May 2010
<> Top Construction Firm says WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition
<> Feds Declare Terror Alert on Texas Border
<> Afghans says U.S. Created and Funds Taliban
<> Unemployed Philadelphia Man, Indicted For 'Harassing Email' To
Top Construction Firm says WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition |
Paul Joseph Watson - Prison
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Respected Middle East expert and former BBC presenter Alan Hart has
broken his silence on 9/11, by revealing that the world’s most prominent
civil engineering company told him directly that the collapse of the twin
towers was a controlled demolition.
Speaking on the Kevin Barrett show yesterday, Hart said he thought the 9/11 attack probably started as a Muslim operation headed up by Osama Bin Laden but that the plot was subsequently hijacked and carried out by Mossad agents in collusion with elements of the CIA, adding that since its formation, Israel has penetrated every Arab government and terrorist organization. “My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it,” said Hart, making reference to how top neo-cons like Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and their fellow Project For a New American Century authors had called for a “catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor,” the year before 9/11. |
“The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes,” said Hart, adding that this view was based on his close friendship with consultants who work with the world’s leading civil engineering and construction firm.
Hart asked the company to study the collapse of the twin towers, after which they told him directly, “There’s absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion.”
Hart then explained how the five dancing Israelis seen celebrating the attack on the World Trade Center in New Jersey as it unfolded, who turned out to be Mossad agents, proves at at a minimum Israel knew the attack was going to happen. Hart went further in speculating that the planes had been fitted with transponders and that the Israelis were guiding them in to the towers.
Host Barrett pointed out that to carry out the successful controlled demolition of three of the biggest buildings in history, the conspirators would have to ensure that they were hit, making the use of remote controlled airliners a distinct possibility. In addition, Barrett mentioned the fact that he had interviewed numerous pilots who dismissed the chances of accurately guiding a huge commercial airliner into a building while flying at sea level at around 600 miles per hour, especially considering the alleged 9/11 hijackers struggled to even fly basic Cessna light aircraft.
“Sounding a chilling note, Hart added that the U.S. is in grave danger of an Israeli-instigated false-flag nuclear attack, perhaps using an American nuclear weapon stolen from Minot Air Force Base during the “loose nukes” rogue operation of August, 2007. The motive would be to trigger a U.S. war with Iran, and perhaps to finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine under cover of war–which Hart is convinced the Zionists are planning to do as soon as the opportunity presents itself,” writes host Barratt.
Given his biography and standing, Hart’s comments are not to be taken lightly. Hart is a former Middle East Chief Correspondent for ITN News and has also presented for BBC Panorama specializing in the Middle East. He was also a war reporter in Vietnam and the first journalist to reach Suez Canal with the Israeli army in 1967. Over the decades, Hart has developed close relationships with numerous high profile political figures, including the Shah of Iran, Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres.
Hart has been a successful author for years and has no reason to fabricate the fact that a top construction firm told him point blank that the towers were brought down in a controlled demolition.
In forwarding this information, Hart joins legions of other credible experts who to some extent or other have all publicly challenged the official 9/11 story, with many outright stating that the attacks were an inside job, people like 20-year decorated CIA veteran Robert Baer, who told a radio host that “the evidence points at” 9/11 having had aspects of being an inside job.
In addition, no less than 1198 architectural and engineering specialists have signed a petition demanding Congress re-open an official investigation into the 9/11 attack and the collapse of the twin towers.
Listen to the full interview with Alan Hart below. The 9/11 discussion
begins at around the 35 minute mark.
Feds Declare Terror Alert on Texas Border |
Kurt Nimmo -
Narco-terrorists, Mara Salvatrucha hit teams, kidnappers and slave traffickers
cross the US-Mexico border with increasing frequency. Ranchers are murdered
and cops robbed and assaulted at gunpoint. Millions of people enter the
country illegally and drain state resources and fill the welfare rolls
and prisons. Mexican military helicopters violate the sovereignty of the
United States at will.
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Muslim terrorists don’t need to sneak across the border. They can enter legally — thanks to the CIA — like this guy did. | |
But the feds are not worried about this. Instead they claim to be worried about the Somalia-based al-Shabaab terrorist group.
“The Department of Homeland Security is alerting Texas authorities to be on the lookout for a suspected member of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group who might be attempting to travel to the U.S. through Mexico,” a security expert tells Fox News.
It is said the group is running hundreds of Somalis from Brazil through South America and eventually across the Mexican border. “Many of the illegal immigrants, who court records say were given fake IDs, are alleged to have ties to other now-defunct Somalian terror organizations that have merged with active organizations like Al Shabaab, al-Barakat and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami.”
Al-Shabaab has aligned itself with the prized fake terror war asset al-Qaeda and has made statements about its intent to harm the United States, according to Fox. “In recent years, American Somalis have been recruited by Al Shabaab to travel to Somalia, where they are often radicalized by more extremist or operational anti-American terror groups, which Al Shabaab supports. The recruiters coming through the Mexican border are the ones who could be the most dangerous, according to law enforcement officials.”
In April, Somalis with alleged ties to al-Shabaab were arrested and then “mistakenly” released from custody in Mexico (meanwhile, apprehended illegals from Guatemala rot in prison). “Included in the group is Mohamed Osman Noor, 35, of Somalia, who U.S. officials suspect has strong ties to Al-Shabaab Mujahideen, an Islamist insurgency group in the ongoing war in Somalia with ties to al Qaeda,” the Washington Examiner reported.
“All were in Mexican Immigration custody due to illegal entry into Mexico and were released on January 21, 2010,” said an intelligence official with the Laredo Sector Border Intelligence Center, a joint federal task force under the Department of Homeland Security that operates on the border. “All agents are reminded to maintain a heightened level of awareness and emphasize officer safety tactics when encountering individuals at all times. All agents are highly encouraged to wear ballistic armor, utilize long arms and work in groups when responding to illicit activity along the immediate border.”
“Something must have gone wrong internally for these persons to have been released by Mexican authorities. If you can move narcotics and other contraband through the porous border, you can’t tell me they don’t have the ability to move terrorists as well,” said a former U.S. government official who worked closely with Mexican authorities on border issues.
Nothing went wrong and members of al-Shabaab were not released by mistake.
The CIA has facilitated the movement of terrorists — or more accurately, patsies and dupes — across international borders for decades.
Michael Springmann, a former head U.S. consular official in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was ordered to issue more than 100 visas to unqualified applicants who later turned out to be associated with al-Qaeda. The CIA told Springmann to expedite the visas.
Recall radical Muslim leader and useful idiot Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman who was convicted of plotting to blow up the the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, the George Washington Bridge and a federal building housing the FBI. He was issued a visa to enter the United States by the CIA — in fact, he was a spiritual leader of the CIA-backed mujaheddin in Afghanistan. He entered and exited the U.S. at will, never mind he was on a terror watch list.
Osama bin Laden’s brother-in-law was fortunate enough to get a visa from the CIA through the U.S. consulate in Jeddah. Mohammed Jamal Khalifa was kicked out of the Philippines because he was a suspected terrorist. He had no problem, thanks to the CIA, entering the United States.
The notorious al-Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who later confessed to blowing up buildings that did not exist, had a valid U.S. visa.
The 19 cave-dwelling 9/11 hijackers applied for and received a total of 23 visas at five different posts from November 1997 through June 2001. Hani Hanjour, Khalid Almihdhar, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alnami, all Saudi citizens, applied twice at the CIA’s Jeddah visa mill. Only Hanjour applied for a student visa, the others received tourist and business visas. Fayez Ahmed Banihammad and Marwan Alshehhi received their visas in Abu Dhabi and Mohamed Atta and Ziad Jarrah applied for visas at the U.S. embassy in Berlin.
In short, there is no reason for Muslim evil-doers who hate our freedoms to enter the country illegally when the CIA can get them in with few questions asked.
The terror look-out on the Texas-Mexico border is simply another propaganda effort designed to frighten the American people. It will not be used as an argument to close the border. It will be used to attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights like past fake terror events and would-be underwear and fizzle non-bombings are now being used as an excuse to chip away at our liberty and construct a high-tech surveillance and control grid.
Afghans says U.S. Created and Funds Taliban |
Kurt Nimmo -
“It’s near-impossible to find anyone in Afghanistan who doesn’t believe the US are funding the Taliban: and it’s the highly educated Afghan professionals, those employed by ISAF, USAID, international media organizations – and even advising US diplomats – who seem the most convinced,” reports the Guardian today. “The US has an interest in prolonging the conflict so as to stay in Afghanistan for the long term,” said one Afghan.
It does not take a lot of research to prove the Taliban — and al-Qaeda — were fabricated by the CIA in league with Pakistani and Saudi Arabian intelligence.
Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari said the Taliban was created by CIA and ISI. Naturally, this story was all but ignored by the corporate media in the U.S.
In the Middle East and Europe the media has reported this fact for some time now. But in the United States the corporate media retells the official fantasy ad nauseam and millions of people by it hook, line, and sinker.
In 1998, top Rockefeller minion Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted the Taliban was created by the United States. “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?” said a testy Brzezinski when pushed by Le Nouvel Observateur.
Brzezinski’s Afghan Mujahideen organized to fight the Soviets and displace their puppet Mohammad Najibullah — subsequently murdered by the Taliban — eventually splintered into the Taliban. “In 1994, a new group, the Taliban (Pashtun for ’students’), emerged on the scene. Its members came from madrassas set up by the Pakistani government along the border and funded by the U.S., Britain, and the Saudis, where they had received theological indoctrination and military training,” writes Phil Gasper, a professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame de Namur University.
The creation of the Taliban was “actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA,” according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. “The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban.”
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen documents the special relationship between the CIA, ISI, and the Taliban.
The CIA also used “humanitarian” front organizations such as the Committee for a Free Afghanistan to fund and train the Mujahideen and eventually the Taliban. The CIA also spent millions of dollars developing and printing textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings for Afghan schoolchildren.
“We should recognize that American tax dollars helped to create the very Taliban government that now wants to destroy us,” writes Rep. Ron Paul. “In the late 1970s and early 80s, the CIA was very involved in the training and funding of various fundamentalist Islamic groups in Afghanistan, some of which later became today’s brutal Taliban government. In fact, the U.S. government admits to giving the groups at least 6 billion dollars in military aid and weaponry, a staggering sum that would be even larger in today’s dollars.”
After the Taliban killed thousands and captured Kabul in 1996, the U.S. said it didn’t have a problem with their over-the-top religious fanaticism. State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw “nothing objectionable” in the Taliban’s plans to impose strict Islamic law (see Joel Mowbray, Dangerous diplomacy: how the State Department threatens America’s security, p. 62). Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: “The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan.”
“The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil corporations], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that,” said another U.S. diplomat in 1997 (see Timothy Mitchell, McJihad: Islam in the U.S. Global Order).
“The reference to oil and pipelines explains everything,” explains Gasper. “Since the collapse of the USSR at the end of 1991, U.S. oil companies and their friends in the State Department have been salivating at the prospect of gaining access to the huge oil and natural gas reserves in the former Soviet republics bordering the Caspian Sea and in Central Asia. These have been estimated as worth $4 trillion.”
The master criminal organization Enron gave the Taliban bribes as part of a “no-holds-barred bid to strike a deal for an energy pipeline in Afghanistan” in order to supply one of its power plants in India. Enron executives privately meet with Taliban officials in Texas in 1997 and the fanatics were “given the red-carpet treatment.” It is said Enron secretly employed CIA agents to carry out its dealings overseas.
“Our government publicly supported the Taliban right up until September 11,” Ron Paul continues. “Already in 2001 the U.S. has provided $125 million in so-called humanitarian aid to the country, making us the world’s single largest donor to Afghanistan.”
This marriage of convenience came to an abrupt end shortly after September 11, 2001, when the United States invaded Afghanistan supposedly in response to the Taliban sheltering another CIA asset, Osama bin Laden. As it turns out, however, the U.S. planned to invade Afghanistan prior to September 11, 2001, when cave-dwelling Arabs changed the laws of physics.
Soon thereafter, in late December, 2002, an oil pipeline deal was penned in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, with installed Afghan puppet and former Unocal employee Hamid Karzai in attendance (Karzai joined the struggle against the Soviets in 1982 and became director of operations of the Afghan National Liberation Front, a CIA front).
Ahmed Wali Karzai, Hamid’s brother and a key player in the country’s opium trade, also works for the CIA. “The financial ties and close working relationship between the intelligence agency and Mr. Karzai raise significant questions about America’s war strategy, which is currently under review at the White House,” the New York Times reported on October 27, 2009.
As the Guardian reported, most Afghans know “America’s war strategy” is a joke and only the American people are fooled and also fleeced.
For years the corporate media has told us the Taliban fund their insurgency with profits from a huge opium industry. But even Obama’s special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Bilderberger Richard Holbrooke, admits this is not the case. “In the past there was a kind of feeling that the money all came from drugs in Afghanistan,” said Holbrooke last year. “That is simply not true.”
In fact, before “everything changed,” the Taliban banned opium cultivation in Afghanistan, an effort the corporate media characterized as an effort to run up prices.
However, after the defeat of the Taliban, the drug trade, under the supervision of the CIA, would once again blossom.
Wayne Madsen tells Alex Jones about U.S. control of Afghanistan’s opium fields.
“After five years of the U.S. occupation, Afghanistan’s drug production had swelled to unprecedented proportions,” writes Alfred W. McCoy, a professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “In August 2007, the U.N. reported that the country’s record opium crop covered almost 500,000 acres, an area larger than all the coca fields in Latin America. From a modest 185 tons at the start of American intervention in 2001, Afghanistan now produced 8,200 tons of opium, a remarkable 53% of the country’s GDP and 93% of global heroin supply.”
In April, Fox News ran a brazen propaganda piece on Afghanistan’s opium trade claiming the U.S. military allows peasants to grow opium out of respect for their cultural traditions.
In fact, the CIA has long used profits from opium to finance its covert operations. In March 2002, a U.S. foreign intelligence official speaking on the condition of anonymity told NewsMax of the CIA’s record of involvement with the international drug trade. The official said: “The CIA did almost the identical thing during the Vietnam War, which had catastrophic consequences — the increase in the heroin trade in the USA beginning in the 1970’s is directly attributable to the CIA. The CIA has been complicit in the global drug trade for years, so I guess they just want to carry on their favorite business.”
In 2008, Russia’s ambassador to Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, accused the Pentagon of acting as a mule for the CIA’s drug business. A Russian television report from Afghanistan said that drugs from Afghanistan were hauled by American transport aircraft to the U.S. airbases Ganci in Kyrgyzstan and Incirlik in Turkey. One of the best-informed Russian journalists on Central Asia, Arkady Dubnov, quoted anonymous Afghan sources as saying that “85 per cent of all drugs produced in southern and southeastern provinces are shipped abroad by U.S. aviation,” according to Vladimir Radyuhin.
In order to continue the CIA’s favorite business enterprise and extend the occupation indefinitely, the U.S. supports its official enemy in Afghanistan. “It is an accepted fact of the military logistics operation in Afghanistan that the US government funds the very forces American troops are fighting,” Aram Roston wrote for the Nation on November 11, 2009. “US military officials in Kabul estimate that a minimum of 10 percent of the Pentagon’s logistics contracts — hundreds of millions of dollars — consists of payments to insurgents.”
Roston “uncovered a tangled web of former military and CIA officials, relatives of the Afghanistan president and Defense Minister and various other shady characters who act as a pipeline from the U.S. Treasury to the Taliban,” write Jon Soltz and Richard Allen Smith for Vet Voice.
The occupation of Afghanistan is not about freedom and democracy for the Afghan people. It is about producing heroin and maintaining a military foothold in Asia.
Congress showers Taliban “insurgents” with cash.
On May 20, a Senate committee approved another $33.5 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. “The action by the Senate Appropriations Committee is the first step toward congressional approval of the extra war spending that President Barack Obama requested in February to support his surge of 30,000 more U.S. troops into Afghanistan,” Reuters reported. The money comes on top of about $130 billion that Congress already approved for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars through September 30 of this year.
Not only will the money help support an effort to flood American streets with deadly heroin — and thus turn heavy profits for the money launderers on Wall Street — it will also add to the preposterous debt owed to bankers. In the end, we not only pay for the misery of drug addiction (and the war on drugs, including the prison industrial complex) but the effort to reduce America to a nation of slaves indebted for generations to come to a cabal of international bankers.
Unemployed Philadelphia Man, Indicted For 'Harassing Email' To Senator |
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When Sen. Jim Bunning complained on the Senate floor in February that
he'd missed the Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game because of a debate
on unemployment benefits -- a debate the Kentucky Republican himself
prevented from proceeding to a vote -- Bruce Shore got angry.
"I was livid. I was just livid," said Shore, 51, who watched the floor proceedings on C-SPAN from his home in Philadelphia. "I'm on unemployment, so it affects me. I'm in shock." Instead of just being angry, Shore took action: He sent several emails to Bunning staffers, blasting the senator for blocking the benefits. |
"ARE you'all insane," said part of one letter Shore sent on Feb. 26 (which he shared with HuffPost). "NO checks equal no food for me. DO YOU GET IT??"
In that letter he signed off as "Brad Shore" from Louisville. He said he did the same thing in several other messages sent via the contact form on Bunning's website. "My assumption was that if he gets an email from Philadelphia, who cares?" he said. "Why would he even care if a guy from Philadelphia gets upset?"
Bunning might not have cared, but the FBI did. Sometime in March, said Shore, agents came calling to ask about the emails. They read from printouts of the messages sent via the contact form and asked if Shore was the author, which he readily admitted. They asked a few questions, and then, according to Shore, they said, "All right, we just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything to worry about."
But on May 13, U.S. Marshals showed up at Shore's house with a grand jury indictment. Now he's got to appear in federal court in Covington, Ky. on May 28 to answer for felony email harassment. Specifically, the indictment (PDF) says that on Feb. 26, Shore "did utilize a telecommunications device, that is a computer, whether or not communication ensued, without disclosing his identity and with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, and harass any person who received the communication."
The language of Shore's indictment is taken directly from the statute -- there's no description of the actual crime. The Kentucky U.S. Attorney's Office said it's a typical indictment but that the Department of Justice prohibited further comment beyond what's in the charging document. The crime carries a penalty of up to two years in prison and a $250,000 maximum fine.
Shore swears he didn't intend to make a threat. He's not sure what he said that crossed the line; he said he doesn't have copies of the messages sent via Bunning's site. He said he thought sending angry letters to Congress was a First Amendment thing. "If I send 50 letters to Congress, is that illegal or is it just me wasting paper?"
Harvey Silverglate, a prominent civil liberties lawyer and the author of "Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent," has long argued that vague laws allow the federal government to prosecute citizens for things most people wouldn't consider crimes. (The message of his book's title is that the average person unintentionally commits three felonies a day. "Half of the anonymous Internet comments would" be illegal according to the statute used against Shore, said Silverglate.)
"If nothing else the U.S. Attorney has managed to harass a defendant. Now we have to find out if the defendant managed to harass anybody," said Silverglate, who looked at Shore's indictment. "When finally the government is forced by a judge's order to specify what the criminal harassment consisted of, if in fact the words used are quite innocuous and don't by any standard rise to the level of a real threat, it's going to be an example of exactly what my complaint is about."
Bunning's office is not involved in the prosecution. A staffer said the office received lots of email over the unemployment issue and turned some over to the Capitol Police -- a common thing for a congressional office to do. It's up to the Capitol Police whether to involve federal or local law enforcement, and up to those agencies to pursue a case.
Shore said he's been unemployed for the past two years since losing his job as an office manager. He recently received his final unemployment check, joining the ranks of 35,200 Pennsylvanians and hundreds of thousands of Americans who've exhausted all their benefits. He said he used a credit card to book a hotel room in Covington for Friday.
He's particularly alarmed because he's already got a criminal record: In 1995, he and his girlfriend pleaded guilty to 35 burglaries in Bucks County, Pa. The Philadelphia Daily News dubbed them "Bonnie & Clyde": "Their last embrace came in their Northeast Philadelphia apartment. Cops with a warrant did some breaking in of their own and caught the couple, well, coupling -- surrounded by half the booty they'd burgled."
Shore said he got out of prison in 1999 and his lived since then with
his mother, who is 81. He's afraid his email indiscretion will wipe out
his progress, which includes community college and classes at Temple University,
where in 2004 he was on a team that won a $2,000 prize in an IT
excellence competition.
"I'm walking around in my head: jail for email, jail for email," he
said. "At this point I'm just looking at my government and going, anything
is possible. When do the adults wake up and say, 'This gentleman is just
angry and frustrated?' I'm just speechless. Shocked. I probably dropped
10 pounds in a week. To think you turn your life around, you don't do anything
wrong after you make a mistake when you were younger..."
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