April 2010
<> False Flag Prelude? Clinton Launches Demonization Campaign On
OK City Bombing Anniversary
<> Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head
Robert Mueller
<> Soros: Euro, EU Will Collapse if Germany Doesn't Make Concessions
<> Al-Qaeda Chief In Iraq is Captured, Killed, Never Actually Existed,
Re-Captured, Now Killed Again
<> RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that
killed 168 in '95
<> CFR Journalist Calls Tea Party Talk Seditious
<> Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Alarmists
<> Get Ready, Inflation Is On The Way
<> We Refuse!
<> Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push “Extremist Threat” Propaganda
False Flag Prelude? Clinton Launches Demonization Campaign On OK City Bombing Anniversary |
else you might say to defend the governments version of the OKC and WTC/Pentagon
attacks, answer one question.
Why did (and does) the government steal all possible video recordings and never release any of the video that could support the official government conspiracy theory? Could it be because none of the video supports the government conspiracy theory? Could it be that any video would patently disprove the government conspiracy theory? >> Tribble] |
Kurt Nimmo - Infowars.com
Former president Bill Clinton has told CNN’s
Wolf Blitzer he is worried that anti-government rhetoric will lead
to violence and another Oklahoma City. He said he is concerned about people
opposed to the government using the internet.
Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller |
the rhetoric from Prez Soetoro, Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller and others
are their way of telling you what THEY are going to do. THEY are
going to drop a nuclear bomb and THEY are going to attack a city or building.
They probably will blame Iran for the bomb and alleged domestics as the
building attack. It will all only be an excuse for taking the next
giant step to totalitarian control of the general masses.
You must know WHO is, and will be, behind the coming atrocities. Admittedly, knowing the culprits may not stop them, but just maybe you will not go along with their plans. >> Tribble] |
Soros: Euro, EU Will Collapse if Germany Doesn't Make Concessions |
[.And the collapse of the European union would be a bad thing???? It is only an economic union, which the people did not want, but the bankers did. So, if the people stand against the bankers, is that a bad thing? Only to the bankers. So, what does Soros' threat really mean? Nothing. >> Tribble] |
Billionaire financier George Soros thinks the euro and the European Union itself are at risk of breaking up if Germany refuses to play its traditional role and make concessions, he told a newspaper.
"The Germans have always made the concessions needed to advance the European Union, when people were looking for a deal. Not anymore," Soros recently told Corriere della Sera.
"That's why the European project is stalled. And if it can't go ahead from here, it will go backwards. It's important to understand that if you don't make the next steps forward for the euro, the euro will go to pieces and the European Union, too," he said.
Soros, who is speaking at a variety of events in Italy this week, said whereas in the past there had been the political will to go forward, "now there's a lot of doubt that it is there."
He said the EU needs a more flexible mechanism on deficit cuts so that countries do not have to cut public spending so drastically.
"We need a sort of European Monetary Fund, which would make the adjustment less painful," he said.
Soros said he was sure Greece could be rescued, adding that although the Athens government was taking all the measures needed, Europe must help if necessary, adding interest rates on emergency funding should be "as low as possible."
The 5 percent rate on the funding currently "is a technical error, because it makes it more difficult for Greece to get out of the hole."
Speaking more generally on the crisis and the excessive debt that caused
it, he said: "The correction has scarcely started."
Al-Qaeda Chief In Iraq is Captured, Killed, Never Actually Existed, Re-Captured, Now Killed Again |
Steve Watson - Prisonplanet.com
U.S. and Iraqi officials have today announced that two “Al-Qaeda in Iraq” leaders have been killed in an air strike carried out by American troops. A major flaw in the story that seems to have been overlooked, is that both of the men have already been reported captured and killed on several occasions, with U.S. officials also having previously declared one of them a “fictional character” that was invented by the other!
The Washington Post reports:
The deaths of Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, the head of an umbrella group that includes al-Qaeda in Iraq, should disrupt insurgent attacks inside the country, officials said. Their slayings could also provide Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (pictured above) with a decisive political boost at a critical time.The two insurgent leaders were said to have been killed on Saturday in a night raid involving Iraqi and American forces.“The death of these terrorists is potentially the most significant blow to al-Qaeda in Iraq since the beginning of the insurgency,” Gen. Ray Odierno, the top commander of U.S. troops in Iraq said in a statement. “There is still work to do but this is a significant step forward in ridding Iraq [of] terrorists.”
United States military officials confirmed that Iraqi security forces had killed the two men. “The death of these two terrorists is a potentially devastating blow to Al Qaeda in Iraq,” the American command said in a statement.Bizarrely, the Reuters piece quotes the Iraqi prime minister pinpointing the location of the raid as “a house in Thar-Thar, a rural area 50 miles west of Baghdad that is regarded as a hotbed of Qaeda activity”, however, the Washington Post report quotes U.S. officials saying the raid occurred “a few miles southwest of Tikrit”. If you look at a map of Iraq, those two descriptions do not entirely add up, unless you consider “a few miles” to be over 100. Certainly a more specific location could have been given.He (the Iraqi prime minister) said the house was destroyed, and the two bodies were found in a hole in the ground where they had apparently been hiding.
However, that is perhaps the least of the problems surrounding this story.
Anyone who reads the news should be feeling a profound sense of déjà vu, because almost a year ago to the day, al-Baghdadi was reported captured by Iraqi security forces. His arrest was confirmed by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the same man now purporting that Baghdadi has been killed in a raid.
Al-Baghdadi was the replacement al-CIA-da boogie man for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was also previously reported captured and killed on several occasions, after al-Zarqawi was laid to rest for good by the PR arm of the Pentagon in 2006.
The announcement of al-Baghdadi’s capture year ago, jarred with multiple previous reports over a two years period, detailing his arrest, his death and even questioning his existence altogether.
In March 2007, the Interior Ministry of Iraq claimed that al-Baghdadi had been captured in Baghdad. This was reported by AP and picked up by the likes of CNN, whose report stated that another insurgent had positively confirmed al-Baghdadi’s identity.
The U.S. military denied that al-Baghdadi was in their custody, however, and one day later Iraqi officials retracted their statements regarding his arrest.
Indeed this back and forth announcement of capture and later retraction occurred three times in the space of one week.
Then one month later, on May 3, 2007, the Iraqi Interior Ministry announced that al-Baghdadi had been killed by American and Iraqi forces north of Baghdad.
However, in July 2007, the U.S. military declared that al-Baghdadi had never actually existed and was, for all intents and purposes, a myth.
A reportedly high ranking “Al Qaeda in Iraq” detainee identified as Khaled al-Mashhadani, then claimed that al-Baghdadi was a fictional character created to give an Iraqi face to a foreign-run terror group, and that the “Islamic State of Iraq” was a “virtual organisation in cyberspace” created by al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Ayub al Masri.
The person claiming to be Baghdadi continued to release video and audiotapes attacking U.S. occupation of Iraq, but refused to show his face.
The U.S. military’s claim that Baghdadi is a fictitious character was then challenged in May 2008 after a police chief in Haditha said Baghdadi’s real identity is Hamed Dawood Mohammed Khalil al Zawi. “He was an officer in the security services and was dismissed from the army because of his extremism,” the police chief told al Arabiya television.
A year later, in April 2009, following his latest capture, the Iraqi government displayed a picture of Baghdadi for the first time, adding that they were attempting to glean information from him.
The Al Qaeda-linked group the Islamic State of Iraq denied the government reports that al-Baghdadi had been captured, and according to the SITE Institute, released a “genuine” recording of Baghdadi announcing that he was still at large.
But Iraqi officials then released a video of Baghdadi’s interrogation, in which he claimed responsibility for the bombing of a Shia shrine in Samarra in February 2006, and also described how his terrorist group was funded.
However, tapes and messages continued to be released throughout 2009 in the name of Baghdadi, claiming that he had not been captured and spurring on militants in Iraq. Up to the present day in 2010, such messages continued to be reported on by mainstream sources, such as the Associated Press, without any explanation as to how a captured terrorist could be releasing the material.
Now Baghdadi has been reported killed again!
The story becomes even more intriguing given that the second man reported to have been killed and found in a ditch last Saturday was Abu Ayub al Masri – the “creator” of the fictional character of al-Baghdadi.
Al Masri himself was also reported to have been killed in May 2007. He then rose from the dead to be captured in May 2008 in a joint US-Iraqi operation.
Prime Minister al-Maliki’s presumed amnesia over the fact that he already annouced Baghdadi captured less than twelve months ago becomes more suspect when you take into account that he is trying to negotiate support for his State of Law coalition following parliamentary elections in which it emerged only as the second largest bloc.
Presumably the ridiculous loose ends of this soap opera will now be tied off and memory holed – although we cannot put it past al Masri and his imaginary friend to rise from the grave one more time a year down the line, particularly given that the Baghdadi character keeps being resurrected and acknowledged by the Iraqi government, the U.S. military and the mainstream media.
This saga is another example of how a manufactured smoke and mirrors propaganda veils reality. The “war on terror” mantra continues to be propagated as justification to wage permanent occupation and control over the middle east by the global elite.
Already Joe Biden is parading around, announcing the news as a “devastating blow” delivered to Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda in Iraq, al Zarqawi, al Baghdadi and the legions of other al qaeda operatives who have been reportedly captured and killed over and over are used as interchangeable PR tools.
Are or were any of them ever real? Possibly. Was there more than one Baghdadi? Maybe. However those facts matter little now.
Once again 99% of the corporate media will no doubt enthusiastically
champion the latest killings as a key victory in the continuing war on
terror, and the majority of Americans who even notice will not take a second
glance at the ludicrous back story.
RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in '95 |
By Andrew W. Griffin
Red Dirt Report, editor
OKLAHOMA CITY – While Oklahoma and the rest of the world respectfully remember the 168 people who died in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building here in Oklahoma City, one survivor of the April 19, 1995 blast, Jane Graham, wants her questions about what really happened that day answered once and for all.
Graham, a native of Chicago who was working for the HUD office on the ninth floor of the Murrah building that morning told Red Dirt Report that there were a lot of strange things going on in the weeks leading up to the bombing, things that she shared numerous times with federal agents, things she felt were ignored. This included the presence of maintenance workers she did not recognize, military people in the parking garage and more unusual activity.
But one of the key figures – the bomber himself – Timothy McVeigh, was spotted in the federal building on a number of occasions.
“It was a couple of weeks before the bombing. I had seen McVeigh in the building prior to the bombing, around the first week of April.”
McVeigh, Graham said, rode up in an elevator with her while she was heading to her office one morning.
“He was in military fatigues,” Graham told Red Dirt Report. “I looked at him and said ‘hi’ and he simply looked straight ahead. He got off on the sixth floor. I turned to someone else on the elevator and said, ‘Well, he’s certainly not very friendly.”
Another time, Graham said, he was in the elevator again and got off on the ninth floor, where the Secret Service and BATF offices were located.
Another unusual event, Graham recalled, was on Friday April 14, 1995. She said she parked in the Murrah parking garage and she noticed three men standing together on the south side of the parking area. One of the men was holding what looked like floor plans. She said at first she thought about the recent phone problems that had been plaguing the building and problems with gas fumes in the area.
“I watched them carefully,” Graham said. “They were standing behind a light green station wagon, like an old Country Squire wagon. It was filthy and I couldn’t see the plate on it.”
As she watched the three men, one of whom was wearing dark clothing and two wearing short sleeves and jeans, one of the men held a sack and “a roll of what appeared to be telephone wire.”
“They were watching me and I was watching them,” she said, noting that the tall man – “a good looking man,” as Graham described him – walked to the north side of the lot. She said she thought this man was Andreas Strassmeir, known as “Andy the German,” a German white supremacist linked with the bombing and the racist Elohim City compound out in Adair County.
Graham said the other two men “looked like military.” They had that military bearing, she said.
Fast-forward to the day before the bombing, Graham said she was running late to work and as she came downstairs she ran into two men in General Services Administration uniforms, one of whom was older and was asking the other man “how does this work?”
She did not recognize these men and thought their presence curious.
She also said she was approached by a man who identified himself as an "FBI agent”* who wanted to know about the men. She also said Trish Nix, one of the 168 victims, had allegedly asked Graham if she had “seen the bomb squad” outside, noting they were in the parking lot of the nearby Catholic Church.
“No, I haven’t seen them,” Graham said she responded. Graham said Nix then said, “I think they’re in the building.”
Graham said she went on to a Windows ’95 computer training meeting and that once she got settled is when all hell broke loose.
“Everybody beneath your desk, it’s an earthquake,” Graham said the class was told.
“I thought, ‘this is not an earthquake,’ Graham recalls thinking. “The next thing I knew, was a huge explosion. I felt the floor rise up underneath me. I looked up in the air and could see the roof suspended in the sky. Then there was black dust and it smelled like sulfur … a lady next to men and another men said ‘we’ve got to get out of here.’”
Disoriented, Graham said the smoke was thick and black. She managed to make her way out of the building, all the while thinking of the children in the day care center located in the building.
“I told someone, ‘The children in the day care, we’ve got to get them out.’” But Graham was told to keep on moving on out of the building and told to go to Robinson street.
Graham said the rest of the day she was in a daze. She was trying to get help and later get cleaned up because she felt as if she had fiberglass all over her body.
Graham said a post office employee, who worked at the post office across the street from the Murrah building, told her that “the bomb detail with dogs” had been patrolling the area near the building. However, this worker, Graham said, was warned not to talk about what she sad or she would lose her post office job.
One thing the postal worker told Graham is that McVeigh and “John Doe 2” had been in the post office.
Graham said that as a survivor and one with information, she wanted to help the investigators have as much information as possible. But as she shared her story, about the fatigue-wearing McVeigh figure, the mysterious men inside the Murrah building and in the parking garage, she was largely ignored if it did not follow the official story involving McVeigh and the Ryder truck bomb.
“I was stonewalled,” Graham said. “No one wanted me to draw a picture, take a look at a picture or describe him.”
Added a clearly frustrated Graham: “Never to this day did I hear from anyone.”
Graham said her co-workers who survived largely don’t want to believe the government was involved in the bombing.
Graham, meanwhile, has her strong suspicions about the government and their complicity. She said her father was the secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO labor organization in Chicago and when he was asked if he wanted to lead the group, he said he would have more influence controlling the funds.
“It’s all about power and control,” Graham said, adding, “This has nothing to do with a foreign government. I am utterly convinced the ATF and the FBI are involved in the bombing of that building.”
She said they will not admit complicity mainly because “they don’t want to open themselves up to a liability suit.”
*Correction: This originally read "CIA agent." The interview subject
said it was a man who was an "FBI agent." Red Dirt Report regrets the error.
CFR Journalist Calls Tea Party Talk Seditious |
[."Sedition" is a term invented and defined by tyrants to justify their reign. Only if you conclude you are ruled by tyrants can you also conlude your acts are seditious. >> Tribble] |
Kurt Nimmo
Joe Klein is worried. All this constitutional talk on the part of the Tea Party movement may actually lead to significant change (not Obama faux change, but the real McCoy).
Mr. Klein, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, does not take kindly to the commoners organizing and refusing to sit down and shut up, so over the weekend he characterized exercising the First Amendment as sedition.
“I did a little bit of research just before this show — it’s on this little napkin here,” Klein told Obama attack dog Christ Matthews. “I looked up the definition of sedition which is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of the state. And a lot of these statements, especially the ones coming from people like Glenn Beck and to a certain extent Sarah Palin, rub right up close to being seditious.”
Mr. Klein, of course, realizes Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck will not challenge the primacy of the state — they will merely flip the rigged political game back over to the Republican side of the coin. Klein and the CFR will not be sent packing under a Republican regime. Establishment Republicans are not allergic to the CFR and its plan for world government.
No, Mr. Klein was talking about the real Tea Party — the original Libertarian version that was paved over by the artificial “astroturf” version cobbled together by establishment Republicans.
Sedition is reserved for real patriots, not Republican neocons. Mr. Klein is merely speaking out loud what the establishment discusses in private.
Our rulers are eager to bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. The law signed by John Adams established punishment of up to two years of imprisonment for “opposing or resisting any law of the United States” or for writing or publishing “false, scandalous, and malicious writing” about the President or the U.S. Congress.
The government, of course, gets to decide what is “false, scandalous, and malicious writing.”
President Thomas Jefferson allowed Adams’ monstrosity to expire in 1801 but it has come back in various manifestations since (for instance the the Espionage Act of 1917 that was expanded to cover criticizing the Government of the United States, and also the Smith Act of 1940 which made it a crime to advocate or to teach overthrowing the government or to be a member of any organization that advocated such).
Last month the FBI arrested members of the Hutaree “militia” (they liked to play paintball games in the woods) and they now stand charged with sedition against the government.
Stay tuned. It looks like sedition is about to stage a comeback.
Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming Alarmists |
Paul Joseph Watson - Prison
![]() |
With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline
groups to re-open airspace following dozens of successful test flights
directly through the volcano ash cloud, it appears as if the infamous UK
MET Office, which relies on similar voodoo science in proliferating its
fearmongering about global warming, has once again been completely discredited
at a cost of widespread chaos on top of hundreds of millions of dollars
a day in lost revenue.
As the Telegraph points out today, “Volcanoes have pumped ash plumes of this size and bigger into the atmosphere many times in the past without turning an entire continent into a no-fly zone.” Now International Air Transport Association chief Giovanni Bisignani has slammed the no fly ban as an “embarrassment.” “It took five days to organise a conference call with the ministers of transport. Europeans are still using a system that’s based on a theoretical model, instead of taking a decision based on facts and risk assessment,” said Bisignani. |
“This decision (to close airspace) has to be based on facts and supported by risk assessment. We need to replace this blanket approach with a practical approach.”
The knee-jerk ban on all air travel was imposed firstly in the UK on Thursday by the National Air Traffic Services company as a consequence of advice from the UK MET Office, a quasi-governmental metrological outfit which is closely connected with the UK Ministry of Defence.
The MET Office was deeply embroiled in the Climategate scandal, and as a result were forced to re-examine 160 years of temperature data before they can make their next prediction on climate change, a process that won’t be completed until 2012.
The MET Office has constantly proved that it cannot even accurately predict the immediate weather forecast, never mind temperature models a hundred years into the future. The MET Office infamously predicted last year that the UK would enjoy a “barbeque summer” and a “mild winter”. This was followed by disastrously wet July and August before the UK suffered one of its coldest and most severe winters in decades.
The MET Office gravely warned that the ash from the volcano would cause jet engines to fail by melting and then congealing in the turbines, but airlines have now flown multiple test flights directly through the ash cloud and safely landed with no ill effects whatsoever.
“Lufthansa and Air France’s KLM unit reported successful testing of flights without passengers during the weekend, and Air France said an inspection of an Airbus A320 flown yesterday from Paris to Toulouse showed “no anomalies,” reports Bloomberg.
KLM and Lufthansa conducted no less than 10 flights each without incident. “Airlines that have carried out test flights say planes showed no obvious damage after flying through the ash,” reports the BBC.
A British Airways Boeing 747 also safely conducted a test flight through the no fly zone on Sunday.
Steven Verhagen, vice-president of the Dutch Airline Pilots Association, told the Associated Press news agency: “In our opinion there is absolutely no reason to worry about resuming flights.”
Authorities have been “criticised for imposing rules which were based on theory rather than practical evidence,” which sounds like a charge that could be leveled against any of the measures imposed in the name of alleviating global warming, which have proven to be based on voodoo science in light of the Climategate scandal.
Indeed, it seems that European air travel has completely ground to halt, costing hundreds of millions in lost revenue every day, while leaving thousands of people stranded in remote areas with no means of returning home, as a result of a “precaution” that remains in place despite the fact it’s been soundly rubbished by the safe return of dozens of test flights.
London Telegraph blogger James Delingpole satirically scorns this “Precautionary Principle” in his article today while making the analogy to global warming.
“Has anyone else noticed that since the eruption of the Ejyerkslllbjorkscreeylllkkrctarslyllgrgleglugglug volcano not a single plane over Europe has crashed, been involved in a terrorist incident or caused any of passengers on board an aircraft any discomfort whatsoever?” he writes.
“I suggest we ground all passenger aircraft forever. On the Precautionary Principle….Do you see now, why the precautionary principle makes sense? When we apply it regularly all we have to lose is our money, our freedom and our sanity.”
The chaos is costing airlines an estimated figure of $300 million dollars a day, a massive blow considering many were only just beginning to get back on their feet after the global recession. Airline and travel stocks plunged today, some by well over 6 per cent, as the market reacted to delays that some are saying could continue for weeks or even months.
Now the MET Office has gazed once more into its crystal ball and predicted that the deadly ash cloud is heading towards Canada and the U.S.
Will American and Canadian authorities exercise the same misplaced trust
in the discredited MET Office and as a result threaten to derail an embryonic
economic recovery? To be relying on atmospheric data from a body that has
proven itself over and over again to be an outlet for bias, spectacularly
inaccurate and agenda-driven science is a complete joke and cooler heads
need to prevail before this stupidity drags on any longer.
Get Ready, Inflation Is On The Way |
By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press - 4/19/2010
In the professional financial world, the term “inflation” has many inferences, consequences, supposed benefits, and definitions. One Wall Street economist may have an entirely different interpretation of the word than another Wall Street economist working in the same building. This lack of a common orientation to the issue creates serious confusion for the everyday investor and the average American only looking for the fundamentals, so that they may better protect their livelihood. In fact, it is not unusual to see two financial analysts discussing inflation in the MSM, only to completely fumble over each other because they do not share a mutual idea of what it actually means.
Some consider inflation as the expansion of markets, some the expansion of profit margins, others the unbalanced increase in productivity versus demand. These are all marginal inflationary concerns compared to REAL inflation; the inflation of prices due to a devaluation of the dollar.
Since the current economic crisis officially began in 2007, we and others have been warning about the inherent danger of dollar collapse in the face of unprecedented liquidity creation by the private Federal Reserve, as well as the continued collapse of the Treasury Bond market, and the massive increase in our national debt caused by unchecked spending by the government under both Republican and Democratic administrations. While we are well aware that the mainstream media, for the most part, has shrugged off the possibility, and are currently in sing-song over our supposed “recovery”, we believe the threat has grown to substantial levels over the past three years, and that recent signals indicate that inflationary effects will soon be widely visible to the general public.
Unchecked inflation, or “hyperinflation”, is perhaps the most devastating economic circumstance in existence. Inflation not only disrupts the mechanics of a financial system, it also evaporates the buying power of currency; the very basis of trade, decimating the savings of an entire nation in one fell swoop. The United States has been on this path for quite some time. The ill-conceived (and likely engineered) journey is quickly coming to an end…
Treasury Yields Signal Approaching Dollar Plunge
By now, most Americans, even those with little interest in economic affairs, are aware of the disintegrating Treasury bond market. Foreign investment in long term U.S. debt is almost non-existent. Without a continuous flow of foreign funds to support our deficit spending free-for-all, our economy WILL collapse, along with the Dollar. It is only a matter of time. In order to delay this collapse, the Federal Reserve (in tandem with certain government officials) has been creating fiat money en masse to buy our own debt, thus monetizing it further, and setting the groundwork for a major devaluation of the Dollar. I believe that this process is nearing completion, and that treasury yields are a prominent indicator of an approaching bond bubble burst. You can track the activity in Treasury auctions here:
Treasury yields have spiked to startling levels in the past two months, flirting with 4%, for 10 year notes and poised to increase further. Some may argue that yields have been at the same level and much higher in the past. The problem is that this did not occur while interest rates were being artificially held at zero by the Federal Reserve.
Without going into a ten page synopsis on the intricacies of the Treasury price vs. yield relationship, essentially, when yields are up, it means bond prices are going down. When bond prices go down, especially when they go down dramatically, this indicates dollar devaluation and the possibility of inflation. Yields often rise when the government cannot generate enough investment in our debt, which is exactly what has happened. Responses to bond auctions over the past year have been dismal:
The MSM has skirted the issue of yields and inflation, claiming that rising yields only show that the economy is improving and that people are pulling money away from bonds and throwing it back into riskier assets such as stocks. This interpretation would make sense under normal circumstances. However, our situation is far from normal. Yields should remain relatively low while interest rates are kept close to zero, but they have not remained low, and this is cause for concern. The Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates to zero and stated clearly that they intend to keep them there for much longer than most thought they would, yet they still can’t generate enough investment in the U.S. Dollar to support our national debt, and have thus allowed yields to spike to lure in new buyers. We are practically giving away bonds, and no one wants them! This signals to me that Treasury markets could conceivably tank in the near future, and we would either be facing a sovereign debt crisis like Greece, or (more likely), the Fed will become the one and only buyer of U.S. debt with money printed out of thin air, and presto! Hyperinflation!
This article from 2007 is rather prophetic:
Interestingly, while this development will hurt almost everyone, certain people will benefit, mainly the international banks, which stand to make incredible profits because they borrow short and lend long, if they lend at all. This might explain why banks who received bailout cash have so far refused to begin pumping it back into the real economy, and why credit markets have remained chilly. It is possible they invested a large portion of this money into treasuries, tightened credit, and are now sitting back making a tidy profit on the rising treasury yields. This would keep stimulus dollars wrapped up in the banking sector and perhaps the stock market, which explains how companies like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase are currently making huge profits and the Dow Jones can produce a historical rally while the rest of the economy lays down in the gutter. Of course, this can only last while the Dollar still holds some value, which may not be for much longer.
Reading The Signs In Gold And Silver
Precious metal markets are manipulated through naked short selling, and have been for decades. Anyone who researches their operations in-depth knows this is a fact. Why would corporate and central banks keep the value of PM’s down? There are a number of reasons, the primary one being that gold and silver, if allowed to function in markets normally, would compete with the Greenback and other fiat currencies, perhaps surpassing them as the currency of choice because of the fraudulent nature of paper money. The scheme dwarfs the subprime derivatives fraud that Goldman Sachs is currently being sued for by the SEC. Exposing this reality to the general public though presents mind-boggling difficulty.
The U.S. Commodity Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC), is supposed to monitor and investigate market manipulation and monopoly, and punish those corporations that would subvert precious metals for their own gain. The CFTC has failed completely in this task, either deliberately (most likely), or through pure stupidity. I have heard it said in the past that it would take nothing short of a currency crisis to bare the fraud in metals markets. Apparently, that moment has arrived…
Investors in gold and silver have been voicing their suspicions quite loudly in the past year over banker deception in PM securities. One would expect that the inflationary program instituted by the Federal Reserve would have a greater effect on Gold’s value than it has, and silver has been struggling to break the $20 an ounce mark ever since the bailouts began, which is outlandish considering the circumstances involved. Enter Andrew Maguire, former employee of Goldman Sachs and trader in PM markets. Maguire has exposed the blatant fraud in the silver trade by using inside information on the JP Morgan signals for short sellers to predict EXACTLY how the market would move before it did so!
Maguire took his concerns and evidence to the CFTC and was ignored. In response, he approached Kingworld News and GATA, and exposed the information to the world. Below, Bill Murphy of GATA confronts the CFTC board with the Maguire situation once again (keep in mind, he is speaking quickly because his presentation is on a time limit):
It would seem that the meltdown in Treasuries is beginning to boil over, creating a domino effect that has finally brought the truth of PM’s to the light of day. This is good news and bad news. Good, because the lie of fiat currency and banker suppression of gold and silver (real money) is finally being revealed to the wider public. Bad, because it also indicates that the Dollar is on the verge of crumbling. Despite manipulation, gold in particular has held very strong around the $1100 an ounce mark. Most mainstream talking head economists were predicting its downfall months ago. Not even the temporary strength of the Dollar due to trouble in the Eurozone has phased gold. This tells me that inflation is about to commence. But where will we see it first?
Oil Highly Sensitive To Inflation
Because the Greenback is the world reserve currency (for now), and oil is traded primarily in Dollars, it is certain that oil will be the first commodity to reflect inflation when it is triggered. As I discussed in previous articles, I believe that the meteoric rise in oil to $150 a barrel in early 2008 was purposely engineered by an organized group of corporate speculators, not for the purpose of profit (as the MSM claims), but to condition Americans to accept the idea of doubling gas prices in preparation for inevitable inflation in 2010-2011.
Oil is now holding near the $85 a barrel mark, and appears poised to make another jump this summer. The media will once again blame “speculation”, but this time it will not be speculators but a dissolving Dollar that is causing the increase in gas prices. It is a clever ruse to delay the public’s realization that their currency is dying. Already, the MSM is attempting to attribute current high prices to “supply shortages”, a patently false claim considering OPEC nations have not drastically changed their output, and U.S demand has remained low:
Watch for oil prices to show steady increases this summer followed by a surprising spike sometime late fall or early winter. This time, prices will not retreat as they did in 2008. Keep in mind that this prediction does not factor in a widening conflict in the Middle East, which could activate gas spikes sooner. In truth, escalation of war in oil producing areas such as Iran could also be used as a proxy crisis designed to hide inflationary effects on gas prices, and distract from a Dollar collapse.
China Ready To Decouple From U.S.
Nearly every piece of data I have seen on China in the past six months leads me to believe that they are ready to drastically change their trade relationship with the U.S. to our detriment, or, they are ready to cut off from their interdependency with us completely, and they are ready NOW. What they are waiting for is open to debate, but I suspect they are holding back until the IMF is able to fully circulate SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights), until SDR’s are rooted enough to replace the Dollar as world reserve currency.
As we have covered in great detail in recent articles, China has frozen investment in long term U.S. Treasuries and begun dumping those they already own. Their interest in short term treasuries has been mediocre at best. That means the U.S. can no longer count on China to invest in our debt. This alone is enough to assure an eventual Dollar implosion, however, there is more…
Talk of a Yuan de-peg from the Greenback has accelerated as we predicted it would over a month ago. A lot of melodrama has been fabricated in the media over this issue, leading Americans to believe that the U.S. government and the Chinese are at odds over Yuan appreciation. It’s mostly a facade. China has been ready to de-peg for at least half a year now, and likely has been planning to all along. Why? Because they no longer need American export markets to survive.
Much has been written about China’s sudden explosion in growth since the first phase of the collapse waned. China produced its own stimulus and bailout programs, cut millions of migrant workers off payrolls without counting them on their unemployment numbers, and helped to finalize the ASEAN trading block, which is obviously the first step towards a kind of “Asian Union”. This has caused an incredible rebound in their overall exports. Western economists often attribute the rise in Chinese exports to improving conditions in the U.S. That is to say, they think we are spending again like we used to in 2007. But, if one examines the import statistics of the U.S. over the past year, they would find that imports have been rather stagnant, and that American spending has had only minor improvement:
U.S. exports and imports are down on average 20% to 25%, while Chinese exports grew by 8% in 2009 and are projected to grow another 10% this year. What this shows is that indeed, China’s exports are recovering, but not because the U.S. is buying. They have replaced U.S. markets with others, including ASEAN, and are moving to deal more in African trade as well. China no longer needs the U.S. to sustain growth, so there is no reason for them to continue pegging the Yuan to the Dollar.
Mainstream economists have argued that a rise in the Yuan will allow U.S. companies to export more to China, and in turn improve our economy. This is a naïve assumption. China has cheap labor, extensive industrial capacity, and new trading partners, which means they will have little demand for products from the U.S. The Corporate Elite here in the states have almost completely dismantled our industrial capacity and shipped it overseas, which means we do not have the ability to sustain our economy on exports and won’t for many years to come. Some argue that the U.S. is one of the largest producers of goods in the world, but this is only half true. We do utilize capital to produce many goods, but most of the factories we use to do the actual work are in China, Indonesia, and South America. The factories are not on OUR soil, which means we do not have true industrial capability in the event of a monetary breakdown.
Once the Yuan has been de-pegged from the Greenback, China will probably increase their dumping of U.S. Treasuries even more than they already have, which will devalue our currency if not destroy its reserve status entirely. One consequence of a Yuan appreciation that many people do not consider is import price increases to the U.S. Most of our goods are made in China. If the Yuan is allowed to increase, this will make it more expensive for Americans to buy Chinese made products. Now, this price boost may not be extreme, but it does offer another opportunity for our government to hide the devaluation of our currency. I guarantee, when prices start to rise exponentially, you will hear the MSM blame the Yuan de-peg, instead of the real cause, inflation and dollar collapse.
Caught In A Lie? Lie Bigger!
Americans are not happy with the current state of affairs in this country. Obama’s approval rating has plummeted to one of the lowest levels on record for any president at this point in a term. This is due in large part to his continuance and acceleration of Bush era economic policies:
The numbers are no better for Congress as a whole. Rather efficiently, the current government has sullied itself beyond repair in the minds of most citizens. If you know your history, then you know that times like this are the most culturally precarious. Our political leadership and the Globalists who shadow them have a knack for creating terrible distractions when they become the primary focus of the people’s ire. Wars, terrorist attacks, financial disasters, tend to strike in curious fashion whenever the establishment is directly under the magnifying glass. Of course, this could just be “coincidence”, but I’m not one to take that simplistic explanation too seriously.
Inflation, when it occurs, will lead directly back to the private Federal Reserve, the core source for most of the problems in this country. They will do everything in their power to hide it, divert the blame, and cause upheaval in other areas of society to draw our attentions away from it. The non-stop propaganda on our supposed “recovery” is only the beginning. My greatest concern is that they will use the advent of a new war or terrorist attack as a phantom target, a scapegoat for the hyperinflationary breakdown that was going to occur anyway. My greatest fear is that the majority of Americans will fall for the ruse.
If I am wrong, then we have nothing to worry about, the “green shoots” are in full bloom, the Dollar is still king, and China is still happily making our sneakers and paper umbrellas. Good for us. But if I am right, and you find one day soon that hyperinflation is ravaging our currency and our economy, remember well that it was not Iran, Russia, Pakistan, or China that caused our pains. It was not Al-Qaeda or those rambunctious “Homegrown Terrorists” that we keep hearing about. None of these countries or groups are the primary trigger of the Dollar failure.
The MSM will claim that we were on the verge of a financial resurgence; that things were getting back to normal. This will be a grand lie. The master lie. The meltdown was going to happen regardless of that war in Iran, or that dirty bomb attack on the East Coast, and the culpability for it will lay squarely in the hands of the Federal Reserve, and certain key players in our own government. If they institute martial law, or the dissolution of civil liberties in response to structural failure, it will be they who are responsible, not some devious outside menace.
Laughably, in the end some will eventually argue that inflation is a “good” thing, because it “forces Americans to spend their money before it is devalued”! Sound absurd? The article below makes this exact statement!
No matter what happens in the next couple of years, we cannot allow
ourselves to forget who the real enemy is, and we cannot allow others to
forget either. The last time a major western power was thrust into the
nightmare of hyperinflation, we ended up with the Third Reich. Let us learn
from history instead of repeating it. Let us not see a fourth…
We Refuse! |
by Michael Boldin
The following is based off a speech given at the Palm Desert Tax Day Tea Party on April 15, 2010
There are a few core beliefs that guide me in everything I do as the founder of the Tenth Amendment Center
But the founders and ratifiers gave us something unique in history – a first, really. They created a system where the average people – you and I – held final authority. We the people are sovereign. We the people hold final authority. We the people are in charge. And, they the government work for us!
The Tenth Amendment codifies in law this principle of popular sovereignty – that “We the People” of the several states created the federal government to be our agent for certain, enumerated purposes – and nothing more. But unfortunately, that’s not how things have been working, and very little that the government does is actually authorized by the constitution. And, this is a problem that didn’t just start in January 2009 – it’s been going on a long, long time.
Question – What do we do about it?
Guess what – they were right. For a hundred years, we the people have been suing, and marching, and lobbying, and voting the bums out – but yet…year in and year out, government continues to grow and your liberty continues to diminish – and it doesn’t matter who is the president, or what political party controls congress – the growth of power in the federal government never stops.
The problem we face today is not about personalities or political parties – it’s about power. Until we address the absolute fact that the federal government has too much power, things will never change.
Question – What do we do about it?
Jefferson and Madison gave us the answer. In response to the unconstitutional attacks on liberty that were the Alien and Sedition Acts, they secretly authored the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798. Here are a few excerpts that really define exactly how things are supposed to work when two or more branches of the federal government conspire against the constitution and your liberty.
the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their General GovernmentSo while it might be important to call, petition, demand, march, sue and vote bums out, because they’re all bums, there’s much more we’re supposed to do. When the federal government violates your rights, you’re not supposed to wait four years for new politicians in the hope that they’ll fix it. You’re not supposed to wait two, or four, or more years for some black-robed judge to pronounce that they’ve violated your rights. You are supposed to resist those violations of your liberty as they happen – and it is your state’s solemn duty to do the same.whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.
where powers are assumed [by the federal government] which have not been delegated [by the Constitution], a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy
While such a task might seem daunting, it’s something that’s already happening today, and has been growing in recent years too.
In 2007, one state rep in Maine introduced a non-binding resolution opposing the REAL ID Act.
In 2008, one state rep in Oklahoma introduced a simple non-binding resolution reaffirming the Constitution as defined by the 10th amendment,.
In 2009, one state rep in Montana introduced a bill to nullify some federal gun laws and regulations.
In 2009, one state rep in Arizona introduced a state constitutional amendment to effectively ban a national health care plan in that state.
These simple, single acts by courageous people have grown into a state-level resistance to unconstitutional federal acts the likes this country has possibly never seen.
This Act is not over 1000 pages. It’s not 500 pages. It’s not a dozen, or even two. It’s one single page to nullify now.
Here’s a majority of what it says:
The Legislature of the State of _______________ declares that the federal law known as the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” signed by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010, is not authorized by the Constitution of the United States and violates its true meaning and intent as given by the Founders and Ratifiers, and is hereby declared to be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.And it adds some much-needed ‘teeth’ too:
Any official, agent, or employee of the United States government or any employee of a corporation providing services to the United States government that enforces or attempts to enforce an act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the government of the United States in violation of this act shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction must be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or a term of imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or both.They want to fine us or put us in jail for not buying insurance from some corporation. What’s next – fining us for not buying a Chevy? Well, it’s time that we turn this thing around – and in the federal health care nullification act – we fine THEM for violating our rights!
While this may seem difficult to accomplish – or even insurmountable – if we do nothing, or if we even do the same things we’ve been doing, we’re doomed to failure. But if we do what’s right, we will succeed! Samuel Adams put it best: “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”
Question: What do we do about it?
Step one is to sign on in support the Federal Health Care Nullification Act. WeRefuse.com is a new website (and the only one that I’m aware of) dedicated solely to nullifying national health care on a state level. Join us in our first goal of 100,000 to stop national health care “laws” today!
Let’s make this work and then we can use it as a model for every other constitutional violation coming out of D.C.
Michael Boldin [send him email] is the founder of the Tenth Amendment Center
Copyright © 2010 by TenthAmendmentCenter.com. Permission to reprint
in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To Push “Extremist Threat” Propaganda |
Bill Clinton and the corporate media waste no time in dancing on the graves of 168 dead men, women and children to demonize their political opposition
Paul Joseph Watson - Prison Planet.com
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Bill Clinton, the Southern Poverty Law Center and almost the entire
corporate media are not letting a good opportunity go to waste today –
by dancing on the graves of 168 victims and exploiting the 15th anniversary
of the false flag Oklahoma City Bombing to demonize their political enemies,
the Internet, and anyone who dares to express dissent against the federal
The propaganda putsch coincides with FBI head Robert Mueller stating that right-wing extremist groups and anti-government militias now represent as big a terror threat as Al-Qaeda, as the whole apparatus of the war on terror is shifted to target Americans increasingly angry at the egregious corruption in government and the global economy as their standard of living plummets and their pension funds are under threat of seizure. It also dovetails President Obama’s hyping last week of the threat posed by individuals acquiring nuclear weapons, a claim top nuclear experts like Henry Sokolski have derided as overstated and not based on any new intelligence. |
Obama’s warning arrives shortly after FEMA was forced to scale back a simulated nuclear bomb attack by terrorists in Las Vegas that was set to involve 10,000 emergency responders, U.S. troops and officials in role playing exercises.
Former President Bill Clinton told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday that he is worried rising anger at the federal government could lead to another OKC bombing, implying that people who use the Internet to express dissent will be to blame for the violence.
Clinton’s exploitation of the Oklahoma City bombing anniversary is being parroted across the establishment media as if it’s just a year or two since the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah building. Clearly, such intense coverage of an incident that took place fifteen years ago is being done to keep the heat on the millions of Americans who distrust the federal government in the continuing effort to portray them as domestic terrorists.
A key facet of this PR campaign is to reinforce the official story behind the Oklahoma City Bombing, that the attack was carried out by right-wing anti-government extremists and a similar tragedy could strike again unless the Internet is censored and Constitutionalists, tea party members, libertarians and anyone who expresses dissent are harassed and have their free speech revoked.
The top story on the SPLC’s website today also invokes the OKC bombing as a lesson through which to refocus attention on “right-wing extremists”.
“April 19 marks the 15th anniversary of the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City – the worst single act of domestic terrorism in our nation’s history and a grim reminder of the fruits of right-wing radicalism. The anniversary comes as the antigovernment militia movement is experiencing a resurgence,” states the SPLC website.
There can be little doubt that the American people are being manipulated to accept the inevitability that right-wing militias and lone wolf extremists are preparing another attack, and that the culprit for the violence will be talk radio, the Internet, and the widespread dissent now being displayed against the federal government.
Don’t be surprised if the feds activate their networks of paid provocateurs and stooges to stage yet another false flag attack that will be used to silence the free speech of the government’s most prominent critics.
As part of this propaganda effort, MSNBC will today air “The McVeigh Tapes: Confessions of an American Terrorist,” where viewers will hear for the first time Timothy McVeigh admitting that he carried out the attack. What they won’t hear is McVeigh admitting, as he explained in a letter to his sister prior to the attack, that he was working at the behest of the federal government when he detonated the bomb that tore apart the Alfred P. Murrah building.
“In a Oct. 20 letter, McVeigh wrote his sister that he and nine other soldiers had been taken to a private intelligence briefing at Fort Bragg, where they were told they could be required to participate in government-sanctioned assassinations and government-sponsored drug trafficking,” reported the New York Times on July 1 1998.
In reality, as anyone who has done five minutes research into the OKC bombing will understand, the official story crumbles on the merest hint of casual examination.
While the media, the SPLC, the ADL and similar organizations are happy to play the Timothy McVeigh card over and over again, they are less enthusiastic to mention the fact that McVeigh planned his deadly assault on the Alfred P. Murrah building under the intimate direction of a high-level FBI official, according to McVeigh’s co-conspirator Terry Nichols, a claim voluminously backed up by a plethora of evidence that has been presented in court on several occasions.
The SPLC fear-mongering machine has long claimed the patriot movement is associated with white supremacists and militias and may engage in violence. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that the SPLC itself has “enabled” the miniscule and completely irrelevant white supremacist movement in order to magnify the ludicrous threat they claim these fringe groups pose.
In 2004, a declassified FBI memo obtained by an Oklahoma newspaper revealed that the SPLC had operatives inside the Identity settlement in Elohim City, Oklahoma. “References to an informant working for the SPLC at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing raises serious questions as to what the SPLC might know about McVeigh’s activities during the final hours before the fuse was lit in Oklahoma City – but which the SPLC has failed to disclose publicly,” the Daily Gazette reported.
Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City Bombing, the establishment is using the same tactics in an effort to make history repeat itself, by obsessing about the supposed extremist threat, which is clearly part of an attempt to prod and provocateur any potential nutcases out there into convincing themselves to become the next Timothy McVeigh, if not merely a prelude to the government itself using patsies to carry out an attack as they did with McVeigh.
The salacious media storm surrounding “Jihad Jane” and the Hutaree militia is completely unjustified from an objective perspective and indeed, had these stories occurred when Bush was in office they wouldn’t have received one tenth of the attention.
No matter whether such terror plots are genuine or contrived, they only get press coverage when they complement the targeting of whichever group the establishment is trying to demonize at that particular time.
Consider the case of Joel Henry Hinrichs III, a young white man who killed himself on October 1 2005 when he detonated a suicide bomb on the University of Oklahoma (OU) main campus just 200 yards west of Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, where 84,501 spectators were attending a football game.
This happened a few months after the 7/7 London bombings, which were blamed on radicalized Muslim terrorists. Merely because the media at that time was obsessed with demonizing Muslims as terrorists, the story received next to no attention. Imagine if a white American were to blow himself up in Oklahoma in 2010, do you think the media would be interested? The establishment only plays up terror plots when they feed into the agenda they are pursuing, which is a pretty big clue as to who is behind provocateuring such incidents in the first place.
While hyping the deadly threat posed by violent right-wing extremists, the government itself is paying people to pose as right-wing extremists and make violent threats.
Remember, it was the feds, paid for with your tax dollars, who directed phony right-wing radio host Hal Turner to make death threats against federal judges in Illinois and lawmakers in Connecticut.
The supposed white supremacist worked for the agency from 2002 until 2007. “His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest,” Michael Orozco told the Associated Press.
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