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April 2010


Headlines this Issue

<> 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum
<> Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians
<> Tea Party Vindicators: I Am a Traitor, Communist, Nazi, and Racist
<> Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago
<> Illinois to Declare “Disarm Lawful Citizens Week”
<> Ex-FBI Agent Gets 30 Years for Home-Invasion Plot
<> Arizona law like 'Nazi Germany'
<> Police State Toronto – Terror Drill Caught On Tape
<> Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens

9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum

9-11 Conspiracy Theorist Hits the Road... Infamous 9-11 conspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin, whose books insist the Bush Administration and not al Qaeda blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, is launching a speaking tour this week to help merge the "9-11 Truth Movement" with "more traditional Peace and Anti-War groups" against the "illegal and immoral war" in Afghanistan. The tour also presages Griffin's next book, Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory.

This volume will make much hay over an Obama White House official's article in 2008 as a Harvard law professor, suggesting that the government actively rebut conspiracy theories by networking on social websites. ... Prodigiously, Griffin has been churning out 9-11 conspiracy books since 2004, asserting that U.S. agencies contrived a false flag terrorist attack through controlled demolitions. His first conspiracy potboiler was The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. Griffin believes that U.S. history is primarily a long catalogue of conspiracies across two centuries to facilitate American imperialism and aggression. Griffin faults the United States for killing hundreds of millions of people globally through its economic, military and environmental crimes, making the U.S. more murderous than the old Soviet Empire or the Third Reich. - Front Page Magazine

Dominant Social Theme: Another tour to avoid?

Free-Market Analysis: The controversy around 9/11 is nearly a decade old now but it will not subside. People like David Ray Griffin continue to be in demand from a speaking standpoint and the amount of people who don't believe in the official 9/11 story may amount to as much as one-third of US adults. This is a significant problem, in our opinion. When this many people have questions about something so fundamental as 9/11, an erosion of civil society begins to occur. Government becomes the cynosure of suspicions rather than an organizing or socializing influence.

We want to return to 9/11 in this article as a follow to an article posted on Saturday, which attracted a great deal of feedback, and some pushback as well. The Bell examined a posting by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro for Fox News. In the process of rebutting recent accusations about 9/11 in a new book by Jesse Ventura, he made the rather startling claim that "Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building [WTC-7] - since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall."

We pointed out, along with many others in the blogosphere, that this was a surprising assertion since it can take weeks to wire a building for demolition. And we wrote, "Thus, the blogosphere speculated, either the building was already wired or Larry Silverstein was thinking about wiring it in the future."

However, from the context of the statement, it seems fairly obvious that Silverstein is speaking of demolishing building 7 in a fairly immediate context. This is an important issue because Silverstein has always denied any intention of wiring the building and had explained a way a previous comment of his about "pulling" (demolishing) it. We also wrote that there are other issues swirling around the current 9/11 narrative. For instance, former Attorney General for the state of New Jersey and former senior counsel for the 9/11 Commission, John Farmer, has written a recent book on problems the Commission had with government and military testimony. He writes bluntly in his foreword: ""At some level of the government, at some point in time, this book concludes there was a decision not to tell the truth about what happened."

Additional questions regarding the official narrative have long been raised out on the 'Net. There is considerable confusion over the names of those who were said to have participated in the hijackings, with some of the alleged hijackers apparently now living in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere. Bin Laden denied culpability for 9/11 and the many-storied caves out of which he supposedly worked were never found, nor were the Al Qaeda troops with which he surrounded himself.

Griffin himself has raised questions about the telephones from which victims supposedly called before impact. Cell phones were likely not capable of being used to make calls but there were apparently no onboard phones either on the planes, apparently, so how were calls made to loved ones, he asks. There are even more basic issues, such as why was the World Trade Tower steel supposedly shipped away from the site so quickly, within days when ideally such a vast and intricate crime scene should have been left alone for analysis?

There are literally hundreds of other issues that have been raised on the 'Net regarding 9/11 - some paranoid and some seemingly factual - including the presence, supposedly, of nano-thermite and the additional eyewitness accounts of molten steel puddles that did not solidify for days after the destruction of the towers. Are these perfervid imaginings - and does it matter if they are? The point is that suspicion remains in force for millions, and suspicion can turn to paranoia. Thus, we wrote that a new investigation into 9/11 would go a long way to dispelling confusion and, perhaps, defusing tensions.

It is also important because 9/11 lies at the heart of what America is becoming. It has been responsible for at least two wars in the Middle East and caused a wholesale change in the way Americans relate to their government. Unlimited wiretapping, aggressive monitoring of communications without warrants and other invasive governmental actions have been justified by a supposed need for increased security as a result of 9/11.

We also wrote that in America, "the Patriot Act and other abrogations of traditional American liberties could perhaps be justified on domestic security grounds." However, in no way were we justifying the Act, merely pointing out what the justifications were. Along with many civil libertarians, we believe the erosion of civil liberties in America and Europe are an abomination and that, in fact, there is no justification for them, no matter how "unsafe" the authorities claim certain regions and municipalities might become.

Likewise, we pointed out that there was "no need to accuse the US government or its penumbras (including Israel) of knowingly murdering 3,000 American citizens." We were writing, however, within the context of a potential new investigation. If one DOES contemplate a new investigation of some sort, it is not necessary to state conclusions in advance. The investigation could be an entirely private one, or a quasi-governmental one, or a combination of both. Accusations, meanwhile, wild or not, are not conducive to rational discourse.

Yet questions about 9/11 are obviously not going away. The 911 Commission report didn't even deal with building 7, and Griffin's latest tour (and Ventura's latest book) suggests in fact, that interest in the unresolved issues surrounding 9/11 remains high and may even be growing rather than subsiding. The Internet is partially responsible, as anyone can go online and find thousands of articles and videos that do not currently support the mainstream narrative.

Conclusion: In this article, we've elaborated on some of the other issues that cloud any definitive closure of 9/11 and tried to clarify some points. A commission that sorted through the conflicting claims of 9/11 - even were the commission to be entirely private (a "people's commission," so long as it included credible individuals with appropriate backgrounds) might reach a consensus that was beyond what the 9/11 Commission was able to generate. Such a commission, issuing a further, considered report, might change the course of history (at least a few degrees) while putting to rest at least some of the controversy regarding 9/11, which, as we can see from Griffin's tour, seems to be growing, not diminishing. An investigation that calmly analyzes the continued controversy could, in fact, be considered a patriotic act, in our view, given the present dismal state of societal comity in America. Up to 80 percent of the populace, as a recent Pew poll showed, are distrustful government. An attempt to clear the air when it comes to 9/11 might well be a move in the right direction

Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians

Paul Joseph Watson - Prison
Blackmail: How The Controlling Elite Owns Politicians 260410top2 Homosexual rumors surrounding Senator Lindsey Graham underscore the core reason why the vast majority of Congress members habitually support legislation that is anathema to the interests of the people they are supposed to represent, because politicians rarely achieve positions of influence without being beholden to one form of blackmail or another.

ALIPAC’s William Gheen provoked national headlines last week during a speech in front of thousands of Tea Party supporters when he publicly requested that Graham come out of the closet and admit that he is gay.

“William Gheen called on Senator Lindsey Graham to be honest with American voters about his homosexual lifestyle to assure that Graham’s desire to keep it a secret could no longer be potentially used by political insiders to manipulate Graham’s behavior,” reports Before It’s News. “There are many precedents in American politics where affairs, corruption, addictions, and other situations that politicians wanted concealed were used to manipulate them with unfair advantage.”

“When you have a U.S. Senator from such a conservative state like South Carolina working hand in hand with Obama and New York liberals like Senator Chuck Schumer to pass an Amnesty bill for illegal aliens, there is something very wrong,” said Gheen. “After today’s national broadcasts, the American public will know what the DC insiders know and that was my goal.”
Gheen’s speech has since gone viral on You Tube and prompted a national debate about Graham’s sexuality and if it is being used to blackmail him into pushing the big government agenda.

The open secret that Graham is an alleged homosexual explains why he constantly supports legislation and policies that are almost universally abhorred by his South Carolina constituency – carbon taxes and the phony global warming agenda, pro-amnesty immigration reform, as well as his hostility towards the Tea Party movement.

Graham has been labeled a “Democrat in drag,” a “traitor” and a “disgrace” by conservatives for his policies and was confronted on his global warming advocacy during a town hall meeting in October last year.

This strikes at the very root of why government is broken – politicians may pay lip service to the will of the people to get elected but once in office they click their heels and march to the tune of the controlling elite. That’s because almost every one of them has some dark secret that they can be blackmailed over if they fail to follow the Washington consensus.

[video on source site and on youtube]

This is precisely what we’ve witnessed with President Obama. Despite his promises of hope and a change from the direction of the Bush administration, Obama has followed the same agenda with aggressive uniformity – beefing the war in Afghanistan while expanding it into Pakistan, renewing the Patriot Act, extending warrantless wiretaps, and growing the size of the federal government to unthinkable levels while preparing massive tax hikes.

Obama’s dubious origins, not only the “birther” controversy but the admitted fact that his real name is Barry Soetoro, have been manipulated by the controlling elite to perfection. While never blown wide open, the scandal is kept suitably bubbling under the surface as a threat that if Obama ever does try to be a real leader, his legacy will be completely destroyed.

A more sinister aspect of the same process of blackmail being exercised against Obama is the fact that he is constantly reminded that he is a target for assassination. This was in the news again today with the story of a man who was arrested carrying a gun at a North Carolina airport as President Obama was leaving on board Air Force One.

[video on source site and on youtube]

As we reported earlier this year, throughout the presidential campaign, the public was constantly told that Obama was an assassination target and that his safety was always in jeopardy, a claim that was given credibility after numerous odd secret service security lapses at public events where Obama really was put in danger, whether intentionally or otherwise.

The “gatecrashers” story also served to increase awareness about Obama being vulnerable to attack by people who can seamlessly slip through security and get face to face with the President relatively easily.

It is clear that the neo-cons are holding Obama hostage and issuing a thinly veiled threat by repeating the mantra that the only way to save his political career and his presidency is to attack Iran. There is undoubtedly a mountain of dirt being held back regarding Obama’s past that is being used to blackmail the President into following the new world order agenda – the same as with any President before him.

Becoming President of the United States and indeed being elected top any prominent political office isn’t an opportunity to change things for the better, it’s a deal that politicians make to follow the agenda or if they don’t, to have every intricacy of their private lives exposed to the attack dog media.

Being outed as a homosexual, an adulterer, or having any other personal secret exposed for the endless titillation of the press is the lightest possible punishment a politician can face for stepping out of line. If they don’t have sufficient dirt on them that can be brought out to discredit their name, then all together more unpleasant methods are used.

Blackmail is the primary reason why those in Washington consistently ignore their electorate and push for policies that enjoy little or no support from the majority of Americans.

This is why Congress has an approval rating of a paltry 10 per cent. Nine in ten Americans think Congress is doing a terrible job. This disconnect between politicians and the people isn’t merely due to inherent corruption, it’s primarily because Congress members are completely compromised before they even take office. In most cases, politicians are destroyed by the media before they can even get elected if they don’t have dirt on them that can later be used for blackmail.

Indeed, this is why the cult of personality behind Obama was allowed to be built up to sweep him into office. This is why Wall Street poured billions of dollars into Obama’s campaign fund – because they knew he was compromised, could be easily blackmailed, and would therefore dutifully acquiesce to the orders of the banking elite that he obediently serves.

Tea Party Vindicators: I Am a Traitor, Communist, Nazi, and Racist

by James Bovard
by James Bovard
Recently by James Bovard: Bill Clinton’s Lethal Hypocrisy on Government Violence

The Christian Science Monitor ran an article of mine on the Tea Party last Friday. The article opened, "Many ‘tea party’ activists staunchly oppose big government, except when it is warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding." It concluded, "America needs real champions of freedom – not poorly informed Republican accomplices."

Many Tea Party supporters posted rebuttals to the piece on the web. Here is a sampling of how they vindicated their cause (taken from

Mark: None of the author's comments can withstand a fair and open debate. If one was to fairly generalize the character of the Tea Party protesters it is the opposite of this propagandist’s flawed spin. The protesting Tea Party bunch are mostly informed and above average educated. Exactly what the continued good health of a successful democracy requires.

MichaelA: A truly socialist article. I thought Christian Scientists were conservative. What a shock. Traitors

GBM : more liberal racist crap

Paul: The "Christian" Science Monitor is so far LEFT that what they have to say is as meaningful and valuable as the trash I set out for pickup once a week!!

Ragnar: Just another dihonest bit of editorializing nothing new to see here just move on everyone

Ed: Just ready Michael Savage’s book, "liberalism is a mental disorder" get off your lazy buts and get a job or open a business and stop mooching off the government.

D.D: I wonder if Mr. Bovard is part of the 50% who pay no income tax?

JamesM : The Report of this artical built a straw man and put words in the straw mans mouth. Of course our reproter won the argument with his straw man. I saw no resemblance between this reporter’s straw man, and the Tea Party.

Scott: Its funny how WE stand up for our RIGHTS and BELIEFS and get attacked and told to shut up.. But we are subjected to your apathetic ideas by force of Gov’t. HOW VERY COMMUNIST OF YOU… We will start by removing some of this cancer in 2010.. Then two years later we will remove the ONE… Will you defend your beloved Obama? Not, you are afraid to even step out from behind your screens.. We, the Tea Party, show our faces in public on a daily basis and WHERE ARE YOU??.. We know we’re on the right path.. What are you going to do about it? Nothing but showing your true colors and IQ here in these forums

MARY: what is wrong with your head? The tea party isn:t fighting the liberals they are fighting the taxes this government is putting on us and we are already taxed enough. The liberals are making it that way because they cannot stand the protesting so they start with bone breaking name calling , encouraged by their messiah. What are on the signs. taxed enough already. don;t tread on me. what are they saying about liberals? They are talking about the government.

Why aren:t you beefing about the liberals making fun of a handicapped child or calling bristrol Palin filthy names or the filth they say about Sarah. You whiny bunch of girls.I don:t know who cries more you or your leader.He has sent in the seius to threanten or try to scare of the tea party people. Guess what. They are still going strong.Just as his did with the acorn people at voting time. Bribe people for votes. casting fradulent votes and people voting more than once. Your weeping is getting on everyones nerves.

And who the hell cares about what the christian Science people think. They are so full of crap . I would use their magazines for the same purpose the democrats use the constitution For toilet paper.

Cowboy : Just more propaganda to those who spread it best, the little people who can’t wait to lable the Tea Party with something, anything, oh my what can they do,nothing is working. The Demacrats, Liberal Demacrats,Progressives, Socialists, what ever you call yourselfs are just falling apart. The Tea Party is Growing every day and there is nothing you can do about it, ain’t it just Grand. It’s AMERICANS that LOVE AMERICA more than what’s trying to destroy it and it is that simple. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

Gary P: Bouvard, you are a liberal idiot. Warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding. A movement that started out denouncing government power apparently has no beef with some of the worst abuses of modern times.

So you don’t think cutting a journalist’s head off is a worse abuse than wiretapping. You don’t think bombing the U.S.S. Cole is a worse abuse than waterboarding. You don’t think 9/11 was a worse abuse. You liberals are so quick to write about "our" abuses yet you let things ten times worse slide because you are anti U.S. Let me tell you what I am for. I am for the U. S. A. And if it takes waterboarding to save American lives, I am for it. If someone bombs us, then I’m ready to bomb them back. I hate it when we fight with our hands tied behind our back. You talk about Bush and his deficit. Has Obama spent more in one year than Bush did in eight? You say Bush misled about the Iraq war, but Obama lied. Were you not for the prescription drug bill? Give all your Libs a pass and blame Bush. It’s the same old same old. Ridicule the ones that are trying to stop the big spending and later, when the bills come due, you can blame someone else.

Sam: "James Brovard writes, "Many "tea party" activists staunchly oppose big government, except when it is warring, wiretapping, or waterboarding."

Warring, wiretapping and waterboarding are tools of war. The government's biggest and most important job is to protect American Citizens. That means protect our people from enemies who want to take our way of life, our safety and and our precious freedoms. If the terrorists can't take waterboarding then they better not get caught, huh? The main purpose of war is to win. Waterboarding is a walk in the park compared to what they would do to one our own people. It is effective and it really does not permantly damage the prisoner, injure him, or cause a lot of pain. We have to get information out of them some way. These terrorists want to kill us all! Thanks to other irresponsible journalists, all the terrorists now know how we extract information. If you are not engaging with terrorists you have nothing to fear so don't worry about being wiretapped. The government will only wiretap you if are suspected of engaging with terrorists.. A perosn who does is an terrorist themself. As for the warring, just remember that we didn't start this war and the US has the right to protect her people and territory.This story is typical leftist, twisted garbage rhetoric and as usual, it makes no sense.

JH in Atlanta: What make him a Nazi and not just a Liberal? Why a Nazi, as Nazi must defend and promote a position with lies and not stand on facts.

And it’s not name calling if you calling a spade, a spade.

Notice the author article attempts redefine the Tea Party movement.

I believe in the Tea Party and I was against the Iraq War and the Sr. Drug Benefit Program.

But his argument, that one action justifies or requires another bigger action like "if you were for Sr. Drug Benefit you must be for Obama Health Care" or your a hate group.

Gee with his logic, if I shoot my neighbor I must shoot my neighbor’s kids and wife. Just proves another point about Nazis they want to rob you of "free will".

With "Free Will" I can choose to stop. Even if I was for the Sr. Health Benefit I can realize the mistake and be againts Obama Health Care.

And this statement from his article takes the cake:

"Many of the attendees seemed to hate liberals far more than they loved liberty. A CBS/New York Times poll conducted in April showed that two-thirds of tea party members have a favorable opinion of Sarah Palin, and 57 percent have a favorable opinion of George W. Bush."

So, if you have a favorable opinion of Bush or Palin your hate liberals.

With a statement like this I doubt even if this person could ever grasp the understanding of a bill rights.

And I do have a favorable opinion of the 2nd Bush when compared to Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, but not compared to his father.

Yes, I heard of this type before, seems I remember a group of people who said "hate Jews like we do or you not a good citizen".

Can you spell N-A-Z-I?

Even under guise of "free speech", How can the Christian Science Monitor justify printing such hate?

They deserve to have neither the word Christian or Science in their name.

I could go and discredit the authors other faulty syllogisms, however, I doubt if a Liberal would ever understand reason, as most liberals say logic is racist or hateful.

Yes, When face with logic or facts they now resort to the R or H word.

Buzz: Libs are traitors and should be treated as such.Traitors have very few rights. I can only think of 2, and they are more of a courtesy then rights. (blindfold,smoke).People like myself have no more to give to those that refuse to help themselves.The government using my $ to kill our enemies no problem. Gov. giving my $ to feed people that have cell phones computers,big screen tvs,cable,500 $ rims on their cars,3000 $ worth of tats,but no food or clothes for the 4 kids they have not ok. I know the libs are going to read this and say I am a racist. My answer,ever been to a trailer park in Alabama.

Moderate Conservative Democrat: Nope…I listen to your lies and half truths every day..and I respect your right to spew them.. Support liberty for all.Have taken a look at your peace loving party?Go and watch them protest..Now that is scary..Your party is only now coming out saying "yes we are socialist" so integrity is not part of our core.

You want all the freedoms except when it comes to other people freedoms …such as the national Day of Prayer…Your rights but nobody elses

You will steal from others to take care of those who will not work.

So as a tea party participant I believe in gay marriage…mine is before God and your is not so who cares about your paper

You have the right to pray or not to..God calls this free will

You have the right to make something of your life or sit back and let life roll by…And I grew up dirt poor so yep I get it

So your question you should ask yourself is do I think so little of the last 200 years that I would throw it away..make the death of hero’s nil and void to give somebody a free ride and a half butt life just so everyone has a free fair share..Or will I fight the good fight so just maybe our kids can work hard and find the American dream so many men and women have died for?Do you love your ideas so much that you will live ignorant and throw the Constitution out the window?

Patriot1: I have not kept up with the christian Science Monitors beliefs, but to come out with a story like this is really being against the true American conservative and independent way of thinking. Is it wrong to want a strong national defence and a strong police department to protect the people of this nation. No, I don’t think so, but this story makes a point of being strong against bad people evil.That sounds like a very, very liberal attitude. Sounds to me like an Obama way of thinking.

Bryan: It is unfortunate that Mr. Bovard cannot see the forest through the trees... If there is one institution within government that conservatives do advocate, it is the military. Tea partiers do not rail against defense spending because they understand its purpose and need. I will freely sacrifice my money for the collective good and not the individual special interests of a collective few... Please correct me if I am wrong, I have never heard of an instance in which federal wire-tapping has been used to blackmail, coerce or indict an individual outside of terrorist circles?.... One other point I wanted to note was Mr. Bovard’s comments about police officers. I find it shameful to read an article that casts a wide net on those officers that have never broken the law, have provided comfort and safety in difficult times and have been pillars of their departments and communities. The beating of the college student is inexcusable and will be handled within the confines of the law when the officer’s guilt has been proven by a jury of his peers. Not before.

April 27, 2010
James Bovard [send him mail] is the author of the just-released Attention Deficit Democracy, The Bush Betrayal, and Terrorism & Tyranny: Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil. He serves as a policy advisor for The Future of Freedom Foundation. Visit his website.

Copyright © 2010 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets of Chicago

Kurt Nimmo -

Illinois state Reps. and Chicago Democrats John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford are calling for on the governor, Chicago mayor Daley and Superintendent Jody Weis to use the National Guard in response to crime in the city.
Soldiers with the Louisiana Army National Guard draw their 
weapons on a man following Hurricane Katrina.
“As we speak, National Guard members are working side-by-side with our troops to fight a war halfway around the world,” Fritchey said in a Sunday release. “The unfortunate reality is that we have another war that is just as deadly taking place right in our back yard. Is this a drastic call to action? Of course it is. But is it warranted when we are losing residents to gun violence at such an alarming rate? Without question.”

“Enough is enough. We’ve already lost too many lives. We need action now,” Ford said.

Fritchey said guard members have been trained in civil law enforcement as part of their nation-building assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is illegal to own a handgun in Chicago. Proponents of outlawing the Second Amendment in the city argue that taking guns out of the hands of citizens will reduce violence and the murder rate. 113 people have been killed in Chicago so far this year, the exact same number as U.S. troops reported killed during the same time period in Iraq and Afghanistan. The murder rate in Chicago soared immediately after the city banned handguns in 1982.

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits members of the federal uniformed services, including the State National Guard, from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain law and order on non-federal property within the United States. The act does not apply to National Guard units while under the authority of the governor of a state.

The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act gave the president the authority to call out National Guard troops in the event of “public emergencies,” although the wording of the bill was later repealed and reverted to the previous wording of the Insurrection Act.

In 2007, following Hurricane Katrina, Congress changed the 200-year-old Insurrection Act to allow the president to control state National Guards in the event of an emergency. In a letter to Congress, a number of state governors called the change “a dramatic expansion of federal authority during natural disasters that could cause confusion in the command-and-control of the National Guard and interfere with states’ ability to respond to natural disasters within their borders.”

In 2008, Defense Secretary Robert Gates ordered the Pentagon to conduct a “broad review” to determine if the military and the National Guard and Reserve can “adequately deal with domestic disasters.” Gates’ order followed an earlier report released by the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves urging the Pentagon to “use the nation’s citizen soldiers to create an operational force that would be fully trained, equipped and ready to defend the nation.”

Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis said he did not believe calling out the National Guard is the best solution for a soaring crime rate in the city. “I appreciate their frustration and their willingness to help,” he told Fox News. “But I am simply not sure the National Guard is the answer to our problems — at least in terms of mass deployment. I’m frankly not sure what their mission would be.”

“I spent six years in the Army, and I never got any course on how or why to obtain a search warrant,” Weis said. “That simply isn’t part of the military mission, but it’s something our officers have to deal with every day.”

In July of 2009, an Illinois National Guard military police unit deployed armored vehicles on the streets of Springfield.

In February, Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl called in the National Guard in response to a snow storm. The troops soon began patrolling the streets. The mayor told residents on a live broadcast that the should “be advised that you will begin to see National Guard Humvees in some of your neighborhoods beginning this evening.” Ravenstahl also said issues that would normally be handled by police would be handled by the National guard, including “domestic disputes” normally addressed by the police.

During the G20 summit in Pennsylvania last year, neighboring New York announced it would mobilize the National Guard and deploy Blackhawk and Chinook helicopters. “The New York Army National Guard aircrew and helicopters are flying in support of the Pennsylvania National Guard’s Joint Task Force G20 which is executing Operation Steel Kickoff, security support for the G20 Summit involving 2,500 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen working at the direction of the Secret Service,” reported ReadMedia Newswire in January.

In 2008, National Guard troops were dispatched to patrol Times Square during the New Year celebration.

The Iowa National Guard was forced to rollback a military training exercise on the streets of a rural Iowa town in February, 2009, after negative publicity. The Guard had planned a four-day urban military operation in tiny Arcadia, Iowa, population 443, sending troops to take over the town and search door-to-door for a suspected weapons dealer, WorldNetDaily reported.

Illinois to Declare “Disarm Lawful Citizens Week”

Kurt Nimmo -

Not really. The Speaker of the Illinois House wants a “Gun Control Week” declared. In addition, “Speaker of the House Mike Madigan may require that the House of Representatives remain in session until it passes Daley’s 2010 gun control package,” according to an email alert sent out by the Illinois State Rifle Association. Daley proposes the following raft of unconstitutional legislation:

HB180 – a scheme to run gun shops out of business by forcing shops to get licensed and comply with a slew of burdensome regulations.

HB5480 – would ban private firearm sales and force citizens to process private sales through licensed gun shops. (Yes, those are the same gun shops that will be run out of business by HB180 above)

HB5495 – would prohibit law-abiding citizens from purchasing more than one gun per month. Of course, criminals are exempt from this gun-rationing scheme.

HB5751 – would give you 90 days to surrender all your semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns to the state police or face felony prison time.

HB5849 – would make it a felony to use a case other than one designed for a firearm to transport it and give the police greater power to confiscate your guns for “improper transportation” even if you have committed no other crime.

HB6123 – would make it a felony to sell a firearm to someone who looks like a gang member (ie: Black, Hispanic, shaved heads (all races), tattoos (all races), motorcyclists (all races), etc.)

As a former Chicago resident, I can tell you that just about the only people on the street with illegal guns are “gang-bangers,” that is to say drug dealers and their executioners. Home invaders and assorted criminal thugs come in second. Closing down gun shops and forcing law-abiding residents to turn in their rifles and shotguns will not ameliorate the situation — it will make it worse. Home invaders will become fearless if they know the population is completely disarmed.

I lived on the west-side of Chicago. Most of the people I knew owned guns to protect themselves. If Daley and his bureaucrats pass these laws, residents will become insta-felons. Daley is telling city residents they have no right to protect themselves and their families.

Now the state wants to put the National Guard on the streets. This is basically a public relations stunt (and intimidation of law-abiding citizens) and will do nothing to end drug dealing and its associated turf war violence.

Instead of decriminalizing drugs and allowing residents the right to protect themselves, Daley and the Illinois Senate will turn Chicago into a large prison camp (or larger than it already is) with National Guard soldiers making sure the inmates cannot protect themselves. Residents with firearms will be no different than the residents of Baghdad. Armed soldiers trained to kill and break things will be assisting the cops in breaking down doors and hauling citizens off to prison.

Ex-FBI Agent Gets 30 Years for Home-Invasion Plot

Allan Lengel  Contributor - AOL News
(April 26) -- A former FBI agent was sentenced today in California to 30 years in prison for plotting a violent home invasion of a suspected drug stash house in Orange County in what turned out to be an FBI sting.

Vo Duong Tran, 42, of New Orleans, was convicted in March 2009 of plotting the robbery with an accomplice, Yu Sung Park. Park, 36, of Wilmette, Ill., was also sentenced today in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, Calif., to 30 years in prison.

Tran worked for the FBI's Chicago Division from 1992 to April 2003.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles, Tran organized and Park schemed "to commit a violent home-invasion robbery" of a home in the middle-class community of Fountain Valley, Calif. They thought the home was a base for a drug-trafficking organization and was flush with drugs and cash, prosecutors said. But the home was actually vacant.

Tran repeatedly expressed interest in traveling from New Orleans to Orange County to pull off the robbery, authorities said.

According to undercover FBI tapes played in court, Tran said he would provide the necessary equipment, namely firearms, silencers and bulletproof vests, authorities said.

In 2008, Tran and Park traveled to California and stayed in a hotel in Fountain Valley. They met with two men on July 14 to plan the robbery, authorities said. One of the men was an undercover FBI agent and the other was cooperating with the agency.

Tran and Park told the two undercover men to shoot anyone who did not cooperate during the robbery, investigators said.

The U.S. Attorney's Office said the FBI arrested Tran and Park after the meeting and searched their hotel room, where agents found five firearms, including a machine gun, a silencer-equipped assault rifle and a .22-caliber handgun with an integrated silencer; ammunition; two bulletproof vests; camouflage clothing; and devices to handcuff anyone found inside the home.

Filed under: Nation, Crime

Arizona law like 'Nazi Germany'


Jared Polis says that Arizona is in danger of 
becoming a 'police state.' AP 
A Colorado Democrat says Arizona is on its way to becoming a “police state” and its new immigration law is “reminiscent” of Nazi Germany.

“It is absolutely reminiscent of second class status of Jews in Germany prior to World War II when they had to have their papers with them at all times and were subject to routine inspections at the suspicion of being Jewish,” Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo), who is Jewish, told POLITICO.

“I fear that Arizona is headed for a police state and it really underscores the need for immigration reform at the federal level to fix our system,” he said.

Arizona’s new immigration law, signed last week by Gov. Jan Brewer (R), requires police officers to ask people for identification papers if they have “reasonable suspicion” to believe that someone is an undocumented immigrant. The law has sparked protests across the country and reignited a national debate over comprehensive immigration reform.

Polis was careful to point out he was not comparing the law to the Holocaust but rather to the period before the war when Jews were required to carry papers and identify themselves publicly.

“I think it’s a very fair comparison and I hope that we’re not headed on the same trajectory that Nazi Germany was,” Polis said. “But this was a very recent experience for Jewish Americans and Jews worldwide and it’s something that when we see similarities we start ringing alarm bells.”

Polis also said the politics underpinning the Arizona law would keep Jews firmly in the Democratic political camp.

“Many Jews have been uneasy with President Obama’s policy on Israel…but when they see scary policies, endorsed by mainstream Republicans, signed into law by mainstream Republicans, like this Arizona law, it means the only choice for Jewish voters is the Democratic Party,” he said.

Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) has called the Arizona law a “step forward” and a “good tool,” though his office has said his statements do not represent an endorsement of the law. His position is a dramatic switch from 2007, when he was a key proponent of comprehensive immigration reform.

Police State Toronto – Terror Drill Caught On Tape

Written by Dan Dicks

On Sunday April 18th I received a tip that there would be a terror/civilian evacuation drill in the downtown core which was to include simulated gun fire, actors resembling accident victims and the participation of Police Tactical Officers, the Emergency Task Force, and Toronto Fire and EMS. No one was notified that the drill would be taking place even though it was conducted in the financial district just a few blocks away from the location of the G20 summit coming to Toronto this June 26th/27th.  Police with assault rifles could be seen ordering around “civilians” in an underground food court during one of the simulated scenarios. CTV and the Globe and Mail eventually arrived but we here at Press For Truth were the only ones who managed to get footage of the actual drill which was organized by TAPPS (Toronto Association of Police and Private Security) and was dubbed “Active Attackers”.
In a world where false flag attacks are becoming the modus operandi for manipulating the masses into accepting greater forms of tyranny, police and intelligence agencies are looking to merge the public and private sectors of security as a solution to the “threat” of terrorism . We interviewed Deputy Chief Kim Derry from TAPPS who was responsible for the drill and he stated to me over and over again that “times are changing and we need to merge the public and private sectors when dealing with these security issues”. He went on to say “there’s only so many police officers but there’s lots of private security. If private citizens see things they can report it to the private sector and the private sector has a communication network now with us and they can pass it on.”The merging of the public and private sectors of security is a very slippery slope and what the TAPPS organization fails to realise is that when there is an abuse of authority or an illegal action taking by these private forces no one is ever held accountable. Luckily independent press is on the rise and as long as we continue to expose these psyops for what they really are than citizens of the world just may realize that they’ve been had and will take a stand to join the infowar, expose the lies and seek the truth.


Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens
Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned.

In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was "perfectly rational" to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere. 

But he warned that aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on. 

"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said.

Mr Hawking says it is 'perfectly rational' 
to believe in aliens

Prof Hawking thinks that, rather than actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials, humans should do everything possible to avoid contact.

He explained: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

In the past, probes have been sent into space with engravings of human beings on board and diagrams showing the location of our planet.

Radio beams have been fired into space in the hope of reaching alien civilisations.

Prof Hawking said: "To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.

"The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

The programme envisages numerous alien species including two-legged herbivores and yellow, lizard-like predators.

But Prof Hawking conceded most life elsewhere in the universe is likely to consist of simple microbes.

In the recent BBC series Wonders of the Solar System, Professor Brian Cox, a physicist from the University of Manchester, also suggested life may exist elsewhere within our solar system.

He said organisms could be present under the ice sheet that envelops Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.

Professor Cox added: "Closer to home, the evidence that life could exist on Mars is growing.

"We will only know for sure when the next generation of spacecraft, fine-tuned to search for life, are launched to the moons of Jupiter and the arid plains of Mars in the coming decades."


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