones, December
6, 2005
Imagine a future in which your every belonging is marked with a unique
number identifiable with the swipe of a scanner; where your refrigerator
keeps track of its contents; where the location of your car is always pinpoint-able;
and where signal-emitting microchips storing personal information are implanted
beneath your skin or embedded in your inner organs.
This is the future of radio frequency identification (RFID), a technology whose application has so far been limited largely to supply-chain management (enabling companies, for example, to keep track of the quantity of a given product they have in stock). RFID is set to be applied in a whole range of consumer settings. Already being tested in products as innocuous as shampoo, lip balm, razor blades, and cream cheese, RFID-enabled items are promoted by retailers and marketers as the next revolution in customer convenience. Consumer advocates say this is paving the way for a nightmarish future where personal privacy is a quaint throwback. |
![]() Katherine Albrecht |
Katherine Albrecht has been at the forefront of efforts to sound the alarm about the (already) $10 billion-a-year customer surveillance industry. As the founder and director of the consumer advocacy group Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN, a nod to C.S. Lewis’ valiant prince), she has uncovered everything from hidden cameras to tracking devices in shopping carts to fake shoppers who follow you around stores.
In her new book, Spychips (co-written with colleague Liz McIntyre and published by Nelson Current), Albrecht, whose work is motivated in part by deeply held Christian beliefs, details how global corporations—and governments—are working to turn RFID into a way of tracking the day-to-day activities of ordinary citizens.
“Regardless of whether your beliefs are progressive or conservative, socially or politically, everybody’s got a reason to not want somebody spying on them,” she says. “Whether you’re afraid that Big Brother is going to take the form of an evil corporation or Big Brother is going to take the form of an evil government or take whatever form, everybody’s got a reason to be concerned.”
Mother Jones recently talked with Albrecht about her consumer activism, the techniques of customer manipulation, and a future where RFID is ubiquitous and personal privacy in short supply.
Mother Jones: What are the greatest threats posed by radio frequency identification technology in particular in the surveillance operations of stores?
Katherine Albrecht: The problem with RFID has to do with the fact that the RFID tags can be so easily hidden into products—things people buy and carry—and the reader devices can be so easily hidden into aspects of the environment. This makes it extremely easy for someone who wants to observe and watch people in these surreptitious ways to do so. We’ve identified three different arenas that the RFID threat could come from: marketers, the government, and criminals.
MJ: What examples have you seen in those three areas?
KA: The Metro, the RFID industry’s showcase retail outlet in Germany, is a good example of a retailer abusing RFID in a surreptitious way. About a year and a half ago, we toured the store for over three hours. The next day I was giving a talk to a group of Germans on privacy and RFID. We had set up a $200 reader device we had bought off the Internet to read the RFID tags off the Pantene shampoo and the Gillette razor products and just on a lark, one of my colleagues held his frequent shopper card up to the reader device and a number appeared on the screen. We found out that they had actually tagged us—and apparently 10,000 other shoppers—at the store, by giving out these cards without being told that they contained RFID tracking devices.
That’s the retailer’s dream: Instead of having to rely on all of this extremely expensive technology to follow you and watch you walk around the store, they can issue you something that you put in your wallet willingly. That way they could figure out how long you stood in front of the bread aisle or they could figure out how long your shopping trip took. They could identify you from the moment you walked in the door. They could identify your value to the store and then treat you differently depending on how profitable you are.
MJ: Companies are actually thinking like that?
KA: Oh, absolutely. I have thousands of pages to back that up. Actually, the whole current retail environment is set up to maximize profit. There are things that have been going on long before RFID became available to retailers that are quite revolting. They’ve got shelf cameras that can zoom in and capture your customer expression as you look at a shelf. They’ve got fake shoppers who can literally follow you around and record what you say to the people you’re shopping with. It’s a $10 billion per year industry. And it’s almost entirely invisible to the average consumer.
MJ: And what can the average consumer do to fight back against this?
KA: The first thing is to become informed about it, because I think very few people have any clue at all that it’s even happening. We detail a lot of this at our NoCards.org website. We’ve protested shopper cards, which are essentially a tool to get you to reveal your purchasing patterns [with the aid of] very sophisticated data mining filters. We recommend a multi-tier approach: educate yourself, educate other people, boycott stores that engage in it, punish them financially by withholding your shopping dollars from them. If the punishment becomes more painful than the desired reward, just like with anything else, companies will pull back from these practices.
MJ: What motivates your advocacy against RFID technology?
KA: What motivates me is an absolute resistance against the idea that we would all just be reduced to being numbers and tagged and tracked like cattle. When I see RFID and I think about a world in which the powers that be—be they corporate or government—can essentially watch, surveil, track, manipulate, and control the people, that’s what motivates me: a desire to see that not happen, to my generation, to my children, to my grandchildren. History is going to judge us based on how we respond to this threat now.
MJ: So, you walk into a store and you purchase something using the store card, or get a product with one of those RFID tag devices. Can you walk through some of the things that are going on from the surveillance perspective?
KA: Let’s say I buy a pair of size 7 women’s Nike running shoes with a credit card. Currently, most major national chains are recording information about what people are buying. In the future, however, my pair of size 7 Nike running shoes will have a unique ID number in an RFID tag embedded in the sole—unless we stop it—so anytime that I step on carpeting or a floor tile that’s been equipped with an RFID reader, it can scan that number and know: “Hey, I’m at the Atlanta courthouse, and I just saw shoe number 308247 step by. Let me cross-reference that in the database. That’s the shoe that was purchased by Katherine Albrecht.”
And shoes are a particularly interesting example to think of in that regard because we don’t trade shoes with other people, for a variety of hygiene and fitness reasons, and most of us tend to wear only a few pairs of shoes regularly. So if you can identify a pair of shoes as belonging to an individual and strategically locate reader devices—put them in the entrance to the airport, the entrance to the courthouse, the entrance to the Wal-Mart store—you can pinpoint the time and place at which a person was seen entering that location. That opens up a whole new horizon of tracking capability to watch people, for marketers and homeland security folks.
MJ: How might the government use this technology for homeland security?
KA: Depending on your politics, you may attend a peace rally or a gun show or a talk by a Muslim cleric or a union meeting or a particular political rally, all of which are protected by the First Amendment. But in the RFID world, federal agents could attend that meeting with a hand-held reader hidden in a backpack, mill around long enough to capture a couple thousand RFID numbers associated with the people at the meeting, upload all of that to a central database, cross-reference it, and figure out everybody who was there.
Also, once you’ve got the private sector wielding all of this technology, they are at liberty to sell that information to the federal government. At that point, the government does not run a foul of Constitution restrictions for essentially spying on its own citizens. There are a lot of private sector-government partnerships in sharing of this information once it’s been gathered, and we anticipate that there will be more and more of that in coming years.
MJ: That seems to require an enormous about of infrastructure and cooperation between these businesses and the database registration.
KA: Pieces of this are already happening. When you make a purchase, records, including your identity and all of the things you bought are collected and recorded. And there are companies that specialize in purchase-record consolidation, such as Information Resources Inc.
MJ: How far away is that future?
KA: That future is going to happen as soon as we allow them to put RFID tags on the things we wear and carry. If you ask the industry, that future is by 2010. When the industry gets RFID tags down to five cents, or preferably a fraction of a penny, at that point, I think we’ll begin to see them appearing on everything, and we’re really looking at a future in which every physical object on earth will be uniquely numbered and trackable in real-time all the time.
MJ: How can RFID tags be used in a consumer responsible way?
KA: This is a great technology if you want to track things from point A to point B. If you run a warehouse and want to keep track of the inventory in the warehouse, RFID is a super way to do it. Conceivably, RFID could have some consumer benefits, but they absolutely pale in comparison to the risks that this technology poses. Industry will tell you, “Won’t it be great when you can waltz through a check out line without having to stop and stand in line?” If the price I have to pay for that is having all of my belongings remotely identifiable and being under the thumb of Big Brother, I would rather stand in line. The trade off just seems so ludicrously lop-sided.
MJ: What alternatives do you suggest for responsible marketers?
KA: I would say let people make their own decisions without trying to manipulate them. The advice I give to professional marketers is “If you can’t tell people you’re doing it, you shouldn’t do it.” I don’t think that the marketers’ challenge is so great right now that they have to resort to these kinds of underhanded tactics to meet their objectives. I want to buy something on the merits of the product.
MJ: What’s your take on the VeriChip Company and Tommy Thompson—former Secretary of Health and Human Services under the Bush administration and now VeriChip Board member—advocating more RFID technology for medical information?
KA: It absolutely scares the heck out of me. In the last six months
to a year, this company has really stepped up its efforts to get some powerful
players behind it. The fact that people listen to this with a straight
face is even more extraordinary to me. You’ve got Tommy Thompson talking
about linking medical records with a chip implanted in your arm. You’ve
got Senator Joe Biden in the Supreme Court confirmation hearings talking
about implant chips to track people with a straight face. It’s unbelievable
how quickly we’ve gone from saying “Oh, that’s pet chipping technology,
we’ll never put that in people” to people with a straight face suddenly
talking about implanting chips into American citizens. Terrifying.
http://www.rense.com/general69/intercens.htm http://waynemadsenreport.com/ contributing editor to ![]() |
By Wayne Madsen, 12-9-5
Internet censorship. It did not happen overnight but slowly came to America's shores from testing grounds in China and the Middle East.
Progressive and investigative journalist web site administrators are beginning to talk to each other about it, e-mail users are beginning to understand why their e-mail is being disrupted by it, major search engines appear to be complying with it, and the low to equal signal-to-noise ratio of legitimate e-mail and spam appears to be perpetuated by it.
In this case, "it," is what privacy and computer experts have long warned
about: massive censorship of the web on a nationwide and global scale.
For many years, the web has been heavily censored in countries around the
world. That
censorship continues at this very moment. Now it is happening right
here in America.
The agreement by the Congress to extend an enhanced Patriot Act for
another four years will permit the political enforcers of the Bush administration,
who use law enforcement as their proxies, to further clamp censorship controls
on the web.
The warning signs for the crackdown on the web have been with us for over a decade. The Clipper chip controversy of the 90s, John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness (TIA) system pushed in the aftermath of 9-11, backroom deals between the Federal government and the Internet service industry, and the Patriot Act have ushered in a new era of Internet censorship, something just half a decade ago computer programmers averred was impossible given the nature of the web. They were wrong, dead wrong. Take for example of what recently occurred when two journalists were taking on the phone about a story that appeared on Google News. The story was about a Christian fundamentalist move in Congress to use U.S. military force in Sudan to end genocide in Darfur. The story appeared on the English Google News site in Qatar. But the very same Google News site when accessed simultaneously in Washington, DC failed to show the article. This censorship is accomplished by geolocation filtering: the restriction or modifying of web content based on the geographical region of the user. In addition to countries, such filtering can now be implemented for states, cities, and even individual IP addresses. |
![]() Internet Censorship: The Warning Signs Were Not Hidden |
With reports in the Swedish newspaper Svensa Dagbladet today that the United States has transmitted a Homeland Security Department "no fly" list of 80,000 suspected terrorists to airport authorities around the world, it is not unreasonable that a "no [or restricted] surfing/emailing" list has been transmitted to Internet Service Providers around the world. The systematic disruptions of web sites and email strongly suggests that such a list exists.
News reports on CIA prisoner flights and secret prisons are disappearing from Google and other search engines like Alltheweb as fast as they appear. Here now, gone tomorrow is the name of the game.
Google is systematically failing to list and link to articles that contain explosive information about the Bush administration, the war in Iraq, Al Qaeda, and U.S. political scandals. But Google is not alone in working closely to stifle Internet discourse. America On Line, Microsoft, Yahoo and others are slowly turning the Internet into an information superhighway dominated by barricades, toll booths, off-ramps that lead to dead ends, choke points, and security checks.
America On Line is the most egregious is stifling Internet freedom. A former AOL employee noted how AOL and other Internet Service Providers cooperate with the Bush administration in censoring email. The Patriot Act gave federal agencies the power to review information to the packet level and AOL was directed by agencies like the FBI to do more than sniff the subject line. The AOL term of service (TOS) has gradually been expanded to grant AOL virtually universal power regarding information. Many AOL users are likely unaware of the elastic clause, which says they will be bound by the current TOS and any TOS revisions which AOL may elect at any time in the future. Essentially, AOL users once agreed to allow the censorship and non-delivery of their email.
Microsoft has similar requirements for Hotmail as do Yahoo and Google for their respective e-mail services.
There are also many cases of Google's search engine failing to list
and link to certain information. According to a number of web site administrators
who carry anti-Bush political content, this situation has become more pronounced
in the last month. In addition, many web site administrators are reporting
a dramatic drop-off in hits to their sites, according to their web statistic
analyzers. Adding to their woes is the frequency at which spam viruses
are being spoofed as coming from their web site addresses.
Government disruption of the political side of the web can easily be
hidden amid hyped mainstream news media reports of the latest "boutique"
viruses and worms, reports that have more to do with the sales of anti-virus
software and services than actual long-term disruption of banks, utilities,
or airlines.
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Cisco Systems have honed their skills at Internet censorship for years in places like China, Jordan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, and other countries. They have learned well. They will be the last to admit they have imported their censorship skills into the United States at the behest of the Bush regime. Last year, the Bush-Cheney campaign blocked international access to its web site -- www.georgewbush.com -- for unspecified "security reasons." |
![]() Internet Censorship in the US: No Longer a Prediction |
Only those in the Federal bureaucracy and the companies involved are
in a position to know what deals have been made and how extensive Internet
censorship has become. They owe full disclosure to their customers and
their fellow citizens.
http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/1210charity10.html contributing editor to ![]() |
Pam Easton, Associated Press, Dec. 10, 2005
HOUSTON - It was a heart-wrenching story: A 10-year-old boy named John, separated from his mother since the hurricane, was living with other foster children in an emergency shelter. He had one Christmas wish: to go home.
"But there's no way I'll get gifts for Christmas. I don't even believe in Santa anymore," he said.
The Brazosport Facts ran the profile on its front page Nov. 29 as part of its Fill-a-Stocking series, which features a different foster child each day from Thanksgiving through Christmas and solicits donations for a local charity to help fulfill the child's wish.
But the story was a work of fiction.
State caseworkers apparently made it up to tug at readers' heartstrings.
Dan Lauck, a reporter with KHOU-TV in Houston, discovered the story was phony after calling state officials to request an interview with the child. He believed that if the boy's story was told on television, the youngster might find his mother.
Lauck said his requests were repeatedly denied because of what he was told were privacy concerns. Eventually, he was told that the boy was living with relatives. Finally, an agency spokesman told him the profile had been made up.
Caseworkers with state Child Protective Services in Brazoria County, outside Houston, were responsible for writing the profiles for the newspaper's charity drive, which has been a holiday fixture in the 19,000-circulation paper since 1982.
CPS has apologized to the paper, which immediately suspended its series and returned the $1,070 collected so far this year from donors.
Publisher Bill Cornwell said the newspaper trusted the agency to present accurate stories and believed only minor changes, such as names and ages, were made to protect the children's privacy. Given privacy issues related to foster children, Cornwell said, there was only so much verification the newspaper could do.
CPS is investigating how it all happened, spokesman Patrick Crimmins said.
Lauck said it does not appear the CPS caseworkers had any bad intentions.
"They were just trying to tell stories that would clearly tug at the heart . . . ," Lauck said. "But they did it in a way that misled the public."
Bob Steele, a former TV news director, said the problem could have been averted if the profiles had been done by reporters.
"The integrity of the paper is damaged, the good cause that was intended is eroded and those in need are then not served as they should be," Steele said.
Cornwell said his newspaper is now trying to determine whether previous stories were falsified, too. He said he does not understand why a caseworker would resort to fiction, since foster children's real stories are compelling enough.
Meanwhile, he said some readers are frustrated with the newspaper for canceling the series.
"We are not going to walk away from the kids' needs monetarily," Cornwell
said. But he said: "We are out to get to the bottom of the situation so
people can trust what they read."
http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/faber/2005/1212.html contributing editor to ![]() |
At the risk of over simplifying the matter - when using a commodity such as Silver, then other things can change value as compared to the Silver, but when using a fiction like federal reserve notes, then it is the worthless paper which changes value and everything else remains fairly much constant.
So, the graph is a bit mis-leading in that
it compares the relative values of 2 different mediums. ---
Tight money policies, which would depress asset prices such as stocks
and home prices is simply not an option the Fed will consider. As a result,
inflation will continue, whereby I am using here inflation as defined by
a loss of the purchasing power of paper money. At times, such as in the
1970s, this loss of purchasing power of money is brought about by rapidly
rising consumer prices, while at other times, such as in recent years,
the purchasing power of money diminishes because real estate, stock, art
and bond prices increase significantly. In both cases, under consumer price
or asset price inflation, your dollar today can only buy a fraction of
what it bought ten or twenty years ago (see figure 2)
What is remarkable about figure 2 is that for as long as there was no Federal Reserve Board – that is between 1800 and 1913, the purchasing power of the dollar was more or less constant. However, as soon as the Fed was formed in 1913, the purchasing power began to decline – in fact by 92% over the last 100 years or so. |
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http://www.dallasobserver.com/Issues/2005-12-08/news/schutze.html contributing editor to ![]() |
The first quote make no sense, but it is official. These should be enough to get you to open your eyes and be vigilant, but you still will think it will never happen to you. HA. These reports are ALL across the country and NOT isolated. -- Tribble]
By Jim Schutze, Thursday, December 8, 2005
DART police pepper-sprayed Todd Lyon and cuffed both him and his 14-year-old
son, Jared. The father spent 11 days in jail. The offense? Jaywalking.
Let's do it this way. I will tell you this story a few times from different people's points of view, and you can make up your own mind. This is about a guy who wound up spending 11 days in jail on what started out as a jaywalking charge in downtown Dallas. I need to give you the official version from the DART police--the cops who work for the local transit agency. According to their report, on the afternoon of October 27, DART police officer B. Harris saw Todd Lyon, a 48-year-old man with long hair, ignore a red light and cross Pacific Avenue on foot downtown. Officer Harris "instructed the subject to return back for his safety, as a southbound train was in motion in the 900 block of Pacific." |
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Sorry. I have to interject something here. Lyon had just disembarked a DART train, which was actually westbound, at the corner of Pacific and Lamar in the West End. He and his 14-year-old son had crossed on Lamar going south toward the Greyhound bus station. They were in a hurry. After spending a day with his boy, Lyon needed to get the kid on a bus back to his mother's home in Tyler.
Even according to DART's own statement, the instruction to re-cross Pacific Avenue while a train was approaching would have sent Lyon and his son back across the train tracks and into harm's way, not away from it.
"The subject disregarded the instruction and continues the violation," the report states. "Harris advised the subject he was being detained for this listed violation, and the subject stated, 'Fuck this bullshit, motherfucker, I ain't did shit.' Harris retrieved his OC [pepper] spray as the subject then stated, 'Come on, son,' as the subject attempted to walk off."
Now I'm going to give you Todd Lyon's version. Lyon is a big guy with long hair who makes his living as a disc jockey in clubs. He's not a North Dallas banker. His only criminal record is a charge of driving without a license four years ago at a time when he was headed into an emotional decline.
Like half the people I know, he's on anti-depressants now. But if anything--based on what I have seen in one long personal encounter and a number of telephone conversations--the effect of his treatment has been to render him extremely mellow, calm, cool and collected.
"We had just got off the DART train in the West End," he told me. "We were in the legal crosswalk, and we were walking toward the Greyhound station. After we got across, there was two officers there, and we walked right past them.
"I heard one say, 'Y'all need to be on the other side of the street.' That was kind of puzzling to me. It didn't sound like a command. It was a very calm voice. I said in a calm voice, "Well, we're supposed to be over here. We're going toward the Greyhound station.'
"I heard him say, 'You longhairs are not going to fuck with me.' He attempted to grab my hand behind my back. Natural reaction, I turned around and grabbed my hand. He was pulling my hair. The other officer slammed me up against the rail.
"I did not hit them. I did not run. I didn't say anything cuss-word. Any witness coming forward will not say I did."
Interesting thing: I did speak to a couple of witnesses, and they do support Lyon's version of the story. Stephen Betzen, 29, a former teacher and environmental crimes investigator who now runs several online businesses, got off the DART train a little behind Lyon and his son and came upon them after DART police had begun the arrest.
Betzen was so stunned by what he saw that he went home and wrote down his observations on 3-by-5 cards. Reading from those cards, he gave me this version:
"I came up just after the beginning of the incident. He [Lyon] has one hand behind his back, and his right hand is holding the railing nearby. He is saying, 'I have done nothing wrong. Let me go.'
"The man was a Caucasian man with long hair in approximately his forties. More police officers show up in both bikes and cars. One of the police officers grabbed the man's hair and pulled back hard. Two other police officers came and tackled the guy, sending him to his knees.
"Another police officer came from his right side and threw a closed-fisted punch. At least that's how it appeared.
"The man's son, I'm guessing approximately 14 to 16 years old, walks toward police and says, 'Stop doing that. He didn't do anything.' Police officer Number Six kicked the boy in his knee, and the boy backed out of reach, still in shock over what was happening.
"When his father was cuffed, police officer Number Six came after the boy, pushing him on the shoulder and yelling, 'Don't ever do that!' Each time the boy moved back, the officer pushed his fingers into his shoulder again, getting in the boy's face as if trying to start a fight.
"Officer Number Five came over and said, 'Let's put him in cuffs,' or something to that effect." The boy was cuffed and later released.
Jacolby Green, 22, in Dallas from Shreveport looking for a job, came upon the arrest at about the same time. He said he and everybody else in the crowd were shocked by the violence of the DART police:
"When I seen it, everybody out there knew that it was wrong. They was just handling this man bad, like he was a straight murderer or hit man or some shit. It was terrible out there that day."
Here's part of the problem with DART, as opposed to a city or a county or a normal political entity run by people who have to stand for re-election. DART is a stonewall fortress. They do not care. Their lawyer wouldn't talk to me. I called every DART board member from Dallas, and they either didn't return my calls or refused to talk to me. Mark Enoch, chairman of the DART board, was polite enough to leave me a phone message saying he wouldn't talk to me. Just getting their phone numbers was an entire afternoon's chore.
Morgan Lyons, the spokesman for DART, was very helpful and provided me with the agency's official response. My point is that when a person has an issue with a city of Dallas police incident, sooner or later that person can get to an elected official at least long enough to state a case. But DART is a regional agency with an appointed board, and the people on that board are completely insulated from public pressure or concerns. That's what's wrong with allowing all these funky arm's-length agencies to have their own mini-gestapos.
Morgan Lyons told me first that Todd Lyon was arrested because DART cops found he had two outstanding warrants (both from the driving incident four years ago, which Todd Lyon says have been satisfied and should no longer have been on the DART computer).
But I pointed out to Morgan Lyons that the warrants were not discovered until long after Todd Lyon had been taken into custody. So the question was still: Why did DART police arrest Todd Lyon in the first place?
"He was arrested for resisting arrest," Lyons told me several times.
We debated that. Frankly, this was a debate between two non-legal scholars. Or legal non-scholars. I suspect Morgan Lyons is a scholar but not legal. I consider myself legal but not a scholar. At any rate, it was a mess. I sure wish DART's lawyer had come to the phone.
I said I was sure the police have to have some reason for arresting you other than that they just feel like it and then you resist. Finally Lyons compromised with me and said Lyon was arrested for jaywalking.
For me, speaking as a father, the licking Todd Lyon took from the DART cops was not the worst of this. The worst was that the cops left Lyon's 14-year-old son Jared, who lives in Tyler, alone on the street in downtown Dallas.
Jared is sort of a skatey kid, slight of build with long hair exactly like his father's. He seems pretty cool to me, but I can imagine how terrible any father would feel to see his 14-year-old son manhandled by the cops and then sent off alone into the crowds downtown.
Lyon says, "I yelled to him, 'Go to Lance's,' which is my older son who lives in North Dallas.'"
And that was the last he saw of him.
The boy did find his way to his brother's home. By the way, there is no mention of a child in the official DART report. I guess the arresting officers weren't too proud of that part.
Lyon couldn't afford to bond out of jail. After 11 days, a public defender told him the only way she could get him out was for him to enter a no-contest--in other words, guilty--plea on the charges against him. He did it.
I get calls like this all the time about the DART cops. I'm going to share some more incidents with you in the weeks ahead. If you know of one, call me at 214-757-8460.
Here's this guy with his son, and his big offense is that he crosses against a red light. And this winds up with half a dozen transit cops spraying him with pepper spray, beating on him in front of his kid and then hauling him away in cuffs. And then they send the child off alone into the city. It's like a damn scene from Sophie's Choice.
Do we really need this to keep people from jaywalking?
http://www.theconservativevoice.com/articles/article.html?id=10673by contributing editor to ![]() |
by Linda Kimball, December 10, 2005 12:09 PM EST
In 1947, Julian Huxley, head of UNESCO at that time, wrote a book titled, “UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy.”
His book was a blueprint for a New World Order that called for one religion, one language, and one way of thinking. He believed a global order could be brought about through the universal, albeit secretive, implementation of Hegel’s Dialectic process.
Huxley observed, “The task before UNESCO…is to help the emergence of a single world culture with its own philosophy and background of ideas and with its own broad purpose.” Huxley spoke of two opposing worldviews confronting each other from the West and the East. In describing them he said, “You may categorize the two philosophies as…individualism versus collectivism or as the American versus the Russian…or as capitalism versus communism, or as Christianity versus Marxism. Can these opposites be reconciled, this antithesis be resolved in a higher synthesis? I believe…this can happen…through the inexorable dialectic of evolution.”
The concept of dialectics has been around for a long time. Noah Webster (1828 edition) defined dialectics as: “That branch of logic which teaches the rules and modes of reasoning.” Simply stated, dialectics refers to ‘position’ versus ‘opposition’ or ‘thesis’ versus ‘antithesis.’ By the traditional rules of conduct, if thesis is correct then it follows logically that antithesis is incorrect. Georg Hegel, an Enlightenment shock trooper of evil, discarded the rules and turned the concept upside-down by equalizing thesis and antithesis, which resulted in moral relativity. ‘New truth’ is now found in something called ‘synthesis.’
Hegelian Dialect is a perfect example of what J. Budziszewski (What We Can’t Not Know) termed the “black magic spells of imposture and unraveling.” Hegel’s form of dialectics is itself an impostor. It effectively unravels truth and norms and then replaces them with a ‘new truth’ which is yet another impostor.
Hegel’s ‘black magic’ Dialectics is the unholy diesel that fires the engine of the weapon of mass destruction being wielded by traitorous Americans and their New Age internationalist cohorts against America’s traditional worldview and cultural infrastructure. This weapon is called “group dynamics” or the “consensus process.” It’s a psycho political behavior and belief modification technique that was used by Vietnamese communists against American POWs and by Chinese communists against dissidents. All individuals have an inherent fear of being alienated from the group, and by psychologically manipulating this fear skillful change-agents (facilitators) can manipulate or herd the victim towards a preplanned conclusion which induces the victim to compromise his own position. This is the consensus process, and when we hear Liberals screaming for ‘consensus,” they’re really demanding that they be allowed to ‘facilitate’ the abandonment of Conservative principles.
There are three steps to the consensus process. They are called, “Unfreezing the present level, moving to the new level and, freezing group life on the new level.” In order to speed up the unfreezing phase, communists resorted to physical torture. In America, emotional pain precipitated through vicious psychological bullying (character assassination, labeling, spreading lies, etc) is the preferred method.
There are four key elements necessary for a successful ‘consensus process’
operation. They are:
(1) multicultural and/or diverse groups fueled by resentment and envy
(necessary for causing social conflict)
(2) a social issue around which conflict can be created (example: Christmas,
which is labeled ‘exclusionary, insensitive, and hurtful’ to diverse groups)
(3) the dialoguing to consensus process
(4) a predetermined outcome (example: Christmas parades successfully
recast as ‘Festival of Lights” or “Winter Holiday” parades that are inclusive
of gay pride celebrants)
The consensus process is yet another example of Budziszewski’s “black magic spells of imposture and unraveling.” It’s been so successful that Christianity has been banned from government on all levels, from schools, and increasingly from public areas. Christians have lost their jobs, been jailed, and their children harassed and even suspended for daring to express their Christian beliefs in any way. Anti-Christian bias has become so bad that John Gibson (Fox News anchor) observed, “There is this kind of casual and accepted bias against Christians and Christian symbols.” (The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday is Worse Than You Thought).
And now a word from New World Order facilitators:
“We have battled in America since the century’s turn to bring to nothing…all
Christian influences and we are succeeding. You must work until officials
of city, county, and state will not think twice before they pounce upon
religious groups as public enemies. (there must) be a…foaming hatred of
religion…a belief that Christian practice is vicious, bad, insanity causing,
publicly hated and intolerable.” (Red Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics)
“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. Its importance has been…increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated.” Bertrand Russell
John Gibson asked a Eugene, Oregon city manager why he had banned Christmas
trees. His properly mind-conformed response, “Well, because they’re Christian.”
This manager and countless scores of other Americans testify to the enormous
success thus far achieved by psycho political operatives. Having been “unfrozen”
from the level whereon America’s traditional worldview resides and successfully
‘moved’ to the desired level and then ‘frozen’ there, they now serve their
new masters desires by mindlessly destroying the source of both their liberties
and their human worth---Christianity.
“Oh but, Christianity has nothing to do with either the founding of
our nation or with our rights and freedoms,” exclaim mind-conditioned scoffers
and skeptics. The truth has been ‘hiding’ in full view, but because their
minds have been darkened by black magic spells and their eyes made sightless
by black magic dust, the mind-conditioned can neither see nor hear the
truth. Right there in Huxley’s words is the truth, for in speaking of his
blueprint he inadvertently ‘confessed’ to it when he said of the two opposing
philosophies, “You may categorize the two philosophies as…Christianity
versus Marxism.”
Copyright Linda Kimball 2005
About the writer: Linda is a writer and author of numerous published
articles and essays on culture, politics, and worldview.
http://wcbstv.com/local/local_story_348154052.html contributing editor to ![]() |
(AP) NEW YORK New Yorkers with diabetes who aren't taking care of themselves
may get an unexpected call from a doctor prodding
them to pay attention.
That's the result of a regulatory change announced today that will allow the city to track thousands of people with diabetes.
New York is now becomes the first American city to monitor diabetes in the same way health departments commonly track people with HIV or tuberculosis.
The change potentially raises some privacy concerns, by collecting information about people who have a chronic disease that isn't contagious or caused by a toxin.
New York's health commissioner, Doctor Thomas Frieden, says the program's potential to save thousands of lives outweighs what it gives up in medical privacy. He says the city will take the utmost care to keep people's information protected.
Most New York medical labs will be required to electronically forward the results of blood-sugar tests to the city's health department, which will then crunch the data to identify people having trouble controlling their diabetes.
Some patients might then get letters or phone calls from their doctors, urging them to take medication, come in more frequently for checkups, or change their diet.
Diabetes is the fourth-leading cause of death in the city.
Frieden says people skittish about their privacy will be allowed to
opt out of the program.
http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/dp-39306sy0dec15,0,1382931.story?coll=dp-news-local-final contributing editor to ![]() |
The cry goes out from the "Christian", "Let's put Jesus back in Christmas where he belongs. He's the reason for the season." When Jesus was never in Christmas at all from the beginning. The "Christians refuse to "study, that they may be approved" and instead, join in with the pagan holy day celebration of Saturnalia. Which has been celebrated on December 25th for over 4000 years. Celebrated for over 2000 years before the birth of the Christ. The "Christian" refuses the Father's commands to not follow the ways of the heathen. Almost all of the symbols used during the Christmas celebration go back to pagan (heathen) influences.
And the other side cries, "Make no reference to the Christ because it is offensive to others and goes against separation of church and state." Because they think the world will be a better place because of diversity. Just as long as the "Christians" aren't allowed to have a say.
The majority of the world celebrates the Christ's birth on December 25th. Just this one point alone should give me reason to question keeping this time.
Matthew 7:13-14 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Philippians 2:12 12 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
The double deception. Satan doesn't care either way. He's laughing all the way to the soul bank. -- Rodger]
Rep. Davis Wants to Protect Symbols of Christmas
The Gloucester Republican introduces a House resolution
that would show support for expressions of the Christian celebration.
By David Lerman, (202) 824-8224
December 15, 2005
WASHINGTON -- Saying Christmas is under attack, Virginia Rep. Jo Ann Davis sought passage Wednesday night of a resolution expressing support for "the symbols and traditions of Christmas."
The largely symbolic resolution, scheduled for a House vote as early as today, triggered a partisan culture clash in the House chamber. Conservative Republicans applauded the measure, but many Democrats criticized it as religiously insensitive.
Davis, an outspoken Christian conservative from Gloucester, said she was spurred to act after seeing news reports of retailers telling their employees to wish customers a "happy holiday," instead of "Merry Christmas," and schools forbidding everything from Christmas plays to Santa Claus.
"Christmas has been declared politically incorrect," Davis told colleagues on the House floor. "Any sign or even mention of Christmas in public can lead to complaints, litigation, protests and threats. America's favorite holiday is being twisted beyond recognition."
Her resolution, if adopted, would put the House on record as supporting the use of Christmas symbols and traditions, while opposing "attempts to ban references to Christmas."
"It was just something that was burning inside me," Davis said in an earlier interview.
"At what point did Christmas become so offensive?"
But many Democrats protested the resolution, saying that Congress has no business praising one religious holiday over others.
"I'm offended by this," said Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., who's Jewish. "You've drawn me out. Why not protect my symbols?"
Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y, asked Davis to amend her resolution to include symbols of other holidays, such as Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, but Davis refused.
"The attack has not been on the menorah or any symbols of the other religions," Davis said, referring to the Jewish candelabrum used to celebrate Hanukkah.
"I will leave it as the resolution stands."
The divisive public battle appeared to surprise Davis, a Republican and member of the Assembly of God church.
"I didn't realize there would be some opposition, but apparently, there is," she said before the House floor debate.
An amended version of her resolution, which expressed support for Christmas symbols "for those who celebrate Christmas," did little to dampen the opposition.
"You can always tell when the right wing is in trouble," said Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., who's Presbyterian. "They invariably cook up some kind of culture war."
U.S. Rep. Robert C. "Bobby" Scott, D-Newport News, opposed Davis' resolution as a largely meaningless exercise.
He said it masked what he suggested were immoral decisions by Congress to cut food stamps and Medicaid for the poor while cutting taxes for the wealthy.
"What really needs to be protected is not the symbols of Christmas but the spirit of Christmas," Scott said.
"We ought to express our passion for Christmas through deeds, not words."
Conservatives insisted that the measure was needed to combat what they described as a growing assault on religious free speech. "There is a war against Christmas," said Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Fla., who's Catholic.
"Our children can't sing Christmas carols. They can only sing holiday tunes."
But the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said, "This is possibly the silliest bill ever presented to the United States Congress.
"If they honestly think there's some kind of war against Santa Claus
or the baby Jesus, they are just not getting out enough."
contributing editor to ![]() |
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) butter
1 cup granulated sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups dried fruit, such as raisins or
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 bottle tequila (silver or gold, as desired) -
Sample the Tequila to check quality.
Take a large bowl, check Tequila again to be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large, fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
At this point, it's best to make sure the Tequila is still OK, try another cup just in case.
Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit off the floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, just pry it loose with a drewscriver.
-Sample the Tequila to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Check the Tequila. Now, shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoonof sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin to 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window.
FINISH the Tequila and make sure to put the oven in the dishwasher.
http://www.forward.com/main/printer-friendly.php?id=7020 contributing editor to ![]() |
By Forward Staff, December 16, 2005
In sharp contrast to the growing consensus of Jerusalem's security and political establishment, President Bush argued this week that Israel's safety depends on democratization of the Arab world.
"If you're a supporter of Israel, I would strongly urge you to help other countries become democracies," President Bush declared Monday, in a major address defending American policy in Iraq and his wider vision for the region. "Israel's long-term survival depends upon the spread of democracy in the Middle East."
Israeli security officials argued the opposite view at this month's American-Israeli strategic dialogue, warning that regime change and democratization threatened to destabilize the Middle East. Israel sees its security tied to regimes such as Egypt and Jordan, and fears that democratization could turn those countries against Israel.
"I am skeptical when it comes to the supposition that democracy is a panacea. Not all democracies are good," said General Shlomo Brom, former chief of the Israeli army's strategic planning division. "What about a democracy in Egypt — let's say — which is governed by the Muslim Brotherhood? Would Egypt then have better relations with Israel than under Mubarak's regime?"
As the American-Israeli debate quietly heats up, the Bush administration's approach is creating fault lines within the Jewish community. On Tuesday, the Republican Jewish Coalition took out a full-page advertisement attacking the Reform synagogue movement over its recent call for the United States to develop an exit strategy for the war in Iraq.
Neither the Republican Jewish Coalition ad nor the Reform statement mentioned Israel. But some pro-Israel activists and Israeli observers criticized Bush's comments, saying they could end up fueling claims that Jerusalem and Jewish groups pushed the United States into an unpopular war.
"American Jews don't want American soldiers to be dying for Israel,"
said Martin Raffel,
associate executive director of the Jewish Council of Public Affairs,
a public-policy coordinating umbrella group consisting of 13 national organizations
and 123 local community-relations councils.
"Would Israel benefit from democracy in the Middle East? Yes. But so would Europe, and America and the whole international community," Raffel said. "So why would the president select supporters of Israel? Supporters of Western civilization would want to see democratization in the Middle East, along with Israel."
Israeli experts voiced similar concerns.
"It could put Israel in a very awkward situation with the American public, if Israel would be the excuse for losing more American soldiers every day," said Danny Rothschild, a retired major general who once served as the Israeli army's top administrator in the West Bank.
In a speech on Wednesday, Bush criticized anti-war opponents who would suggest that America went to war for Israel. At the same, he and other Republicans defending his foreign policy by linking it to Israel's security needs.
Senator John Warner of Virginia, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, recently argued in an interview with MSNBC that a premature American pullout would "put Israel in a very tenuous and vulnerable position." And a GOP activist, Bruce Blakeman, told the Forward that Israel's security has always played a key role in the president's thinking on Iraq.
"The president realized not only that Saddam Hussein was a danger to America, but that Saddam Hussein had designs on attacking Israel," said Blakeman, whose brother Brad is a former Bush aide. "There was a concern that an attack on Israel would turn into a regional war, with Syria and Iran joining in on Iraq's side."
While some Israelis and Jewish communal leaders worried about Bush's remarks, Blakeman told the Forward that "concern for the well-being of Israel is not confined to the Jewish community."
"The vast majority of Americans realize that Israel is a strong democracy in a region where there has been no democracy and an ally that shares our values," Blakeman said.
But several Israeli experts insisted that any pro-war argument — even a valid one — linked to Israel's security could end up undermining American public support for the American-Israeli relationship. And while most Israeli experts contacted by the Forward predicted that an American withdrawal would unleash a wave of terrorism directed at American allies in the region, several still challenged the premise that the United States should remain in Iraq.
"I maintain that the U.S. presence there actually causes harm to some of our interests," said Brom, who is currently a guest scholar at the federally funded United States Institute of Peace in Washington. "Take Iran. America's presence in Iraq does not allow an appropriate dealing with the Iranian problem. It also erodes, over time, the powerful image of the United States. That's not good for Israel, as an ally of the U.S."
Still, Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice-chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, said few dispute that a premature pullout would create instability, threatening several U.S. allies, including Israel, and several Arab states. "That is not to say that we went to war because of Israel or we stayed at war because of Israel," Hoenlein said, "but one of the consequences of making the wrong step of leaving Iraq prematurely would be Israel.... I don't think that there is any division in the Jewish community that I know of on that."
A very public dispute did erupt this week between Jewish groups over Iraq, with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Republican Jewish Coalition exchanging rhetorical blows. At issue was the Reform union's resolution last month calling for a strategy to end America's presence in Iraq.
On Tuesday, the Republican group published a full-page ad in The New York Times, addressing the Union for Reform Judaism and stating: "Freedom is worth fighting for." The ad was signed by several prominent Jewish Republican elected officials, former ambassadors, senior military officers, rabbis and former senior officials with Jewish groups. The Republican ad argues that it is "misleading and wrong" for the Reform movement to suggest that "American Jews oppose the president on Iraq."
By Tuesday evening, the director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, Rabbi David Saperstein, had sent a scathing open letter to the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Matt Brooks. The Reform union's president, Rabbi Eric Yoffie, and its chairman of the board, Robert Heller, sent a letter to Bush.
"Respectfully but firmly, Mr. President, we want our leaders to tell us the truth, the whole of it, and we therefore call on your administration to adopt a policy of transparency," Yoffie and Heller wrote. "With regard to troop withdrawal, we call not only for a clear exit strategy but also for specific goals for troop withdrawal to commence after the completion of parliamentary elections scheduled for later this week and then to be continued in a way that maintains stability in Iraq and empowers Iraqi forces to provide for their national security."
With reporting by Ori Nir in Washington, Guy Leshem in Tel Aviv, and
Ami Eden and E.J. Kessler in New York.
http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd147.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
By: Devvy, December 19, 2005
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable,
for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears
not a traitor – he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears
their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep
in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly
and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects
the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to
fear." – Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 B.C.
As most Americans know by now, George Bush got caught violating federal
law. Nothing new to those of us who understand the constitution, what really
happened on 9/11 and from watching Bush and his cabinet since he took office.
[9/11 Four Years
Later] George Bush has no respect for the supreme law of the land and
this time he got caught. Some conservatives were very impressed when Bush
came out swinging on December 17, 2005 with his carefully crafted double
speak that spying on Americans without even a court order "saves lives."
In his eight minute address to the nation, Bush tried to justify his illegal activities by saying members of Congress (another body who routinely violate the supreme law of the land) were briefed and that he got approval from Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, another lawbreaker. [Alberto Gonzales FOIA] |
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This morning I watched Jonathan Turley, Professor of Law, George Washington University [Jonathan Turley bi ] on MSNBC. Turley is always very cautious with his words when being interviewed. However, this morning he broke the mold and came out right and said it: Bush violated federal law big time. Turley went into detail regarding the law and didn't pull any punches. I was most impressed. Turley said it doesn't matter if Bush consulted with Congress, at the end of the day he has violated federal law, period.
Later on in the morning, Bush sent out one of his biggest liars, Condi Rice, to the networks to justify Bush's lawlessness and utter disregard for your rights. Rice is one of the most evil individuals ever to hold such high offices in our government. Sidney Blumenthal wrote a column titled 'Condi's trail of lies: Condoleezza Rice's contradictory, misleading and outright false statements about the U.S. and torture have taken America's moral standing -- and her own -- to new depths.' While I am no fan of Blumenthal, he is accurate in his statements. I have watched this woman since day one pimp for the shadow government to promote one world government. It's a toss up who is the bigger liar of the two: Marxist Hillary Clinton or new world order proponent Condi Rice, but make no mistake: they both serve their global masters.
It is most unfortunate that tens of millions of people in this country only pay attention to sound bites and carefully crafted public relations appearances and never do the hard research into people like Condi Rice. This woman is about as creepy as they come. Her globe trotting around the world playing diplomat would be laughable if it weren't so serious. As Michael Ruppert outlined in his new DVD, Denial Stops Here, the Bush administration - with Rice leading the international agenda - is to Balkanize Iraq - break it up into six separate pieces. He is right on point. Why waste resources on controlling the whole country when you can slice it up into pieces and control just the area where 60% of the world's oil is sitting?
I can tell you without reservation that next week GOP shills like Shawn Hannity will use the most twisted logic to support Bush, dragging out the old chant of Saddam is a bad guy, the war on terror and the president is only doing what he has to in order to "keep Americans safe." Constitutionally ignorant mouthpieces like Bill O'Reilly will somehow massage it into the same end result: the war on terror.
When the president of these united States of America breaks the law, he is not above the law and should be prosecuted. It is a sad fact that this hasn't happened in this country since Nixon. George Bush, Sr. should have been impeached for his illegal invasion of Panama, snatching his drug business partner, Manuel Noriega and making sure Noreiga ended up in a federal prison where he can't talk.
Reagan was never held accountable for the illegal activities regarding the contras, drug and gun running and authorizing Oliver North to formulate a plan to suspend the U.S. Constitution, declare martial law and round up Americans because of any "disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad." (Please see the new feature on my web site called Devvy on the Half C for details on this). Reagan was never held accountable for his role in the cover up of KAL 007 .[Rescue 007: the truth and the cover up]
Clinton was never impeached and tried for treason. He sold our most sensitive defense secrets to the communist Chinese. Instead of Congress going after him for provable treason [The Cox Report: Congressional investigation of security at US nuclear weapons facilities and Chinese espionage during the Clinton Administration], the gutless GOP impeached over a sex charge. Of course, if one has read David Schippers book, Sellout: The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment [Sellout by David Shippers is a must read], they will fully understand the whole episode was rigged and there was never any serious intention of removing Billy from office.
After Katrina I wrote a column titled, America's Mayors: You've Been Warned. [America's Mayors: You've Been Warned] Rightfully so, Katrina and Rita scared the heck out of mayors around the country - especially those whose cities are in natural disaster zones. Many have had the old wake up call and are taking what happened in New Orleans seriously. So should law enforcement. We all saw what happened when there was a break down in law enforcement and polite society: people turned into little better than savages - regardless of their race. Now it's time for America's law enforcement to wake the hell up and smell the coffee.
The unrest in this country is growing by the day. Over the past decade, law enforcement in this country have been pounded on relentlessly by the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the feds to believe that we the people are the enemy. That we the people who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the bad guys, while mother government is doing the right thing by stripping us of our unalienable rights and erecting a police state. America's law enforcement have been brainwashed and trained to believe that anyone who dares stand up for their rights is a home grown domestic terrorist.
No? I have sitting in front of me a "teaching manual" titled: The Threat of Right-Wing Anti-Government Extremists by Gene Rightmyer. I will try to get this manual scanned and posted to the Reading Room on my web site. In the introduction section it states the following qualifications for a home grown terrorist:
They are mainly white
They have conservative, although extreme beliefs
They are Christian
There you have it: white, Christian and extreme beliefs in this case means you believe in the principles put forth by those who birthed this republic, consider the U.S. Constitution the supreme law of the land and will stand up for your God given rights. Welcome to the world of smear. Gene Rightmyer is a former ATF undercover agent who hosted and sponsored a party in the Cherokee National Forest in East Tennessee, the "Good O' Boy Roundup." This disgraceful event featured "Nigger hunting licenses" which were available throughout the compound, consisting of motor homes, trailers, tents and pickups gathered around a large beer truck." [Racist ways die hard at Lawmen's retreat Annual 'Good O' Boys Roundup' cited as evidence of 'Klan Attitude' at ATF ]
This is the individual who wrote the manual cited above. Since Rightmyer left his good o' boy activities, he makes money by giving seminars. At his 1999 Homegrown Extremist Seminar, he and his cohorts collected $25,000 from the undercover cops in attendance. Those fees were actually paid by their employers - ATF, DEA, FBI, Special Military Security Forces, U.S. Army Space Command, criminal district prosecuting attorneys, investigators, county, city and state sheriffs, police officers to name a few. Agents came from TN, FL, GA, OK, OH, PA, CO, MD, IL, TX, AE, KY, LA, VA and DC. They came to be brainwashed and trained in hunting down white Christians who believe in the Constitution: home grown terrorists, extremists. This training manual goes all out to demonize militias. Rightmyer's depiction of militias is beyond ignorant and clearly shows his complete lack of understanding of the Second Amendment. But, then again, he's getting paid big bucks to further the agenda of a totalitarian police state.
If you think this is isolated, think again. There's no question there are crack pots in this country of every race, religion, size and political persuasion. There is no question that law enforcement put their lives on the line every day and I sincerely believe that most Americans appreciate the job they do - as long as they uphold their oath and will stand firm for the rights of we the people. [Support your local sheriff]
Equally disturbing is that too many law enforcement in this country have had this type of brainwashing introduced into their training programs since the early '90s. Too many law enforcement in this country have no constitutional training, no real understanding of the founding of this republic, the clear intent of the Founders regarding the Second Amendment, nor can they appreciate how imperative it is that the state militias are reconstituted now. Dr. Edwin Vieira has written extensively on this [Dr. Edwin Vieira on the Second Amendment and state militias] and if you are in law enforcement in any capacity, I urge you to spend an hour or two reading what this brilliant man has written because time for freedom grows short. As Edwin remarked to me in a phone conversation this date: less than two weeks ago federal law enforcement gunned down a mentally ill man on an airplane and most Americans breathed a sign of relief. Safe once again from a "potential" terrorist. [Fact Checking the Feds in Airport Shooting] Eye witness accounts immediately contradicted the claims by the air marshals, who in the end, will most likely be hailed as heroes from stopping a "would be terrorist."
As federal and state judges continue to destroy the very fabric of this nation without any oversight from Congress, as more and more Americans become victims of the Kelo decision, as more and more Americans see a Congress ignoring the will of we the people by voting to extend the dangerous and misnamed "Patriot Act," as more and more terrorists and illegals flood this country, more and more Americans are reaching the point of maximum frustration. I have no knowledge of any plots to overthrow the government or any "anti-government extremists" planning any mayhem. However, the situation grows dangerous because there is no longer any accountability for state and federal governments. At some point, a free people become desperate to protect the supreme law of the land, their God-given freedoms and all we hold dear. At some point, things become untenable and unbearable for a free people. History does repeat itself because people don't learn from past history.
There is no question this economy is already dead and that in order to keep it afloat without the kind of hyper inflation seen down in Argentina, the Federal Reserve will continue to paper this country with fiat currency. But, it won't save the dire situation. When that first wave of baby boomers retire in '08, the curtain will close and then you will see millions of Americans come unglued. Hungry bellies make for angry mobs and the day of reckoning is coming. [Financial Armagedon]
When you push a real man's back to the wall and he no longer has anything left to lose, you have a dangerous situation. It's estimated there are more than 200 million guns in the hands of 80 million gun owners. We the people out number law enforcement and we the people are armed as is our God given right. The Second Amendment isn't about deer hunting nor is the state militia some old fashion, antiquated idea:
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them." -- Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story of the John Marshall Court.
"Militias, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves and include all men capable of bearing arms. [...] To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." -- Senator Richard Henry Lee, 1788, on "militia" in the 2nd Amendment.
No one I know wants to see civil unrest in this country and millions of us have been doing everything in our power to peacefully bring change, but between electronic ballot machines robbing us of the right to elect who we feel will govern lawfully and a rotten, corrupted judiciary, somewhere at some point, the hope of the people grows grim and frustration builds. The shadow government which controls Washington, DC knows this and that is why we are seeing this push for a police state go into hyper speed.
Remember New Orleans. Law enforcement became ineffective because (1) there was no leadership at the top, (2) they were not trained properly, and (3) they did not have the constitutional back up in the form of the state militias. Remember the horror of our fellow Americans, one media segment after another from New Orleans to Mobile, tired, hungry, dying of thirst, dying for medication, staring into the TV cameras begging for help? Had the constitutionally authorized state militias been in effect at the time of Katrina, we would not have seen anything near what happened. Read Dr. Vieira's brilliant essays on this subject and get educated. Edwin is a man so far ahead of the times and he is absolutely on the mark: Get prepared. Natural disasters and other disruptions in a polite society can happen in a heart beat. You cannot be prepared by depending on the insidious FEMA or draconian Homeland Security. America doesn't need FEMA or Homeland Security at the federal level.
The question is: whose side will law enforcement be on? The people of this republic to whom this country rightfully belongs or thugs in government?
Will local law enforcement turn on we the people who will stand up for our rights against tyranny?
Will local law enforcement "just follow orders" as did the Nazi henchmen and the army and police under Stalin and Lenin?
If you are in law enforcement, get out of the dangerous and completely unnecessary COPS (Community Oriented Policing Service) program. [COPS - Communitarian Communities; and, The Great Communitarian Hoax] The federal government has no authority to plunder the people's treasury to pay for this furtherance of a police state nor is it necessary. Constitutionally authorized state militias will do the same mission, only better. If you are in law enforcement, I urge you to please brush up on the oath you took by studying the founding documents, i.e., The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. You can also go on line to Jon Roland's outstanding web site for a treasure trove of documents on the founding of this republic. [Constitution Society web site]
If you are a Sheriff, I urge you to get every single one of your deputies, detectives, undercover and all other levels of law enforcement enrolled in one of the very best programs out there provided by the Institute on the Constitution. [Institute on the Constitution] One of the key organizers of this magnificent project is Don Dwyer who serves in the Maryland State Legislature. I know for a fact that many members of the Maryland House of Delegates (Legislature), both delegates and senators, have taken this course. Work with your mayors and city council to authorize the necessary funding. Once you have completed these suggestions, I know you will look at the picture differently and not believe the dangerous brainwashing by the feds about "home grown terrorists" who support the Constitution.
If you are a Sheriff or any member of a state legislature, I urge you to please get educated on the constitutionally mandated state militias under the Second Amendment as Dr. Edwin Vieira explains in one of his comprehensive writings:
* The Foundations in Law and History
* The Constitution is the only source of "homeland
* "[T]he Militias of the several States" are the
constitutional solution to the problems of "homeland security"
* "[T]he Militias of the several States" are the
unique perpetual and permanent constitutional establishments for "homeland
* The constitutional principles and practices of
"the Militias of the several States" must be derived from the principles
and practices of the pre-constitutional Colonial and State Militia
* "[T]he Militia of the several States" are of fundamental
importance in the Constitution's federal system
* "[T]he Militia of the several States" are separate
establishments in and of each of the individual states
* The Constitution assigns specific roles to the
States, Congress, the President, the United States.
If you are a Sheriff or any member of a state legislature and are genuinely interested in reconstituting the critically important state militias as mandated under the Second Amendment, please contact me and I will provide you with additional information. America is in a dangerous time in our history. There's no question President Bush has violated federal law, but there will be no accountability. The Republicans control Congress and our Attorney General is politically corrupt. The Democrat/Communist Party [Should Democratic Party merge with Communist Party? August 12, 2005 by Devvy]will use this serious situation for political purposes with a lot of huffing and puffing for votes in '06. But, make no mistake: the Democrats could care less about the law or the Constitution. This is a political game, win at all costs. The Democrat/Communist Party has been stomping on the Constitution for over 60 years.
It is imperative that we the people and local law enforcement work in partnership to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of these united States of America. The only way that will happen is for local law enforcement to walk away from the feds and their illegal bribes (grants) and recognize that this police state being built right in front of your nose is dangerous to freedom and liberty. One day you will retire and live as a civilian. Do you want to live under the thumb of tyranny?
If you are in law enforcement in any capacity or have a family member
or friend who is, please give them a copy of this column.
http://www.coshoctontribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051210/OPINION03/512100331/1014/NEWS17 contributing editor to ![]() |
Today, we vainly and with much pride fight to keep Christ in Christmas, though you can't find an instruction to observe Christ's birthday in all of God's holy word. I've heard Christian children sing a song that says, "Christmas (Dec. 25th) is Jesus' birthday." An accepted deception I guess. Ever wonder why we don't know the exact date? Surely if he intended for us to observe creation - excuse me, his son's birthday - the date would have been recorded. Our creator is orderly and purposeful. So why isn't it in there, along with specific instructions on how to properly observe it? This, after all, would be in keeping with his established pattern.
Perhaps even worse than in the name of the Son, making up a feast after the traditions of men, we've taught that his real appointed times are Jewish, done away with, or replaced. You have to admit, the scriptures have more to say against worshipping God in the way the heathen worships their gods than you can find anything promoting the remembrance of his son's birthday. Plenty vs. none. And hey, what would be so wrong with observing so-called Jewish holidays (biblical holidays)? After all, Yeshua (Jesus) is Jewish and observed them.
Christmas is both pagan and Christian, according to our encyclopedias.
History has recorded where Christmas originated. The world knows. Satan
is there, continually synchronizing the traditions of men with the holy
days of God. Let's face it, spiritual Israel is doing the same thing the
nation of Israel did.
Let's stop the war on Christmas. Let's give the heathens back their
holiday, or better yet, be the example of how to come out and walk in the
fullness of the light. Let's be that generation. Find an old encyclopedia
(1958 or older) and a Catholic encyclopedia and do some researching to
see how we have Christianized a pagan thing. While you are in there, note
the encyclopedia also lists the countries that observe Christmas. Seeing
such a list begs the question every child might ask, "Why doesn't jolly
ol' St. Nicholas visit the Muslim or Jewish children? It's because even
the pagan St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) is synchronized with Yeshua (Jesus).
Folks, Satan - the other red guy, or perhaps he's one in the same - has us fixated on the wrong battle. The battle is not whether or not the retail store door greeter should say "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," or what we should call the pagan tree we erect in our homes and on the square. Don't get me wrong, I understand there is a real movement against the things of God. It's what I've been talking about here after all. Fighting to keep Christ in Christmas is not our battle, though. The real battle is going to be when the holy spirit begins calling you out. Just ask me. Satan only wins this battle if you and I keep fighting to keep Christ in Christmas. Ironic, but true. Shalom! 1Ki 18:21
Missy Phillabaum
Originally published December 10, 2005
http://www.conspiracypenpal.com/rants/holy.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.
Recently, a list subscriber pointed out that my name had been added to the short list of "American Extremist Individuals" carried on the ADL's Web page, alongside the likes of Ernst Zundel, William Pierce, David Irving, Dr. Ed Fields, Willis Carto and Bo Gritz, among others, all of us identified as being "Holocaust Deniers." To those individuals, first let me say that I am at once honored and unworthy to be included in your ranks.
To the ADL, I say...THHBBTTT! That's it! I have freakin' had it! This "Holocaust" business has gotten way out of hand. Like a dog that bites the neighborhood kids, it needs to be put down...for good.
You want "Holocaust Denial," you Jewish Supremacist creeps? I'll give you Holocaust Denial and I won't dress it up in scholarly robes, either.
Y'know, I've never really quite "gotten" this Holocaust business. First of all, it happened a long time ago, so it isn't relevant to life today. Second, it didn't happen to me.
What's more, my family didn't cause it, so why should I even care? In fact, several members of my family fought in that war, which was openly declared by world Jewry against Germany in 1933, several years before Germany dared respond to Jewish demands that Germany be destroyed.
The Holocaust as Religion
Since then, the Holocaust has taken on aspects of a State Religion in Western nations. It simply cannot be questioned in any regard, under penalty of prison. I kid you not - prison! The "Holy Holocaust," if you will. Seems kind of odd, somehow - the very countries that rescued the Jews by defeating Germany end up being enslaved by those same Jews. Germany, of course, has become the most slavish of all.
I was confronted with this issue recently by a Jewish talk-show host, Donny Deutsch, on national television. He demanded to know if I thought that 6 million Jews dying in the Holocaust was an exaggeration. "Look," I said, "one would be too many, but the numbers are grossly exaggerated. After all, they keep changing the sign out in front of Auschwitz. First, it said 4 million Jews died there, then it quietly was replaced with a sign that claimed 2.6 million. Today, the sign claims only 1.5 million Jews died in Auschwitz, with serious discussions taking place about lowering that into the range of 700,000, yet the reductions never seem to make it into the claim of 6 million total."
Deutsch, who insisted that the 6 million figure was gospel ("holy," don't forget), looked like he was going to pop an aneurism as I continued: "You know, 75 million people, military and civilian, died worldwide during WWII, yet we are supposed to honor the memory of only 6 million." I was cut off before adding that most of that 6 million never existed and, besides, it seemed to me that Jews should be honoring those of us who rescued them, not the other way around. That's how it is every time free speech hits the holy Holocaust wall - it must yield.
The Holy Roundup
Now they are jailing scholars for the crime of saying things as mild as what I said on national TV. Jews forced Ernst Zundel to be arrested here in America on a phony visa charge and deported to Canada, where he spent two years in solitary confinement for saying 6 million was too many; now he faces a five-year prison term in Jewish-controlled Germany for the same "crime."
In a replay of the Zundel pantomime deportation, scientist, historian and publisher Dr. Germar Rudolf was arrested in America on a phony visa charge and deported to Germany by Jews. I now call this routine "being Zundeled."
David Irving, one of the most-respected historian author/scholars in the world, now languishes in a European jail on the orders of Jews. And others - many others. All face lengthy prison terms, merely for saying 6 million is an exaggeration. Look, I couldn't just make something this ridiculous up, you know. Prison...for speaking the truth! They aren't even accused of lying, which, of course, they aren't. They are jailed under the vague charge of "Holocaust Denial." What's wrong with this picture?
Things Get Worse
Hold on, though - it gets worse.
Last month, the execrable United Nations adopted a resolution written by Israel which designates January 27 as the "International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust." The UN's decree goes on to reject "any denial of the Holocaust as an historical event, either in full or part."
This would be a good time for you to go look up the definition of "chutzpah," a Yiddish term.
But wait - it gets even worse.
You probably aren't going to believe this next item. I scarcely believe it myself. Last week, the US House of Representatives adopted a Jewish-sponsored resolution to designate every January as "Jewish History Month" throughout America. All that remains is for the President to issue an appropriate Executive Order. Did I mention that the House voted unanimously? Unanimously. That means both you and I voted for it, since our state representatives cast our votes for us. Unanimously. Can you believe it?
Now go look up the definition of "hubris," which really ought to be a Yiddish term.
And you thought you were sick of Black History Month? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Coming right up behind it now is Jew History Month. How appropriate. What? You don't get the joke? Think about it.
Staking the Devil
Now, I'm no historian. I'm no authority on World War II and I sure don't claim to be a scholar. But, since the Jews have locked up all those who fit those descriptions and who dare to speak out on the so-called "Holocaust," it falls to the rest of us to pick up where they left off. What should we do? We should drag this Holocaust myth out into the daylight and, in plain view of the entire world, drive a stake through its evil heart, once and for all.
I mentioned the Auschwitz signs. That's proof enough, right there, that 6 million is a lie. A lie - not a mistake - a Jewish lie! But there is so much more.
By the way, if the Nazis killed so many Jews, how come there are so many "Holocaust survivors," anyway? Just asking.
The WWI Holocaust
Did you know that the Jews trotted out their 6 million lie before, during WWI? No, I didn't think so. They want you to forget about that claim, which simply didn't stick. People were better read and educated then, I suppose, else it might have gained the traction that it has achieved today in couch potato land. "Six million men and women are dying" in the Ukraine, claimed The American Hebrew periodical on October 31, 1919, the very same claim that Jews made twenty years later.
You see, Jews thought they were going to establish Israel right after WWI, due to the Balfour Declaration's promise of Palestine in exchange for Jews causing America to enter the war against Germany. Since a Jewish Torah prophecy demands that there be a 6-million-Holocaust offering prior to Jews returning to the Promised Land, it was incumbent upon them to fabricate the Holocaust then and there. The Torah called for cleansing the "chosen" souls through the sacrifice of 6 million in "burning ovens," since unclean souls could not be allowed to return to the Promised Land. That is the real source of the "6 million" myth, as well as the myth of the "ovens."
However, Britain was unable to deliver up Palestine as promised by Lord Balfour, since Palestine still was possessed by Turkey. It took another twenty years and another World War to make good on Balfour's promise. Quietly, the 6-million lie was put to rest, only to be revived just prior to WWII. The self-same claim about 6 million Jews dying was made, as part of the propaganda to once again force America to enter a war which involved none of its interests.
Jewish Hubris
You really must have a glimmering of the true extent of Jewish hubris in order to appreciate their belief that, if they got the whole world to repeat their 6-million lie, then God would be fooled into allowing them to enter the "Promised Land." Jews actually teach that their best Rabbis have the ability to beat God in debates, by the way. Hubris. This time, do what I told you before and actually look it up. This is why the figure 6 million is sacred to our new State religion, the Holocaust. If there is a Jewish God, which I sincerely doubt since most Jews are atheists, then he must be really dumb.
75 million people throughout the world died in WWII. 75 million. Yet, we are supposed to honor and remember only 6 million? Out of 75 million!!! Just 6 million...Most of whom never existed in the first place!
Simple Logic
The whole premise of the Jewish Holocaust defies simple logic: Why would Germany, fighting a war on two fronts...with fuel scarce...short of all resources...ship millions of Jews by railroad...hundreds and thousands of miles...to camps specially built just to hold them...feed them...clothe them...tattoo them in order to keep track of them....just to KILL them?
It doesn't even begin to make sense. If the Germans had wanted to kill the Jews, they would have done it the way the Russian Jews murdered 20 to 80 million Russian Christians earlier in the century...with a bullet to the base of the skull, wherever they were found.
Or, as my buddy Al likes to say: In all of German-occupied Europe , there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost. More Jews received pensions than were present in German-occupied Europe because so many of them moved west from Russia after the war and cleaned up on the pension scam.
Even a cursory examination proves that the Jews are lying. For example, the Jewish Encyclopedia confirms Al's figures. Otherwise, the Jewish prewar worldwide population figure of 15 million would read 9 million after the war instead of the 16 million that it gives. That's right - the worldwide Jewish population actually increased during WWII!
In fact, the WWII Jewish Holocaust did not really take shape until fully fabricated by Jews during the late 1950s. That is why, in the memoirs of so many WWII leaders and generals, including Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle, as recently pointed out by Professor Richard Lynn, "one will find no mention either of Nazi 'gas chambers,' a 'genocide' of the Jews, or of 'six million' Jewish victims of the war."
The Evidence
"What about the Auschwitz gas chambers?" you ask. Per Willis Carto's late, great Spotlight newspaper, none other than Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum, has admitted on film that "Krema 1," the only alleged "homicidal gas chamber" on display to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at Auschwitz, was built after the war by the Soviet Union.
In 1948, three years after the war ended, formal Allied Commissions of Inquiry concluded that nobody died of poison gas at any of the German concentration camps, a conclusion also reached by modern engineering forensics expert Fred Leuchter after extensive examination of the grounds and buildings. Leuchter lost his business, his job and his reputation simply for telling the truth about his engineering and chemical tests, many of which were repeated by Dr. Germar Rudolf, who confirmed Leuchter's results. That was the major crime for which Dr. Rudolf now sits in a German prison. And yet the Holocaust myth endures!
"But the confessions..." you splutter. False. Every one of them. All those German officers were tortured by Jews prior to the Nuremburg show trials, most of them having had their testicles crushed in the process, which is why they signed all those confessions. What's more, they signed confessions written mainly in English, a language most of them could neither read nor speak. You know the torture that Jews inflict upon Palestinians today when they catch them? That's nothing compared to what Jewish interrogators did to their German prisoners at Nuremburg. What's even more telling, all the prosecutors and judges at Nuremburg were Jews.
No wartime aerial photos of the camps show piles of corpses or crematoria in action. Reasonable people ask, "If six million are dead, then where are the bodies?" That and Torah prophecy wording is where the gas oven stories came from: "They went up in smoke." No bodies were found then, nor was any billowing smoke seen emitted by the camps, nor have any remains been found near any of the camps in amounts which add up to anything more than the relatively small number of prisoners acknowledged to have died of typhus and other diseases while imprisoned.
International Red Cross documents clearly show that fewer than 300,000 Jews died during WWII in all German concentration camps combined. As a race, Jews gave far fewer to the war efforts than did any other nation involved, which is why their total population increased during the war, in contrast to that of most combatants.
The ridiculous claims about Jews being made into soap and lampshades were debunked thoroughly long ago and Jews would like you to forget them now that they have made their 6-million hoax into a viable religion. After all, the absolute lack of any proof of Jewish soap or lampshades would weaken their new religion, wouldn't it?
The Real Holocausts
Meanwhile, there are genuine Holocausts which actually did happen last century, yet which are not memorialized. In fact, Jews file lawsuits to suppress their mention and/or accurate description in public schools and in modern media.
The undisputed genocide of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of their Turkish oppressors in 1915 is particularly maddening since Turkey at that time was controlled by Donmeh Muslims. Now, you may not know this, but Donmeh Muslims are a sect comprised entirely of Jews who "converted" to Islam yet continued secretly to practice Judaism and refused to intermarry with true Turks. This was last century's first Holocaust and it was caused by Jews. My children are one fourth Armenian (my wife is half Armenian and half German...for what it is worth, I am half Scotch and half Irish). Does that make them Holocaust survivors?
In the post-revolution, Jewish-controlled Soviet Union, between 20 and 80 million White Christians systematically were murdered from 1917 to 1953. This was the second Holocaust of the Twentieth Century, perpetrated directly by Jews, in a preview of what they have in mind for American Christians during this coming century. What? You didn't think the de-Christianization of American schools, government and Christmas would stop where it currently stands, did you?
In what amounts to the third Holocaust of the Twentieth Century, the Allies firebombed Dresden, Germany, during WWII, simply to see if they could create a self-enervating firestorm. They succeeded and, in the maelstrom that followed, murdered upwards of 500,000 people, most of them civilians, and destroyed one of the most beautiful cities then in existence. Since the war was prosecuted at the behest of and for the benefit of Jews, the blood of Dresden is upon Jewish heads (to borrow the Biblical phrase, "His blood be upon our heads," uttered by the Jews who engineered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ).
The fourth Holocaust, of course, is America's laying waste to both Nagasaki and Hiroshima with nuclear bombs. The Jewish connection requires a short explanation. America cut off Japanese oil supplies, forcing their attack upon Pearl Harbor. Franklin Roosevelt had advance knowledge of Pearl Harbor, yet simply let it happen so that the American people finally would be outraged enough to allow him to declare war on Japan, which until then had been engaged in a long-standing, low-grade war solely with China. Without oil, Japan was sure to lose to China, thus was forced to lash out at America. Because of Japan's mutual defense pact with Germany, American Jews finally had an excuse to declare war against Germany, too, their primary objective in causing the US to interfere with Japan's war, which until then had been confined solely to Asia. Thus, the nuclear holocaust unleashed upon Japan also is to be laid at the feet of world Jewry.
The truth puts the lie to the laughably deniable so-called Jewish Holocaust. So few Jews died during WWII and those mainly of natural causes, at that, that the term Holocaust should not even be applied to what happened to them. Indeed, the four events of the Twentieth Century that actually deserve the term Holocaust all were caused by Jews themselves, advancing their own interests!
Since the Jewish Holocaust is so easily disproven, why do Jews hold onto it with such fervor? There are many reasons, in addition to the Torah prophecy, of course, which must be met. Incidentally, speaking of prophecy, do you believe in it? Did you know that the Jewish population of the United States now is about 6 million? Did you know that the Jewish population of Israel also numbers about 6 million at this time? Lessee now, if prophecy actually gets fulfilled, which do you suppose will get nuked out of existence first?
But, back to the benefits the Holocaust holds for Jews: First and foremost, it protects Jews, both individually and collectively, from criticism. It also has provided prodigious income, both in reparations and in contributions from the deluded, particularly American aid to Israel, which, prior to the beginning of the current Iraq war, amounted to about $64,000 from every American family. What's more, the "Holocaust" forms a sort of "them-against-us" mentality for Jews to use in keeping their brethren all pulling in the same direction. And the Holocaust enables Israel to formulate and direct American Middle-Eastern policy. The Holocaust also diverts attention from the many Jewish-instigated true holocausts of the Twentieth Century.
In Closing
Now, that's real Holocaust Denial! None of this penny-ante, "Gee, was it 6 million or 5 million?" business for which fellows like Zundel, Rudolph and Irving now sit in jail, awaiting trial. And, God, how the Jews deserve it, believe me. When they labeled me a Holocaust Denier, they asked for it. In for a penny, in for a pound. I don't want to hear them complain now, simply because I gave them that of which they accused me. And I'm not done, either. In fact, I'm just getting warmed up.
Interestingly, when Deutsch threw that question at me on national TV about how many Jews died during the Holocaust, the first response that floated across my mind, as though on a Teleprompter, was a joke punchline, as so often is the case with the way my mind works. I resisted the impulse to read it off as it floated by, just as I usually do, and, instead, gave the answer I related above. What was the initial answer my somewhat twisted mind offered up? Not enough! Mind you, I do not mean to suggest that we do unto Jews as they have done unto us, time and again. But, if 6 million really had died during WWII, do you suppose we would be having the troubles on their account that we have today?
As I like to say: I agree with those who say anti-Semitism is a disease. You catch it from Jews!
My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please
visit my web site, www.ConspiracyPenPal.com, for other messages just like
this one.
Copyright ©2005, Edgar J. Steele
note - hubris \HYOO-bruhs\, noun: Overbearing pride or presumption.
http://www.newsnet5.com/news/5580743/detail.html contributing editor to ![]() |
[Are you really going to support this? Are you going to remain silent and NOT tell your friends and family about this? Are you going to be happy to show your papers? It is interesting that we fought a war or 2 in large part because people, elsewhere, were being required to show their papers. We fought those wars to stop this type action and all its parts. Now you are welcoming it in your own home. Maybe you deserve what you get. -- Tribble]
Citizens Would Also Have To Show ID
CLEVELAND -- A bill on Gov. Bob Taft's desk right now is drawing a lot of criticism, NewsChannel5 reported.
One state representative said it resembles Gestapo-style tactics of government, and there could be changes coming on the streets of Ohio's small towns and big cities.
The Ohio Patriot Act has made it to the Taft's desk, and with the stroke of a pen, it would most likely become the toughest terrorism bill in the country. The lengthy piece of legislation would let police arrest people in public places who will not give their names, address and birth dates, even if they are not doing anything wrong.
WEWS reported it would also pave the way for everyone entering critical transportation sites such as, train stations, airports and bus stations to show ID.
"It brings us frighteningly close to a show me your papers society," said Carrie Davis of the ACLU, which opposes the Ohio Patriot Act.
There are many others who oppose the bill as well.
"The variety of people who opposed to this is not just a group of the usual suspects. We have people far right to the left opposing the bill who think it is a bad idea," said Al McGinty, NewsChannel5’s terrorism expert.
McGinty said he isn't sure the law would do what it's intended to do.
"I think anything we do to enhance security and give power to protect the public to police officers is a good idea," he said. "It is a good law in the wrong direction."
Gov. Bob Taft will make the ultimate decision on whether to sign the bill.
WEWS was told that Taft is expected to sign the bill into law, but legal
experts expect that it will be challenged in courts.
http://policestateplanning.com/id19.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
First published January 2004. Last updated March 2005.
Click here for table of updates.
as PDF or at the cached files HERE
(including the HTML)
Part 1
1.1 The Money Magicians
2.1 The Military-Industrial Complex
3.1 International Relations Policy Groups
4.1 The Heart of the Issue: Power and Property Rights
5.1 Empowering Third World Governments
6.1 Public Private Partnership
Part 2
7.1 The Function of Poverty
8.1 The Future of Democracy
9.1 CIA/MI6/Mossad/ISI: The Global Terrorist Network
10.1 Martial Law Legislation
11.1 Integration
12.1 ID Cards and Biometric Identification
13.1 Elitism and the New Age Religion
14.1 Funding Population Control
contributing editor to ![]() |
You're a REAL Idahun (or Survivalist ) if...
- You can't put your groceries in the trunk of the car because its already jammed full with emergency kits, first aid supplies, and fully-stocked BOBs.
- You have emergency rations for your pets, and view your pets as potential emergency rations.
- You know the news three days before it hits the mass media.
- You have back-up plans for your back-up plans.
- You're convinced you've been exposed to so many chem-trails, you consider it a form of birth control.
- You've ever repressed the urge to bleat "BAAAAAAAAAA" as your neighbor earnestly asks, "What war? Where?"
- You've ever bought antibiotics for human use through a vet, or grains for human consumption through a feed store.
- You've got more than one grain mill.
- You've ever wondered how you might filter the used water from your washing machine to make it fit for human consumption.
- You have a kerosene lamp in every room
- Your living room coffee table is actually a board with pretty cloth over it to disguise your food storage underneath.
- Your box springs are Rubber Maid containers filled with rice and beans.
- You save dryer lint to make fire starters.
- Your most commonly-used fuel additive is 'Stabil', instead of 'Gumout'.
- You automatically choose the heavy duty flatbed cart upon entering Sam's or Costco.
- If you know the shelf life of tuna fish, but don't know how long you've had an open jar of mayo in the frig.
- Your basement walls are insulated with crates of toilet paper, from floor to ceiling, all the way around.
- While other people are saving money for new furniture, or vacations, you are desperately saving to get solar panels put on your house.
- You were excited beyond all reason when they came out with cheddar cheese in a can.
- You've ever served MREs at a dinner party.
- You can engage in a spirited debate on chemical vs. sawdust toilets for hours on end.
- You've ever considered digging an escape tunnel from your basement to the nearest stand of trees.
- You know how to use a vacuum cleaner in reverse to filter air in your designated bio-chem attack safe room.
- You've ever considered buying an above-ground pool for water storage purposes.
- You know what things like 'TSHTF', 'BOB' and 'TEOTWAWKI' mean.
- You have different grades of BOB's.
- You know the names, family histories, locations, and degree of readiness of over a thousand fellow doomers on the net.... but you've never met your neighbors.
- The best radio in the house is a wind-up.
- You have better items in storage than you use everyday.
- When the SHTF, you would eat better than you eat now.
- Your significant other gave you a sleeping bag rated -15 degrees for Christmas.... and you were moved beyond words.
- You've sewn a secret mini-BOBs into the bottom of your children's school backpacks.
- Local food pantries have come to depend on donations from your larder when you rotate stock in the spring and fall.
- You're still using up your Y2K supplies.
- You have enough army surplus equipment to open a store.
- The local army surplus store owner knows you by your first name.
- You fill up when your gas tank is 3/4 full.
- You call Rubber Maid for wholesale prices.
- You have several cases of baby wipes and your kids are all grown.
- Bert from 'Tremors' is your favorite movie character.
- You carry a pocket survival kit, a sturdy folding knife, a SureFire flashlight and a small concealed handgun on you to church every Sunday.
- You start panicking when you are down to 50 rolls of toilet paper.
- You keep a small notebook to write down any edible plants you happen to see along the road.
- You shop yard sales, store sales, and markdown racks for barter goods for ATSHTF.
- You own a hand-operated clothes washer and a non-electric carpet sweeper.
- You have at least two of every size of Dutch oven (the ones with the legs on the bottom), and 20 bags of charcoal, although you have a gas grill.
- You have rain barrels at each corner of your house, although you have a city water hookup, and a Big Berkey to purify the water.
- You have sapphire lights, survival whistle, and a Swiss Army knife on every family member's keychain.
- The people in line at Costco's ask you if you run a store or restaraunt.
- You require a shovel to rotate all your preps properly.
- You no longer go the the doctor's because you can either fix it yourself, make it at home, or know and understand the physicians desk reference better than he does, and can get the goods at the vets or pet store for MUCH less moolah anyway.
- You know that a 'GPS' has nothing to do with the economy.
- You track your preps on a computer spreadsheet for easy reordering, but have hardcopies in a 3-ring binder 'just in case'.
- You've thought about where the hordes can be stopped before entering town.
- You start evaluating people according to 'skill sets'.
- You view the nearest conservation area as a potential grocery store if TSHTF.
- You know *all* the ways out the building where you work.
- You have enough pasta stockpiled in your basement to carbo-load all the runners in the New York marathon.
- You know that you have 36 gallons of extra drinking water in the hot water tank and your 2 toilet tanks.
- You know which bugs are edible.
- You have a handpump on your well.
- You have #10 cans of 'stuff' that the labels fell off of, but you won't throw it out or open it because it 'may be needed later', even though you haven't a clue as to the contents.
- You know where the best defensive positions and lines of fire are on your property.
- You've made a range card for your neighborhood.
- Your toenail clipper is a K-BAR.
- The Ranger Handbook is your favorite 'self help' book.
- You've numbered the deer romping in the yard by their order of consumption.
- You must move 50 cases of food for the plumber to get to that leaky pipe, but you have your own hand truck in the basement to do it.
- You own more pairs of hiking boots than casual and dress shoes combined.
- You have more 55gal blue water drums than family members.
- Your UPS system has more than 6 Deep cycle batteries.
- You have a backup generator for your backup generator, which is a backup for your solar system.
- You go to McDonalds and ask for one order of fries with 25 packs of ketchup and mustard.
- You have ever given SPAM as a serious gift.
- You've had your eye out for a good deal for a stainless steel handgun to conceal in the bottom of the magazine rack next to the toliet.
- You are single male over 40, but you still have an emergency childbirth kit, just in case you have to deal with that possibility.
- You have two water heaters installed in your basement, but one is a dummy that's been converted to hideaway safe.
- You've made bugout cargo packs for your dogs.
- You have a walking stick with all sorts of gadgets hidden inside.
- Your koi pond is stocked with catfish.
- As a stand-in scoutmaster, you taught your son's troop to set mantraps and punji pits, and haven't been asked to stand in since.
- You're on your fifth vaccum sealer, but you keep at least one of the worn out ones because you can still seal up plastic bags with it.
- You haven't bought dried fruit in years, but you buy fresh bananas, apples, peaches and pears by the case and have three dehydrators.
- Your UPS man hates you because of all the cases of ammo he's had to lug from his truck to your front door.
- You have duplicates of all your electronics gear, solar panels and generator parts in your EMP-shielded fallout shelter.
- You have set aside space for your live chickens in the fallout shelter.
- When the power goes out in your neighborhood, all the neighbor's kids come over to your place to watch TV on generator power.
- You must open the door to your pantry *very* carefully for fear of a canned goods avalanche.
- You have a 'Volcano', you know you can cook anything, and you cast evil glances at your neighbor's annoying, yappy poodle, muttering "your day will come, hotdog" under your breath.
- You've learned to knap flint, make twine from plant fibers for snares
and use an atl-atl, because you fear that all of your preps and hard work
will be confiscated by FEMA troops or destroyed by earthquakes, tsunamis,
nuclear blasts, ravening hordes of feral sheeple, etc...
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-466210540567002553&q=mises contributing editor to ![]() |
Ludwig von Mises Institute
41 min 25 sec - posted Dec 8, 2005
Google is launching a new service. You can post videos on line
for free. This means you incur no bandwidth expenses. This
is a deal! To see how well this works, click here:
contributing editor to ![]() |
"In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes
here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he
shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an
outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace,
or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact
an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance
here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't
an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and
this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and
civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation
to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that
is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and
that is a loyalty to the American people."
-- Theodore Roosevelt 1919 |
Theodore Roosevelt indeed wrote these words, but not in 1907 while he was still president (1901-1909). The passages were culled from a letter he wrote to the president of the American Defense Society on January 3, 1919, three days before Roosevelt died.
"Americanization" was a favorite theme of Roosevelt's during his later years, when he railed repeatedly against "hyphenated Americans" and the prospect of a nation "brought to ruins" by a "tangle of squabbling nationalities."
He advocated the compulsory learning of English by every naturalized citizen. "Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or to leave the country," he said in a statement to the Kansas City Star in 1918. "English should be the only language taught or used in the public schools."
He also insisted, on more than one occasion, that America has no room
for what he called "fifty-fifty allegiance." In a speech made in 1917 he
said, "It is our boast that we admit the immigrant to full fellowship and
equality with the native-born. In return we demand that he shall share
our undivided allegiance to the one flag which floats over all of us."
contributing editor to ![]() |
From the Desk of
Dr. Gary Cass, Executive Director Center for Reclaiming America for Christ 12/27/05 I trust you had a very Merry Christmas and are preparing to welcome a New Year of opportunities to serve our Lord! With just a few days left before the end of the year, I wanted to remind you that your donations to the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ--between now and December 31--are tax deductible. What that means is that every gift you make to the Center right now can reduce your taxes! To donate: http://www.crmail.org/public/lib.aspx?lid=2655&mid=xxxxx Please note that credit card gifts made online by December 31 are deductible on your 2005 tax return. If you would like to write a check, make sure the check is dated and mailed by December 31 to: Center for Reclaiming America for Christ
My staff has prepared a special gift for you -- a shocking exposé of the ACLU's agenda -- if you can make a gift of any amount at this time. Your gift right now will be such a blessing. We still need to raise about $15,000 from our Center Alert team to meet our goals and ensure that we can start the new year strong. Thank you so much for standing with the Center throughout this year. Your support has been such a blessing. May God bless you in return! Dr. Gary Cass
P.S. Remember, your gift today can reduce the taxes you owe to the IRS right away -- as long as your donation is made by December 31. Credit card gifts made online by December 31 count against your 2005 taxes. Checks must be postmarked by December 31. + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
http://www.crmail.org/public/lib.aspx?lid=2655&mid=xxxx + + For today's breaking news: http://www.reclaimamerica.org + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Questions? cfra@coralridge.org
http://www.delawareonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051226/BUSINESS/512260310/1003 contributing editor to ![]() |
By STEVEN CHURCH, The News Journal, 12/26/2005
He’s making a list and checking it twice. And if you’re on it, don’t
expect to return that gift you opened. Santa doesn’t like refunds.
Retailers have gotten stingier about their refund policies over the years, helped along by computer programs that track customers, especially those who return items without a receipt. Two of the nations biggest retailers, Wal-Mart and Target, ask customers for drivers licenses whenever an item is returned without a receipt. That person’s name or identification number is then stored in a database. Kelly Davis, of Wilmington, discovered her identity was locked in Target’s computer system when she tried to return an item to the Brandywine Town Center store without a receipt. A clerk refused to take the item back. |
![]() |
“We had previously returned something without a receipt, so they told us no,” Davis said. “They must keep a record.” Calls to the company were not returned.
Wal-Mart spokeswoman Sharon Weber said her company requires customers to provide identification whenever they return an item without a receipt. If the the same person comes back twice more within 45 days, a store manager must approve the return. The manager has the authority to reject the return, she said.
The goal is to cut down on abuse of the company's return policy, which gives store credit for items returned without a receipt.
"It does give us the opportunity to monitor that," Weber said.
Some stores are restricting returns even if you have a receipt.
A California company specializes in identifying customers who abuse a store's return policy.
The Return Exchange estimates if customers bring back more than 20 percent of everything they buy, a store loses money on them because it costs so much to repackage and return the item to the shelf for resale.
The company monitors the returns of the retailers that hire it, like Sports Authority and KB Toys. During the refund process, a store employee sends details to Return Exchange from a customer's driver's license. Return Exchange looks at the customer's history and then tells the clerk whether the refund is approved. Too many returns, either with or without a receipt, and the refund can be denied, according to Return Exchange's Web site.
The company estimates about 9 percent of all returns in the U.S. are fraudulent.
Retailers have been monitoring returns more carefully for years in an effort to cut losses, said Kelli Woelfel, spokeswoman for Retail Experts Inc., of Woburn, Mass. The company makes software that retailers use to monitor sales data, including returns.
"Your average person is not going to be affected by the monitoring," Woelfel said.
Seventy-five percent of consumers do not bother to return goods they have purchased, according to Return Exchange.
Dworsky said retailers need to be careful when cracking down on returns. A stingy return policy will make good customers shop elsewhere.
Cathy Smith, of Bear, said she refuses to shop at Strawbridge's Department Store because a manager once refused to accept a return. "If my money is good enough to take, it should be good enough to give back when I return something," Smith said.
Stores are expecting fewer returns this holiday season, said Daniel Butler, vice president of merchandising and retail operations for the National Retail Federation, a Washington, D.C., industry group. The main reason is that more people are buying gift cards, he said.
But tighter controls are also expected to cut the number of returns, said Edgar Dworsky, who runs the Web site consumerworld.org.
"Return policies are getting more complicated," Dworsky said. One change is an expansion of the types of items that are harder return, like cameras and other electronic equipment.
In October, Sears became the first major retailer to start imposing a "restocking fee" of about 15 percent for many items that previously could be returned for a full refund, Dworsky said.
Contact Steven Church at 324-2786 or schurch@delawareonline.com.
http://www.crystalinks.com/holographic.html contributing editor to ![]() |
Michael Talbot
In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.
Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.
Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations.
University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.
To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser.
To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film.
When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.
The three-dimensionality of such images is not the only remarkable characteristic of holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the rose.
Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.
The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts.
A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.
This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.
To enable people to better visualize what he means, Bohm offers the following illustration.
Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see the aquarium directly and your knowledge about it and what it contains comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front and the other directed at its side.
As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are separate entities. After all, because the cameras are set at different angles, each of the images will be slightly different. But as you continue to watch the two fish, you will eventually become aware that there is a certain relationship between them.
When one turns, the other also makes a slightly different but corresponding turn; when one faces the front, the other always faces toward the side. If you remain unaware of the full scope of the situation, you might even conclude that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another, but this is clearly not the case.
This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic particles in Aspect's experiment.
According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality.
Such particles are not separate "parts", but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical reality is comprised of these "eidolons", the universe is itself a projection, a hologram.
In addition to its phantomlike nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features. If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.
The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are connected to the subatomic particles that comprise every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every star that shimmers in the sky.
Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize and pigeonhole and subdivide, the various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments are of necessity artificial and all of nature is ultimately a seamless web.
In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order.
At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past.
What else the superhologram contains is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the sake of argument, that the superhologram is the matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe, at the very least it contains every subatomic particle that has been or will be -- every configuration of matter and energy that is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from bluü whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as a sort of cosmic storehouse of "All That Is."
Although Bohm concedes that we have no way of knowing what else might lie hidden in the superhologram, he does venture to say that we have no reason to assume it does not contain more. Or as he puts it, perhaps the superholographic level of reality is a "mere stage" beyond which lies "an infinity of further development".
Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evidence that the universe is a hologram. Working independently in the field of brain research, Standford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded of the holographic nature of reality.
Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous studies have shown that rather than being confined to a specific location, memories are dispersed throughout the brain.
In a series of landmark experiments in the 1920s, brain scientist Karl Lashley found that no matter what portion of a rat's brain he removed he was unable to eradicate its memory of how to perform complex tasks it had learned prior to surgery. The only problem was that no one was able to come up with a mechanism that might explain this curious "whole in every part" nature of memory storage.
Then in the 1960s Pribram encountered the concept of holography and realized he had found the explanation brain scientists had been looking for. Pribram believes memories are encoded not in neurons, or small groupings of neurons, but in patterns of nerve impulses that crisscross the entire brain in the same way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. In other words, Pribram believes the brain is itself a hologram.
Pribram's theory also explains how the human brain can store so many memories in so little space. It has been estimated that the human brain has the capacity to memorize something on the order of 10 billion bits of information during the average human lifetime (or roughly the same amount of information contained in five sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica).
Similarly, it has been discovered that in addition to their other capabilities, holograms possess an astounding capacity for information storage--simply by changing the angle at which the two lasers strike a piece of photographic film, it is possible to record many different images on the same surface. It has been demonstrated that one cubic centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information.
Our uncanny ability to quickly retrieve whatever information we need from the enormous store of our memories becomes more understandable if the brain functions according to holographic principles. If a friend asks you to tell him what comes to mind when he says the word "zebra", you do not have to clumsily sort back through ome gigantic and cerebral alphabetic file to arrive at an answer. Instead, associations like "striped", "horselike", and "animal native to Africa" all pop into your head instantly.
Indeed, one of the most amazing things about the human thinking process is that every piece of information seems instantly cross- correlated with every other piece of information--another feature intrinsic to the hologram. Because every portion of a hologram is infinitely interconnected with ever other portion, it is perhaps nature's supreme example of a cross-correlated system.
The storage of memory is not the only neurophysiological puzzle that becomes more tractable in light of Pribram's holographic model of the brain. Another is how the brain is able to translate the avalanche of frequencies it receives via the senses (light frequencies, sound frequencies, and so on) into the concrete world of our perceptions. Encoding and decoding frequencies is precisely what a hologram does best. Just as a hologram functions as a sort of lens, a translating device able to convert an apparently meaningless blur of frequencies into a coherent image, Pribram believes the brain also comprises a lens and uses holographic principles to mathematically convert the frequencies it receives through he senses into the inner world of our perceptions.
An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its operations. Pribram's theory, in fact, has gained increasing support among neurophysiologists.
Argentinian-Italian researcher Hugo Zucarelli recently extended the holographic model into the world of acoustic phenomena. Puzzled by the fact that humans can locate the source of sounds without moving their heads, even if they only possess hearing in one ear, Zucarelli discovered that holographic principles can explain this ability.
Zucarelli has also developed the technology of holophonic sound, a recording technique able to reproduce acoustic situations with an almost uncanny realism.
Pribram's belief that our brains mathematically construct "hard" reality by relying on input from a frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support.
It has been found that each of our senses is sensitive to a much broader range of frequencies than was previously suspected.
Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called "osmic frequencies", and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such findings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions.
But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram's holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm's theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality?
Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.
We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.
This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature.
Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.
In a universe in which individual brains are actually indivisible portions of the greater hologram and everything is infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the holographic level.
It is obviously much easier to understand how information can travel from the mind of individual 'A' to that of individual 'B' at a far distance point and helps to understand a number of unsolved puzzles in psychology. In particular, Grof feels the holographic paradigm offers a model for understanding many of the baffling phenomena experienced by individuals during altered states of consciousness.
PART 2 is here
or the whole thing on the
at http://www.tellme1st.net/rockyview/COMMON/The
Holographic Universe.html
http://www.newswithviews.com/Spingola/deanna25.htm http://www.newswithviews.com/Spingola/deanna26.htm contributing editor to ![]() |
by Deanna Spingola, November 29, 2005
The sham war against terror was built on lies and deception initiated by the Bush administration and perpetuated by the complicit media, particularly the numerous “conservative” talk show hosts. Angry talk radio hosts batter their “call in listeners” in a win/lose relationship. Either you believe what they say or you lose. They control with spoiled brat anger instead of sound respectful reasoning. Administration critics are demonized with angry name calling. No one dare question any government actions in this “free” society. Rather than real investigative reporting so called newscasters employ antagonism to protect their republican pundit positions.
But that, after all, is the whole purpose. If one of them should honestly question such issues as the war they would undoubtedly end up collecting unemployment. The war is #3 in an economic strategy.
Iraq is just another country to be brought into submission in the perpetual push for globalization. It is really the unfinished economic feud started by George H. W. Bush whose objective was to establish a new world order.[1] The current battle is not about capturing Osama bin Laden, weapons of mass destruction, spreading democracy, oil, getting rid of an accused tyrant or any other trumped up distraction. Our military is being manipulated in an ongoing process to build the American empire with the ultimate long term insider goal of a one world government. The events of 9/11 were the motivation for this strategy. The strategy is clearly defined in a government document dated 17 September 2002 entitled The National Security Strategy of the United States of America.[2]
However, American empire building has been going on for a long time under the guise of protecting our interests in other countries. There are three ways our American government, an entity that is supposed to represent the voters, uses to imperialize and thus control a target country. Method three is used if the first two are ineffective:
1. Economic aid/debt to secure adherence to United States objectives
for the target country.
2. Covert operations which include fixed elections to install puppet
leaders, assassinations of uncooperative existing elected leaders or supporting
adversarial individuals in a government seizure.
3. Military invasion. To retain the blinders worn by most Americans
there must be a reason for the attack such as they attacked us first. Whether
they actually did or not is immaterial.
An economic hit man is the key figure in the process of destabilizing target countries. “U.S. intelligence agencies – including the National Security Agency (NSA) would identify prospective EHMs (economic hit men), who would then be hired by international corporations. The EHMs would never be paid by the government; instead, they would draw their salaries from the private sector. As a result, their dirty work, if exposed, would be chalked up to corporate greed rather than to government policy. In addition, the corporations that hired them, although paid by government agencies and their multinational banking counterparts (with taxpayer money), would be insulated from congressional oversight and public scrutiny, shielded by a growing body of legal initiatives, including trademark, international trade, and Freedom of Information laws.”[3]
The “two primary objectives” of an economic hit man according to John Perkins, author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” is: “First, I was to justify huge international loans that would funnel money back to MAIN and other U.S. companies (such as Bechtel, Halliburton, Stone & Webster, and Brown & Root) through massive engineering and construction projects. Second, I would work to bankrupt the countries that received those loans (after they had paid[4] MAIN and the other U.S. contractors, of course) so that they would be forever beholden to their creditors, and so they would present easy targets when we needed favors, including military bases, UN votes, or access to oil and other natural resources.” MAIN is the consulting company that John Perkins worked for after being identified as a prospective EHM by the NSA.
“The unspoken aspect of every one of these projects was that they were intended to create huge profits for the contractors, and to make a handful of wealthy and influential families in the receiving countries very happy, while assuring the long- term financial dependence and therefore the political loyalty of governments around the world. The larger the loan, the better. The fact that the debt burden placed on a country would deprive its poorest citizens of health, education, and other social services for decades to come was not taken into consideration.”[5]
John Perkins was told by his mentor: she said: “We’re a small exclusive club; we’re paid – well paid – to cheat countries around the globe out of billions of dollars. A large part of your job is to encourage world leaders to become part of a vast network that promotes U.S. commercial interests. In the end, those leaders become ensnared in a web of debt that ensures their loyalty. We can draw on them whenever we desire – to satisfy our political, economic, or military needs. In turn, these leaders bolster their political positions by bringing industrial parks, power plants, and airports to their people. Meanwhile, the owners of U.S. engineering and construction companies become very wealthy.”
The economic hit man presents preposterous promises to the target government leader. Targets are typically vulnerable third world countries with unexploited natural resources. An economic hit man works for a major American corporation, sometimes the government, or an international banker. With his inflated facts and figures, the economic hit man gives assurances of greatly increased economic growth for the target country. The target country then borrows staggering sums of money with the notion that they can repay the loan, plus those high consultation fees, based on the spurious economic growth. The program is additionally designed to make the compromised leader incredibly wealthy while saddling his country with overwhelming debt.[6]
The economic boom, based on false projections, does not happen and the country, thanks to its crooked leader, virtually has sold its soul to the merciless adversary. The only ones who benefit are the bankers, the American government, big business and corruptible leaders in less developed countries. Leaders who are incorruptible are vilified in the American press – this helps when it is time to employ #2 in the economic strategy. It is all about exploitation of cheap foreign labor, money and the resources of the earth such as oil. Our aid to foreign countries is rarely, if ever, altruistic. The U.S. could easily help the sick and the starving in third world countries but our self serving intervention merely increases our imperialistic and corporate greedy goals. The genuine objective of foreign aid is imperialism which is the basic cause of most wars, pollution, starvation, depleted uranium toxicity and genocide. Unlike the rest of the world, do most Americans fail to recognize what we have become?
When the French construction of the canal began in 1881, Panama was part of Columbia. The project ended in financial disaster is 1889. Under Theodore Roosevelt, the United States requested that Columbia sign a treaty turning the isthmus over to a North American consortium. Columbia refused this treaty so in 1903 Roosevelt sent the warship Nashville with a full bevy of troops and invaded the defenseless little country of Panama. They killed the local militia commander and declared Panama an independent nation. A puppet government was installed and a treaty was signed which established an American zone on both sides of the future waterway. Washington assumed full control over this “new” nation. Thereafter Panama was ruled by Washington sponsored wealthy right-wing dictators whose first priority was American interests. This included big American interests like Standard Oil and United Fruit Company (later purchased by George H. W. Bush). Meanwhile Panamanian citizens lived in poverty.
This ended with a declaration of Panamanian independence in 1968. U.S. endorsed dictator Arnulfo Arias was overthrown and Omar Torrijos became head of state, though he was not a part of the coup. The unique characteristic about this leader Torrijos was his integrity thus he was unjustifiably vilified by our media.[7] He could not be swayed by Washington nor would he cave to communism for support. He wanted to remove the U.S. military and claimed that Panamanians “had its own rights – to sovereignty over its people, its lands, and a waterway that bisected it – and that these rights were as valid and as divinely bestowed as any enjoyed by the United States.”[8]
Carter and Torrijos signed a treaty on 7 September 1977 Washington, DC. “That moment had a significant importance ongoing struggle of Panamanians for their liberation, their independence, and for strengthening their sovereignty. Omar Torrijos dared to break the colonialist circle imposed on Panama by the United States.” “We Panamanians understood that the United States, a powerful, imperialist and aggressive nation would not yield easily the benefits it had gained by its political, economic and military presence in the Republic of Panama.”[9]
If hyped up economic promises with burgeoning debt are ineffective then the second method – assassination by CIA jackals is permanently effective and certainly serves as a deterrent to other like minded leaders. In addition to Arbenz, Mossadegh and Allende and many others both Jaime Roldós, president of Ecuador, and Omar Torrijos, president of Panama died in 1981. CIA assassinations of the leaders of other countries are a well known fact. Even a popular religious leader recently called for the assassination of the elected leader of Venezuela, an uncooperative individual currently being demonized by our press.
Torrijos died on 1 August 1981 in a plane crash. “Torrijos' death generated charges and speculation that he was the victim of an assassination plot. For instance, in pre-trial hearings in Miami May, 1991 Noriega's attorney Frank Rubino was quoted as saying ‘General Noriega has in his possession documents showing attempts to assassinate General Noriega and Mr. Torrijos by agencies of the United States’. Those documents were not allowed as evidence in trial, because the presiding judge agreed with the government's claim that their public mention would violate the Classified Information Procedures Act.”[10]
“The assassination of General Torrijos and the violent campaign of defamation against General Noriega, the increasing violations of the canal treaties; the political, economic and diplomatic terrorism show that nothing will deter the United States in its determination to impose the limitless presence of the Southern Command in Panama.”[11]
There are exceptions such as Saudi Arabia. We had a different relationship with them – our goal was not to bankrupt them. Since its inception, Israel could always count on American support which of course infuriated the Arabs. On 16 Oct 1973 Iran and the five Arab states placed a 70% hike in the price of oil as retaliation against our pro-Israeli position. The Arabs also considered withdrawing all their funds from American banks which would have resulted in an economic panic. What exacerbated the situation even more – on 19 October 1973 Nixon asked congress for $2.2 billion in aid for Israel. On 20 October 1973 the Arabs placed a total embargo on all oil shipments to the United States. This ended on 18 March 1974 but created a symbiotic relationship between government, big business and the international banks.
Saudi Arabia, because of their vast oil resources and because of their greatly increased wealth from that oil during the OPEC oil embargo suddenly became politically important. Washington developed an interdependent relationship with Saudi Arabia – offering them technical support, military hardware and training and the opportunity to modernize their country using U.S. corporations whose long-term technical services would be required. Military defense would be essential for the ongoing reign of the House of Saud as well as for Saudi Arabia. Israel and the other neighbors were disgruntled that Saudi Arabia had suddenly decided to collaborate with the Americans. Modernization also brought materialism which diminished their religious fervor and infuriated other more conservative Muslims.
In exchange the U.S. wanted guarantees against another embargo and a unparalleled method of funneling Saudi’s unlimited oil money back into the U.S. King Faisal and the House of Saud agreed to spend its oil money in U.S. government securities. The interest from the securities would be used by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to hire U.S. corporations to industrialize Saudi Arabia. “This system assured that the Saudi money would be recycled back into the American economy.”[12] It established a precedent for economic hit men. What a extraordinary example of money laundering. Hey, I thought that was illegal!If your heart and mind tell you plainly that the bombing of impoverished, hungry, innocent peasants is a terrible thing to do and will not make the American people any more secure, then listen. Put yourself in the victim’s place; listen to your core values. Do we really want innocent blood on our hands?
1,Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (September
11, 1990)
2,The National Security Strategy of the United States
of America
3, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins,
page 19, a must read book
4, Ibid, page 15
5, Ibid, page 15-16
6, Ibid, page 17
7, Ibid
8, Ibid, page 61
9, 50 U.S Violations of the Carter-Torrijos Treaties by
Luis Restrepo, Panamanian journalist
10, Omar Torrijos
11, 50 U.S Violations of the Carter-Torrijos Treaties
by Luis Restrepo, Panamanian journalist
12, Ibid, page 91
In part one I defined the three strategies used on target countries with a view towards destabilizing those countries while enriching big business and furthering globalist goals:
1. Economic aid/debt to secure adherence to United States objectives
for the target country. (United States executes the globalist agenda.)
2. Covert operations which include fixed elections to install puppet
leaders, assassinations of uncooperative existing elected leaders or supporting
adversarial individuals in a government seizure.
3. Military invasion.
If strategy one, using a highly paid corporate economic hit man, fails then the jackals come in with their specialized operations. If these two strategies fail, then enemy invasion becomes the last option for destabilization and seizure of power. We can easily apply these three strategies to the circumstances created by our own elected and appointed globalist leaders. When one is a dedicated globalist one views each country as prey, even their resident countries. There are no national loyalties – despite the oath one makes before God to uphold the constitution.
Strategy #1 includes saddling the target country with mountains of debt. The U.S. government consistently spends more than they confiscate through taxation.[1] The national debt has dramatically increased since the inauguration of 2001. It is now $8,018,975,834,697 and growing by the second. The Federal Reserve (private bank cabal) continues to print money while we, our children and grandchildren are enslaved with the prospect of merely paying the interest for its use. And the greater the quantity of Federal Reserve notes, the less their value. By design, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Read Devvy Kidd’s two part article about this economic enslavement entitled The Stark Reality of America’s Financial Meltdown.[2]
Additional debt accumulation results from the redistribution of wealth as our supposed representatives spend locally for their own popularity pork projects and then send billions of dollars out of the country to subsidize American approved puppet governments and rebuild countries that we have previously bombed. Meanwhile, we “grind the face of the poor.” That new construction will be used by the rich as the hopeless poor subsist on the sidelines relegated to polluted water, scant food, a high mortality rate and no access to healthcare. No bid contracts are repeatedly given to multinational companies closely linked to the CIA and U.S. government leaders who use available slave wage labor to further enhance their own overflowing coffers. There are genuine reasons that America is hated in so much of the world. It is not because we are so good – unfortunately citizens in other countries base their faulty view of all Americans by their very negative experiences with a small devious, greedy minority.
“International businesses give CIA agents cover, secret funding, top-quality resources and important contacts in foreign lands. In return, the CIA gives corporations billion-dollar federal contracts (for spy planes, satellites and other hi-tech spy craft). Businessmen also enjoy the romantic thrill of participating in spy operations. The CIA also gives businesses a certain amount of protection and privacy from the media and government watchdogs, under the guise of ‘national security.’ Finally, the CIA helps American corporations remain dominant in foreign markets, by overthrowing governments hostile to unregulated capitalism and installing puppet regimes whose policies favor American corporations at the expense of their people.”[3] Capitalism is not the culprit, gluttony and avarice are.
America’s general economic circumstances diminish as mountainous pages of government regulations such as OSHA impede American businessmen. The capitalist system is designed that all may grow and gain through their own efforts, without interference. Our government should not be a major employer nor should they be in the business of creating jobs. Whatever they create, they regulate. CAFTA, a trade agreement farce, was just passed which, along with NAFTA, will further hurt the middle class, the backbone of America. If that fails, wait a few months – the FTAA is on the horizon. They are all designed to work against the middle class of America. What’s the nefarious goal, if not destabilization?
The economy has further been stifled by blatant “guest worker” invitations which created an avalanche of illegals and major disruptive cultural changes. Our government looks the other way while thousands of illegals cross our southern borders. In 2001 the Department of Homeland Security was created as a result of the events of 9/11. In 2004 it had 183,000 employees[4] and has a 2006 budget of $41.1 billion.[5] Yet our borders remain open. According to the unpublicized proceedings of the SSP meeting on 23 March 2005 in Waco, Texas America’s north and south borders are to be eliminated in favor of the new North America followed by a redistribution of U.S. taxpayer resources.[6] Ignoring the illegals simply implements the covert globalist agenda while most Americans wonder why our leaders fail to respond to an apparent invasion crisis.
Strategy #2 involves installing puppet leaders which brings up the possibility, nay the inevitability of vote fraud, bribery and intimidation. Yes, it does occur in our country.
Despite denials, there is reliable evidence regarding the actual versus the alleged votes cast in the 2000 election for George W. Bush. While the complicit media led everyone to believe that the democrats were either poor losers or that the Floridian democrats were just plain stupid, the Florida fiasco was ultimately settled by the court and family values George walked off the winner’s trophy – the highest elected office in the country.
He appeared to win again in 2004 except the victorious vote winning state was Ohio. In that election we had skeletons, or more correctly, Skull and Bones tumbling out of long forgotten closets. For president we could select either Skull and Bones Kerry or Skull and Bones Bush. No, Skull and Bones is not just a benign fraternity where immature individuals play pranks on each other. Many United States politicians belong to the Order of Skull and Bones as well as to another secretive society, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Pre-election we were exposed to high priced public relations including photo ops showing their best candidate profiles engaging in unrelated activities. Questionable past military activities and irrelevant failures were flaunted before us as if they answered any conceivable concern. Rarely did we hear much about the real issues except for that forever decades-long popular issue of abortion. One party always promotes pro-choice and the other party always favors pro-life. It is all merely rhetoric. By their lack of action, Republicans support abortion, an evil abomination that has taken the life of over 44 million pre-born infants. If the alleged pro-life Republicans had the courage of their pre-election claims, they would have repealed abortion long ago. Any republican majority congress that can foist the patriot act on an unsuspecting constituency should work to save the innocent from infanticide. I belong to neither party – I don’t want the blood of either party on my hands!
Politics, the playground for controlled conflict and orchestrated outrage, never tires of keeping the populace diverted and divided on the real blood and guts issues like people dying on both sides of a war, babies slaughtered before they can draw their first breath, loss of constitutional freedoms, expelling God from the public arena, upholding pornography and perversion as alternative life choices. This is the determined, devilish destabilization of America and Judea Christian values. Once we accept everything, we become committed to nothing.
As for the technicalities of the election farce, there is absolutely no way of reviewing and determining the results of any election with the prevalent use of voting machines that leave no paper trail. There are three major big profit manufacturers of these machines: Diebold, Sequoia and ES&S. They each retain control of the software that tabulates the votes. They have a very highly paid Washington lobby. Not only are these companies interested in American business but their tentacles reach out into the world community. I am sure they recently did some substantial business in Iraq.
Two companies, ES&S and Diebold, owned by two brothers, were responsible for counting 80% of the votes in 2004.[7] The CEO of Diebold sent out a memo stating that Ohio’s votes would go to Bush.[8]
In 1999 the Justice Department filed charges against Sequoia whose employees were accused of handing out $8 million in bribes. One of their executives was indicted for money laundering and bribery.[9]
Nebraska Republican Chuck Hagel, a relative unknown defeated Democrat Governor Ben Nelson in the 1996 senatorial race. It was the major Republican upset in the November election. He swept all three congressional districts and became the first Republican to win a U.S. Senate seat in Nebraska in 24 years. He announced his candidacy on 31 March 1995. Two weeks prior to this, Chuck Hagel “was running the voting machine company whose machines would count his votes.”[10] He had been chairman of American Information Systems (now known as ES&S) since July 1992. Fifty-six percent of the country uses ES&S machines to count their votes.[11] “Hagel also took on the position of CEO when co-founder Bob Urosevich left in November 1993.”[12] “While Hagel was running AIS, the company was building and programming the machines that would later count his votes.”[13] Hagel failed to include his position with AIS in his personal information available to the voters. Six years later, Hagel claimed that he sold his stock in that company even though it had never been listed as one of the stocks that he owned.
“As of October 2002 Hagel still had undisclosed ownership of ES&S through its parent company, the McCarthy Group.”[14] “The McCarthy Group is run by Hagel’s campaign finance director (in 1996 and 2002), Michael R. McCarthy, who is the director of ES&S.” Hagel hid his ties to ES&S by calling his investment of up to $5 million dollars in the ES&S parent company an “excepted investment fund”. To be “excepted” the McCarthy Group must be publicly traded which it isn’t. In 1996 and 2002, eighty percent of Hagel’s votes were counted by ES&S. Hagel pulled strings, omitted information and when he got caught, the person whocaught him was replaced by someone more compliant. I am quite certain Hagel is very well thought of by other Republicans, nor for his charisma but possibly for his connections to their own winning results.
Legislation was passed in 2002 to encourage more people to vote. It was called Help America Vote Act. Voting has always been and should be under local jurisdiction. Under this nefarious act, states were required to upgrade to electronic voting by 2004. In my own state of Illinois, the company Populex was chosen to implement the change from paper to machine. Former Secretary of Defense Frank C. Carlucci is on this company’s advisory board. He was also Chairman of the Carlyle Group, a major military contractor.
Mr. Carlucci joined Carlyle in 1989, served as Chairman until January 2003, and retired from his position as Chairman Emeritus of The Carlyle Group in March 2005. George H. W. Bush was also a member of the Carlyle Group until he retired from his position as Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board in October 2003.[15] Apparently, Frank Carlucci knew Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense when they were both on the wrestling team at Princeton.[16] Mr. Carlucci was Secretary of Defense from November 1987 through January 1989, following his service as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs under President Reagan.”[17] He was brought into the Nixon administration by Donald Rumsfeld, his wrestling partner at Princeton. While serving there, he also worked with Dick Cheney. Isn’t this a thick pot to stir?
In addition to vote fraud, there have been known and alleged CIA assassinations in our country, no matter what the Warren Commission found, as well as aroundthe world. In the process of country destabilization the CIA spawned the feminist movement which impacted families in every ethnic group. The CIA has stealthily participated in many aspects of American life.
For a view of the CIA, you may look at the incredible article and timeline that Steve Kangas has created. Steve was working on a book about the CIA when he met a very untimely death at the age of thirty-nine. The local authorities claim that he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice which is rather miraculous. He was found “In the bathroom of the offices of Richard Mellon Scaife, 2000 miles from home, in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.”[18] Usually individuals who commit suicide do so in their own familiar surroundings.
“Richard Mellon Scaife and his tabloid have a reputation as dirt-slingers and known for kooky conspiracy theories.”[19] According to the 3 May 1999 Washington Post, Scaife “has given at least $340 million to fund a `war of ideas' against American liberalism.”[20] That is, he finances conservative propaganda and propaganda mills. He is vice chairman of the board of trustees of the Heritage Foundation. Strategy #3: If economic crisis, puppet governments or assassination does not bring utter control through destabilization or if those unapprised voters keep claiming personal freedoms then the shock and awe of war and destruction, either in your own country or in someone else’s can be very useful. It is the most effective way to further enrich multinational construction companies like Halliburton or Bechtel and globalist companies that manufacture or contract for military equipment of any kind.[21] War and destruction, with its blood and horror, transfers the power and the treasures of the earth from one country to another. It also reduces the population of both countries. In 2001 we had an attack upon America. But it wasn’t a definitive country that attacked us. Our citizens have also lost a large measure of personal freedom via our own government. We have also lost the admiration and respect of the citizens of other countries because of the actions of a few. Essentially, we have blood on our hands because of our compliance.
1,Monthly Treasury Statement
2,The Stark Reality of America's Financial Meltdown
3,The Origins of the Overclass by Steve Kangas, a must
read document
4,Department of Homeland Security
5,Fact Sheet: U.S. Department of Homeland Security FY
2006 Budget
6,Building a North American community, the selling of
7,Black Box Voting
8,Voting Machine Controversy
9,Voting Machines Gone Wild!
10, Black box Voting by Bev Harris, page 27
11, Ibid
12, Ibid
13, Ibid
14, Ibid, page 28
15, Information from the Carlyle Group, 8 Nov 2005
16,People in the News
17,Carlyle Group
18,Who Killed Web Warrior Steve Kangas?
19, Ibid
20,Money, Family Name Shaped Scaife
21,Outsourcing the Pentagon
* What does "do not drink the kool-aid" mean? [click this line] or goto this link http://www.tellme1st.net/rockyview/kool-aid/do not drink the kool-aid.html
** As the ‘Great And Powerful Oz' once said to Dorothy,
"Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!" because appearances can
be deceiving. You HAVE TO look behind to curtain to learn the truth.
*** Red Herring. The name of this fallacy comes from the sport
of fox hunting in which a dried, smoked herring, which is red in color,
is dragged across the trail of the fox to throw the hounds off the scent.
Thus, a "red herring" argument
is one which distracts the audience from the issue in question through
the introduction of some irrelevancy. This frequently occurs during debates
when there is an at least implicit topic, yet it is easy to lose track
of it. By extension, it applies to any argument in which the
are logically irrelevant to the conclusion.
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