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November 2002
<==== December 2002
====> January 2003
by Don Stott
contributed by Larry
Y'see, when you get to be as old as I am, you can remember a lot. I grew up in a drug store, because my Dad owned one for 36 years. I also have always had a radio by my bed, and when a youngster, used to "DX" around the country with my NC-100 receiver, listening to all the stations I could. I could get WSM in Nashville, and used to listen to the Grand Old Opry on Saturday night. I could get WWVA in Wheeling, W.VA, and WCKY in Cincinnati. These night time 50KW stations used to advertise the wackiest of fraudulent potions and imbibments, which were guaranteed to cure everything from athlete's foot to menstrual pains. There was Lydia Pinkhams, and Humphreys, and a bunch of them, but the one I remember best was Hadacol. My Dad had it on his shelves, but it didn't sell very well, because after all, Washington D.C. was a rather sophisticated place, and the yokels out at 40th and Plum didn't live in D.C. (When I was growing up in D.C. it was a wonderful place, as opposed to the dangerous mess it now is.) I took a bottle of Hadacol down one day, and Lydia Pinkhams also, and discovered that they had 24% alcohol!
A few spoonfuls of that stuff would make anyone feel better! I can see the aching farmers, and miners faithfully listening to their favorite Roy Acuff or Bill Monroe records, and swilling a bit of Hadacol to ease the pains, and swearing by it! Hadacol and related alcoholic "medicines" makes me think of the fake dollar bills that are being printed by the billions and billions every week. Think I am kidding? It has been reliably reported, that our little Afghanistan adventure is costing $5 billion a month, and the rockets are still falling on US encampments. Dubya is going to Iraq, and that cost is estimated initially at $200 billion, plus the continual occupation, which may last for years. Officially, the budget is hundreds of billions in the red, and this, of course, doesn't include the off budget or "black budget" items, which are as numerous as snowflakes in a snowball, probably. "Officially," the currency supply is growing by 8% a year, but it may be a lot more than that, and that figure, even "officially," will have to increase, if there is even a smattering of honesty in the output from the bureaucrat's desks.
It's just like Hadacol and Lydia Pinkhams of old, the fraud continues. The alcohol of old, has been replaced by platitudes and lies about how wonderful everything is. Now it is said that North Korea can have an atom bomb in 30 days, and some speculate that China will invade Taiwan when we go into Iraq. This is not a political column, other than to illustrate just how much those overworked printing presses at the Bureau of Engraving in D.C. are working, and will have to work. Just think of the trees that will be felled, printing that fiat "money!"
All the while, Joe Sixpack continues to put money in his savings account, or buys overpriced stocks. Insurance salesmen are making sales, offering annuities giving 5% a year returns, which happens to be a loss, no matter how it is figured. Even the "new math" can't make that, or a savings account show a profit. Money market accounts are also a loss, as are Treasury bills, no matter the length or interest. In my opinion, we are headed for something very serious, which will demote the dollar, just as Johnny should be, when he can't read in the fifth grade. With the public schools, Johnny will be passed, and with the US government, the propaganda will be excruciating.
CNBC will be hyping stocks with PE ratios of 50, and the brokerages will have to pay the billions in fines that were levied because of their fraudulent promoting of stocks, which they knew to be dogs. One knowledgeable prophet has said the US economy will collapse. Don't ask me, my crystal ball broke yesterday, but the rise in the price of gold will obviously be followed by silver, which may even overtake it, percentage wise.
Since hindsight is always 20/20, there are hundreds of you readers, who read but have never acted. Your dollars are still tucked away in those banks or stocks. All financial advisors say that government bonds are the safest possible method of investing. Oh yeah? Those government "securities" will be as insecure as anything else that is printed on paper with ink. Because, (here comes the sermon) they are ALL DENOMINATED IN DOLLARS WHICH IS A FAILING MEASURING DEVICE.
Locally, 4 times a year, we have "Jack's Auction," which is a blast. It takes two full long days to auction off the junk, collectibles, and antiques. We always spend a few hundred, and this time, we bought "Herman," among other things such as an 1840 Walnut cabinet. Herman is a perfectly mounted 7 point elk, which now hangs on the wall of my solarium, where I work.
I paid $300 for Herman, which is less than half of what he is worth, and the walnut cabinet was $230, also a steal. I got out of dollars, in other words. Would I rather have Herman looking over my shoulder as I talk to you guys and write this drivel, or have $300 in my wallet? Would I rather have my Jack Daniels in a walnut cabinet that is over 150 years old, or have $230 in my wallet? Silly question? Not really, because millions and hundreds of millions of Americans are doing just that, by keeping surplus dollars in savings accounts or Money Market (whatever the hell that is) accounts, or in "T bills," all of which are absolutely safe for the number of your dollars. How does this protect you from a declining dollar? They don't. Big deal, you get 2% interest, and pay taxes on it. Whoopee! All the while, your dollars are safe, but the dollar isn't. The dollar is a Popsicle at 32.1 degrees, with the temperature rising.
Far too many columnists, advisors, and broadcasters (all of them?) are talking about prices of things in dollars. My antique truck cost $400 brand new in 1941, and it is possible today to spend in excess of $50,000 for a deluxe pickup truck.
Is the measuring device, known as the dollar, losing value? A gallon of gas at 20 cents when I was a kid, now approaches $2.00, and is considered a bargain, compared to other price increases. It's the SAME GAS! It just takes ten times as many dollars to fill your tank, and that is the least alarming comparison I can think of. Comparing other things, such as houses, shows the dollar to be the gigantic fraud it really is. Locally, just a few years ago, one could buy land adjacent to the National forest for under $1,000 an acre, and now these plots are over $2,000 per acre. With nice views, try $10,000 an acre. SAME LAND! Just being bought with declining value dollars. Hide 'em under your mattress, and they still go down, because we have no power to stop the dollar's decline. It is government that is issuing them, not us. I'm not spending like it is going out of style, government is. I don't print to pay, government does. When it does, everyone's dollars lose value. Millions do not understand Stott's law, which is so simple, that it is ridiculous. "The more of anything there is, the less they will be worth," and that includes DOLLARS!
Hadacol and Lydia Pinkhams gave brief relief due to semi intoxication. They sold very well during prohibition! Platitudes from Sir Greenspan and your local stock broker sound so great. "Why Mam, this annuity will give you a 5% return!" "Why Sir, this Treasury bond will give you a 4% return, and is absolutely the safest place you can put your money." Urp! "Why Madam, Hadacol will give you instant relief." What's the difference? Hadacol gave you a buzz anyway. The others make me sick. Protect yourself, and have a happy New Year! If you celebrate the 1st with a 5th, don't drive!
Don Stott December 30, 2002
Don Stott has been a precious metals broker since 1977, has written five books, hundreds of columns, and his web site is
What is an agnostic with dyslexia,
experiencing insomnia ?
Someone who lies awake at night
wondering if there really is a dog.
take your time
and think about it. (contributed by Bob)
Airport screeners 'touch' pregnant woman's
breasts Husband arrested for disorderly conduct after he complains
contributed by D
If you are supporting the war an terrorism and the associated tyranny, then I certainly would not want to hear from you when something like this story happens to you – and it will, it may not be at an airport this year, but maybe a roadside check next year, or maybe a restaurant.
This quote from the story is a good summation.
"Nothing's going to stop the inevitable. There's no policy change that's going to save us. There's no election that's going to put a halt to the onslaught of tyranny. It's here already: this country has changed for the worse and will continue to change for the worse. There is now a division between the citizenry and the state. When that state is used as a tool against me, there is no longer any reason why I should owe any allegiance to that state."
Posted: December 25, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Diana Lynne © 2002
As millions join the holiday crush at airports around the country, one man's horror story of federal screeners inappropriately touching his pregnant wife and airport police handcuffing, interrogating and arresting him for objecting, may give some pause.
Los Angeles writer Nicholas Monahan's Dec. 21 editorial on the incident that happened Oct. 26 at Portland International Airport (PDX) was posted on a handful of websites including that of columnist Lew Rockwell, and has sparked an electronic-message fury. Monahan's account suggests the sky is the limit for airport screeners in carrying out their jobs of keeping would-be terrorists off flights, and that travelers who don't quietly acquiesce to their demands face arrest, prosecution and future restrictions on their travel.
According to Monahan's account, he and his wife were both selected for individual inspection at a PDX security checkpoint prior to boarding a flight to Las Vegas to attend a friend's wedding.
"My shoes were removed. I was told to take off my sweater, then to fold over the waistband of my pants. My baseball hat, hastily jammed on my head at 5 a.m., was removed and assiduously examined ... Soon I was standing on one foot, my arms stretched out, the other leg sticking out in front of me a la a DUI test. I began to get pissed off, as most normal people would," Monahan describes.
When the inspection ended, according to Monahan, he retrieved the couple's luggage from the X-ray machine and returned to find his wife sitting in a chair, crying.
"I'm sorry ... it's ... they touched my breasts ... and..." Mary Monahan told her husband in between sobs. She also later informed him the employee had asked that she lift up her shirt in front of the passengers standing in line.
"I felt like a clown ... on display for all these people, with the cotton panel on my pants and my stomach sticking out. When I sat down I just lost my composure and began to cry. That's when you walked up," Monahan quotes his wife as saying.
TSA spokesman Brian Doyle told WorldNetDaily he couldn't comment on
the Monahan case because it had been referred to the agency's legal department.
He did confirm that breasts are included in the pat-down because bras can hide things and underwire bras often set off the metal detectors.
When asked what the procedure is for screening pregnant women, Doyle said he didn't know if the sensitivity training specifically included pregnant women.
Doyle agreed that the screener should have verbalized to Mary Monahan that she was going to touch her breasts prior to actually doing so. It's unclear whether or not she did. Doyle said the TSA screeners' reports of the incident are "not available because of litigation going forward."
Checkpoint "menace"
Enraged that the screening drove his wife to tears, Monahan "marched up to the woman who'd been examining her and shouted, 'What did you do to her?'"
At that point, according to Monahan, the screener summoned Port of Portland Police officers who handcuffed him and held him in a jail cell within the airport for nearly two hours before citing him for disorderly conduct.
According to Monahan, officers called him a "menace" and threatened him with a felony charge.
The couple was also banned from the airport for 90 days and escorted off the property by the officers.
In the police report, the screeners' statements ignore the issue of the pat-down of Mary Monahan's breasts and instead claim Monahan was upset as soon as he had to take his hat off and "blew up" when scissors were found in his suitcase. The arresting officer, S. L. Strait, reported that Monahan was "pacing and speaking with his wife in a low, forced voice" and then began yelling obscenities and "swinging his arms around wildly and pacing back and forth as he yelled." Strait also described the arrest as a "struggle" to get Monahan into handcuffs.
"I was afraid for the safety of the TSA security screeners and the many travelers coming through the checkpoint," Strait explained.
Monahan accused the screeners of lying about his behavior to cover up their insensitive pat-down of his wife's breasts. He said the scissors were seized from his bag after he was taken into custody, and he only learned about it later from his wife who witnessed it.
"There was no willful disregard of screening directions. No explosion over the discovery of a pair of scissors in a suitcase. No struggle to put handcuffs on. There was a tired man, early in the morning, unhappily going through a rigorous procedure and then reacting to the tears of his pregnant wife," he maintained.
"After the tragedy of 9/11, passengers are subject to much stricter scrutiny at the security check-points," Schreiber wrote in his letter to Monahan. "For the most part, passengers accept the additional screening and, in fact, generally welcome it because they understand it is for their own protection. ... Refusal to cooperate with security personnel cannot be tolerated at PDX, or any other airport."
"Zero tolerance" for dissent
As WND reported, experts say, because of the way new airport security laws are written, unhappy passengers have little recourse to complain; airport security personnel have been given absolute authority, and any passenger-caused problems, no matter how petty or minor, could result in prison terms of up to 20 years.
Firearms expert Charlie Cutshaw told WND that the new security measures "do little toward actual security but set the stage for an incipient police state by acclimatizing people to being body searched for no real reason. ... The bottom line is that you must not protest when they strip you down at the airport," he said, because security personnel "have 'zero tolerance' for dissent."
In the interest of getting the ordeal behind them, Monahan ultimately pleaded no contest to the disorderly conduct charge and was fined $250 dollars plus court costs.
To Monahan, the damage was done. Just after the incident, their baby breeched causing Mary Monahan to abandon her desire for a natural birth. He blamed the trauma she experienced at PDX.
Summing up his lesson from their airport experience, Monahan said, "Nothing's going to stop the inevitable. There's no policy change that's going to save us. There's no election that's going to put a halt to the onslaught of tyranny. It's here already: this country has changed for the worse and will continue to change for the worse. There is now a division between the citizenry and the state. When that state is used as a tool against me, there is no longer any reason why I should owe any allegiance to that state."
The news if full of people accusing others of being anti-semite. This seems more proliferate since 9/11/01 and is being cast about among kinsmen.
Back around the time of the Oklahoma City bombing of the federal building, you may recall there was a lot of attention focused on militias and that they were white supremacist groups.
On February 15, 1996, Larry Pratt took a leave of absence from the Pat Buchanan Presidential campaign. The self proclaimed "Center for Public Integrity" with Charles Lewis as spokesman, rang the bell alleging Pratt had committed the high crimes of being a "political activist" and being head of the "Gun Owners of America" and having "a track record of working with Aryan nations - a white supremacist organization, that organizes neo-nazi skin heads". Pratt was further connected with the high crimes of being pro-militia.
The slander was at least half directed at demonizing Pastor Pete Peters, the pastor of the LaPorte Church of Christ in LaPorte, Colorado. Peters, was reported by ABC news as being a "leader" of the Christian Identity "movement", and is alleged to espouse white supremacist and anti-semite views.
If you are a black person, would it make much sense for you to join a white supremacist group? Could you be declared an "anti-black".
If you are a Chinese person, would it make much sense for you to join a oriental hate group? Could you be declared an "anti-oriental".
Let us consider some of the claims laid against Larry Pratt. Some of these same claims are laid against many other people who try simply to express pride in their heritage.
“Fascism” - a political philosophy that exalts nation and race above the individual ... and stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader ...
“Exalt” - glorify, to elevate by praise or in estimation
“Autocrat” - one person ruling with unlimited authority
“Semitic” - of Semite - from Shem, a son of Noah, through the ages became Sem, or Semite to denote a family of people, and known as a son of Joseph; an ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:26) - a member of ANY of a group of peoples of southwestern Asia chiefly represented now by the Jews and the Arabs but in ancient times also by the Babylonians, Assyrians, Aramaeans, Canaanites, and Phoenicians. People who descend from same.
“Jew” - from Judah (Juda) - one of 12 tribes of the family of the sons of Jacob (Israel, descended from the Hebrew lineage)
If Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Pete Peters and a multitude of others claim Christian heritage, descendants from and through Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), then they evidently claim brotherhood with all of the families of the sons of Jacob. Then by definition and lineage, by evidence and brotherhood, they are Semitic. Can they be declared to be "anti-Semitic"?
If Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Pete Peters and a multitude of others are being blamed to be Fascist, then why are they heard talking against big centralized government? Why are they heard talking for power to the people, to the individuals and to the States?
And since when has being politically active been a bad thing.
People must learn to understand the words used on them and on others,
and learn to resist the quiet attacks from the media and government, lest
one day they all the people awaken one day to learn how tightly their cages
of "freedom" are constricting them.
Let us look closer at the anti-semite topic. [A Jew is a Jew, or is it?]
"Jew" can have at least two (2) meanings. A person can claim to be a Jew by virtue of their spiritual belief. A person can claim to be a Jew by virtue of their nationality/heritage. Some would argue that they are one and the same. At the risk of someone taking offense and missing the point, consider the following.
a. Those who follow the tenants of what is called the old testament, and do not necessarily recognize Yahshua as the Christ, are "Jews" by religion.In the former, those "Jews" are so by spiritual belief. In the latter, those "Jews" are so by nationality/heritage. It is possible to be one, the other, or both.b. The descendants of Juda, one of the twelve sons of Jacob, are "Jews". Jacob became known as Israel and as such, his 12 sons were called Israel, as in the House of Israel, or the 12 tribes of Israel. The name Israel does not belong to any single tribe or son of Jacob, but to the whole of the 12.
This relationship is true for many sects and nations of people. You might be descendant of "Dan", or of "Benjamin", or of "Joseph", or any of Jacob's other sons, and called Israel. Nationally, you would call yourself by one of those names, just as a national "Jew" does. You might follow the tenants of Budah, or of the Messiah, or of the American Indians. Spiritually, you might believe that a chubby little guy is God (no dis-respect intended), or you might believe that a “man” who walked the Earth around 2,000 years ago is God (no dis-respect intended), or you might believe that the soil you “dig”, or the plants you “eat” are God (no dis-respect intended).
But here is the example of the "Jew", you can be one, the other, or both. Gracious, you might even be a Jew who believes that God is a cow.
One thing is for certain, allegations of slander and such are much too easily being used (rather mis-used) and this includes the term "anti-semitism". Especially, when alleged against a fellow semite.
If you are descended from Shem, then you are semite. Wow, does this include the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob and Esau? You bet.
Now, if you are descended specifically from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then nationally you are kinsmen with the other descendants of Jacob, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Does this mean you? It does if you are descended from Jacob. Most people of Western Civilization are of Israel descent (though they may not know it). You may choose to view “I AM” differently, but we are of the same family, chosen by “I AM” to be his elect, to lead the rest of the world. My, what a fine job we are doing.
So, if you are semite, then who can you be charged with being anti-you?
This seemed pertinent in light of the publicity being made about various groups allegedly slandering their kinsmen (albeit unknowingly).
Oh, what about that other group of people who call themselves Jew?
There are people today who are called and claimed to be “Jew”, but are not either of the 2 types described above, but might best be described as political Jew.
Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: "STRICTLY SPEAKING IT IS INCORRECT TO CALL AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE A 'JEW' OR TO CALL A CONTEMPORARY JEW AN ISREALITE OR A HEBREW." (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
It is not slanderous or libelous to speak the facts, but if the masses
of people are ignorant to the truth, then they will follow the spin of
the media and government to whatever is expedient of the day.
The Birth of Yahshua
1 Many say something like “we can not know when Yahshua
(Jesus) was actually born”, or “what difference does it make” or “it is
the thought that counts”.
Maybe it is merely a lack of knowledge and understanding, maybe it
is a matter of not wanting to shake their world. In any event, what
follows is proof from the
word of Yah - when Yahshua was born.
2 Here is an outline, for a deeper explanation with references in Scripture, goto this link
The Outline
3 The basic outline in the study of when Yahshua was born is by first discerning where John’s father was and when he was there and why he was there.
4 John’s father was performing certain ministerial
duties, which Scripture indicates should be done during a specified time
of the year - around Pentecost. This is a
time near what we call in the Gregorian calendar as being around June.
5 It is during this time that the Angel Gabriel visits the yet-to-be mother of John and she conceives.
6 Armed with this information, we are able to know
when John’s mother conceived and even when John was born – about 38 - 41
weeks later. Using weeks is
important because of the differences between the Hebrew calendar (12
- 13 months) and the modern Gregorian calendar (12 months). 40 weeks
is 10 Hebrew
months and about 9 Gregorian months.
7 The Scripture uses this time reference to tell us
that 6 months later Gabriel visited Yahshua’s yet-to-be mother. This
is six (6) months (lunar months – usually 28
days) after visiting John’s mother.
8 If Gabriel visited Johns mother and she conceived
around June, then when Gabriel visited Yahshua’s mother, six months later
(lunar months – usually 28 days),
would be around December.
9 If Yahshua was conceived in December, then he must
have been born around September/October. Interestingly, this corresponds
to a time Yah calls the Feast
of Tabernacles.
10 None of this it to take away from what some perceive
as a good spirit and good will toward fellow man, but maybe, just maybe,
we ought to celebrate in the
“season” which the event actually occurred.
For more on the topics of the name of the Messiah
and his date of birth, you can visit the follow pages on the web.
The Reason for the Season?
We learn so much more from the cartoons than the official new sources.
Ignoring that the Messiah was born in the fall (Sept/Oct)(Feast of Tabernacles),
today's espoused "reason for the season" is uncertain.
The stories the adults tell each other do not follow the Bible, so is
it any wonder the children get confused? You know you have seen/heard
dialogue like this.
Christmas fails PC test in more public schools
contributed by D
December 20, 2002
By Ellen Sorokin and Vaishali Honawar THE WASHINGTON TIMES
The article from December 19, entitlted "Honest View of Facts Reveals Truth about Our Socialistic Nation" is about this same issue. Clearly, the admissions should be enough to convince even those who choose to be blinded, that there is an agenda to promote anything non-christian. you do not have to be a christian to take issue with this matter.
An increasing number of public schools nationwide are becoming no-Christmas zones this year in an effort by school officials to accommodate different cultures and not offend non-Christians.
Last week, several elementary teachers in Sacramento, Calif., said they had been banned from using the word "Christmas" in class, and a mother in San Diego was barred from reading a Christmas story to a fourth-grade class.
In New York, some school administrators asked teachers to limit holiday decorations to generic messages, such as "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings," and some city schools barred Nativity displays but allowed exhibition of the Jewish menorah and the Islamic star and crescent.
As a result, a lawsuit has been filed.
Meanwhile, music and band teachers in Maryland, Virginia and Michigan are not having students sing or play some carols, such as "Silent Night" and "The First Noel."
Instead, music selections are kept "very secular" with songs such as "Let It Snow," "Frosty the Snowman" and "Jingle Bell Rock."
Critics of such school policies say they have had enough.
"We're at this point where no one wants to offend anyone, but you know what, I'm offended when teachers don't mention Christmas or pretend like it's not there," said Karen Holgate, director of policy at the Capitol Resource Institute, a pro-family public policy center based in California.
"You will always offend someone whether you like it or not, that's just the way life is. So we need to get over this once and for all and learn to tolerate each other's differences."
Others say teachers have become mindful about holiday songs and decorations after more parents began pushing sensitivity for non-Christians.
"What they need to do is develop a balance in the kind of songs they are teaching to children," Wendy Wagenheim, communications director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, told the Lansing State Journal. "Select songs that you know will not make anyone feel uncomfortable."
The trend is known as the "December dilemma," when holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah spark controversies about the display of symbols and the teaching of religions in school districts nationwide, said Charles Haynes, a senior scholar at the Virginia-based First Amendment Center.
As a result, complaints or lawsuits charging the overemphasis of Christmas prompt districts to either coat schools with decorations from all religions or ban religious decorations and teachings.
Both solutions are bad, Mr. Haynes said. The First Amendment permits schools to teach about world religions as long as one is not promoted above others.
"Unfortunately, these actions come out of the refusal by schools to address religion properly throughout the school year," Mr. Haynes said. "The bottom line is everyone knows it's Christmas. All the kids know it's Christmas, so this is the kind of thing that makes schools places of hostility and conflict unnecessarily."
In the San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento, several first-grade teachers said they were told by the principal not to say "Christmas" at school. One teacher, who has been teaching a "Christmas around the world" program for 24 years, called lawyers at the Capitol Resource Institute for help.
School officials said they know nothing of the teacher's assertion.
"There's no ban on Christmas," said Deidra Powell, the school district's director of communications. "We do have a policy on religious matters that doesn't preclude anyone from making religious references. Everything we do should have educational value, and staff should not interfere with students' religious beliefs. We want all of our students to feel comfortable."
In local school districts, guidelines on celebrating the holidays do not allow students and teachers to show a preference for one religion.
But officials said they do not prohibit teachers from saying the word "Christmas."
"Federal and state laws do not allow schools to bar students from using words like Christmas," said Mychele Brickner, a Fairfax County School Board member. She said the trend toward not using the word in schools is "taking things too far."
Montgomery County Public Schools officials suggest that titles include such words as "December" and "winter" for concerts held during the holiday season. Music performed for holiday concerts has to "reflect a balance between sacred and secular, popular and classic," according to guidelines.
School officials said they are making an effort to be inclusive of all religions.
"We try to have songs on Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanzaa, so no one should feel excluded," said Kate Harrison, a spokeswoman for Montgomery County Public Schools. She also said decorations at school during the holidays were a mix of religious symbols.
Some parents said schools act coy about certain holidays but allow others to be named.
Lynn Bieber, who has a son at Bowie High School in Prince George's County, said it is not fair that schools have taken Christmas out of the holiday season, but have introduced other holidays, such as Kwanzaa.
"If we are going to recognize one thing, then we should recognize others.
It has to be all or nothing," she said.
contributed by D
This mom and daughter ought be given awards, not attacks.
By CARL CAMPANILE -- December 16, 2002 -- EXCLUSIVE
A defiant Brooklyn mom has kept her 14-year-old daughter out of her high school the entire year because she considers it too dangerous - and she's willing to go to jail over the matter.
Alexandra Hidalgo was expected to register as a freshman at troubled Lafayette HS in September, her zoned school.
But her mother, Catherine Hidalgo, refused to send her there after personally observing fights in the hallway during registration and hearing about numerous reports of violence there.
When she couldn't get an appropriate transfer to another school, she boycotted Lafayette and kept Alexandra home.
Alexandra has not been in school for six months. She's missed the first 31/2 months of her freshman year - and no one has noticed.
Informed about the missing schoolgirl, Chancellor Joel Klein's office said they would immediately file a child-abuse complaint against the parents with the city's Administration for Children's Services.
Hidalgo admitted she's exposed herself to charges of educational neglect. But she said her first priority is to make sure her daughter is safe.
"I'd rather go to jail than have Alexandra go to Lafayette," said Hidalgo, a working mom. "I'll make my case before a judge."
"I went to Lafayette to see for myself. Two 6-foot male students were fighting. I was scared there, and I'm not scared of anything."
Hidalgo said she didn't think it would be difficult to get a transfer to nearby New Utrecht HS, which is actually closer to her Bensonhurst home. But after several visits to high-school placement offices in Brooklyn and Manhattan, her request went nowhere.
Alexandra, a petite teen, graduated from IS 201 in June.
"I hate being home," Alexandra said. "But I never want to go to Lafayette. I could get raped or killed."
While other kids are in school preparing for Regents exams to earn a diploma, Alexandra spends her day reading books and the encyclopedia, watching the Regis Philbin and Maury Povich shows, cleaning the house and picking up her younger sister and brother, Samantha, 10, and Joseph, 7, from PS 163.
She pulled out a three-page report she wrote about Thomas Jefferson and writes current-events summaries from stories in the newspaper.
"I like to read about ancient civilizations, particularly Egypt, and Greek and Roman mythology," Alexandra said.
Under a new federal law, students could request transfers out of unsafe
schools. But the state has yet to define what constitutes "dangerous."
You don't have to be Popeye to love olive oil
contributed by D
Olive oil has achieved celebrity status in the world of foods, and rightly so. Over a decade ago, researchers discovered that Mediterranean populations that consume large amounts of olive oil enjoy a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease.
If you're like me, you probably assumed that it didn't matter what grade of oil you used as long as it was olive. But a study out of Spain reminded me not to make such wide generalizations.
Extra-virgin olive oil has very low levels of acidity, and it retains the fatty acids and antioxidants present in the whole olive. Refined olive oil (regular "virgin" and "pure") has the same fatty acid composition, but because of additional processing, it loses the antioxidants present in extra-virgin oil. Researchers at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology in Spain asked: "Does it make a difference?"
The study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, divided participants - all of whom had been diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease - into two groups.
The first group was instructed to use extra virgin olive oil for three months, followed by three months of no oil at all, then three months using refined olive oil.
The second group followed the routine in reverse order, using refined oil first, then no oil, then extra-virgin.
Researchers noted that when both groups were using extra- virgin oil, the levels of oxidized LDL ("bad") cholesterol were much lower. Oxidative damage of LDL cholesterol has been linked to development of arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.
The researchers credit the presence of antioxidants in extra- virgin olive oil with slowing the oxidation process of LDL cholesterol.
You should use extra-virgin oil in cooking as well as in your salads.
It's available in all grocery stores. It costs a little more, but what
are a few pennies when your health is at stake?
"How does the government help big industry get rid
of millions of tons of toxic waste? Easy. They add it to your drinking
Click the link to read the whole report
contributed by D
I know this is an ad for a water purifier, but the info is still good.
"I'm going to tell you the terrible truth behind the fluoride myth - and show you the most effective, economical way to protect yourself and your family from its potentially harmful effects."
Dear Friend and Health Reader,
Everyone knows that fluoride is good for you. I mean, we've been told our whole lives that it prevents tooth decay, haven't we? Heck, that's the reason the government fluoridates nearly all the public water in this country, right? Wrong.
Make sure you're sitting down as you read this, folks, because the real reason the government treats our drinking water with fluoride is absolutely horrifying. The far-reaching health consequences of fluoride ingestion are, too (and that's not to mention the chlorine, lead, sediment, and single-celled parasites that are in most public water). Keep reading to discover just what you're up against.
Click the link above to read the whole report
On September 2, 2001, 10 days prior to the
WTC and Pentagon attacks, 60 Minutes, of CBS, broadcast a report on the
"Small Pox War". There appears nothing new about this small pox thing,
except that the elite think they found a means to carry and promote what
they have evidently wanted all along. That means being a war with
some as yet proven threat in Iraq.
It's Not About Crime--It's Your Property They Want
If "they" can take the property of ANYONE today and not even give an illusion of following lawful process, then what makes you think your toys are safe? Consider the following quote form the Los Angeles city council.
“As long as the police have probable cause to believe that a vehicle was used in the commission of soliciting prostitution, officers can immediately seize the vehicle as a nuisance, according to the proposed measure.”
“The forfeiture proceeding is a civil process separate from the criminal process, and a car can be forfeited even if the motorist is not convicted of a criminal act.”
Then Edward J. Williamson in his article found
at the above website appropriately comments ---
As long as the police have probable cause! Now doesn’t that
make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? How about the notion of innocent
until proven guilty? Your car can be seized even if the motorist is not
convicted of a criminal act! In other words, your property is not safe
from the thieves of city hall!
FBI told to not arrest Muslims prior to 9/11/01
There are still many people who do not believe, or want to believe that people within our border/government/agencies and such had any part in the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. Overwhelming evidence continues to mount which shows that some peoples knew of the attacks, did not respond to the attacks (before and during). Here is yet another story making it to public attention, which shows someone knew something.
The following report from ABC Primtime contains this statement –
If it is your job to root out these people and their activities, then what reason would you have to tell your subordinates to not do their job, unless you know what is happening and want to keep it hidden.
Called Off the Trail?
FBI Agents Probing Terror Links Say They
Were Told, ‘Let Sleeping Dogs Lie’
By Brian Ross and Vic Walter
Dec. 19 — Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks.
In a dramatic interview with ABCNEWS, FBI special agents and partners Robert Wright and John Vincent say they were called off criminal investigations of suspected terrorists tied to the deadly bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. U.S. officials say al Qaeda was responsible for the embassy attacks and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States.
"September the 11th is a direct result of the incompetence of the FBI's International Terrorism Unit. No doubt about that. Absolutely no doubt about that," Wright said. "You can't know the things I know and not go public."
In the mid-1990s, with growing terrorism in the Middle East, the two Chicago-based agents were assigned to track a connection to Chicago, a suspected terrorist cell that would later lead them to a link with Osama bin Laden. Wright says that when he pressed for authorization to open a criminal investigation into the money trail, his supervisor stopped him.
"Do you know what his response was? 'I think it's just better to let sleeping dogs lie,'" said Wright. "Those dogs weren't sleeping. They were training. They were getting ready."
The FBI says its handling of the matter was appropriate at the time.
"Truthfully, if 9/11 had not occurred, we wouldn't be here [giving the interview]," said Vincent, a 27-year veteran at the bureau until he retired a few days after being interviewed by ABCNEWS. "Because of 9/11, we're here because we see the danger."
‘You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations’
The suspected terrorist cell in Chicago was the basis of the investigation, yet Wright, who remains with the FBI, says he soon discovered that all the FBI intelligence division wanted him to do was to follow suspected terrorists and file reports — but make no arrests.
"The supervisor who was there from headquarters was right straight across from me and started yelling at me: 'You will not open criminal investigations. I forbid any of you. You will not open criminal investigations against any of these intelligence subjects,'" Wright said.
Even though they were on a terrorism task force and said they had proof of criminal activity, Wright said he was told not to pursue the matter.
In 1998 al Qaeda terrorists bombed two American embassies in Africa. The agents say some of the money for the attacks led back to the people they had been tracking in Chicago and to a powerful Saudi Arabian businessman, Yassin al-Kadi. Al-Kadi is one of 12 Saudi businessmen suspected of funneling millions of dollars to al Qaeda and who had extensive business and financial ties in Chicago.
Yet, even after the bombings, Wright said FBI headquarters wanted no arrests.
"Two months after the embassies are hit in Africa, they wanted to shut down the criminal investigation," said Wright. "They wanted to kill it."
The move outraged Chicago federal prosecutor Mark Flessner, who was assigned to the case despite efforts Wright and Vincent say were made by superiors to block the probe. Flessner said Wright and Vincent were helping him build a strong criminal case against al-Kadi and others.
"There were powers bigger than I was in the Justice Department and within the FBI that simply were not going to let it [the building of a criminal case] happen. And it didn't happen, " Flessner said.
He said he still couldn't figure out why Washington stopped the case — whether it was Saudi influence or bureaucratic ineptitude.
"I think there were very serious mistakes made," said Flessner. "And I think, it perhaps cost, it cost people their lives ultimately."
Muslim Agent Refused to Record Fellow Muslim, Agent Says
Perhaps most astounding of the many mistakes, according to Flessner and an affidavit filed by Wright, is how an FBI agent named Gamal Abdel-Hafiz seriously damaged the investigation. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz, who is Muslim, refused to secretly record one of al-Kadi's suspected associates, who was also Muslim. Wright says Abdel-Hafiz told him, Vincent and other agents that "a Muslim doesn't record another Muslim."
"He wouldn't have any problems interviewing or recording somebody who wasn't a Muslim, but he could never record another Muslim," said Vincent.
Wright said he "was floored" by Abdel-Hafiz's refusal and immediately called the FBI headquarters. Their reaction surprised him even more: "The supervisor from headquarters says, 'Well, you have to understand where he's coming from, Bob.' I said no, no, no, no, no. I understand where I'm coming from," said Wright. "We both took the same damn oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic, and he just said no? No way in hell."
Far from being reprimanded, Abdel-Hafiz was promoted to one of the FBI's most important anti-terrorism posts, the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia, to handle investigations for the FBI in that Muslim country.
The FBI said it was unaware of the allegations against the Muslim agent when he was sent to Saudi Arabia or of two similar incidents described to ABCNEWS by agents in New York and Tampa, Fla. They said Abdel-Hafiz contributed significantly to many successful terror investigations.
In a statement to ABCNEWS, the FBI also defended the agent, saying he had a right to refuse because the undercover recording was supposed to take place in a mosque.
But former prosecutor Flessner said that was a lie and the mosque was never part of the plan.
"What he [Abdel-Hafiz] said was, it was against his religion to record another Muslim. I was dumbfounded by that response," said Flessner. "And I had perfectly appropriate conversations with the supervisors of his home office and nothing came of it."
Closing In on Bin Laden Money Trail
On Sept. 11, 2001, the two agents watched the terror attacks in horror, worried that men they could have stopped years earlier may have been involved.
The White House confirmed their fears. One month after the attacks, the U.S. government officially identified al-Kadi — the same man the FBI had ordered Wright and Vincent to leave alone years earlier — as one of bin Laden's important financiers.
Al-Kadi told ABCNEWS he can prove his total innocence, repeatedly denying, from his office in Riyadh, any connection to bin Laden or al Qaeda.
"Not even one cent went to Osama bin Laden," he said.
But on Dec. 6, U.S. Customs agents, as part of their own investigation, conducted a midnight search of a Boston-area company believed to be secretly owned and controlled by al-Kadi.
The company provides computer software to the FBI and other key federal agencies, which means al-Kadi and his employees could have had access to some of the government's most sensitive secrets.
Al-Kadi is on the U.S. government's "dirty dozen" list of leading terror financiers being investigated by the CIA. The federal government says it is pursuing possible criminal charges.
"I was relieved that Customs was picking it up … where we failed big time," said Wright. "There's so much more. God, there's so much more. A lot more."
Great Idea
image was affixed to one of those magnets you can get for making your own
refrigerator magnets or magnetic business cards or whatever. It was
discovered stuck to the automatic checkout machines in a Kroger store.
Someone had stuck these to each of the automatic checkouts machines in
such a way that it looked like they belonged there as an indicator of how
to insert bills in the machine. Of course, a second look could reveal
the truth.
I think this is a clever way to help spread
the word about the truth of the debt instruments being passed off as money
in this country.
Honest View of Facts Reveals Truth about Our Socialistic
especially at the xmas season
contributed by D
By James McCurtis Jr.
Lansing State Journal
The following is from an article in the Lansing State Journal
[snip begin]
Area public school music teachers say they are being selective and
cautious when it comes to holiday carols this season.
They're noting the separation between church and state, as well as making sure members of the schools' diverse population aren't offended during holiday concerts.
"I keep the music very secular, not sacred," said Linda Winters,
a 19-year veteran music teacher at Holbrook Elementary School in Grand
Songs such as "Silent Night" or "First Noel" will not be part of
Holbrook's winter concert on Monday. Instead, Holbrook students will perform
"Let it Snow" and "Jingle Bell Rock."
They also will sing a song about Kwanzaa, an African-American celebration
during the holiday season.
[snip end]
Did you notice the double standard? This is a public financed school which promotes the false doctrine of separation of church and state, which they use to omit "Silent Night" and "First Noel" from their song list. So ask yourself why they do not employ that doctrine when including songs about Kwanzaa. If the alleged doctrine of separation of church (religion) and state is to apply, then should it apply to ALL religions?
If you pay attention to the new reports and the court decisions you will see that the doctrine of separation of church and state is a euphemism to mean separation of christian and state.
The reason this is noteworthy in that the very people who gave rise to the process, which begat the liberties, which allowed the practice of religion called themselves christian. This is akin to biting the hand which feeds you.
I will say that a true follower of the Creator and/or Messiah should be called “Israel” and should celebrate the Messiah’s birth during the fall (Feast of Tabernacles). Therefore, I wonder how more powerful a following and protection people would receive if they called themselves after His name and celebrated His Holy Days rather than theirs.
All that aside, the true motives of the promoters
of “separation of church and state” is to squash “christians”. Please
do not be upset with me, I am only the messenger.
Sometimes a pictures says it all,
sometimes it tells more about the people than they
want you to know,
sometimes it is just a sign.
contributed by Bill
to see 17 more public signs goto ....
Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery (EELD) [DARPA]
contributed by George
An Orwellian styled database that contains more and more information about you will undoubtedly bring you to task, even punish you, for something you did not do. Think about it. You buy some ammonia one day, and go home to use it for cleaning something around the house. The store privilege card (that card you use to get groceries and things at regular price during the weeks the store marks up the price) keeps track of the purchase day, time and method of payment. Some time later you get some bleach and go home to use it for disinfecting your bathroom and kitchen. The store privilege card keeps track of the purchase day, time and method of payment.
This information is forever in the database and will never go away. One day, someone talks to a friend whose name is the same as your - “Bob”. In a comment to the friend about bombing their house, he hopes that the ammonia smell from the cat does not neutralize the effectiveness of the bomb, and maybe they ought to use some bleach to clean the ammonia before bombing the house, but you are also concerned about whether the bleach would damage the white color of your molding in your house.
The database somehow determines that your name is “Bob” and you bought some ammonia and bleach. It does not matter when you bought it, because both maintain their effectiveness for a very long time, so when you bought them is not relevant.
So now the keepers of the database connect you to being named “Bob” and you have ammonia (so does a cat) and bleach, and they intercept a message from “Bob” about a bombing. So it must be YOU who is planning to bomb the whitehouse, using and ammonia/bleach chemical bomb.
Do not dismiss this easily, for it already happens without the database that the elite want in place. The more massive the database, the easier it is to make a single entry error and forever disrupt your life. A single ooops, and you can not buy, sell, work, live or anything else. That ooops will either say you have bad credit or are dead or are too young, or are a crook, or anything.
Program Objective:
The goal of the Evidence Extraction and Link Discovery (EELD) program is development of technologies and tools for automated discovery, extraction and linking of sparse evidence contained in large amounts of classified and unclassified data sources. EELD is developing detection capabilities to extract relevant data and relationships about people, organizations, and activities from message traffic and open source data. It will link items relating potential terrorist groups or scenarios, and learn patterns of different groups or scenarios to identify new organizations or emerging threats.
Program Strategy:
EELD’s initial activities demonstrated the feasibility of extracting
relationships from text, and validated the detectability of patterns representing
terrorist groups and
scenarios. EELD has also developed two promising techniques for
learning patterns of activity, developed functional system concepts to
guide technology developments, selected techniques to develop for evidence
extraction, link discovery and pattern learning, identified scenarios to
validate the detectability of patterns in unclassified and classified data,
and initiated the collection and characterization of documents for technology
Planned Accomplishments:
FY 02: EELD will develop and demonstrate technology to extract relationships, and detect and learn single-link type patterns.
FY 03: EELD will: 1) extend its capabilities
to the extraction of data from multiple sources (e.g., text messages and
web pages), with an ability to adapt
rapidly to new threat domains; 2) develop
the ability to detect instances of patterns comprising multiple link types
(e.g., financial transactions,
communications, travel, etc.); and, 3) will
develop the ability to learn patterns comprised of multiple types of entities
(e.g., persons, organizations, etc.) and
multiple link types.
How Long is a 1 Hour TV Program?
Remove all the commercials and keep the prologue and the epilogue, keep the credits at the beginning of the program and at the end, you will have about 40 minutes of program time.
Have you ever noticed when using a VCR and you try speeding through a program in fast forward mode (not fast view), that when you stop the tape and play it, that almost always you find a commercial? This is very irritating, but it may also be viewed as a mis-representation of product.
Think about the actors. They are producing less than 40 minutes of program (omitting credits and such), while actors of decades gone by, actually gave a 55 minute product. You now have more advertisers paying more per minutes and playing more commercials.
We are getting less product volume and in many cases also getting less product quality for the time we invest.
Many advertisers complain that VCR’s and other recording devices defeat the value of their commercials. I wonder how much less we would seek a way to skip the commercials if there were less of them. In other words, might we tolerate a few commercials per hour and not skip them.
Think about it. It used to be a contest of using the commercial time to goto the bathroom or get a snack before the program returned. Now, we can take a shower and cook a roast and still have time before the program returns. So maybe if we had fewer commercials we might have to sit and be patient.
These mini infomercials have become more nuisance than a valuable sales tool. What will happen when the program time is shorter than the commercial time?
Do You Know Jesus?
We hear it all the time. "christians" will ask something like "do you know jesus?". Or they might say something like "I have known jesus for 10 years". Purportedly, "christians" have knowlege of a man called jesus, who is supposed to be the Messiah (note: no such person ever existed). The "christian" belief is that this non-existent man is their only path for their salvation (being saved from death). I dare say that a knowledge of such a person should be a VERY strong bond and garner a VERY deep understanding.
I have noticed that the depth of knowledge and understanding that "christians" have of this non-existent man, is in fact VERY shallow.
To compare this - If we were to have a similar depth of knowledge and understanding of our husbands and wives, and other people in our lives, then we would be experiencing failing relationships. Come to think of it, that is exactly what we are experiencing.
To make the point on the “christians” front, “christians” do not even know the name of the man they call their Messiah. Starting at this point, how can “christians” possibly claim to know other things about the Messiah and not know his name.
Compare this – Do you know the favorite color of your spouse? Do you know the favorite food of your spouse? Do you know the hope of your spouse? Do you know the desires of your spouse? If you say yes to these kind of questions, and can not say what the name of your spouse is, then can you really be said to know your spouse?
This is not meant to be an article about the name of the Messiah, but rather about the depth of knowledge and understanding “christians” actually have for him. Nearly all “christians” have a great zeal for religion, but not through knowledge or understanding.
“christians” do not even know the birthday of the Messiah. So, how well do they really know the one they call their Messiah. There is so much they do not know and/or mis understand.
For more on the topics of the name of the Messiah and his date of birth, you can visit the follow pages on the web.
Answer This
If the enemy is planning to use a certain weapon
(say smallpox) against us and has been planning such for years, and it
will take us a year to prepare a defense (enough anti drug), then what
stops the enemy from using their weapon before we get ready? This
is not a football game, where everyone agrees to line up together then
move on cue. If the enemy knows we are preparing a defense, then
does it makes since for the enemy to attack prior to our getting ready
for it? It does not matter what the alleged weapon is supposed to
be, the question remains.
Morris Dees and ACLU, where are you when we need you?
contributed by D
On December 3, 2002, we reported the article "Moore: Wants to restore
moral foundation of law", in which Judge Moore of Alabama is posting
the 10 Commandments in the government building where he works. He
is hardly promoting "Christianity", yet he is getting trouble over a religious
public display. With the following picture and the story of it, where
is Morris Dees when we need him?
Pain "Patch" Overdose - WARNING
This could apply to you and or someone you know who uses any of those patches for smoking, pain, or whatever. Even for friends or family of someone who uses the patches.
Patches are designed for slow long term release. Pain patches are typically a 3 day application with about 25mg to 100mg of drug in a porous pouch on the skin side of the patch. This can be viewed as about 0.347mg to 1.388mg per hour using the patch.
I report this from personal exposure. A neighbor of mine recently DIED from a patch. As you may know, many people who use drugs, legal or illegal, tend to want MORE. They get accustom the level of drug they are introducing to their body and find themselves wanting or needing more to the same effect as with the earlier low levels. OR, they may even get on stronger drugs. So, it is either more of the same drug or a more potent drug.
It has become a practice for people to abuse these patches and suck on them for a stronger, faster effect. This can be viewed as about 25mg to 100mg per ½ hour, of a drug that was intended to be received over a period of about 150 times that long.
So, be alert to those who use of have access to the patches, especially if they already have dependency on alcohol or other drugs.
Ponder These
contributed by Jan
[] On a Sears hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping. (darn, and
that is the only time I have for my hair).
[] On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary.
Details inside. (the shoplifter special?)
[] On a bar of Dial soap: "Directions: Use like regular soap."
(and how is that???....)
[] On some Swanson frozen dinners: "Serving suggestion: Defrost."
(it's "just" a suggestion).
[] On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn
upside down." (well...duh, too late)
[] On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: "Product will be hot
after heating." (...your point is ....??)
[] On packaging for a Rowenta iron: "Do not iron clothes on body."
(but wouldn't this save time?)
[] On Boot's Children Cough Medicine: "Do not drive a car or
operate machinery after taking this medication." (what if we simply did
not let 5 year olds with head colds get behind the wheel of a car, or go
to work sick)
[] On Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." (tell
me again why I am taking this)
[] On a Japanese food processor: "Not to be used for the other
use." (now, I am curious)
[] On Sunsbury's peanuts: "Warning: contains nuts." (as "ingredients"
I could understand, but "warning" on a can called "peanuts"???)
[] On an American Airlines packet of nuts: "Instructions: Open
packet, eat nuts." (was this expected to be difficult, or is it a trick
[] On a child's superman costume: "Wearing of this garment does
not enable you to fly." (who is being warned?)
[] On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with
your hands or genitals." (...was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)
Building the Beast of Baghdad
by William Norman Grigg
New American October 21, 2002
contributed by Jan
Repeatedly ask yourself why the eleite want badly to war with Iraq. They seemed very anxious to name their next target even before they confirmed the last one (Osama bin Laden) vanquished. After all, the elite have yet to say if Osama is dead or alive, but just days/weeks into planning and going to Afghan, the elite were naming Iraq and Saddam Hussein as their next target, without any connection the alleged terrorist attacks of NYC and DC. They surely must have been eager for an opportunity. This article relates a truism that many today refuse to acknowledge is all around them - that being Frederic Bastiat' s maxim that "governments grow by creating the poison and the antidote in the same laboratory". Another example of this maxim is Mena, Arkansas and the CIA (and other government entities). Drugs are brought into this country by the government entities via Mena, thus creating the poison, Then a Czar or task force or other such infernal agency empowered to combat this poison, thus creating the antidote. To see the supporting Media reports on this you can watch a video called "The Mena Connection", which uses various news clips from CBS, where they told the people everything to know what is happening. Maybe the best place to hide is in plain sight. First, we create them, then we blame them. There has been Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and others. We create them and support them, them make them the bad guys. Is this how you want your money spent. Of course, it is that voluntary income tax which makes financing such things possible.
Saddam Hussein's capacity to unlesh weapons of mass destruction is doubly horrifying when one considers the past adminstrations have helped him develop that technolgy.
At 2:40 pm. on September 11th, according to notes taken from a participant in the meeting, Rumsfeld told his subordinates that he wanted the "best info fast. Judge whether (it's) good enough (to) hit (Saddam Hussein) at same time. Not only UBL (Osama bin Laden).... Go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not." As CBS News summarised, Rumsfeld "was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq - even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks."
Click here to read the whole article on the Rocky View site
I-Pass has a new role: I spy
contributed by Bill
I notice the above link is no longer any good. I know there are some who will consider that a conspiracy. No matter, it is odd.
October 7, 2002
Marketed as a congestion-fighting instrument on the tollways, I-Pass has taken on another role in recent years: an investigative tool in crime probes, administrative proceedings and even a divorce.
Since early 2000, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority has fielded at least 10 subpoenas from private lawyers and public agencies looking for I-Pass records of certain drivers, according to documents obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
The agency has turned over the data--including the dates, times, amounts and locations of toll transactions paid with the electronic toll payment system--when available, officials said.
Tollway officials don't believe there were any such requests before 2000, even though I-Pass records were available since the introduction of the system in 1993.
A Joliet man believed his wife was cheating on him, but that wasn't why he decided to have his divorce attorney subpoena the toll authority for her I-Pass records.
"There was a child custody thing going on, and I wanted to prove that she was never home ... because she was working," the man said. "Her I-Pass records would show when and where she was driving.
"What time she came home at night, 7, 8 was not uncommon, 9 p.m. wasn't uncommon, and sometimes she would leave early in the morning," he said. "All things she couldn't be doing if she was the sole caregiver."
In other cases:
*Earlier this year, the Judicial Inquiry Board--as part of a misconduct probe that is now over--subpoenaed the records from a Lexus belonging to a controversial Cook County judge assigned to the Bridgeview courthouse.
*In January, DuPage County prosecutors ordered the tollway to turn over I-Pass account information for an Elgin man indicted last week for allegedly stealing more than $10,000 on Christmas Eve from his employer, TGIFriday's in Darien.
*Attorneys for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration also demanded I-Pass records for one vehicle, but after consulting the agency, the tollway refused to release the contents of the DEA subpoena "to safeguard their investigation."
*The FBI, Chicago inspector general's office, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Industrial Commission also subpoenaed I-Pass accounts.
As I-Pass becomes more popular--900,000 cars and trucks now subscribe, with thousands of drivers signing up each week--and as lawyers and investigators become more savvy to its capacity for tracking movement, more requests are expected.
Privacy advocates say this takes on a "Big Brother" feel and is one of the latest indications that our actions are increasingly monitored and recorded through technology.
But to law enforcement officials and some private attorneys, I-Pass is a welcome tool in verifying alibis, piecing together the route of a suspect or, as happened two years ago during a court case over an alleged "road rage" incident, trying to disprove someone's version of events.
First Assistant DuPage County State's Attorney John Kinsella sees the privacy concerns as "a much larger public policy question."
"As far as we're concerned on the law enforcement side, it's information that's available, and it should be used when it can to help solve a case," he said, adding that it's rare when I-Pass records will be relevant to a case.
He wouldn't say if it helped secure the indictment against Gary Witz, the Elgin man who was the kitchen manager at TGIFriday's.
I-Pass works like this: Drivers deposit money in an account and get a small windshield-mounted device called a transponder. Each time they pass through a tollbooth, with help from the transponder, the charge is automatically deducted, meaning drivers can pass through without having to dig for change or even stop.
Although tollway officials said personal I-Pass statements have always been available to law enforcement agencies and lawyers with subpoenas and court orders, it wasn't until recently that anyone asked. The turning point came in late 1999, when a new system allowed the toll authority to track transponders in "real time" to monitor traffic flow.
It raised privacy questions, and the tollway divulged publicly that, just as I-Pass users can obtain records of their transactions dating back at least a year, so could outside interests with a subpoena or court order.
The toll authority apparently misunderstood the Joliet man's request for his wife's I-Pass records, sending him a letter about something else instead, he said. But in the end, he didn't need his now ex-wife's account information; before he could resubmit his request to the authority, she agreed to share custody of their son, he said.
"It could have [been beneficial] because I definitely would have proven my case," he said of I-Pass. "I'm very creative, and I can look at things from a different angle. I knew it kept track of every time she passed through.
"I can be sneaky."
Contributing: Dan Rozek
Pennsylvania Goes After Thought Crimes
contributed by Bill
Susan Jones, Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002
A bill passed by the Pennsylvania legislature may make it illegal for preachers to quote Bible passages condemning homosexuality, according to a group that opposes the measure.
The bill, passed by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Tuesday night, is now on its way to Gov. Mark Schweiker, who says he will sign it.
The measure amends the state's Ethnic Intimidation Act to include "sexual orientation, gender or gender identity." The pro-family Urban Family Council worries that the bill will be enforced too liberally.
William Devlin, the group's president, is advising pastors and churches across Pennsylvania to "obtain some very good liability insurance and contact an attorney if the pastor intends to continue faithfully preaching the Word."
According to Devlin, "This bill is so broad that if you have an attender at your church who feels offended or intimidated by what is said from the pulpit, you and your church leadership will be receiving certified letters inviting you to either a deposition or a court appearance."
Chris Matthews is hitting the Hardball
Chris Matthews from <MSNBC's> “Hardball”, was on “<The View>” (ABC daytime program), and asked where is the evidence/proof to justify going to war in the Middle East, specifically with Iraq. He made the point that during the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy had satellite photos to support getting aggressive with Cuba.
With today’s 40 year more advanced technology, are we to believe that no evidence can be gained to support the claims of the elite who want war?
Today, we have commercial satellites from
which we can read car plates. The military has even better technology,
so why not use some of this technology to garner public support?
They have not, and you must ask why, before supporting going to war.
Osama bin Laden letter,11581,845725,00.html
It has been difficult to locate the alleged letter from Osama bin Laden, of November 2002. It has been located at the link above. Edgar J. Steele wrote a good article on the alleged letter and you can read it at <>
The letter first appeared on the internet in Arabic and has since been translated and circulated by Islamists in Britain. An English translated reprint of the alleged letter has been included on this site at and <can be reached by clicking here>.
The issue here is what is the real reason
anyone might want to attack the uSA. Not only is there powerful evidence
that the government and other agencies of the U.S. had knowledge or were
involved in the NYC and DC attacks of 9/11/01, but if others ouside our
own defenders wish to attack us, we surely must know the real reason before
contemplating retaliation.
The Iraq War To The U.S.
The operative word is "selling", but are we buying. There is no doubt that we have bought the wars of the past 200 years, but is it working this time? 60 Minutes of December 8, 2002 had a story about "selling" war to the populace, which is recapped in the following article from their web site. I think it is VERY important for us all to remember, that almost all selling is partnered with lies. Remember when Clinton and Daddy Bush were getting us into the Middle East in the early 90's, they promoted a story promulgated by the daughter of a Kuwait ambassador, who told the U.S. congress and the U.N. that babies were being pulled from incubators by invading Iraqis and thrown on the cold floor. This got a lot of people behind the war movement and supported the troops, and on and on and on ….. Then you should recall it was all a lie. Now, for this compaign, every week, a new atrocity is being broadcast to try getting the populace in the right mood and frame of mind to support a fight with Iraq. Bush (the son) repeatly has said Hussein is gassing his people, using weopons of mass distruction. Where is the proof or even evidence? Just because he says it, does not make it so.
For over a year, I have been asking where is the proof. NOTHING has been proffered to justify going to war (or what ever they want to call it) with Afghan or Iraq. There have been no pictures of proof, there have been no admissions. Everything that has been proffered has been very suspect and open to doubt.
The related article of this day about Chris Matthews from MSNBC's “Hardball” helps build confidence that people are opening their eyes and asking the same hard questions. I am beginning to believe the "selling" is not working.
(CBS) Dec. 6, 2002 Politicians have had to sell the public on going to war since Colonial times, but they never had the arsenal of advertising and communications techniques the Bush administration is using to sell a possible war on Iraq. Bob Simon reports on those techniques and those employed by the elder Bush prior to the 1991 Gulf War.
Simon reminds viewers that a horrible story spread widely by the first Bush administration prior to the Gulf War about Kuwaiti babies pulled from incubators by invading Iraqis turned out not to be true. The current Bush administration may be also misinforming the public in its efforts to justify a possible second war with Saddam Hussein.
One example of misinformation, according to physicist and former weapons inspector David Albright, was the Bush administration’s leak to the media in September about Iraq’s attempt to import aluminum tubes which administration officials claimed were headed for Iraq’s nuclear program.
“I think it was very misleading,” says Albright, who directs the Institute for Science and International Security. Albright says the tubes could be possibly used for a nuclear program, but were more suited to conventional weapons production. Government experts thought that too, Albright tells Simon, but administration officials “were selectively picking information to bolster a case that the Iraqi nuclear threat was more imminent than it is, and, in essence, scare people.”
Simon’s report examines the administration’s use of Madison Avenue to produce an ad campaign aimed at improving the image of America in the Muslim world. He also interviews a former CIA agent who investigated the oft-mentioned report that hijacker Mohammed Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence official in Prague several months before the deadly attacks on 9/11.
Despite a lack of evidence that the meeting took place, the item was cited by administration officials as high as Vice President Dick Cheney and ended up being reported so widely that two-thirds of Americans polled by the Council on Foreign Relations believe Iraq was behind the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
© MMII, CBS Worldwide Inc. All Rights Reserved.
and Millon
"My drug habit has often gotten me into a good deal of trouble."
The MMPI and MCMI are two commonly used tests to determine who and what you are. These are not the only tests. It could be said that they are very subjective.
To view the 4 page MMPI,
click on the above page links. The pages can be saved and printed
using your favorite image viewer program.
I understand the intent to trick a person into admitting something by asking the same question repeatedly, but differently. But, when such a tactic is accepted practice to make determinations that can affect your whole, or remainder of, your life, then a real problems is at hand. Read the questions for yourself. Iif you have an understanding of Scripture and follow its precepts, then you might see how you could "flunk" this test.
The above quote is # 35 on the test and the test is a true / false type test. If you have no drug habit how do you answer the question? To say "true" or to say "false" is either way an admission of having a drug habit. It presumes you have the habit and it either does or does not get you in trouble.
"Do not be concerned that a few of the statements will seem unusual to you."
U.S. won't support Net "hate speech" ban
contributed by D
By Declan McCullagh Staff Writer, CNET November 15, 2002, 9:47 AM PT
WASHINGTON--The Bush administration said on Friday that it will not support a proposed treaty to restrict "hate speech" on the Internet.
Last week, the Council of Europe approved an addition to a controversial computer crime treaty that would make it illegal to distribute or publish anything online that "advocates, promotes or incites hatred (or) discrimination."
The United States has supported the underlying treaty, which is designed to encourage other countries to enact computer crime and intellectual property laws, but opposes adding the "hate speech" ban. The ban is titled an "Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime."
"The important thing to realize is that the U.S. can't be a party to any convention that abridges a constitutional protection," said Drew Wade, a spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department.
Wade said that the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech, prohibits the administration from endorsing last week's vote by the Council of Europe.
According to a long line of U.S. Supreme Court rulings, "hate speech" is generally protected by the First Amendment. There are relatively narrow exceptions that allow the government to ban threats, words designed to "incite an immediate breach of the peace" that are directed at an individual, and words that are intended to provoke "imminent lawless action."
Wade noted that the "hate speech" ban is "not actually tied to the convention. It doesn't require countries to accept the protocol to accept the convention itself." In other words, the United States could sign the treaty but reject the "hate speech" prohibitions.
The U.S. Justice Department has participated in the drafting of the underlying treaty, which was approved by the Council of Europe last year and now is awaiting ratification by participating countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan and European nations. Civil libertarians have opposed both the treaty and the "hate speech" additions.
Barry Steinhardt, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s technology and liberty program, and a co-founder of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC), applauded the Justice Department's position. "I would be stunned and I would feel that we have been mislead if the U.S. government were now to sign this (additional) protocol," Steinhardt said.
Steinhardt said GILC will still seek to convince countries not to sign the computer crime treaty. "It's a blunt instrument when a scalpel is required," he said. "It covers any computer-related crime. If a bank robber uses a computer to commit a crime, it becomes a cybercrime."
Last week's proposed addition does say that nations who adopt it do not necessarily have to make publication of "hate speech" a crime if "other effective remedies are available."
It covers "distributing, or otherwise making available, racist and xenophobic material to the public through a computer system," defined as "any written material, any image or any other representation of ideas or theories, which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion."
German law considers the publication of the Holocaust denials and similar material as an incitement of racial and ethnic hatred, and therefore illegal. In the past, Germany has ordered Internet providers to block access to U.S. Web sites that post revisionist literature.
France has similar laws that allowed a students' antiracism group to successfully sue Yahoo in a Paris court for allowing Third Reich memorabilia and Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to be sold on the company's auction sites. In November 2001, a U.S. judge ruled that the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech protects Yahoo from liability.
The More we Observe, the more We See George Orwell's
vision an Invited Part of Our Lives Around Every Corner
contributed by Scott
Tracking 1st the Children, the You, and
You will Ask for it. Besides the bracelet looks so cute on little
Johnny and Sally.
GPS is no longer just for hikers, pilots and drivers. Consumer devices using global positioning navigation technology are rapidly being developed for multiple purposes, such as finding lost children and measuring speed and distance in sports such as skiing, surfing and golf.
Click here to read the whole article
on the Rocky View site
A Review of Holocaust Revisionism
contributed by D
by Juergen Graf, January 2001 (written in exile, Tehran)
Click here to read the whole article
on the Rocky View site
CRIMINALS WITH BADGES - WACO 1993 click the headline
Today I want to share with you my very deep concern, my worry about the crime problem in America. I don't mean the sort of crime we hear about and see every night on the television news: the drive-by shootings by drug gangs, and the muggings and robberies, and the rapes and the burglaries, and the murder of some tourist who made the mistake of stopping her car in the wrong neighborhood. All of that is just part of the price we pay for multiculturalism. It comes with the diversity we're told we're so lucky to have.
No, that crime problem is bad enough, but it's a different crime problem and a different type of criminal I want to talk about today, a much more dangerous type of criminal.
I'm sure that everyone listening today has heard about what happened in Waco, TX, earlier this year when the government wiped out a bunch of religious cultists. Let me just briefly review the facts of that matter. A group of 140 or so people--men, women, and children--were living a few miles outside Waco in a little community they called Mount Carmel. They were members of a church which had split off from the Seventh Day Adventists back in the 1930s. They called themselves Branch Davidians. The church group had been at Mount Carmel for more than 30 years, on land they owned and in buildings they had built wih their own hands. Occasionally they had internal squabbles, but they never caused any trouble for their neighbors. They believed in keeping to themselves.
Click here to read the whole article on the Rocky View site
contributed by D
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann W. Von Goethe
"None but the dead are permitted to speak the truth." - Mark Twain
"Men occasionally stumble over truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Winston Churchill
"5% of the people think. 10% of the people think they think. The rest would rather die than think." - Anonymous
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine
"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws!" - Tacitus (A.D. 55-130)
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
"Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master." - SALLUST
"Great minds talk about ideas; mediocre minds
talk about events; small minds talk about people…" - Unknown.
Jack & Mike humor
contributed by Mike
One day, in line at the company cafeteria, Jack says to Mike behind him, "My elbow hurts like hell. I guess I better see a doctor." "Listen, you don't have to spend that kind of money," Mike replies. "There's a diagnostic computer at the drugstore at the corner. Just give it a urine sample and the computer tell you what's wrong and what to do about it. It takes ten seconds and costs ten dollars...a hell of a lot cheaper than a doctor."
So Jack deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to the drugstore. He deposits ten dollars, and the computer lights up and asks for the urine sample. He pours the sample into the slot and waits. Ten seconds later, the computer ejects a printout: "You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water and avoid heavy activity. It will improve in two weeks".
That evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was, Jack began wondering if the computer could be fooled. He mixed some tap water, a stool sample from his dog, urine samples from his wife and daughter, and masturbated into the mixture for good measure. Jack hurries back to the drugstore, eager to check the results. He deposits ten dollars, pours in his concoction, and awaits the results. The computer prints the following:
1. Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener. 2. Your dog
has ringworm. Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo. 3. Your daughter has
a cocaine habit. Get her into rehab. 4. Your wife is pregnant...twin girls.
They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. 5. If you don't stop playing with yourself,
your elbow will never get better
Are You Ready for the New uSA? Do You Recall the Young?
If you want to feel wretched and lonely and blue,
Just imagine the girl you love best
In the arms of some fellow who's stealing a kiss
From the lips that you once fondly pressed
I wonder who's kissing her now...
Wonder who's teaching her how?...
Wonder who's looking into her eyes?...
Breathing sighs! Telling lies!"
(I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now - Hough, Adams, Howard and Orlob -
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." (Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991)
to read the whole article and see what the prose and the quote have
in common, goto ::::::-
Moore: Wants to restore moral foundation of law
contributed by D
There is a common element with the doctrine of "equal rights" and the false doctrine of "separation of church and state". That common element is that they both rail against which allowed them to exist.
Equal rights is not equal when it comes to white males. In fact, when using the guise of equal rights, and 2 or more candidates are up for selection, the excuse will be that equal rights demands that a non-white and/or non-male must be chosen. If substituting the words white with any other color or male with female were to happen, then screams would be heard (and have been) that it was discrimination. If it is discrimination for one then it is for all.
The same holds for the fallacy of “separation of church and state”. First, there is no law requiring such. Second, in the interest of said separation, any religion is favored to the exclusion of christianity and this is called equality.
It is interesting to note that it was white christian males who allowed and/or encouraged both doctrines to come into existence and foment. Now it is biting them.
STAN BAILEY News staff writer for The Birmingham News
MONTGOMERY America's moral decline is directly linked to its failure to acknowledge the God of the Bible as sovereign over the nation and its laws, Chief Justice Roy Moore testified in federal court Thursday.
Moore said he placed a 5,280-pound granite monument to the Ten Commandments in the lobby of the state judicial building to help restore the moral foundation of law in Alabama.
"The purpose was to restore the moral foundation, and you can only do that by recognizing the source of those moral laws, which is God," Moore said.
Moore testified in the third day of trial in a suit by three lawyers who want the monument removed. They contend it violates the constitutional principle of the separation of church and state.
U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson, who is presiding over the trial, told Moore at the start of proceedings Thursday that he is beginning to understand his point of view on church-state separation. Thompson said he has read Moore's opinion in a recent state Supreme Court case and plans to read an article by Moore in the Cumberland Law Review. "I really do want to understand," Thompson told Moore's lawyers. "It's beginning to gel. I think I'm beginning to understand where he's coming from, what he's doing and why he's doing it."
Moore told Thompson the nation's loss of morality can be seen in the behavior of its elected officials and of its business leaders.
Moore denied he kept the monument's construction and placement a secret, but he admitted he had not told the public or reporters about it before it was unveiled on the morning of Aug. 1, 2001.
Moore said his lawyer did let Presbyterian evangelist D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Ministries of Fort Lauderdale know about the monument ahead of time, and allowed the ministry group to videotape the installation which concluded at 4:43 a.m.
Plaintiffs' attorney Morris Dees asked Moore why he rejected a request from a black lawmaker, state Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, to place a plaque of civil rights leader Martin Luther King's "I Had a Dream" speech in the rotunda. Moore said King's speech was too long, plus he didn't want to post the speeches of men in the lobby because that might suggest that the source of our rights was men, rather than God.
Moore said King believed, however, that he was being denied justice because the laws he was accused of violating didn't square with God's law, and that God's power would bring him justice. "He had a dream. It was the American dream," said Moore. "He quoted the Declaration of Independence, that our rights came from God."
Moore said he wouldn't permit monuments to the influence of other faiths, such as Buddhist, Hindu, or Islam, to be placed in the judicial building lobby because they had nothing to do with the moral foundation of law. "There is no support in logic and no evidence in history that American law came from the Hindu faith," said Moore.
Goddess of justice:
Moore said he also refused requests from an atheist group and even from other Christian groups to put monuments in the building. "I didn't want the rotunda to be a hanging garden of ideas," he said.
Moore said the courts have required the government to be neutral to Christianity, but not to other faiths. As an example, Moore said the federal government spent thousands of dollars of taxpayer money on a sculpture of Thebes, the Greek goddess of justice, in a waterfall in the front of the new federal courthouse in which the trial was being held. "The theme of that sculpture is apparent, that our justice is derived from the Greek goddess, that our system is derived from that concept," said Moore.
Plaintiffs rested their case Thursday and Moore's lawyers called Rabbi
David Novak, a religion professor at the University of Toronto, as their
first witness. Novak testified that other cultures had adopted much of
the moral laws in the Ten Commandments.
The Man Who Invented "Pro-Choice"
this is excerpted from the article in the above link
But during the late 1970s, his attitude slowly started to change. Through the technology of ultrasound, Nathanson saw for the first time what actually happens during an abortion. As he recalls in his book, The Hand of God, "For the first time, I began to think about what we really had been doing at the clinic. Ultrasound opened up a new world. For the first time, we could really see the human fetus, measure it, observe it, watch it, and indeed bond with it and love it. I began to do that."
In 1984, he persuaded a friend of his, who was still doing abortions,
to do ultrasounds on women while he was performing the procedure. According
to Nathanson, his friend was "so affected that he never did another abortion."
The "Doe" of Doe v. Bolton
this is excerpted from the article in the above link
In the early 1990s, Sandra was re-united with Melissa, the girl she was supposed to have wanted to abort. In April 16, 1992, Melissa prematurely gave birth to a little boy, twenty-two years to the day after Doe v. Bolton was filed, in the same hospital where she supposedly sought an abortion. Since the baby, Cory, was less than 24 weeks old, the hospital refused to help her little grandson, claiming he was "just a fetus."
Sandra said the nurses claimed the baby was not fully developed. But as she remembered, "The baby was born alive. A lot of people think a baby at only four-and-a-half months is not fully developed. This was a fully developed baby; every part of his body was there. He had air in his little lungs. The hospital would not give him life support for the reason that he was not considered a baby."
Cory died that day, and Sandra was struck that because of the Doe v.
Bolton decision, babies bigger than her grandson are killed every day.
The "Roe" of Roe v. Wade
this is excerpted from the article in the above link
To garner sympathy for her case, Norma told people she had been raped. "The public had certain misgivings about abortion in the early seventies, but there was much greater acceptance of abortion in cases of rape, so even though I wasn't really raped, I thought saying so would garner greater public support," she explained in her book, Won By Love.
"This means that the abortion case that destroyed
every state law protecting the unborn was based on a lie."
Who are the real terrorists?
Nov 25, 22:07
contributed by Larry
Cars kill 40,000 people a year in America. People love their cars. Cars permanently maime 250,000 people a year in America. People love their cars.
I am afraid when my daughter drives her car that her car, not a terrorist, will kill her.
Government is using fiat to steal our wealth and terrorism to drive us all to the sheeple pens. Government has killed millions more people than terrorists. I don't get it. What are people afraid of? People die every day from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, car crashes, and suicides. More people commit suicide than die by terrorist attacks. Should we hire half the country to watch the other half so no one commits suicide? That is what homeland security is all about.
Government is afraid terrorists can cause a regime change at the sheeple farm. Government is using terrorism as a blank check to steal unlimited power, just as government steals unlimited wealth by printing fake fiat dollars.
Government legally steals from the past with inflation, steals from the present with taxes, and steals from the future with bonds. I fear government far more than any terrorists. Most governments started out as terrorists in the first place. I can think of several. It's just a question of which time period is studied. This terrorism BS is just a smoke screen people. Grab your wallets and hold them tight. Government will steal your wealth for what ever reason you let them. Grab your wallets, buy gold bullion, and get a gun while they are still legal. I have several.
Governments have legally killed about 150 million people in the past 100 years. Don't get confused about who the real enemy of your wealth is.
Vote for smaller government and smaller budgets or we will all be slaves and robots having sold our soul the the security devil. Bad deal.
I am so sick of hearing the undefined bogus abused word "terrorist" I could vomit.
The slogan goes, "Give me liberty or give me death". Gold bullion is liberty to me. Good luck.
There will be hate mail for this. Thanks Mike
01 The later you are, the more excited they are to see you.
02 Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.
03 If a dog is gorgeous, other dogs don't hate it.
04 Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.
05 A dog's disposition stays the same all month long.
06 Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.
07 Dogs do not hate their bodies.
08 Dogs agree you have to raise your voice to get your point
09 Dogs do their snooping outside rather than in your wallet
or desk.
10 Dogs can't talk.
11 You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24 hours
per day
12 Dogs like to go hunting.
13 Another man will seldom steal your dog.
14 If you bring another dog home, your dog will happily play
with both of you.
15 A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died would
you get another dog?"
16 If you pretend to be blind, your dog can stay in your hotel
room for free.
17 A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling
you a pervert..
18 If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad, they
just think it's interesting.
19 Dogs don't let magazine articles or soap operas guide their
20 Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.
21 Dogs are not allowed in Bloomingdale's or Neiman Marcus or
the like.
22 If a dog leaves, it won't take half your stuff
"I am appalled at the prospect of
using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that
will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use
water this way is deplorable."
--- Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.
for more, goto ::::::-
Some of us keep studying these matters of what passes for "money" and know exactly where it is all going. You might actually be able to recall the past 10 years when the federal reserve NOTES (wrongly called money) were changed. Less than 10 years ago, there was a lot of ceremony regarding the introduction of the new Federal Reserve "100" note (commonly called 100 dollars). Most every media announcer correctly called them "notes", but it is doubtful that many people were paying attention.
In September, 1995, ABC reported (no doubt as scripted by the Federal Reserve) on the new "C" note, saying the new note represented the first change of the "C" note in 66 years. Then on March 26, 1996, ABC news reported (no doubt as scripted by the Federal Reserve) that the new note is the first major change in nearly 70 years. And then again, on March 27, 1996, KATV, Little Rock, Arkansas TV channel 7, on their morning news show reported that the new note is the first drastic change. Excuse me!
A change from something to nothing is an extremely major change and it had already occurred in the past 45 years. In other words, the Federal Reserve note used to be redeemable for money, then over a period of years circa 1913 to circa 1963, they started NOT being redeemable for money, essentially becoming a fiction, a fraud, a debt instrument. But of course, such an ancient change is insignificant compared to new high technical changes in the appearance of these debt instruments - humbug.
Do we see a pattern? Are they setting a stage for some as yet undisclosed event, or is all this simple brainwashing, doublespeak, Orwellian rewrite of history, testing of the people for a soon-to-come major event? The following are 3 images of "C" notes from 1950, 1990 & 1996.
This new story was reported in May to those paying attention, and example is found at
New designs will start with $20 bill -- ASSOCIATED PRESS
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 — The last time Andrew Jackson got a makeover, he ended up with a big head, slightly off-center. This time, he will get a little color. The most noticeable features of the last redesign of U.S. currency — the oversized, off-center portraits — produced all kinds of derisive nicknames: funny money, Monopoly money, cartoon money.
Click here to read the
whole article on the Rocky View site
The Perfect Couple
contributed by Bob Click
here to read about the perfect couple,
In Terror War, 2nd Track for Suspects
Those Designated 'Combatants' Lose Legal
contributed by D
By Charles Lane
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 1, 2002; Page A01
The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects -- U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike -- may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say.
Click here to read the whole article on the Rocky View site
Civil statutes used as evidence and prosecuted via criminal rules of procedures
Statutes are civil by nature. A conduct or act is specified in statutes is a matter of specific performance. An alleged violation of specific performance as specified in civil statutes is merely a matter of contract.
A crime is conduct which harms the person and/or property of another person. A crime is defined at the common law and is not statutory. Statutes can codify a crime, but codification does not a crime make. Codification, a creation of man, is merely a civil legislative act which may prescribe a criminal penalty for violation of specific performance – a function of contracts.
Without a contract, there can not be any requirement of specific performance.
A statute can not itself be evidence of a crime.
An Explanation of Money in the Form of Paper, Plastic or Computer Bits
Imagine that there exist only two people (you and a friend), and a bankster (not a people). You make pizza and your friend cleans windows. You only need the windows cleaned once each week, while your friend needs to eat every day. Rather than keeping a ledger and a lot of notes of whom owes who, you agree to use a medium of exchange (money?), and rather than make your own you elect and agree to borrow it - from the bankster. You go to the bankster who gladly agrees to "loan" you 100.00 at 10% interest - with your pizza parlor as collateral. Your friend does the same and the bankster gladly agrees to "loan" you 100.00 at 10% interest - with his window cleaning equipment as collateral.
Both you and your friend are confident that you can earn enough to cover the interest and eagerly accept the terms. Now how much "money" is in circulation - 200.00 (100.00 each with you and your friend). At the end of the year, how much "money" is in circulation? STILL, only the same 200.00. The only question is how much do each of you have. Either one of you will have more than the other or you will each be equal with 100.00. If your friend has 100.00, that math clearly says that you must have only 90.00. Here comes the bankster visiting your friend to collect the principle 100.00 plus 10% interest (10.00). Your friend examines his pocket pleased that he has just enough to say his property from seizure and pays the bankster. Now the bankster visits you to collect the principle 100.00 plus 10% interest (10.00). You examine your pocket and realize that you are short 20.00 (10.00 for principle and 10.00 for interest). You lose your pizza parlor.
But you say, What if we broke even with neither of us having more than the other? Then I say you both lose you livelihood, because neither of you could pay the bankster.
There is yet another possibility. You could go to the bankster and ask for yet another loan to cover your shortage and for the next year run the same risk, only this time the collateral is maybe your first born child (they bankster already has your pizza parlor).
This system is a "MUST FAIL" system. Somebody(s) must lose. WHY? Because the interest was „never placed in circulation. The only „thing€ in circulation was the principle, not the interest. You could …NEVER ever get ahead. A house of cards.
Some people say "But that is only with two (2) people. The world has millions and billions of people and that changes things.". WRONG. I challenge you to do the math with more people than two (2). The principles remain the same.
This is precisely what is occurring with the use of Federal Reserve Notes. They are loaned to the Federal government who then causes them to be distributed to the people. The Federal government made an agreement (circa 1913) to pay the 10% interests and since the government owns nothing and creates nothing, it promised your wealth, property and labor as collateral. Hence you hear phrases such as "we have mortgaged our children's future".
Is it Banking or Fraud?
You write a check for an amount not in your account. It is called fraud and you may be punished. Right? Of course.
Now consider that the banksters have written themselves a law that says they may loan, or write a check, so long as they have assets enough to cover 3% of their loans, or checks. Now be calm, it is not fraud, it is merely ƒbanking€ (banksting). In reality it is yet another house of cards.
Say you go to a bankster "A" to deposit your 9 ounces of silver (9.00 DOLLARS), because bankster "A" is offering a blanket for the deposit. Bankster "A" now has 9.00 DOLLARS in his vault.
Say your neighbor knows that bankster "B" is offering a set of crystal glasses for a deposit of 300.00 (notice I did not necessarily say DOLLARS). So your neighbor goes to bankster "A" and asks to borrow 300.00. Bankster "A" checks his vault and notices that he only has 9.00 DOLLARS (your deposit), then he checks the latest rules for banksters to learn that he only needs to have a 3% reserve to cover any loan/check. A little quick math and abracadabra, he has exactly what your neighbor wants. Now your neighbor goes to bankster "B" and deposits the check for 300.00. Bankster "B" now has 300.00 ... "promises to pay" in his vault, not any money.
Say your mechanic knows that bankster "C" is offering season box seats to the local ball team games fora deposit of 10,000 (notice I did not necessarily say DOLLARS). So your mechanic goes to bankster "B" and asks to borrow 10,000.00. Bankster "B" checks his vault and notices that he only has a check/note/loan paper promising to pay 300.00 DOLLARS (your neighbor's deposit), then he checks the latest rules for banksters to learn that he only needs to have a 3% reserve to cover any loan/check. A little quick math and abracadabra, he has exactly what your mechanic wants. Now your mechanic goes to bankster "C" and deposits the check for 10,000.00. Bankster "C" now has 10,000.00 ... "promises to pay" in his vault, not any money.
What happens when somebody makes a run on the banksters and demands payment on these "promises to pay" - DEFAULT. A house of cards. But wait, the Federal government has promised that you will make good on the bankster's bad debt. Ever heard of the FDIC (Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation) or any of the others. BAIL OUT. Either way you pay.
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