"All truth passes through 3 stages.
First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - - - Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860 Whatever the evil (poison) is, it must
be presented in a mix of something good, or good for you.
the URL for this page can be found by returning to the previous page (if a contributing editor, wishes recognition, they should
so indicate with their submission)
To save on the amount of forced emails that consume MEGA
bytes of HD space,
these pages are created for your convenience. Pictures can be saved by right clicking then follow
the yellow brick road,
am reminded of Dad's special brownies. It is the same truth.
If you want
to remain in your ignorance then take this blue pill -
01 | = | 02 | = |
03 | = | 04 | = |
05 | = | 06 | = |
07 | =Attack on London or is it Terrorism?
=The US Is A 'British' Financial Colony ="NO." =Energy Ration Cards for Everyone Planned =Religion Transformed |
08 | = |
09 | =The Lone Ranger and Tonto | 10 | = |
11 | =What Difference Does It Make?
=Blair Rejects Calls for Probe into London Bombings =Israel wants $2.2b from U.S. for Gaza Pullout =The Destruction of American Education |
12 | =American Base in Israel |
13 | =Al-Qaida nukes already in U.S.
=What Good is Security if it can not Prevent Harm to the People? =CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada |
14 | =Pristine Evidence at all Terrorist Sites???? |
15 | ='Al Qaeda': How the Pentagon/ CIA Made an 'Enemy'
=Retailing, the High-Tech Way |
16 | =Newspaper Claims Former DOJ Officials Confirm Bombing Coverup |
17 | =Recipe For Extinction | 18 | =Where is the Threat to the uSA? |
19 | = | 20 | = |
21 | = | 22 | =Prison Service ready to Absorb 2,300 Disengagement Detainees |
23 | = | 24 | =Merger with Mexico
=CODEX Alimentarius =The Lord just told me, and I do not Know whether this is True or NOT |
25 | = | 26 | = |
27 | = | 28 | = |
29 | = | 30 | = |
31 | = | . | . |
Since many reports herein are from other sources, a copyright
would be of little use in those cases.
But, all reports herein, reprints are permitted if proper
credit is given as to source - Rocky View
with URL of this page or the homepage referenced above.
To hear this and other selected audio excerpts from Benny Hinn and his wife, click on the following links. The original dates of these are not known at this time, and the dates in the file names are of when they were committed to this registry.
[right click on these links and choose to save them to your computer, then play them with your favorite media player]
Lord just told me, and I do not Know whether this is True or NOT
It does not matter what Hinn allegedly heard, but rather that he is
expressing the possibility that his god is a liar.
you don't like them, kill them. I really wish I could find them.
I wish god would give me a holy ghost machine gun, I would blow your head
Hinn is upset about his MANY critics. It is good to hear Hinn
displaying a "christian" attitude?
am sick and tired of hearing how it used to be back [??] years ago.
I got so sick of it, I said "Lord, if I hear it one more time I am going
to throw up". I would receive NOW. I am sick and tired of hearing
about streets of gold. I don't need gold in heaven, I gotta have
it now. I got it here. [??] streets of gold, is full of gold.
But, if I hear the thing one more time of how it will be, and how it was,
I am going to kick somebody.
Evidently, Hinn does not care about the "new Jerusalem"
Revelation 21:20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.You know what you need? You need a holy ghost enema, right up your rear end.
21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.
Why do people flock to this and after exposure remain with it. They are ignorant masses, useless idiots. These phrases were coined by others to describe the people who do not even make the effort to learn better, let alone do something about it.
Hinn is merely the most outrageous of the evangelical and common garden variety corner businesses (called churches), with false teachers taking the money of the ignorant masses. For them, this scam has a great retirement plan.
[right click on these links and choose to save them to your computer,
then play them with your favorite media player]
& am here to help you - NOT |
[WOW, this has been a quite and easily overlooked issue. Yes, there have been some lone voices in the wilderness screaming about it, but the noise was not easily heard. It may be that some of this is complicated. Many deserve acknowledgment for bringing this information to light. Sadly, only a few will be noticed here, at this time.
In short, the Europeans pass a bill saying they can regulate what you eat, then the uSA signs a treaty, which they treat as superior to law, and the treaty adopts any and all foreign laws, whereby making those laws our laws. In this case, they can regulate what you eat. The treaty idea has problems more than what you eat, but will include that. -- Tribble]
[To be honest, I haven't studied this matter at length, though years ago I used to be part of the National Health Federation. Though some of the rhetoric regarding threats to your vitamins & garden plot may be hyperbolic, its does bear scrutiny. -- Dan]
[In case you don't know what CODEX is- it
is a SERIOUS attempt by the "powers that be" (internationally/nationally/USA/around
the world/etc.) to eliminate your right to purchase vitamins/minerals/herbs/any
natural supplements to assist you in better health.
-- Genesis 1:29 - "I give
you every herb; it is to be for you as FOOD." -- Jeanne]
Why Say "No" to CODEX?
By Rima E. Laibow, M.D., Medical Director of the Natural Solutions
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (the official name of CODEX) is a set of legal codes for food standards. The purpose of CODEX is to control what type of foods people can eat and what types of supplements and health choices they can make. CODEX was initiated by the United Nations in 1963 and began with good intentions (to make sure all people have access to safe, abundant food).
But the problem is that CODEX is based on the Napoleonic legal code, which forbids anything that isn't explicitly allowed. And corporate interests are using it to further their profit-driven interests.
On this page you'll learn what CODEX means, by learning what kinds of
things CODEX says yes to:
CODEX says yes...
* ... to "protecting" you from nutrients as if they
were toxic chemicals!
* ... to supplement doses so low they can't have
any effect on you!
* ... to making Vitamin C above 200mg/day as illegal
as heroin!
* ... to forbidding higher doses than what's on
the CODEX list!
* ... to forbidding all but a tiny number of supplements!
* ... to forbidding all but synthetic forms of supplements!
* ... to making it impossible for supplement manufacturers
to enter the market with their natural products!
* ... to eradicating the wellness industry!
* ... to making it obligatory to administer all
food animals with hormones despite of their danger to you and your family!
* ... to making it obligatory to administer all
food animals with antibiotics despite of their danger to you and your family!
* ... to administering all dairy cows with Monsanto®'s
dangerous bovine growth hormone despite of the danger to you and your family!
* ... to the mandatory treatment of food with radiation
despite of the danger to you and your family!
* ... to raising the toxic residue levels from pesticides/herbicides
permitted in food to extremely high levels, which would lead to serious
illness for you and your family!
* ... to making organic standards so weak that they
become meaningless!
...to keeping the multi-national corporate sponsors of CODEX financially healthy and happy - at your expense.
* CODEX says "yes!" to Big Pharma
* CODEX says "yes!" to Big Chema
* CODEX says "yes!" to Big Agra
* CODEX says "yes!" to Big Biotechna
* CODEX says "yes!" to Big Medica
And CODEX says "NO!"...
* ... to you
* ... to your family
* ... to your fellow Americans
* ... to your fellow human beings
* ... to the environmental health of the planet
you are living on
So why should you and I both say "NO!" to CODEX?
* For our health
* For our children
* For our elders
* For our fellow Americans
* For our fellow human beings
* For the environmental health of Earth
It's wise to act now. Dealing with the CODEX problem cannot wait because CODEX is up for review by Congress this coming July - this means that urgent action is very important. We need to tell Congress that we do not want CODEX to enter the U.S.A. Join thousands (hopefully millions) of other Americans: take action now, through this web site, from the comfort of your computer chair, to do your part in protecting America from CODEX.
"All of us must act. Just think about it: the life you save might be
your own."
- Paul Anthony Taylor, British expert on "CODEX ALIMENTARIUS"
Welcome to the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS 101, where you will find complete information about what CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is, who is behind it, and why it is cause for serious concern. You will then be invited, at the end, to do something about the problem posed by CODEX ALIMENTARIUS.
Everything Happens for a Reason
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a betrayal by some of the largest institutions
and corporations in the world, as well as segments of our own government.
Fear is a common response to the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS issue. Many of us feel
fear when institutions and corporations whom we trust betray us.
Everything happens for a reason, and the reason CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is happening is because of economic short-sightedness. In truth, there is nothing to fear but apathy, passivity and inaction. Once you understand CODEX ALIMENTARIUS you will gain a clear perspective and see it for what it is: just another chapter in the old story of short-sighted economic interests doing anything to increase their own profits.
Understanding Brings Clarity - Clarity Dissolves Fear
If you are worried whether there something that can be done about the
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS problem, the answer is yes, there is something that
can be done about it. And you are invited, at the end of this page, to
take action.
Before taking action, it is important that you understand the problem better. First thing to understand is that CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a threat to your health freedom: your freedom of choice in supplementation, traditional medicine, and clean foods (such as organic food).
Medical Doctor Studies 16,000 Pages of CODEX Documentation
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is a threat to health freedom and not benign "consumer
protection" as deceptively claimed by its commercial sponsors.
Rima E. Laibow, MD, is an American physician who has been successfully practicing natural medicine since 1970. She has carefully studied more than 16,000 pages of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS documentation and has come to the inescapable conclusion that CODEX ALIMENTARIUS would wipe out freedom of choice in supplementation, natural remedies, and clean food, if brought to enactment here in the U.S.
This 101 is based on Dr. Laibow's detailed evaluation of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. From here on, we will refer to CODEX ALIMENTARIUS as "CODEX" for the sake of brevity.
Know Thy Friend: Health Freedom
The first question to ask is "what would CODEX take away from me if
nothing is done about it?" The answer is simple: CODEX would take away
your health freedom.
Next question: "what is health freedom?"
Health freedom means being free to choose your own health treatment
modalities and natural health products such as nutritional supplements
(vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.), herbs, homeopathic remedies, and
clean food (such as organic food untainted by pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics)
without government or corporate interference.
After having read over 16,000 pages of CODEX documentation, Dr. Laibow
is urging you and the rest of the American people to take the CODEX threat
very seriously and get active to protect health freedom from it. We stand
to lose our freedom of choice in supplementation, traditional remedies,
clean food (such as organic food) and natural treatment modalities because
CODEX stands to make virtually all of our natural health choices illegal.
How would CODEX do that?
By applying a legal code that dates back to Napoleon Bonaparte's time,
by classifying nutrients as toxins, and by calling in the WTO to punish
any countries that break the tyrannical CODEX rules. Read on for further
clarity on each of these aspects of the CODEX problem.
What's in a Name?
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their rightful names."
- Thomas Jefferson
What is CODEX by its rightful name?
1. Beneficial "consumer protection"?
2. Absurd "conspiracy theory"?
3. Fictitious "urban legend" spread by chain emails?
4. Tyranny?
The first three answers are incorrect. The right answer is "tyranny". Here's why...
CODEX Aims to Dictate Everything You Put in Your Mouth
CODEX is a set of UN-created and WTO-backed standards for food and
nutrition. CODEX would control how and what
[you can read the whole article at http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/codex101/
From July 2, 2005 --
Dietary Supplement Freedom Fighters, wherever you are, there is only one week to oppose CODEX in the House of Representatives....
While everyone is distracted on a Holiday weekend, and away on vacations, and while vitamin supplement advocates are monitoring events in Rome (CODEX meeting), legislation pending before Congress (CAFTA) would essentially make CODEX restrictions on vitamin and mineral supplements binding as US law via the CAFTA trade agreement. The Senate has already passed CAFTA, so you must contact the US House of Representatives to oppose CAFTA, in order to stop CODEX..... the National Health Federation has the right information........
July 2, 2005
The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Treaty will require the U.S., a member of the World Trade Organization, to revise our food laws and regulations based on Codex decisions. CAFTA would force harmonization of our dietary supplements and regulations to international standards, overriding the DSHEA Act of 1994.
The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the even-broader Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) are both modelled after the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). These agreements are typical bureaucratic monstrosities of "managed" trade that masquerade as free trade and would expand NAFTA to include first Central America and then the rest of the Americas in an economic "union." True free trade would take a few pages of written text to enact ("eliminate these barriers to trade and these tariffs," etc.); all three of these agreements encompass thousands of pages of bureaucratic textual garbage sprinkled liberally with rules, regulations, and special-interest benefits.
Buried in the language of CAFTA is Section 6 that would require of all its members that they form a Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) committee for the purpose of insuring ongoing harmonization under the terms of the SPS Agreement in the World Trade Organization (WTO). You can find that text at the following website:
If you then look at Article 3 of the WTO's SPS Agreement, you will read the following words: "To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as wide a basis as possible, Members shall base their food safety measures on international standards, guidelines or recommendations." (emphasis added) And as you all know by now, Codex sets the international standards for food safety including vitamins & minerals.
So, CAFTA, which is set for a vote in the House of Representatives when they reconvene July 11th, 2005, is another critical link by which health-freedom haters hope to bypass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and obligate the United States and Canada by treaty to harmonize to the harshly restrictive Codex vitamin-and-mineral standards. They cannot be allowed to succeed, and we at the NHF completely oppose these two treaties that would put a knife in the back of our health freedoms.
Contact any member of the House of Representatives via http://www.house.gov/writerep
Click here for Petition Opposition Letter.
P.O. Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91017 USA ~ 1 (626) 357-2181 ~ Fax 1 (626) 303-0642
Website: www.thenhf.com E-mail: contact-us@thenhf.com
the man behind the curtain** |
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is this: Why does the federal government refuse to accept its responsibility to enforce immigration laws and border security?
Now the answer is becoming clear.
And it's not pretty.
The shadow government – the elitists – do indeed have a plan. And it is a plan that does not include any vestige of U.S. sovereignty or constitutional government. It is a plan for merger – a European Union-style government for North America and eventually the rest of the Americas and the world.
It's all spelled out in the latest reports by the Council on Foreign Relations. There's a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter."
Though there has been no national debate on merger with the corruption and socialism of our neighbors to the north and south, there is a roadmap. And unless the American people rise up in righteous indignation against this plan, the roadmap to merger will become the inevitable, guiding force in setting U.S. policy.
In many ways, it already has.
The goal of this merger couldn't be clearer – "a common economic space ... for all people in the region, a space in which trade, capital and people flow freely."
The CFR's strategy calls specifically for "a more open border for the movement of goods and people." It calls for laying "the groundwork for the freer flow of people within North America." It calls for us to "harmonize visa and asylum regulations." It calls for us to "harmonize entry screening."
More open? How could it be any more open? How could the flow of people be any freer? Criminals, terrorists, drug dealers and other undesirables cross into the U.S. on a daily basis – unchecked, unmolested, unscreened. How could we have any less enforcement?
Well, imagine Mexico as the 51st state. That's a picture of what the CFR has in mind with regard to the flow of human traffic back and forth between the two countries.
By the way, even though you didn't hear any national debate about this plan, your president has already committed you, your children and your grandchildren to this policy, according to the CFR.
In "Building a North American Community," the shadow government's 59-page manifesto for merger, we are informed President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "committed their governments" to this goal March 23 when they met in Texas.
You might remember that little get-together. It was there that Bush characterized the the Minuteman organization of heroic citizen border monitors as "vigilantes."
Last month, a follow-up meeting was held in Canada, suggesting this plan be put on the fast track. The U.S. representative, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, explained at that time that "we want to facilitate the flow of traffic across our borders."
Silly me. I thought the objective of Homeland Security was to protect the American people from terrorist attacks! But the real goal is making it easier for Mexicans and Canadians and anyone else using those territories to enter our country undetected and unmolested.
The CFR plan also calls for massive redistribution of wealth – more of your hard-earned money flowing to Mexico and Canada to make this panacea possible. It also calls for the implementation of "the Social Security Totalization Agreement" so that illegal aliens will be certain to bankrupt the system Bush claims to be trying to save.
It is a stunning betrayal of the will of the American people, the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and all of our notions of limited government, self-government, freedom, sovereignty, the rule of law and justice.
I don't know how else to say it: It is an open conspiracy to commit treason.
It's time to fight the War of Independence all over again.
& am here to help you - NOT |
[First of all you need to understand this is Israeli disengagement protesters. This is Israel ready to imprison it's own people if they don't give up "their" home and move where the government wants them to. Not that I agree it's Israeli land in the first place. But that's a discussion for another time.
That's sad but what does this have to do with us in the good ol' uS of A you ask? Well let me share with you this morning. With the recent decision by the Supreme Court, that your property is not yours (surprise! you only thought you owned your home), many here could be in the same situation. There are several hundred FEMA controlled (Prison) camps established and staffed in this country just waiting to do the same thing the prisons in Israel are ready to do. And since Israel basically has the last word in this country, look out!
There's much more happening here than just the Supreme Court ruling. The Patriot Act has just been extended (it should have died). It's not bad enough. Now there's Patriot Act Two and possibly Three. There's the FTAA (Free Trade Agreement of the Americas). It's going to open trade between the uS, Canada and Mexico and put a security barrier around all three. What you don't hear is that it will eliminate our borders (as if they exist now) and allow full flow of people, vehicles and goods (and a lot of things we shouldn't want) from both north and south into this country. And when they get ready to build that new super highway from north to south what do you think they are going to do with the people who refuse to give up "their land"? If our leaders (ROFLMAO) accept the CODEX Alimentarius being discussed now, it will be against the law to take vitamins and supplements with out a prescription from a doctor. It will even be against the law to grow your own food on your "own land". And coming to a state near you, if you have a well to draw "your own" water, guess what, they want to meter "your" well so they can tax "your" water. And if you refuse to give up "your" land, we have a nice little vacation spot picked out for you.
This is just to name a few things in the works. There's much more going on that could be learned if the people would just turn off the reality shows and pay attention. Could the same thing happening in this article happen here? -- Rodger]
[Of course it can happen here. Read
"American Base in Israel" from the 12th of this edition of .
-- Tribble]
Prison Service director Ya'akov Ganot said on Wednesday that Israeli jails were prepared to absorb up to 2,300 disengagement protesters.
Ganot was telling the Knesset Interior and Environment Committee on the Prison Service's preparations for the pullout, which is slated for mid-August.
He said 900 people could be housed in the Ma'asiyahu and Be'er Sheva prisons during the first stage of the plan.
The Prison Service has erected temporary compounds next to the jails that will serve as courts for remand extension hearings.
The temporary courts would shorten judicial procedures and prevent the need to transport the detainees to permanent courts, Ganot said.
The Prisons Service chief also said that if needed, 900 further people would be placed in military prisons where Palestinian security prisoners are being held. The latter would be transferred to other prisons under Israel Defense Forces jurisdiction.
Ganot went on to say the prisons were also preparing special facilities
to provide medical service for women and children among the detainees.
While American troops engage al-Qaeda terrorist
cells in far-flung battlefields across Asia and our military leadership
prepares for a Gulf War encore against Iraq, our "friend" and "neighbor"
to the South is relentlessly invading our homeland. The Mexican government
and radical "Chicano" groups in this country are pursuing the dream of
La Reconquista -- the "re-conquest" of the southwestern United States.
(excerpted from the following article)
"Mexico is a friend of America. Mexico is our neighbor. And we want
our neighbors to succeed. We want our neighbors to do well.... And that's
why it's so important for us to tear down barriers and walls that might
separate Mexico from the United States."
-- President George W. Bush, address to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque, New Mexico, August 15, 2001 |
"A peaceful mass of people … carries out slowly and patiently an
unstoppable invasion, the most important in human history. You cannot give
me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like multitude,
stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and
best-armed nation on earth.... [Neither] barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive
border guards, nor campaigns, nor laws, nor police raids against the undocumented,
have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part
of the world."
-- an essay entitled "The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own," Loret de Mola described the strategy in brutally candid terms: |
![]() |
as compared with the same period in 2003. A 51% increase occurred along the east and central Arizona border, coupled with a 60% increase along the southwestern Arizona border and a 38% increase in San Diego. http://www.theamericanresistance.com/ref/tidal_wave_of_illegal_immigration.html |
[IF we actually allow the takeover of the arid SouthWest of the uSA, do you think they still will want it if we discontinue supporting the improvements the white folk have created and caused to happen. These improvements would include such things as the Hoover dam, and without water, the far SW can not live in the seeming luxury it enjoys today. The question is do these usurpers expect the whites to support them freely or do they intend to buy the needed services? Maybe they want taxes to support them. Obviously, they want the best of 2 worlds, they want to "own" the land, and they want the benefits of US federal support. Make no mistake about it, these invaders would not desire to come here if the whites had not developed the land and made living here good. Hence, they want what is not theirs. This is not about the land, it is about the lifestyle, a lifestyle made by, and at the direction of, whites.
You can listen to audio clips of what some
of these people are saying by going to
or on the Rockyview site at http://www.tellme1st.net/rockyview/index.html
Many of the Aztlan proponents argue that
they comprise a certain large percentage of a region and that justifies
their claim that the land is theirs. BUT, if the or their parents
arrived in the uSA ILLEGALLY, then what justifiable claim can they really
NOTICE - Nothing herein should be mis-construed as implication of any supremacy or hate. Sometimes, the facts hurt. -- Tribble]
Aztlan and Amalgamation
by William Norman Grigg
The Mexican government, radical Chicano separatists, and even the Bush
administration are all seeking to open the U.S.-Mexican border.
![]() |
Mexico is a friend of America. Mexico is our neighbor. And we want
our neighbors to succeed. We want our neighbors to do well.... And that's
why it's so important for us to tear down barriers and walls that might
separate Mexico from the United States. -- President
George W. Bush, address to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Albuquerque,
New Mexico, August 15, 2001
While American troops engage al-Qaeda terrorist cells in far-flung battlefields
across Asia and our military leadership prepares for a Gulf War encore
against Iraq, our "friend" and "neighbor" to the South is relentlessly
invading our homeland. The Mexican government and radical "Chicano" groups
in this country are pursuing the dream of La Reconquista -- the "re-conquest"
of the southwestern United States.
"More than a century after the U.S. invasion of Mexico that resulted in the annexation of Texas, Mexicans are ‘reoccupying' the territory, but through less violent means and for different reasons," reported Monica Mendel of TheNewsMexico.com news service on March 25th. "Most of these immigrants live in border states like California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, the same ones Mexico lost when President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna signed an agreement to end the U.S. invasion in 1848 by ceding 2.5 million square kilometers of Mexican territory to the United States."
The provocative term "reoccupation" was not coined by an anti-immigration activist. Rather, it was used in an official study published by the Mexican government's National Council on Population (Conapo). Mendel writes: "The ‘reoccupation' of this territory has been slow but steady, and the number of immigrants is growing every year." Citing Conapo's findings, Mendel predicts that during the six-year reign of incumbent Mexican President Vicente Fox, ending in 2006, "two million Mexicans will enter the United States at the rate of approximately 380,000 per year."
By publishing the Conapo study, the Mexican government has formally embraced the concept of "demographic warfare" -- re-conquering the southwestern United States through unchecked illegal immigration. But it has long been an open secret that Mexico takes advantage of our porous southern border to export its "surplus poverty" and re-impose control over our southwest.
Last July Fourth, Mexico's EWE news service published an interview with the celebrated Mexican novelist Elena Poniatowska in which she noted: "Mexico is at this moment recovering territories it lost in the past to the United States thanks to emigration." "The common people -- the poor, the dirty, the lice ridden, the cockroaches are advancing on the United States, a country that needs to speak Spanish because it has 33.5 million Hispanics who are imposing their culture," observed Poniatowska. "Mexico is recovering the territories yielded to the United States by means of migratory tactics."
But columnist Carlos Loret de Mola most clearly explained Mexico's "demographic warfare" strategy 20 years ago in Excelsior (the Mexican equivalent of the New York Times). In an essay entitled "The Great Invasion: Mexico Recovers Its Own," Loret described the strategy in brutally candid terms:
A peaceful mass of people … carries out slowly and patiently an unstoppable invasion, the most important in human history. You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like multitude, stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth.... [Neither] barbed-wire fences, nor aggressive border guards, nor campaigns, nor laws, nor police raids against the undocumented, have stopped this movement of the masses that is unprecedented in any part of the world.
This migrant invasion, continues Loret, "seems to be slowly returning [the southwestern United States] to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation." The effects of Mexico's immigration invasion were even then visible in Los Angeles, which Loret archly referred to as "the second largest Mexican city in the world."
Charles Truxillo, a professor of "Chicano Studies" at the University of New Mexico, believes that Los Angeles will one day be the capital of "La Republica del Norte" -- a Hispanic nation straddling the border between the southwest United States and northern Mexico. The envisioned "Chicano homeland" would absorb the existing U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and southern Colorado, as well as "the northern tier of current Mexican states: Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas," reported the March 10th Albuquerque News.
The envisioned "Chicano homeland" is also referred to as "Aztlan." The geographical boundaries for the proposed homeland have not been precisely defined; in addition to the U.S. states cited by the Albuquerque News, Nevada and Utah have also been mentioned.
The new polity won't appear "within the next 20 years but within 80 years," predicts Truxillo. "I may not live to see the Hispanic homeland, but by the end of the century my students will live in it, sovereign and free." While Truxillo maintains that the new country should be created "by any means necessary," he insists that it is "unlikely" that it will be born out of a civil war. Instead, he foresees that "La Republica del Norte" will be created "by political process, by the ‘electoral pressure' of the future majority Hispanic population," observes the Albuquerque News.
Terrorist Subcurrents
What does Truxillo mean when he invokes the familiar revolutionary refrain, "By any means necessary"? One clue can be found in how Truxillo reveres Reies Lopez Tijerina, a bloody-handed 1960s Chicano agitator. It was from Tijerina, states Truxillo, that he learned "I was a member of a people with a country that had been taken from them by war, a land that was our own by treaty."
Tijerina's chief claim to infamy was his role in leading a June 1967 guerrilla assault on the courthouse in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico. During the two-hour assault, Tijerina and 150 terrorist thugs killed Deputy Sheriff Nicainor Saizan, pistol-whipped Undersheriff Dan Rivera, and shot 63-year-old jailer Eugolio Salazar. The Tijerina-led mob also took 20 local citizens hostage in the courthouse before fleeing town. Although Salazar survived the initial assault, he was beaten to death before he could testify at Tijerina's trial. With the jury and material witnesses intimidated by the possibility of another outbreak of violence, Tijerina -- who had shot Salazar point-blank in the face -- was given a two-year sentence, of which he served six months before being paroled.
In a "Manifesto" published in the Albuquerque Journal shortly before the attack on Tierra Amarilla, Tijerina's terrorist group laid claim to millions of acres of the American Southwest -- including the states of California, Arizona, and New Mexico -- on behalf of the "Nation of Aztlan." Tijerina and his thugs asserted "exclusive and supreme" powers "within our territorial jurisdiction, over all persons and property situated therein, to the exclusion of all other countries and governments."
"We shall enter troops into these territories to restore our authority; and our troops will preserve the strictest discipline," continued the terrorist screed. "[I]f the aggressors shed one drop of blood of any of our soldiers during the progress of this liberation campaign, a state of war shall exist as of that moment between us and that aggressor; and … during the progress of such a war, we shall not take any prisoners of war, but shall take only war criminals and traitors, and try those war criminals and traitors by a military tribunal and execute them." During the Tierra Amarilla assault, Tijerina and his cadres carried out that edict by murdering one Mexican-American law enforcement officer and wounding two others.
After descending into obscurity, Tijerina dramatically reappeared at the national "Latino Leadership Summit" at the University of California-Riverside in January 1995. Introduced to an audience of radical professors, lawyers, labor leaders, student agitators, and more than 400 "Latino activists," Tijerina was greeted with sustained, tumultuous applause. Many in the crowd raised their right arms in the communist clenched-fist salute, exclaiming "¡Viva la Revolución!" and "Power to the People!"
Present at the 1995 Latino Summit were representatives of the "Brown Berets de Aztlan," a paramilitary group that threatened to "make the streets run red" with their opponent's blood. Also prominent were representatives of the Moviemento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan, or MEChA), a militant separatist group active on high school and university campuses.
Speaking to the Houston Chronicle during MEChA's national conference in that city in March of this year, Jose Galvan of the group's University of California-Berkeley chapter insisted: "We're not trying to take over. We just want to help people of color get an education." Galvan spoke those words shortly after his MEChA chapter displayed its commitment to "education" by vandalizing the offices of a conservative student newspaper and issuing death threats against the paper's editorial staff.
According to the March 5th Washington Times, members of the Berkeley Conservative Foundation at the University of California-Berkeley became "a target of death threats after the group printed a story criticizing a Hispanic campus group's call for revolutionary liberation from white people." In February, the Foundation-sponsored California Patriot newsmagazine published a critique of the MEChA. Some members of the Conservative Foundation were harassed by MEChA cadres, and others received death threats. On the following day, the Patriot's editorial office was ransacked: All 3,000 copies of the magazine were stolen, and thousands of dollars' worth of damage was done.
This was hardly the first time MEChA had gone on a rampage on a California campus. In 1993, MEChA cadres at UCLA caused $500,000 in damage in a protest demanding full department status for "Chicano Studies" -- courses designed to cultivate a revolutionary mind-set among Hispanic students. The program of MEChA's April 1997 national conference at Michigan State University offered a snap-shot of that mind-set: "We must … become a nation within a nation, with a national plan of action as new soldiers in our struggle for national independence, and an emerging XICANO [Chicano] nation."
Asked about his group's ideology and intentions, Miguel Perez of Cal State-Northridge's MEChA chapter replied: "The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan. Communism would be closest [to it]." Once Aztlan is established, continued Perez, ethnic cleansing would commence: "Non-Chicanos would have to be expelled … opposition groups would be quashed because you have to keep power." In their intimidation campaign against the staff of the California Patriot, Berkeley's MEChA thugs offered a foretaste of this ruling philosophy in action.
Do MEChA and its Aztlandista allies have the means to match their ambitions? Not yet, obviously. But their terrorist infrastructure is being created, and it grows with each wave of unassimilated immigrants from Mexico. Kosovo offers an ominous parallel: The narco-terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which now governs that Serbian province under UN supervision, recruited much of its membership through campus-based ethnic separatism among ethnic Albanians. And the KLA's campaign to seize Kosovo gained strength through rampant illegal immigration from Serbia's southern neighbor, Albania.
Assimilation in Reverse
Historically, immigrants to the United States were expected to assimilate our language, customs, and public culture. However, as the border between the United States and Mexico erodes, we are witnessing what could be called "assimilation in reverse" as the public institutions of the affected communities are required to accommodate large, undigested masses of Mexicans.
For example: The City of Houston has announced that the "matricular card," a form of identification issued by the Mexican Consulate, would be "considered official identification by Houston police officers," reported the March 8th Houston Chronicle. The paper notes that this is a particularly welcome development for Mexicans whose "immigration status may be in question … [and therefore] have no valid U.S. forms of identification, such as a driver's license."
All that is required to obtain a matricular card, noted a March 22nd Fox News report, is "a Mexican birth certificate and some proof of U.S. residency." No proof of U.S. citizenship is required. In some states, continued the Fox News report, "matricular ID holders can use the card as one of two pieces of identification needed to apply for a driver's license."
From the Mexican Consulate in Colorado comes a proposal that would make it even easier for illegal immigrants: Why not repeal the state law against granting driver's licenses to "undocumented residents" from Mexico? "Undocumented" Mexican workers -- that is, Mexican nationals who violate our nation's immigration laws -- "are providing labor and energy to the economy of Colorado," insisted Leticia Calzada, Mexico's consul general in Denver. Besides, criminal cases resulting from enforcement of the state's traffic laws "are clogging courthouses in many counties because these Mexicans need to drive."
The Texas gubernatorial race offers one of the most dramatic examples of "assimilation in reverse." Shortly before last March's Democratic gubernatorial primary in Texas, candidates Tony Sanchez and Dan Morales made history by conducting a debate in Spanish. While there was no clear winner on substantive issues, Morales clearly lost where the most important issue of style was concerned -- the question of Hispanic "authenticity."
Texas native Morales lives in San Antonio, home of the Alamo. After earning a law degree from Harvard, he returned to serve as a legislator, and then as state attorney general. But Morales "only recently taught himself Spanish," noted an Associated Press profile. While debating with Sanchez, Morales infuriated the state's Hispanic-identity constituency by insisting on translating his answers into English, contending that since English remains the lingua franca of Texas it is wrong to "elevate the status of Spanish to English."
"I didn't like the way Dan Morales said Spanish can't be even with English," groused spectator Felipe Banvelos, a 45-year-old Mexican expatriate who became a naturalized citizen in 1999. Mayor Betty Flores of Laredo, who has been a U.S. citizen a great deal longer, also condemned Morales for lacking the proper ethnic consciousness. "I can tell you I've worked on issues with Dan Morales and he used to not want to be Hispanic," declared Flores. "He didn't speak Spanish, he didn't understand what was going on, he did not really comprehend the whole issue of the strength of minorities in Texas."
By crafting a political persona tailored to the state's emerging Mexican voter bloc, Sanchez managed to secure the democratic nomination. An oil millionaire from Laredo who also helps manage the International Bank of Commerce, Sanchez is "immersed in the border city's binational, Hispanic-focused commerce" and campaigns "to the tune of a Mexican-style ballad," noted the AP. More importantly, Laredo "is ground zero for the North American Free Trade Agreement." Its business district draws "throngs of foot traffic from Nuevo Laredo, its sister city across the Rio Grande. Locals tout it as ‘Los Dos Laredos,' one city sliced by an international border."
Just as Sanchez figuratively straddles the U.S.-Mexican border, he also bridges the narrow gulf between the Republican and Democrat parties. Prior to being tapped by the Texas Democrat Party establishment to run for governor, Sanchez had no elective political experience. He did, however, prominently support then-Governor George W. Bush.
The Texas Observer notes that Sanchez and his family have given the Bush campaign "a total of $323,650 over the years, making them the third most generous patron of Bush's political career."
Sanchez' ties to the overwhelmingly popular Republican president, notes the Observer, will serve "as a form of inoculation" against criticism of his Hispanic-identity politics. "You're going to hear that Tony Sanchez is nothing but a drug-running, money-laundering, influence peddling, brown guy," notes campaign spokesman Kelly Ferro. "But an awful lot of that money wound up in George Bush's bank account."
While occupying the office that Sanchez hopes to win, George W. Bush and his advisers devised a version of the political strategy now used by the Sanchez campaign. "By 1998," notes the Observer, "Republican political guru Karl Rove was already instructing George W. Bush to reach out to Hispanic voters by speaking in broken Spanish whenever he could. The Bush team saw that not just Texas but the entire Southwest was tilting Hispanic, and tilting fast. Capturing the Latino vote is the key to the future dominance of one or the other of the political parties -- at both the local and the national level."
Bipartisan Border Assault
It is, of course, true that some of the Bush administration's policies regarding our southern border are dictated by a desire to woo the Hispanic vote. However, there is a deeper and even more insidious motivation. The administration, building upon the work of its predecessor, is seeking to erase our border with Mexico as a prelude to consolidating the Western Hemisphere into a single political bloc modeled after the European Union.
One key component of this grand design is the so-called North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which President Bush (the elder) negotiated and Bill Clinton put into place. But if the Bush administration's plans come to fruition, NAFTA will be supplanted by the so-called Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) -- a single economic unit stretching "from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego."
"NAFTA has been good for New Mexico, and it's been good for Mexico," declared the president in an August 15, 2001 address to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque. "I ask for Congress to give me trade promotion authority, so that we can not only have free trade with our neighbor to the south, [but] so that we can have free trade throughout the hemisphere."
It is important to recognize that by "free trade," President Bush -- like his predecessor, and like other proponents of NAFTA-style agreements -- is referring to managed trade as part of continent-spanning political integration. One obvious casualty of this process is national sovereignty -- as the president himself admitted in the same address.
"Oh, I know there's some voices who want to wall us off from Mexico," the president continued. "They want to build a wall. I say to them, they want to condemn our neighbors to the south in [sic] poverty, and I refuse to accept that type of isolationist and protectionist attitude." Rather than strengthening our border with Mexico, the president insisted, we should be working to "tear down barriers and walls that might separate Mexico from the United States."
Following the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Bush administration and its counterparts in Mexico devised a new rationale for amalgamating the United States with Mexico and Canada: the supposed need to create a common "security perimeter" protecting the NAFTA nations.
Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castañeda told Canadian foreign affairs minister Bill Graham that "Mexico wants its North American neighbors to move more quickly towards integration on a continental scale," reported the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on February 23rd. "We would like to continentalize as much as possible," remarked Castañeda. "We have been pushing for this. And we have been encountering a receptive ear both in Canada and the United States at a certain level of intensity. We would like to move more quickly. We would like to move more deeply."
During the UN Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico, President Bush spoke of the need to create a "common border" with Mexico and Canada as part of a counter-terrorist strategy. "America, working closely with Canada and Mexico, has set a goal: We are working for a common border that is open to commerce and legitimate travel, and closed to drug trafficking and terror," declared the president as he signed an agreement with Mexican President Vicente Fox intended to "make our shared border more open and more secure."
Insisting that it needed to demonstrate our nation's "compassion" to the Mexican government, the Bush administration pressured House Republicans into supporting the proposed amnesty for illegal Mexican immigrants. The bitterly contested measure was passed on March 12th. Knowing that the bill would be extremely unpopular with the public, House leaders originally attempted to pass the measure by an unrecorded voice vote -- only to see that effort stymied by Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), whose state is on the front line of La Reconquista.
Nor was President Bush's behind-the-scenes pressure on behalf of amnesty the only gift he placed at the feet of Mexican President Vicente Fox. The March 20th Washington Post reported: "President Bush plans to direct $30 million to poor areas of Mexico over the next year in an effort to discourage illegal immigration by strengthening businesses there...." The fund, called the U.S.-Mexico Partnership for Progress, will include subsidies for Mexican entrepreneurs and college scholarships for Mexicans. Incredibly, this proposal was, in part, a payoff intended to assuage the anger of both the Fox regime and its constituents in this country "after fallout from the September 11 attacks delayed plans to ease the path to legalization for some of the 3 million undocumented Mexicans in this country."
That's right: Not only is the Bush administration apologizing to Mexico for its tardiness in acting to subvert our immigration laws, it's wrapping that apology in a wad of taxpayer dollars.
The Border Vanishes
The Mexican government, radical Chicano separatists, and the Bush administration all agree on one thing: The border separating our nation from Mexico should be treated as if it does not exist. The Fox regime, like previous Mexican governments for decades, uses its porous northern border as a safety valve, exporting its unemployable citizens and then organizing them within our nation as a potent political bloc. Chicano separatists intoxicated with dreams of a new "homeland" radicalize young, poorly assimilated Mexicans for a street-level army that may prove a larger long-term threat than Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network. And the Bush administration, pursuing a plan for continental "integration," treats Mexico as if it were already part of a consolidated political unit with the United States.
In his new book Warrior Politics, journalist Robert D. Kaplan correctly points out that "the tumultuous historic consolidation of Mexico and the United States" is just one facet of a process of "global political convergence" into a "kind of loose world governance...."
As "these two vastly unequal societies [the United States and Mexico]
integrate at breakneck speed," the immediate result will be "social upheaval
on both sides of the border." But from the perspective of the globalist
elite -- a view that Kaplan enthusiastically shares -- this is simply the
price that must be paid to bring about a unified world.
drink the Kool-Aid* |
I have a recurring dream. I am on an airplane, sitting in a window seat, gazing contentedly out the window at the tops of puffy clouds and microscopic towns far below, gabbing amiably with the passenger next to me. Soon it becomes apparent that we disagree about our scheduled destination. He insists it's L.A.; I say New York.
As I begin to stir in my seat to get up to ask a flight attendant to settle our dispute, we notice the busy stewardesses are conducting an odd exercise. With polite smiles, they are choosing random passengers one by one, and escorting them to the emergency escape hatch. First a boy clutching his skateboard, then a middle-aged woman in a black business suit, then a soccer mom grasping the small hand of her toddler, all willingly step out into thin air as their guides bid them a cordial farewell.
Incredulous, I lurch to the far window and witness a Mary Poppins-like trail of passengers plummeting toward the ground. Panicked, I turn back to my seatmate, and he returns my look of horror with an empty-headed, nothing-is-wrong smile. Apoplectic, I race feverishly toward the cockpit, wrench open the cabin door, and discover there is no one inside. The pilots' seats are empty.
Astonished, I whirl around and find myself face-to-face with a mannequin stewardess. "Don't you just love autopilot?" she mutters dreamily. "You know, you just have to have faith. Here, let me show you the door to your future."
How much longer, I wonder constantly, will seemingly sensible and honest people continue to put up with this perverted political passion play now besieging the world that is so obviously detrimental to the needs of average people, even willfully destructive of those needs?
The dire predictions of so-called conspiracy theorists are all coming true: senseless wars are being created with transparent lies for the profits of a select few; the populace is infected with obvious poisons from both the medical profession and the food industry who because of recently passed laws are immune from legal action by the victims of these cruel concoctions; and our money is being steadily stolen by inbred elitist bankers who use accounting sleight-of-hand to funnel currency to that same small segment of the population who all seem to be immune from laws that guarantee poverty for the rest of us.
Maybe worst of all is the fantasy world created by our commercial mass media, which prohibit any discussion of human values relative to honest government and exacerbate our problems with so-called entertainment dominated by nihilistic and pornographically self-destructive scripts.
What kind of spineless, braindead cretins would tolerate such a blatant conspiracy?
Well, the American people, to name one group, but also most of the people on the planet, who every day choose to trade their hard-won emotional securities and family ties for mindless mechanized titillation, and then cower in their powerlessness because they are all so dependent on a technological system that encourages addiction to mindless consumerism.
Most of us are hypnotized by fashionable capitalistic shills who castigate natural self-reliance as antisocial selfishness. We have all been victimized by the alluring softness of high-tech trinkets that sever our contact with the life-giving land and more and more solidify our isolation while causing us to forsake our healthy dependence on those we are inclined to love.
How come so few people realize that nobody is free, that everybody is owned by banks? Nobody owns their homes, their cars; even their educations and careers are in significant hock to the banks. You regard your marriage, for those of you who still have one of those, as inauthentic without the sanction of the state. Even your children are not your property; they must be given poisonous vaccinations at birth or public health fascists will take them from you and claim you are unfit parents. This is law in a world made mad and turned upside down.
Isn't it strange so few Americans have objected to the new, out-front use of torture on people who have never even been tried in a court of law - never mind convicted - especially when underground reports of those taken prisoner and persecuted at Guantanamo reveal them not as terrorists but as hapless victims abducted to lend apparent authenticity to a minor detail of Washington's contrived terror fantasies?
Why has nobody figured out that our government is not protecting us from terrorists? Our government creates terrorists so we will in sheer insecure panic support the criminal cabal that is ravaging the world with senseless mass murder, enabling it to keep us in a stirred-up state of dependent fear because that allows it to better control and regiment us into prescripted cadres of servile dupes. This is not freedom, this is slavery - terrorized, manipulated slavery to the banks - and it is what we face with increasing insecurity every single day.
Why do we put up with it? Why don't we see through the ruse? Especially since our lives depend on seeing through it.
Right after the recent bombings in London, I was so impressed by the size of the web chorus immediately pointing out that the deed was a deception, and that four innocent Islamic chaps from Leeds had apparently been set up to take the fall as the culprits for this latest public atrocity from the power elite. These reports dutifully noted that all the suspicious characters, from Rudy Giuliani to Benjamin Netanyahu, were conveniently in place to spin the traditional public myth, just like after 9/11.
I thought, each time the The Big Lie becomes a little bit clearer, the human future gets a little bit brighter.
But the power of big media is monstrous, and just as with 9/11 and the Iraq war, what is on the lips of people in the street is far different from what is on the minds of intelligent commentators in cyberspace.
First it was my neighbor. "Those freaking ragheads. We oughtta just go over there and bomb them all to bits." Taken aback, I retorted, "We've already been doing that for years." But he would not be placated, or reasoned with. "Nuke 'em. Nuke 'em all," he barked, and stormed off.
Things were no better with my family. "Why do THOSE PEOPLE keep doing these things to us?" several wondered, interrupting their trains of thought from the preparation of a family feast, with no recognition of the continuing American atrocities all over the world. "Oh? Which people are that?" I countered casually, but they didn't answer.
Then came the TV blasts of Muslim-this and Arab-that, the prediction by Bush-shill Joseph Farah that al-Qaeda would strike soon in the U.S.
But lost amid all the mawkish mourning of the London tragedy was the excellent story about what al-Qaeda truly was - a CIA database that the war machine's spin doctors had long ago morphed into the reincarnation of Dracula's vampires - that was posted on the Conspiracy Planet website which I read at <http://100777.com/node/1343> (another cool website) that had been sent to me by some friendly Dalits in India (love those Dalits, but the rest of the Indians seem as ugly as Americans and Israelis put together).
And speaking of great webfriends, Lilia Firefly, well-known West Coast tawo seed carrier (Google it), sent me a very telling story that aptly signified the danger of careening from atrocity to atrocity without stopping to think about the context of all these serial depredations. The Downing Street Memos. Remember them? Two weeks down the line and they've already been sucked into the memory hole.
The Downing Street Memos, dear American friends, are the documents which prove Bush and Blair had determined to go to war against Iraq and fixed their public pronouncements - tailored their phony evidence - around this murderous policy. The Downing Street Memos are what should have brought every honest American into the streets as a lynch mob demanding the immediate and public hanging of George W. Bush and hundreds of other U.S. government officials.
But this also should have happened after 9/11 when Bush and Daschle agreed to limit the scope of the investigation so as not to jeopardize "national security." By now you can see by all these non-responses how many honest Americans really exist - namely, not nearly enough.
The Downing Street Memos are what proves that George W. Bush and his Gang of Ghouls (prominently featuring Judith Miller and The New York Times in the starring role of perverted propagandists) have thrown away 9,000 American lives and 128,000 Iraqi civilian lives for what were provably premeditated lies.
The Downing Street Memos verify beyond any doubt what Americans have become - irredeemable Zionist Nazi thugs, who will kill anyone for any reason, or no reason at all.
The main reason for the London bombings was to disappear the Downing Street Memo story from the world's headlines, and it worked perfectly. The satanic chorus of Fox News, CNN, et al chimed in with strategic bits of planted information to brook no doubt that Islamic terrorists were behind the London atrocities, even though the alleged perps - now conveniently dead - previously exhibited not a sniff of terrorist tendencies.
Even an old Mossad chief got in on the act, advocating for World War Three. And several Israeli officials hammered their propaganda point home with remarks like "now you know how we feel."
Yes, we do, I thought. We are being lied to constantly about what is actually happening, and you are blowing us up to prove your point. The mass media are in your pocket and ordinary people are so consumed by their own survival requirements that they can't possibly perceive the twists and turns of all the deceptions, and consequently just accept the pap they hear on their local media outlets, because they don't have the time and energy to pursue the accurate details themselves. Which is just the way they want it, they being the people who control us, conduct fraudulent elections, and bomb whomever they please in pursuit of profit.
Nobody I know in cyberspace believes the official story. What appears to have happened is that four innocent patsies were recruited to participate in a terror drill, then deceptively given live bombs that took their lives, and the lives of 50-some others. Once again, the anticipated aftermath was meticulously scripted to defame Muslims.
The ensuing spin goes one better than the trick of 9/11, in which the FBI instantaneously named 19 Arabs as the culprits, then had to suffer the indignity of having eight of the names turn up alive in various places, all claiming that they didn't do the deed. Of course, the FBI wasn't embarrassed enough to change their list of 9/11 perps, and the American public was simply too stupid to ask why not.
This time around, they figured out a way to kill them all, then planted their papers near the scene. So while their families know these men to be innocent, at least the FBI will have no surprise patsies turning up alive this time.
If this caper could be anything other than a Zionist false flag advertisement for its continuing genocide against the worldwide threat known as the Amalek (a.k.a, non-Jews who don't support Israel), I would like to know what that is.
I receive about 500 e-mails each day, and most frequent question I get is - for sure - what can we do?
For a long time now I've been fielding questions about what to do and have only had the clumsy answer, "Stand securely in your own truth and be an example to others."
But lately I've realized that the world has never been in touch with a reality that we desperately need to achieve if we are to survive.
The principal revelation of this reality is that religions control our minds with magical, fictional lies, and if we choose to believe them, we become susceptible to authoritarian propaganda that also is all lies.
You can't prove that Moses, Krishna, Buddha, or Jesus ever walked on this planet, and if you believe in the statements attributed to them, you cannot accurately perceive what is happening to you as the bars on this prison planet are securely constructed around your lives.
As long as we continue to believe that we are to bow down to and not criticize these religious stereotypes, we can't adequately challenge the same kind of authoritarianism we get from our corrupt leaders, and as a consequence, the "authorities" have carte blanche to exploit and obliterate us at their whim. And we, in our gratitude for the gifts we have been given, are constrained from challenging them with simple logic.
How many times in your life have you heard your preacher, your priest, or your rabbi declare with unctuous certainty, support your leaders, or, my country right or wrong. It all stems from the Biblical injunction, "Render unto Caesar ...."
This is not spirituality. This is mind-control. To go against this portentous command, you risk eternal damnation, the loss of your soul, and whatever other dire consequences you may, from your many formative years of conditioning in these matters, contemplate.
We need to reach a new reality we have never had, and first among the tasks in accomplishing that is doing away with magic myths that prevent us from seeing what's really going on.
Because of their ingrained preconditioning, this solution offends a majority of the world's population, who since their childhoods have been indoctrinated in one religious system or another, and consequently base their perceptions of the world and its chaotic human society on these magical stories and senseless myths that in a very real way limit their ability to react sensibly to insane pronouncements, like "they hate our freedoms" or "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction," two deliberate, stupid, and facile lies that have been believed by a majority of the American people.
These are lies we tell our children, and lies we tell ourselves.
The only legitimate excuse for religious ritual is to calm the fears of children who wonder where their loved ones have gone when their lives have expired. The unexpected consequence of this seemingly innocent practice is that these children never grow up. Instead, they transfer the feelings of both security and fear they felt toward their parents to an imaginary superbeing whom they regard as an imaginary parent for the rest of their lives.
As this is the single most important cultural ritual humans ever undergo, its power and importance was long ago recognized and by those with the psychological need to dominate others, and was cloaked by a profession of altruism that thrived on a certain power to control the lives of others with magical myths that masked the exploitation of innocents by self-labeled aristocrats. The same process continues today.
The relationship between holy men allegedly possessing secrets of the afterlife and those who cherish such fantasies because they alleviate the everpresent but suppressed fear of death is the dark side of human consciousness, and a corrupt cultural relationship that has lasted for more than five thousand years. So in a sense, the priestly process can be regarded as satisfying an obvious and universal emotional need.
But it is also a recipe for extinction, since holy warriors will always willingly kill for a goal that no one else can see, except the malicious minds of power-mad priests. And mullahs. And rabbis. It has been proven too many times that when the enemy is completely annihilated, then we begin killing each other, because we have learned no other way to live.
Our allegiance may not be to one race, creed, or color. If it is, within the rules of the free market, we will eventually claim supernatural superiority for ourselves and begin the holy task of eliminating all the infidels. Clearly written in the Talmud and the Old Testament, it is really the beginning of the task of eliminating ourselves, subliminal marching orders to our own self-destruction.
This is what will finish us. It's time to realize this very small-minded syndrome has been going on for much longer than two thousand years, and it's a stupid illusion, cultivated for profit by the very perps who besiege us now with all their fake terror alerts, false flag mass murders, and supercilious, sanctimonious soliloquies saying they are acting in the name of God.
The choices are two: get real, and let people venerate the awesome miracle of life in any way they wish, or perish, by the sword or by the pox. Time grows short.
Here's another recurring nightmare, one that you, dear reader, have experienced all too frequently in recent years. In it, an angelic being, majestically robed in sacred raiments, benevolently beams down at you and says, in the most soothing voice imaginable, "My God is better than yours ...."
John Kaminski is an Internet columnist whose essays are seen on hundreds
of websites around the world. They have been collected into two anthologies,
titled "America's Autopsy Report" and "The Perfect Enemy." These are for
sale on his website, http://www.johnkaminski.com/ Also for sale is "The
Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What
Happened on September 11, 2001," written for those who still believe the
government's false story of that tragic day.
[The OKC incident did not smell right from
the moment it was in the news. Of course this is true for many other
incidents of the recent past. Many of us have studied and reviewed
the OKC matter and still ask "what about John Doe #2". Evidence has
been presented to suggest he was involved in the 9/11/2001 incident.
But like other mysterious (convenient) evidence that appears or disappears
(passports, notes, backpacks, etc), a material player of the OKC incident
was quietly disregarded. Who has the power to make this happen?
There are LOTS of non-answered questions about OKC and other incidents.
Do you want the answer, the truth? -- Tribble]
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The McCurtain Daily Gazette today reports several
former powerful and high ranking Justice department officials confirm there
was a coverup of the investigation to the Oklahoma City bombing.
Ten years after the Oklahoma City bombing, a published report says several former high ranking Department of Justice officials who want to remain anonymous claim there was a coverup of the attack which killed 168 persons. The story is carried by the McCurtain Daily Gazette in Idabel whose reporter J-D Cash has spent a decade investigating the bombing and its ties to Elohim City, a religious and white separatist compound in eastern Oklahoma. |
"We were put into contact with some very, very high level former Department of Justice officials who have seen about as much of this coverup of the Oklahoma City bombing they can stomach," said Cash in an interview with KTOK News.
He explained the once powerful officials in the DOJ believe the story is coming out because of the lawsuit and freedom of information fight between Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue and the FBI. Trentadue seeks the bombing records to show his brother Kenneth, an inmate in the Oklahoma City Federal Transfer Center in the summer of 1995 was beaten to death as federal agents interrogated him about the bombing. The attorney believes his brother closely fit the description of a suspect who had ties to bomber Tim McVeigh.
The former law officers say the story will show the government was aware of German national Andreas Strassmeier who allegedly help plan the bombing while he lived at Elohim City.
"He was providing information to the German government. The Justice department would not allow the FBI to do the type of investigation of Elohim before the bombing they felt like they should," added Cash. The officials also say the bombing occurred because the sting was 'bungled' by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.
Former officials dispute claims FBI investigated Strassmeir or Elohim City connections
Copyright 2005,McCurtain Daily Gazette
By J.D. Cash and Lt. Col. Roger Charles, (U.S.M.C. retired)
Speaking on the condition that their names not be revealed, a group of former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials have told this newspaper that the FBI never seriously investigated Tim McVeigh’s connections to a right-wing paramilitary training camp.
Neither, they say, were McVeigh’s ties to a notorious bank robbery gang operating in the Midwest investigated. Further, FBI agents interested in working the case were thwarted by Department of Justice attorneys and by other FBI officials.
Even spoken with an identity hidden because of fears of retribution, the explosive statements are especially surprising, coming as they do on the heels of a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that journalists may be jailed if they refuse to reveal sources in federal cases.
That decision has reportedly already had a chilling effect on some federal
In addition to the former officials’ personal insights into the case,
however, the newspaper has been able to corroborate much of what they have
said about problems with the OKBOMB investigation with other sources and
documents pertaining to the bombing of the A.P. Murrah Federal Building
on April 19, 1995.
Documents from the FBI and other federal agencies involved in the OKBOMB case support their claims that the FBI failed to arrest all the persons involved and that political considerations played a role in deliberately limiting the investigation to Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier – even though the agencies assured bombing victims and the public that all persons involved would be brought to justice.
One former high-ranking member of the DOJ said the investigation began with five very experienced FBI commanders appointed by former director Louis Freeh to investigate the bombing.
However, the former official explained that after each of those men left the case, a less experienced agent took over the OKBOMB investigation, and the probe into other suspects suddenly ground to a halt.
One person assigned to the bombing investigation said, “I was inside
the FBI office when Freeh showed up. There was a loud shouting match with
our SAC.
“It wasn’t long after that Bob Ricks announced he was retiring and
taking a job with the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. He left the
investigation and by the time the case was transferred to Denver, the prosecutors
were telling the field agents what evidence to bring them.”
Prosecutors wanted only select evidence, he indicated.
“I caught hell for sending in evidence that people at Elohim City were involved. They (prosecutors in Denver) said, ‘Never send us anything that points to anyone other than McVeigh and Nichols.’”
Each of those persons who contributed to this story has continued to follow media reports about the bombing for over a decade. They have come forward – albeit without attribution – to express concerns and to provide details of a government cover-up of a failed sting operation at Elohim City – a sting operation, each agrees, that may have been bungled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF).
“I was close to the bombing case immediately,” one former official told the Gazette, “and over time it became clear the White House had taken the investigation away from the FBI and handed it over to officials at the Department of Justice.
“And that’s not how it works. The FBI should investigate and then turn the evidence over to them to decide if they want to proceed with a prosecution. That didn’t happen in this case. In this case, after the original commanders left the case, the DOJ began calling the shots – telling field agents what they could investigate and what they couldn’t.”
Several law enforcement sources had previously indicated to this newspaper
that they are convinced from the evidence they have seen that McVeigh was
aligned with Andreas C. Strassmeir, a German military officer that some
believe was still on the payroll of the Bundesweir (German military) at
the time of the blast.
One former senior member of the DOJ put it in strong terms. He laid
blame at the feet of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Forearms.
“I know Strassmeir was central to this crime and I believe Carol Howe, the informant, was dead right. She warned the ATF and they blew this whole thing. They knew the details of what was in the works and they messed everything up.
“FBI headquarters knew about Strassmeir’s presence at the Elohim City compound and couldn’t admit it. They had to find a way to work around the agents in the field. I don’t think (Danny) Defenbaugh had any idea how much stuff was being withheld from him and his men.”
Indeed, in the days leading up to McVeigh’s planned execution, thousand of pages of documents regarding other suspects in the case suddenly began turning up in FBI field offices around the country.
With the possibility that there could be thousands of pages of important
FBI interviews that attorneys for McVeigh had never seen, U.S. Attorney
General John Ashcroft had no choice but to put off the execution until
the matter could be further explored.
A former crime lab technician, Defenbaugh, suddenly was placed in the
embarrassing position of having to admit the largest and most expensive
investigation in history had been compromised. He left his position as
Dallas SAC and entered retirement soon after thousands of pages of previously
unrevealed documents surfaced.
Regarding some of the most recently discovered documents, a former DOJ
official said that he is still unable to answer all the questions, but
agrees with others who played a role in the OKBOMB investigation, saying
Strassmeir was and still remains the key figure in the bungled sting operation
and subsequent cover-up.
“We didn’t do an interview with this guy,” he said. “Can you believe
that? Two assistant U.S. attorneys made a phone call over a year after
the bombing and let an FBI agent listen and take notes. Hell, that’s not
a real investigation. The FBI would go straight to Berlin and get him.
This is a joke.”
Confirming his recollection of events, the newspaper has obtained a copy of a FD-302, which records an FBI agent’s recollections of two telephone interviews with Andy Strassmeir.
Strassmeir’s attorney, Kirk Lyons, was included in both overseas conference calls made at the behest of the DOJ. The first conference call took place on April 30, 1996. The second took place the following day.
Calling from Oklahoma City, special agent Lou Ann Sandstrom monitored both calls to Berlin, while DOJ lawyers Aitan Goelman and Beth Wilkinson asked several questions about Strassmeir’s relationship with McVeigh.
The FD-302 notes that, “Strassmeir did not remember meeting McVeigh
until he was interviewed by defense investigator Richard Reyna. Reyna told
Strassmeir that McVeigh remembered meeting Strassmeir, and that Strassmeir
bought several items from McVeigh.
“Reyna also told Strassmeir that McVeigh also tried to call him.”
Claiming that his memory was refreshed by the visit from the defense investigator, Strassmeir said he told Reyna that he may have met McVeigh at the Tulsa Gun Show and never saw nor heard from him again.
Notes recorded by Special Agent Sandstrom also reflect the following exchange concerning a phone call McVeigh made from his motel room in Kingman, AZ., before the bombing: “Strassmeir advised he could not recall where he was on April 5, 1995, when a call came into Elohim City for him, but believed he was out working on a nearby property, and did not receive the call.
“On April 19, 1995, Strassmeir said he and Eddie Wing were clearing a fence line on property located ten miles from Elohim City. Strassmeir could not remember the name of the property owner.”
Concluding the interview, Strassmeir told Goelman and Wilkinson that, “He was not involved in the planning or execution of the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, nor did he have any foreknowledge of the bombing.”
Howe revelations
Howe, a college student and former Houston, Texas, debutante, was recruited by the Tulsa office of the ATF in the late summer of 1994. Howe accepted employment with the agency after passing a polygraph examination. As a paid confidential informant, her assignment was to infiltrate the neo-Nazi movement in eastern Oklahoma.
From trips to Elohim City in the fall of 1994, Howe quickly discovered a plot there to overthrow the government with violence. At the center of the conspiracy was the camp’s paramilitary advisor “Andy the German” Strassmeir.
Howe’s reports were sent to the Dallas regional office and then forwarded
to Washington, D.C. Marked sensitive-confidential, her identity was simply
The Howe file clearly indicates a violent plot at Elohim City – a plot
that included “(M)ass shootings and bombings of government installations.”
And the person said to be urging the killings was Strassmeir.
Interviewed on Dec. 24, 1996, Howe told the Gazette, “All Andy wanted to do was blow up federal buildings. That’s the truth. He even told the young radicals he was training that, if they wouldn’t go to war with the U.S. government, he would leave and find a group that would.”
Speaking of Elohim City spiritual advisor and founder, Robert Millar, Howe told the Gazette: “Millar even gave a sermon and urged the younger members under Andy’s training to prepare for war with the government. He told them other militias would follow suit. The key date was the upcoming anniversary of Waco: April 19th.”
So violent was the rhetoric at Elohim City that the Tulsa office obtained a large number of “mail covers,” and phone calls were recorded at the urging of the U.S. attorney’s office in Tulsa.
So complete was the undercover operation, the ATF even had a video camera installed in Howe’s apartment in Tulsa where she entertained several members of the Aryan Republican Army. On one videotape, White Aryan Resistance leader Tom Metzger of California was even caught visiting the attractive young blonde’s apartment.
In spite of the detailed information and recordings of the radicals, no one seemed to be able to thwart the plan. On Patriot’s Day, 1995, 149 men, women and 19 children perished. Another 500 were injured.
Shortly after the bombing, the ATF boosted Howe’s pay and sent her back to Elohim City. There she reported that the residents were preparing for a standoff with the government.
A few tense days later, Howe returned to Tulsa and told her ATF handler, Angela Finley Graham, that a member of the leadership at the camp confirmed the group’s role in the bombing, saying simply, “We have a big secret here.”
Howe knew who McVeigh was. She heard his name at the camp many times.
“It was Tuttle this or Tim Tuttle that,” Howe recalled for this newspaper. I even saw him there one time. He was walking along with Andy. He was just one of many skinheads that passed through.”
Howe’s work was terminated though, shortly after she made her report public about the “big secret” at Elohim City.
According to documents in Howe’s ATF file, the FBI then contacted the informant’s supervisors and told them to close their investigation into Elohim City and completely back off.
Later, this newspaper obtained copies of Howe’s (largely) complete file after she began cooperating with the Gazette.
Someone familiar with the ATF’s investigation at Elohim City after the bombing offered an explanation for the FBI’s actions.
“The FBI learned from inside that militia members were coming to Elohim City for a standoff. It was clear we were dealing with some very dangerous people who were capable of anything. We wanted to avoid more bloodshed and that’s why they (ATF) had to be pushed out. If we wanted something from Elohim City, all the FBI had to do was pick up the phone and call Robert (Millar).”
That individual went on to say that he remains convinced the ATF would have eventually made the situation far worse had the agency continued to meddle with the OKBOMB case.
“Look at Waco. Just look at Waco,” he repeated.
Shortly after the DOJ learned that Howe had begun giving this newspaper
interviews about the plot, she was indicted in Tulsa federal court on conspiracy
to make bomb threats and possession of an unregistered destructive device.
However, it took the jury only a short time to find her innocent of all
A member of that jury told this newspaper they were handed the case
at nearly 5 pm on Friday.
“Someone said, ‘I think we all know this girl has been set up by the government and we know she should go free. But why don’t we order dinner from the best BBQ joint in town and eat on the government’s dime one more time?’”
Even after Howe was acquitted of the charges, government officials made
comments to major media, dismissing Howe as a radical, mentally deranged,
or both.
To some extent the tactic has worked, but a former DOJ official said
he is more convinced than ever Howe had good information.
Solid in his book
[George Orwell is in your face and most of you do not know it. -- Tribble]
From in-store cameras to data-mining loyalty-card use and beyond, retailers are depending more and more on technology to boost sales
When you last went to the grocery store, did you take a long time deciding whether you should purchase that box of Tide detergent? And by chance, did you place back on the shelf the Bounce softening sheets after scrutinizing the box? Did you then pick up a competing brand? All these actions may have been monitored for Procter & Gamble (PG ) to help it translate your behavior into ways to better package and position its Tide, Bounce, and Downy brands to capture more of your business.
How is all that information collected? The minute you enter some stores, motion sensors and cameras are detecting your every move and expression. Then it's all digitized and scrutinized. "We don't want to rely on intuition anymore. We want to base all our decisions on facts," says Simon Angove, president of Brickstream, which studies customer behavior for Best Buy (BBY ), Bank of America (BAC ), CVS (CVS ), P&G, and others.
"DRAMATIC SHIFT." While sensors and video cameras are just starting to make their way into some banks and supermarkets, retailers have been collecting data on customers for years, capturing their purchase decisions from loyalty-card programs and credit cards. Now retailers are starting to use all that data like never before to help with everything from scouting new store locations, to analyzing customer whims, to adjusting the temperature in the store so that it really is a cool place to shop (see table below).
"There has been a dramatic shift in the past 18 months where retailers are viewing technology as a must-have, rather than a nice-to-have," says Tom Madigan, vice-president for retail at Oracle (ORCL ). "Technology is really becoming the competitive differentiator."
And that's sending retailers on their own shopping spree. Companies in the sector plan to spend an average of $76 million each this year on technology, up 18% from $64 million in 2004, according to AMR Research.
SEARCH DISCOVERIES. For retailers, the must-have data are customers' purchase histories. That information reveals much more about their habits than a lot of other data that retailers used to rely on, like demographics. By analyzing transactions and even how people are searching on Web sites, companies can readjust their product offerings on the fly.
Consider retail giant Wal-Mart (WMT ). It uses software to monitor what its customers search for on its Web site. It noticed that a lot of people were visiting wal-mart.com in search of products for their pets. But the retail giant was carrying those goods only in its bricks-and-mortar stores. In March, after seeing that "pet merchandize" was the top search query from its Internet shoppers, Wal-Mart expanded its online offering to include pet goods.
"Pet merchandise has consistently been a top search component at Walmart.com, and by complementing what our Wal-Mart stores already offer, we're making it possible to buy great pet items without pet-store prices," says Tricia Doty, Walmart.com's director of merchandising, home, and family.
TAILORED FOR WOMEN. Wal-Mart is pioneering another technology. As of January, it requires its top 100 suppliers to put radio-frequency ID tags (RFID) on all shipments. The move was heralded as the most important tech development for retailers since the bar code. The tags already help Wal-Mart with reordering, stocking, and keeping track of purchases. RFID tags continually gather information as products move from shelves to the check out counter. It also curbs shoplifting and boosts store productivity. Consultant Accenture estimates that RFID technology could reduce the cost of checking inventory by 65%, in part, by eliminating the need to physically count boxes.
Retailers like $27 billion Best Buy are even tailoring shopping to individual customer needs. After years of building up the electronic-goods retailer by carrying the latest cool gadgets, in 2004 Best Buy started to focus on the customer. By analyzing its shopper base and buying trends, the retailer discovered that one population was underserved: Women.
So last year, it launched 68 concept stores in California and Nevada where personal assistants provide female shoppers with information angled to their needs. Rather than throw stats at them, say, about the number of pixels in a digital camera, these representatives walk women through the camera's use and how it applies to their needs. "We are enabling her transformation into a big-time electronics buyer by talking her language," says Nancy Brooks, a Best Buy vice-president.
IN AND OUT QUICKLY. Best Buy must be on to something: In the first quarter, net income soared to $170 million, compared with $114 million a year earlier, and revenue increased 12%, to $6.12 billion from $5.48 billion a year earlier, well ahead of the $5.98 billion in sales analysts expected.
Bank customers, too, are benefiting from new technology. Remember when the lines at your local bank were so long you could balance your checkbook while you waited? The customer is certainly king at many branches of Bank of America and Wells Fargo (WFC ). They use a service from Brickstream that helps manage how long customers wait. When sensors show that more than five people are in line for a teller, bank managers get automatically beeped so they can put on extra tellers.
Brickstream found that more often than not, bank customers don't even walk into a branch if they see more than five people in line. They'll get irritated if they wait more than five minutes. And they'll say service is bad if transactions take longer than five minutes. "We found that five was the magic number for banks," says Brickstream's Angove.
CUSTOM COUPONS. Then there's the loyalty card. Think it's low tech? It may be, but the data it generates is a thick vein of gold for retailers. Using the latest data-mining techniques, they can extract information that will help them stock their stores, discount products, and woo you back into their shops with sales on the product they know you like.
Loyalty cards, issued by pharmacy stores like CVS and Duane Reade and supermarkets Kroger (KR ) and Albertsons (ABS ), are one of the most popular gauges of shopping habits. Most of these stores offer special discounts only to card users.
And each time you use it, you're helping the store take note of your shopping list. No wonder you'ave been getting coupons for just the kind of cinnamon cookies or organic yogurt you like -- the store knows that you bought them on a previous visit. And maybe you noticed that the customer toting a baby in front of you got different coupons for diapers and baby food. It's called targeted marketing -- and it's being used more and more by supermarkets.
INDUCEMENTS TO SPEND. Loyalty cards help get customers in the stores. But once they arrive, retailers want to keep them happy. That accounts for the explosion in ambiance technology -- automatic lighting, electronically controlled sensors that keep the store comfortably cool, and even digital music piped in via the Web.
The goal: get consumers to spend more time browsing in the store and spend more money. Services are now available that let stores use satellite, Internet, or cable to download the latest in-store music that matches the demographics of the area that they serve and that can even blend store promotions into the music selections.
For the discerning clothing shopper, technology is helping them match colors -- even basic black. It might sound pretty simple, but it's difficult for a store clerk to know which brands carry the exact shade at a department store so you can match your favorite pants with a jacket from another designer. Since each designer and brand have its own code for colors, store clerks have no way of knowing which one is an exact match.
CLOSELY WATCHING. But that day isn't far off. Oracle is starting to test a program for Nordstorm that would let clerks match colors from different designers. "It won't be long before a store clerk can suggest a Donna Karan jacket in the exact same shade of black as the Ellen Tracy silk blouse you just bought," says Oracle's Madigan.
Whether retailers watch their customers closely in the store, track their loyalty-card purchases, or help them match colors, the shopping experience is getting a high-tech makeover.
A Sampling of Retail's New Tech
It seems retailers are on their own shopping spree. Companies in the
sector plan to spend an average of $76 million each this year on technology,
up 18% from $64 million in 2004, according to AMR Research. Check out what
some retailers are doing with their new tech wares:
IHOP Restaurants
The restaurant chain uses sophisticated mapping, demographic, and modeling
software to measure how many homes around a potential location are occupied
by families, the chain's primary customer base on weekends. These tools
help IHOP identify a potential location within seconds, instead of what
used to take weeks.
Wal-Mart uses software to monitor what its customers search for on
its Web site. In March, after noticing that "pet merchandise" was the top
search query, Wal-Mart introduced a new online channel offering pet goods.
Best Buy
Using data-mining technology to analyze its customer base and buying
trends, the retailer discovered that women were being underserved. So last
year, it launched 68 concept stores on the West Coast, where personal assistants
help female shoppers with detailed information on the products they have
on their shopping list.
Bank of America
Bank managers get beeped when lines for the tellers have more than
five people waiting, alterting the managers that they should put on extra
tellers. How do managers know this? The bank uses a service from Brickstream,
which tracks customers via video monitors and sensors.
[Manuel Antonio Noriega, is one example of CIA (US gov) operatives who were later labeled as enemies of the US. Noriega was transformed from CIA asset to public enemy, as an expediency to further US hegemony. This story is not at all a stretch to fathom. Naturally, history will probably be the ultimate purveyor of the truth. Who is the real enemy of the people? -- Tribble]
'Al Qaeda': How the Pentagon/ CIA Made an 'Enemy' Al Qaeda is not and never has been a "terrorist organization."
"Al-Qaida,(sic) literally 'the database,' was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians," admits former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, whose Foreign Office portfolio included control of British Intelligence Agency MI-6 and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), in a column published by the UK Guardian newspaper. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/terrorism/story/0,12780,1523838,00.html)
In other words, the so-called "Al Qaeda," which was misnamed and misreported by Government/ Media as "The Base" (not the "database") and then promoted by the Government/ Media Cartel as the cause of all bombings and terrorism since the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, is simply a database of CIA trained "terrorists" (or "freedom fighters," depending on your perspective) which has become a convenient Global Boogeyman for the 21st Century.
What does this mean? The entire planet has been fooled into believing that an Islamic "organization" exists to promote the destruction of Western society, when in fact this "organization" is just a list of Pentagon/ CIA trained assassins, who can be used and discarded as needed.
"It is noteworthy that Cook made his revelation about the 'Al Qaeda' computer file of mujaheddin volunteers one day before the Abu Hafs Al Masri Brigades became the second terrorist group to claim responsibility for the London blasts," writes Washington-based writer Wayne Madsen. (http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/)
"Abu Hafs, an Egyptian citizen whose name appeared in the database and whose nom de guerre was al-Masri ('The Egyptian'), was an aide to Osama Bin Laden and helped to populate the database with mujaheddin volunteer fighters," Madsen continues. "Al-Masri was part of the group of Egyptian Jihadists that assassinated President Anwar Sadat in 1981."
Madsen also notes the fact that it is well-known that US funding for the Afghan mujaheddin, who were fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, spawned both Al Qaeda and the Taliban, as reported by BBC Teheran correspondent Frances Harrison.
The London Bombing of 7/7/05 is evidently a set-up to implicate Iran as the patsy in order for the Neo-Cons to make the case for a new war on Iran.
Madsen reports that "if it is discovered that RDX/C4 was used in the bombing, the Neo Cons will point to allegations that Iran possesses a disproportionate amount of RDX/C4. The Neo Con spin machine will then rapidly switch from Al Qaeda to Iran" in order to drum up public support for a War on Iran.
The Pentagon/ CIA/ MI6/ Mossad PsyOps (Psychological Operations) against the inhabitants of Planet Earth continues.
If the Pentagon/ CIA database called "Al-Qaida, literally 'the database,' was originally the computer file of thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians," the Global Boogeyman of the 21st Century is a complete fiction.
And the Mega-Corporate Media Cartel Propaganda which promotes this fiction is discredited once again.
Repeat after me -- There is NO al Qaeda. There is NO Al Qaeda. There is NO Al Qaeda.
The scam is over. Pass it on...
the man behind the curtain** |
["We have since found personal documents bearing the names of three of those four men close to the seats of three of the explosions." - this is what the following report says. Do you see any patterns yet?
Remember the 9/11 hijacker passport that floated out of the crashing jetliner on 9/11 and landed intact on a New York street?
"CBS News reported, meanwhile, that a passport
belonging to one of the hijackers, Satam al-Sugami, was found on the street
minutes after the plane he was aboard crashed into the north tower of the
World Trade Center and before the New York landmark collapsed."
Do you think the guys who actually found
them would talk to anyone? Or are they still alive to discuss what THEY
saw with their own eyes? Paper passports of two (2) of the alleged hijackers
survived just fine and were supposedly found in the burning rubble of the
Pentagon crash, and another three blocks from the WTC.......three blocks.
I would bet good money to anyone who thinks he could contrive a way to
launch a passport a distance of three city blocks.
Remember the Sons of the Gestapo? That was the October 9, 1995, Amtrack derailment in which 2 pristine notes were found on the railroad tracks after the derailment. That event quickly and silently went away. Have you heard anything of it? NO.
Amtrak officials said they knew nothing
of any notes but law enforcement sources involved in the investigation
said there were two notes, one on each side of the tracks. Both were signed
"Sons of the Gestapo," the sources said. They said one of the notes mentioned
the April 1993 federal siege near Waco, Texas, that ended in a fire in
which more than 80 members of the Branch Davidian sect died, as well as
the shootout in Ruby Ridge in which FBI agents shot and killed the wife
and a son of illegal gun maker Randy Weaver in August 1992.
The notes were addressed to the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), the FBI, state police and the sheriff's office, the sources said. The ATF was the agency involved in the Weaver arrest and the initial Waco raid that led to the long siege and final FBI assault.
The terrorists left behind a cryptic note,
calling themselves the "Sons of the Gestapo." The mainstream press quickly
jumped on this latest "terrorist" attack, coming as it did only six months
after the Oklahoma City bombing. While no one, including law-enforcement
officials, had ever heard of the "Sons of the Gestapo," the purveyors of
deception immediately played it up as the obvious work of a "Right-wing"
militia group.
Do you believe what you are told? Do you pay any attention to the man behind the curtain? -- Tribble]
The four young men who carried out the London terror attacks were British-born
suicide bombers, police sources have told Sky News.
contributing editor to
- Rodger
At a minimum, it is "highly likely" one of the Tube attackers died in the strikes on the Underground network.
Police have stopped short of saying publicly Britain had suffered its first suicide strike, but Sky News correspondent Martin Brunt said senior anti-terror police were working on the assumption the men were British-born suicide bombers and had died in the blasts.
The four travelled by car from West Yorkshire to Luton and then by train to Kings Cross station shortly before the attacks were launched on Thursday morning, police said at a press conference.
Their images were captured by CCTV cameras - one police source said the men were chatting "as though they were going on a hiking holiday".
In other another key development, explosives have been found in an abandoned car linked to the attacks at Luton railway station.
Personal documents have been found at all four bomb scenes.
They said there was forensic evidence that meant it was "very likely" the bomber responsible for the train explosion at Aldgate died there.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, head of Scotland's Yard anti-terrorist branch, said: "The investigation quite early led us to have concerns about the movement and activities of four men, three of whom came from the West Yorkshire area.
"We are trying to establish their movements in the run-up to last week's attack and specifically to establish whether they all died in the explosions.
"We know that all four of these arrived in London by train on the morning.
"One of them who had set out from West Yorkshire was reported missing by his family to the casualty bureau on July 7. We have been able to establish that he was joined on his journey to London by three other men.
"We have since found personal documents bearing the names of three of those four men close to the seats of three of the explosions."
One of the four men had been reported missing by his family on the day of the attacks and his property was found at the bus blast scene.
The second man's property was found at the scene of the Aldgate blast and the third man's property at both the Aldgate and Edgware Road blasts.
A relative of the one of the men has been arrested in West Yorkshire in connection with the attacks and will be questioned in London.
One of the bombers was named by locals as a 22-year-old, who neighbours said was a "very nice lad".
Two of the other bombers were reported to be aged 30 and 19.
Sky News terror expert Steve Park said the documents may have been deliberately planted to "send police the wrong way".
Meanwhile, police have raided the homes of three of the four men in
West Yorkshire along with three other houses in Leeds.
& am here to help you - NOT |
![]() |
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter." |
"Community" means integrating the United States with the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of Mexico and Canada. "Common perimeter" means wide-open U.S. borders between the U.S., Mexico and Canada.
"Community" is sometimes called "space" but the CFR goal is clear: "a common economic space ... for all people in the region, a space in which trade, capital, and people flow freely." The CFR's "integrated" strategy calls for "a more open border for the movement of goods and people."
The CFR document lays "the groundwork for the freer flow of people within North America." The "common security perimeter" will require us to "harmonize visa and asylum regulations" with Mexico and Canada, "harmonize entry screening," and "fully share data about the exit and entry of foreign nationals."
This CFR document, called "Building a North American Community," asserts that George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "committed their governments" to this goal when they met at Bush's ranch and at Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005. The three adopted the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" and assigned "working groups" to fill in the details.
It was at this same meeting, grandly called the North American summit, that President Bush pinned the epithet "vigilantes" on the volunteers guarding our border in Arizona.
A follow-up meeting was held in Ottawa on June 27, where the U.S. representative, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, told a news conference that "we want to facilitate the flow of traffic across our borders." The White House issued a statement that the Ottawa report "represents an important first step in achieving the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership."
The CFR document calls for creating a "North American preference" so that employers can recruit low-paid workers from anywhere in North America. No longer will illegal aliens have to be smuggled across the border; employers can openly recruit foreigners willing to work for a fraction of U.S. wages.
Just to make sure that bringing cheap labor from Mexico is an essential part of the plan, the CFR document calls for "a seamless North American market" and for "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico."
The document's frequent references to "security" are just a cover for the real objectives. The document's "security cooperation" includes the registration of ballistics and explosives, while Canada specifically refused to cooperate with our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
To no one's surprise, the CFR plan calls for massive U.S. foreign aid to the other countries. The burden on the U.S. taxpayers will include so-called "multilateral development" from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, "long-term loans in pesos," and a North American Investment Fund to send U.S. private capital to Mexico.
The experience of the European Union and the World Trade Organization makes it clear that a common market requires a court system, so the CFR document calls for "a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution." Get ready for decisions from non-American judges who make up their rules ad hoc and probably hate the United States anyway.
The CFR document calls for allowing Mexican trucks "unlimited access" to the United States, including the hauling of local loads between U.S. cities. The CFR document calls for adopting a "tested once" principle for pharmaceuticals, by which a product tested in Mexico will automatically be considered to have met U.S. standards.
The CFR document demands that we implement "the Social Security Totalization Agreement negotiated between the United States and Mexico." That's code language for putting illegal aliens into the U.S. Social Security system, which is bound to bankrupt the system.
Here's another handout included in the plan. U.S. taxpayers are supposed to create a major fund to finance 60,000 Mexican students to study in U.S. colleges.
To ensure that the U.S. government carries out this plan so that it is "achievable" within five years, the CFR calls for supervision by a North American Advisory Council of "eminent persons from outside government . . . along the lines of the Bilderberg" conferences.
The best known Americans who participated in the CFR Task Force that wrote this document are former Massachusetts Governor William Weld and Bill Clinton's immigration chief Doris Meissner. Another participant, American University Professor Robert Pastor, presented the CFR plan at a friendly hearing of Senator Richard Lugar's Foreign Relations Committee on June 9.
Ask your Senators
and Representatives which
side they are on: the CFR's integrated North American Community or U.S.
sovereignty guarded by our own borders.
The explosions in London last week happened in spite of approximately 4 million cameras and everyone being photographed on average of 300 times per day. Not only that, but London has a "no gun" law. Have you noticed - The government agencies are not able to prevent attacks, and may not be able to identify the trigger men. Although, after the WTC in New York was attacked, they had the names of the alleged hijackers in less than a day. What did they really know and when? In the case of London, within minutes of the 4 explosions, there were reports that 2 more bombs were found. How did they know where to look, or for what to look (backpack, box, bag, griefcase)?
Did you hear/read the reports that the alleged 4 trigger men were London citizens. This means the story has to be that they were traitors and not foreigners. It is possible for the locals to be trained by the foreigners, but I supposed this training was more than just a couple days and should have been seen by a camera (4 million).
This is largely true for any country and government. ID cards, RFID and checkpoints do not protect people, they only control people.
"They that give up liberty for security deserve neither" - Benjamin Franklin
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains
set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams, "Father of the American revolution"
& am here to help you - NOT |
[After listening, last night, to Paul L. Williams on "Coast to Coast", http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2005/07/12.html , this story became more worthy to reprint. It is remembered that in the late 1980's, the news reports said that for every 1 person caught crossing the Mexican border that 10 continue into the inner portions of the country. Another report, possibly Paul Harvey, said that some of those caught did not speak Spanish or other common language for Mexicans, but were later determined to be speaking Polish. At the time, Poland is a communist country under Soviet Union control. So, what does that tell you? Now, if the attacks of 9/11/2001 were really from foreigner or IF our government was REALLY trying to protect us, surely they would at least tighten the borders and imports. But, since 9/11/2001, the import of drugs as increased 10 times and border crossings have increased, with high level instructions to "do nothing" about the illegals.
Even the Summer of 2004 had a few people test the Mexican borders by bringing, into the uSA, a backpack marked as containing nuclear material. They did the test twice and made a public announcement of their intentions, but there was ZERO intervention by the government. It seems to me, that if some foreign agency wanted to bring stuff into this county, they only need to recruit locals and announce they are bringing the bombs across the border, then nobody will bother them. After watching the news of the past few decades, it is not hard to imagine anyone could bring anything into this country and use it to hurt people.
There is NO SECURITY of the people in this country, but there might be security for the power elite, from the people. -- Tribble]
WASHINGTON – As London recovers from the latest deadly al-Qaida attack that killed at least 50, top U.S. government officials are contemplating what they consider to be an inevitable and much bigger assault on America – one likely to kill millions, destroy the economy and fundamentally alter the course of history, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
According to captured al-Qaida leaders and documents, the plan is called the "American Hiroshima" and involves the multiple detonation of nuclear weapons already smuggled into the U.S. over the Mexican border with the help of the MS-13 street gang and other organized crime groups.
Al-Qaida has obtained at least 40 nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union – including suitcase nukes, nuclear mines, artillery shells and even some missile warheads. In addition, documents captured in Afghanistan show al-Qaida had plans to assemble its own nuclear weapons with fissile material it purchased on the black market.
In addition to detonating its own nuclear weapons already planted in the U.S., military sources also say there is evidence to suggest al-Qaida is paying former Russian special forces Spetznaz to assist the terrorist group in locating nuclear weapons formerly concealed inside the U.S. by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Osama bin Laden's group is also paying nuclear scientists from Russia and Pakistan to maintain its existing nuclear arsenal and assemble additional weapons with the materials it has invested hundreds of millions in procuring over a period of 10 years.
The plans for the devastating nuclear attack on the U.S. have been under development for more than a decade. It is designed as a final deadly blow of defeat to the U.S., which is seen by al-Qaida and its allies as "the Great Satan."
At least half the nuclear weapons in the al-Qaida arsenal were obtained for cash from the Chechen terrorist allies.
But the most disturbing news is that high level U.S. officials now believe at least some of those weapons have been smuggled into the U.S. for use in the near future in major cities as part of this "American Hiroshima" plan, according to an upcoming book, "The Al Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime and the Coming Apocalypse," by Paul L. Williams, a former FBI consultant.
According to Williams, former CIA Director George Tenet informed President Bush one month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that at least two suitcase nukes had reached al-Qaida operatives in the U.S.
"Each suitcase weighed between 50 and 80 kilograms (approximately 110 to 176 pounds) and contained enough fissionable plutonium and uranium to produce an explosive yield in excess of two kilotons," wrote Williams. "One suitcase bore the serial number 9999 and the Russian manufacturing date of 1988. The design of the weapons, Tenet told the president, is simple. The plutonium and uranium are kept in separate compartments that are linked to a triggering mechanism that can be activated by a clock or a call from the cell phone."
According to the author, the news sent Bush "through the roof," prompting him to order his national security team to give nuclear terrorism priority over every other threat to America.
However, it is worth noting that Bush failed to translate this policy into securing the U.S.-Mexico border through which the nuclear weapons and al-Qaida operatives are believed to have passed with the help of the MS-13 smugglers. He did, however, order the building of underground bunkers away from major metropolitan areas for use by federal government managers following an attack.
Bin Laden, according to Williams, has nearly unlimited funds to spend on his nuclear terrorism plan because he has remained in control of the Afghanistan-produced heroin industry. Poppy production has greatly increased even while U.S. troops are occupying the country, he writes. Al-Qaida has developed close relations with the Albanian Mafia, which assists in the smuggling and sale of heroin throughout Europe and the U.S.
Some of that money is used to pay off the notorious MS-13 street gang between $30,000 and $50,000 for each sleeper agent smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico. The sleepers are also provided with phony identification, most often bogus matricula consular ID cards indistinguishable from Mexico's official ID, now accepted in the U.S. to open bank accounts and obtain driver's licenses.
The Bush administration's unwillingness to secure the U.S.-Mexico border has puzzled and dismayed a growing number of activists and ordinary citizens who see it as the No. 1 security threat to the nation. The Minuteman organization is planning a major mobilization of thousands of Americans this fall designed to shut down the entire 2,000-mile border as it did in April with a 23-mile stretch in Arizona.
According to Williams' sources, thousands of al-Qaida sleeper agents have now been forward deployed into the U.S. to carry out their individual roles in the coming "American Hiroshima" plan.
Bin Laden's goal, according to the book, is to kill at least 4 million Americans, 2 million of whom must be children. Only then, bin Laden has said, would the crimes committed by America on the Arab and Muslim world be avenged.
There is virtually no doubt among intelligence analysts al-Qaida has obtained fully assembled nuclear weapons, according to Williams. The only question is how many. Estimates range between a dozen and 70. The breathtaking news is that an undetermined number of these weapons, including suitcase bombs, mines and crude tactical nuclear weapons, have already been smuggled into the U.S. – at least some across the U.S.-Mexico border.
The future plan, according to captured al-Qaida agents and documents, suggests the attacks will take place simultaneously in major cities throughout the country – including New York, Boston, Washington, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago and Los Angeles.
In response to the G2 Bulletin revelations, Chris Simcox, founder of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen action group demanding the U.S. government take control of its borders, said an immediate military presence on the borders is now imperative "to stop the overwhelming influx of unidentified, potentially hostile and seditious persons coming across at an alarming rate."
"Terrorists have carte blanche to carry practically anything they want
across our national line at this time," he said. "As ordinary citizens
have warned this government for years, the only surprising part about the
new information reported here is that nothing apocalyptic from Mexican-border
weapons trafficking has yet happened. Terrorism has reared its ugly head
in London again these past few days, and as we know all too well we are
not immune in this country. At this point, the next attempt to attack America
at home is just a matter of 'when,' not 'if.' And our unsecured borders
have surely contributed to this threat – yet our government officials continue
to fiddle while our nation's margin of security and safety burns away.
The president and Congress had better wake up before they have to answer
for another devastating terrorist incursion on our own soil."
[This story has been circulating, but it
has also been slammed as a wacky conspiracy theory. At first it was
not reprinted in
, but with this report and associated images and other things which experience
have taught, it was decided to include the article for review. What
many people do not know is that "concentration camps" have been being built
around the continental uSA for at least 10-15 years, and they do not make
the news reports of the big news networks. These camps are manned
be skeleton crews. If this is new to you, at least ask why build
these prison like camps and not used them - YET. We have UN troops
and bases scattered throughout the land. We have "mock" urban infiltration
drills. WHY? You can learn about some of this stuff with web
searches. CAVEAT - there are scare mongers out there and some who
want to sell you things, so review the information on theses things with
care and time. Some links for domestic concentration camps are
The news of this period, beginning the
21st century is evident that the domestic powers are acting just like the
Hitler regime of last century. Only this time, it is US. --
Many have written asking me about the Barry Chamish Report of the American Base here in Israel. Barry and I went there today and I can tell you that it is there. In fact, it isn’t even being hidden, but how would they hide such a thing anyway. What they are doing is saying it is a storage facility and the US is building it for Israel. But let me tell you that makes absolutely no since. I don’t know how many buildings are already constructed or what they are for but we can make some good guesses. Look at these for example.
Now look at another section of buildings being built,
Below is another shot at some more buildings, many look like they are for people and others for storage.
We could guess for ever what all these buildings could be used for, but I think it is obvious, some are barracks and others are warehouses, but let’s move on to some other things to see.
Below is a round Helicopter Pad with two underground bunkers near by.
You will notice what looks like a water tower in the background, well I don’t think so, to begin with there is plenty of water supply as the city of Petah Tikvah is within sight of this base so they have plenty of water, and there is no water lines leading to or from this large tank, Lets take a closer look at it as well.
This next picture when first looked at makes you think it is just a water way but look closer and you will discover it is the entrance to underground tunnels. If we can discover so many of these tunnels in just a few minutes just imagine how many there are in this whole base.
I took over 40 pictures but have tried to pick out the ones that show you what is happening. Now I will tell you what I think this is all about, for what that is worth.
Somewhere in the near future the US will have to go after Syria, and when they do Iran may react with nukes and Egypt could and most likely will join in the attempt to destroy Israel, again. The US is in a hurry to build this base in order to fill it with their military supplies and to have a base of operations to settle this Islamic problem once and for all.
But it doesn’t end there, the New World Order under the name of the EU and the UN will move into the picture soon after this thing kicks off. So even though this base is being built by the United States it is in fact a New World Order Base being put into place. Of course it is stripping Israel of its sovereignty with the help of Ariel Sharon, who I am sure by now has convinced himself that he is doing the best thing for the Jews of Israel. It’s also interesting that 99% of the population of Israel knows nothing about this base being built, not one story has been reported in any Israeli newspaper. No mention of it on the TV it is just being done very quickly and very quietly. What is so amazing is how quickly they can accomplish such a task these days.
There is one other possibility, and that is to house the tens of thousands of protesters who will fight the Sharon Disengagements, but I don’t think so, such a large base would not be needed, and certainly not all the warehouses.
It should also be noted that there are no US troops on this base at
this time, but it is obvious that many soon will be. And for those
in the US they haven’t heard any of this from the US Government either.
the man behind the curtain** |
On June 27, 2002, the Supreme Court put the final nail in the coffin of American education, ruling that the government may give financial aid to parents so they can send their children to religious or private schools. Before we examine that final death blow, let's review the demise of the American educational system.
A sign, such as the word, "fire," could be communicated from one person to another. Now humans could not only see, feel, and make fire, for example, but understand its significance: warmth, cooking, protection from predators, sterilization, and destruction.
With the development of language, the communication of meaning began. Now, meanings could be transmitted from one person to another, one generation to another.
Meaning is truly a magical element. Perhaps the best way to grasp the mystery of meaning is by thoughtfully viewing the movie "The Miracle Worker," the story of the early life of Helen Keller.
As a young blind and deaf child, Helen lived much like an animal, rushing from one sensation to another. Within a month after becoming Helen's teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan was able to impart the gift of language to her. The awakening to meaning, as demonstrated in the film, was the event which made it possible for Helen to begin understanding instead of simply repeating what Anne was teaching her. Helen had been trained to repeat the word "water," but it wasn't until she combined the experience of feeling water and trying to communicate the word "water" simultaneously, that Helen gained the magical gift of meaning--and hence language and understanding.
Up to that point, Helen had been like a well-trained animal, memorizing words, speaking them, and receiving praise from Anne. But now, suddenly, it came to her! The word "water" actually referred to, pointed to, meant this marvelous liquid reality that ran through her fingers.
"In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we now have ample supply." -- Rockefeller Foundation Director of Charity, Frederick Gates, 1913
The Demonic Cabal wanted a working class that was merely trained to do a particular job, not think about social or political issues. They created an educational system focused on training instead of learning, which took its lead from such physiological, materialistic "psychologists" as Wilhelm Wundt, G. Stanley Hall, James McKeen Cattell, E. L. Thorndike, and others. The primary ideas and practices of this group included:
-- a thing makes sense and is worth pursuing only if it can be measured, quantified, and scientifically demonstrated
-- psychology, accordingly, should concern itself exclusively with human behavior--not with non-demonstrable entities such as "mind," "soul," "thought," etc.
-- public education must limit itself to training working class students to carry out whatever task they are given to do and to accept the commands of their superiors
This ruler-imposed system, enhanced by anti-intellectual activities such as minority-group studies and multiculturalism, produces uneducated and programmed students who understand almost nothing of what occurs beyond the propaganda and mythology of the political-financial leaders.
To read the whole article, goto
this mirror site on this domain, or the site listed above.
[How anyone could still want to give their hard earned money to the government I'll never know. -- Rodger]
[With much of what has been reported over the past 50 years and especially the past year, regarding income tax NOT going to support any legitimate function in this country, but rather it goes to foreign interests and to foreign loans (never to be repaid), do you still want your moneys going to causes like this? -- Tribble]
A crane lifts a mobile home at the Nitzanim construction site in southern Israel
Israel will request 2.2 billion dollars from the United States to help finance its planned pullout from the Gaza Strip, Israeli sources said on Monday.
Israel has originally requested 500 million dollars in pullout aid from Washington, but in preliminary discussions, U.S. officials said they were ready to give Israel “generous aid,” Israel radio said.
"This is our biggest aid request in my memory -- which is hardly surprising given the unprecedented scale of the Disengagement Plan," a top Israeli official said on condition of anonymity.
The money will be spent on the process of relocating army bases to Israel and tightening security on the Egyptian-Israeli border after Israel withdraws from all 21 settlements in Gaza as well as four other enclaves in the northern West Bank.
The rest of the money will be spent on development projects in the Galilee and Negev regions, where many of Gaza settlers are likely to be relocated.
Israel's Haaretz daily reported that the U.S. aid will be officially requested by senior aides to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a meeting with U.S. National Security Council official Elliot Abrams, scheduled for Monday evening.
The Congress must approve the special aid package, expected to be made up of grant-in-aid money and loan guarantees, the radio said.
The U.S. annual aid to Israel amounts to around three billion dollars, including two billion dollars in military outlay.
The cost of the disengagement plan, due to start in mid-August, is estimated at 8 billion shekels ($1.74 billion). The Israeli government has allocated costs as an addition to the state budget and will spread them over three years to keep the deficit from rising significantly.
Meanwhile, another Israeli delegation, headed by Reserve General Herzl Bodinger, special envoy for Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, are expected this week to seal an agreement with the Pentagon on the supervision of weapons deals.
The deal is aimed at settling a row between the two countries after
Israel sold drones to China despite Washington's opposition.
& am here to help you - NOT |
[What's Blair afraid of? Maybe the truth! Sixty Thousand (60,000) "security" cameras spying on every aspect of the daily activities of the people sure made them secure didn't it. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy to see all the "traffic" cameras being installed in this country. Isn't security wonderful? -- Rodger]
['Blair rejects calls for a government investigation
into deadly attacks that hit London on Thursday July 7, 2005, claiming
such would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators.'
WHAT??? What would be the goal of an investigation? Would it
not include trying to catch any perpetrators? Is it possible Blair
and his string-pullers do not want the perpetrators caught? Why would
they not want the perpetrators caught? Is there a better way to extend
a war machines existence, than to have an ever elusive enemy? Moreover,
I think the number of cameras around London is closer to 4 million, but
that only makes the above comment more meaningful. -- Tribble]
British Prime Minister Tony Blair gives a press conference at the end
of the G8 summit
British Prime Minister Tony Blair rejected on Monday Conservative calls for launching a government investigation into the deadly attacks that hit London on Thursday July 7, 2005, claiming that such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators. Downing Street said the prime minister insists that an inquiry into the attacks which claimed the lives of at least 49 innocent people and injured more than 700 would be a "ludicrous diversion." Mr. Blair seeks co-operation among the European Union governments to face the threat of similar attacks - a view, the home secretary, Charles Clarke is expected to drive home at an emergency meeting of EU interior ministers this week. |
Mr. Clarke has said that he’s "very optimistic indeed" that those behind London bombings would be tracked down soon, but he raised fears that more attacks could take place until they arrest those who carried out the attacks. "That is why the number one priority has to be the catching of the perpetrators."
The police has arrested three British nationals on an inward flight at Heathrow early Sunday but said that any link to Thursday's bombings was speculative.
The three detainees were expected to be released later yesterday, police sources said.
Dozens of bomb alerts in London, the evacuation in the Birmingam city centre, as well as the quick arrests reflect fears of both police and the general public that more attacks can take place in the country.
On Saturday, British police said that the bombs that shook the city's underground system last week exploded within 50 seconds of each other and were made of high explosives, not homemade material.
The three bombs went off nearly simultaneously at about 8:50 a.m. Thursday, said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick said, revising earlier accounts that they occurred within a 26-minute span.
An explosion tore through a double-decker bus nearly an hour later.
New information about the timing of the explosions also suggested they were detonated with synchronized timers rather than by human bombers, although officials said nothing had been ruled out.
"A slightly different picture has emerged around the timing of the incidents," Paddick said Saturday at a news conference. "It would appear now that all three bombs on the London Underground system went off within seconds of each other."
Forensic evidence was still being examined but the type of explosives suggested a degree of sophistication. The material could have been military or commercial.
"It is high explosive," Paddick said. "That would tend to suggest that
it is not homemade explosive, but whether it is military explosive, whether
it's commercial explosive, whether it's plastic explosive, we don't want
to say at this stage."
I recently picked a new primary care physician. After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing "fairly well" for my age. A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you think I'll live to be in the 80's or possibly 90?
He asked, do you smoke tobacco or drink beer/wine?"
"Oh no," I replied. "I'm not doing either."
Then he asked, "Do you eat rib-eye steaks and barbecued ribs?"
I said, "No, my other Doctor said that all red meat is very unhealthy!"
"Do you spend a lot of time in the sun, like playing golf, sailing,
hiking, or bicycling?"
No, I don't, I said!
He asked, "Do you gamble, drive fast cars, or have a lot of sex?"
"No," I said. "I don't do any of those things."
He looked at me and said, "Then why do you care if you live to be that
old ?
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert.
After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.
Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo Sabe, look towards the sky, what you see?"
The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow.
What's it tell you, Tonto?"
Tonto is silent for a moment, then says, "Kemo Sabe, you dumber than
buffalo. Someone has stolen tent."
the man behind the curtain** |
[This introduction is long, but if you have ANY interest in the "Purpose Driven" doctrine and/or the Rick Warren ministries, then this should be of interest to you. Rick Warren has gained much ground in recent years. But, those who follow Warren are caught in his highly emotion rationalations. If you read or listen carefully to Warren's writings, you can see that he basically rambles. But, even if you like rambling, he could be considered a good motivational speaker/writer. Such is the case with this article and what it reports. But, the fundamental problems with Warren's "teachings" are that they are obviously not based on Scripture.
Spirit lead or purpose driven
Here is the big question. How can you be “purpose driven” and “spirit lead” at the same time.
Psalms 143:9 Deliver me, O
LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.
10 Teach me to do thy
will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; LEAD ME into the land of
11 Quicken me, O LORD,
for thy name's sake: for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble.
12 And of thy mercy
cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I
am thy servant.
Woe to those who teach falsely. Mistakes are one thing, but a deliberate twisting, altering far more than a jot or tittle is blasphemy.
Ezekiel 13:1 And the word
of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, prophesy
against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that
prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;
3 Thus saith the Lord
GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have
seen nothing!
4 O Israel, thy prophets
are like the foxes in the deserts.
5 Ye have not gone
up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to
stand in the battle in the day of the LORD.
6 They have seen vanity
and lying divination, saying, The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent
them: and they have made others to hope that they would confirm the word.
7 Have ye not seen
a vain vision, and have ye not spoken a lying divination, whereas ye say,
The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?
8 Therefore thus saith
the Lord GOD; Because ye have spoken vanity, and seen lies, therefore,
behold, I am against you, saith the Lord GOD.
9 And mine hand shall
be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall
not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the
writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land
of Israel; and ye shall know that I am the Lord GOD.
10 Because, even because
they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and
one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:
11 Say unto them which
daub it with untempered morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing
shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall
rend it.
12 Lo, when the wall
is fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the daubing wherewith
ye have daubed it?
Many Interpretations
At the rear of the book is appendix 3 entitled “Why use so Many Translations?”, Warren says
“no matter how wonderful a translation is it has limitations. The Bible was originally written using 11,280 Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words, but the typical English translation uses only around 6,000 words. Obviously, nuances and shades of meaning can be missed, so it is always helpful to compare translations.”First, the number of characters or words are not as important as their proper combinations. The recipe of a pizza may have 2 ingredients (bread/crust and cheese) or it might have 8 ingredients (bread/crust, olives, mushrooms, onions, peppers, beef, pork sausage (unclean), pepperoni (unclean) and much more). It might have only vegetables or it might have only meat or it might have everything in the shop. Does this mean that we should read many different recipe books by the likes of Betty Crocker, Pilsbury, Heloise, Becker, Better Homes & Gardens or should we check with Pizza Hut, or Dominos or Chucke Cheese, to see how they tell you grandma made a pizza? The point here is that the number of ingredients does not get you the same pizza grandma made. Likewise, the number of characters or words does not make neccessarily limit or enhance the "nuances or shades of meanings".
The use of many interpretations, mis-called translations is only to find one that says what you want to say, to fit your doctrine.
Warren says his second and more important reason for many translations is
“we often miss the full impact of familiar Bible verse, not because of poor translating, but simply because they have become so familiar! We think we know that a verse says because we have read it or heard it so many times. Then when we find it quoted in a book, we skim over it and miss the full meaning. Therefore I have deliberately used paraphrases in order to help you see God’s truth in new, fresh ways.”This simply makes the verses say what Warren translates them to be - yet another translation, albeit seeded from many other self-agendized translations.
The kicker is his last paragraph in explanation, to wit:
“Since the verse divisions and number were not included in the Bible until 1560 A.D., I haven’t always quoted the entire verse, but rather focused on the phrase that was appropriate. My model for this is Jesus and how he and the apostles quoted the Old Testament. They often just quoted a phrase to make a point.”“Appropriate” to fit his agenda? Regardless of the divisions and numbers, we have available to us the original writings and yet other books to help understand them. Such books are interlinear bibles and the Septuagint and the Dead Sea Scrolls and more. Does Warren mean to say he is at par with Yahshua to discern when to partial quote Scripture?
The Septuagint
The Septuagint, derived from the Latin word for "seventy," can be a confusing term, since it ideally refers to the 3rd century BC translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek in Alexandria, Egypt. There is a complicated story behind the translation and the various stages, amplifications, and modifications to the collection we now call the Septuagint.
Wherever Christianity spread, translations of the Hebrew Scriptures were made based on the LXX (septuagint). Thus, it became the basis for translations made into Arabic, Ethiopic, Armenian, Old Latin, Coptic, Georgian, and Old Church Slavonic. (It was not the basis either for the Syriac version [known as the Peshitta], which is a pre-Christian translation based directly upon the Hebrew, or for St. Jerome's Latin translation, which is also based on the Hebrew.)
Out of Context
Taking some verses from their couplet partners ("paraphrasing") will deprive you of the intent and meaning. So, to take a verse or part of a verse is very very tricky.
To mis-report the Scripture and even to create a whole doctrine on mis-report is blasphemy. Warren mis-applies Scripture and takes it out-of-context. He uses Scripture to support his doctrine, rather than building a doctrine on Scripture.
Tickle the Ears
Warren’s material sounds very good and is inspirational and motivational (to a non-learned or non-critical thinker), but detracts from sound doctrine and tickles the ears of the ignorant student.
2 Timothy 4:1 I charge thee
therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick
and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word;
be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering
and doctrine.
3 For the time will
come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts
shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn
away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
5 But watch thou in
all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full
proof of thy ministry.
Warren does not even know who doing the talking in Scripture. On page 30 of his book Warren says “Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has not meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope. In the Bible, many different people expressed this hopelessness. Isaiah complained, “I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.”
Warren was referring to Isaiah 49:4, and Warren completely misses the point of that verse set and WHO is speaking.
Isaiah 49:1 Listen, O isles,
unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called me from
the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.
2 And he hath made
my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me,
and made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me;
3 And said unto me,
Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.
4 Then I said, I have
laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet
surely my judgment is with the LORD, and my work with my God.
5 And now, saith the
LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again
to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes
of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength.
6 And he said, It is
a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes
of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee
for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the
end of the earth.
If you study the text you will see that this is talking TO Israel (the people), ABOUT the MESSIAH, BY Israel (the creator). Nothing is this indicates that Isaiah is doing the talking. To say Isaiah is doing the talking is like saying Timothy is doing the talking in the letter from Paul TO Timothy.
This verse set relates to the life and trials of the Messiah..
Most "christians" interpret scripture as saying that people are supposed to be "spirit lead". So, the question is asked here, How can you be "purpose driven" and "spirit lead" at the same time.
-- Tribble]
I have met the future of American religion, and it looks like this:
A megachurch on 120 acres in Southern California, attended by more than 20,000 people on any given Sunday (twice that on Easter), with a staff of 300 and a pastor who penned a book that's sold more copies worldwide than any other work of nonfiction in the last three years.
Saddleback Church is the nation's largest church. Its senior pastor, Rick Warren, is bigger still. His bestselling book, "The Purpose-Driven Life," is the sentinel of an evangelical movement designed to do nothing less than bring about a Second Reformation in world Christianity. In the millions of lives he has touched, the 350,000 pastors he has trained, the global network he is creating, and the serious acts of charity he performs, Warren is charting the future of 21st-century religion.
He also may be influencing the future of American politics, and that's where a few questions arise.
I met Warren earlier this week at a small, on-the-record conference of journalists sponsored by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. He's a charming, utterly likeable guy, with a hearty and generous laugh, a manner so casual he wears a suit only once a year — on Mother's Day, to honor his wife.
Warren's mission is divine and defined, and boy, is he ever good at it.
Twenty-five years ago, newly ordained, he moved to Orange County with his wife and child and set about starting a church. He went door to door, surveying anyone who was estranged from religion to find out what drove them away. It wasn't theology, he discovered. It was style.
So he created a church for people who hate church, a warm and inviting antidote that would grow large enough to need 30 acres of parking, but would retain a personal character through small study groups that now number in the thousands.
"I'm addicted to changing lives," Warren says. "I'm a simplifier and a synthesizer."
Indeed, the message in his books, CDs and on-line sermons is simple: Putting God in the center of your life gives you hope and purpose, and, through Jesus Christ, the only chance at eternal life. It is an upbeat, nonpolitical, post-denominational message that is light on theology but bursting with possibilities for feeling good by doing good.
Warren has extended his influence by teaching pastors to lead their own congregations in his "40 Days of Purpose" program. And by virtue of a winning personality and clever public relations, he's extended his influence further into celebritydom, talking with Bono about AIDS prevention in Africa, pontificating on Sunday talk shows, signing books to heads of state (including, improbably, Fidel Castro).
The success of Saddleback and churches like it poses a direct, immediate challenge to mainstream Christianity. Warren says that 78 percent of his members had no religious background; clearly, his brand of evangelicalism is addressing spiritual, psychological and sociological needs that conventional churches have left wanting.
But as his celebrity grows, Warren may also be challenging mainstream politics. He wears his socially conservative political agenda as comfortably as a Hawaiian print shirt.
"I'm not a politician, I'm a pastor," he asserted, and then noted that if evangelical Protestants teamed up with American Catholics, "that's called a majority."
He distances himself from the strident, narrow agenda of traditional evangelical leaders — especially in his noble work combating poverty and disease. But it's hard to tell whether he realizes how much power he could have.
At the conference, he followed a reasonable biblical argument against gay marriage with an offhand comment comparing homosexuality with something that I won't dignify by repeating. He tried to convince Jews that they could still be Jews if they accepted Jesus Christ, and he implied that little separated Catholics and evangelicals — when their actual theological differences are profound.
It remains to be seen how religious and other minorities would fare in the purpose-driven world Rick Warren envisions.
He believes he is doing God's work. But God only knows if that's so.
Jane R. Eisner is a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer.
the man behind the curtain** |
[Yes, we know this is from Great Britain, but if you are a student of Social Studies, Current Events, Politics and the like, you already know that Great Britain and the uSA, and Australia are experimental stations for each other. So, what happens in one is followed by the others. Have you noticed the proliferation of street cameras here in the uSA? London has so many cameras and monitoring, that that actually identify each car entering and leaving the city. Now we have cameras watching intersections and elsewhere. It is not a big step, and it is planned, to use these cameras for monitoring our every movement, just like London http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/world/3256999. So it is with energy resources. -- Tribble]
Every individual in Britain could be issued with a "personal carbon allowance" - a form of energy rationing - within a decade, under proposals being considered seriously by the Government.
Ministers say that increasingly clear evidence that climate change is happening more quickly than expected has made it necessary to "think the unthinkable".
Elliot Morley: ‘We should have an open mind’
They believe they need to start a public debate on energy rationing now if Tony Blair's aspiration of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds by 2050 is to be achieved.
Under the scheme for "domestic tradeable quotas" (DTQs), or personal carbon allowances, presented to the Treasury this week, everyone - from the Queen to the poorest people living on state benefits - would have the same annual carbon allocation.
This would be contained electronically on a "ration card", which could be the proposed ID card or a "carbon card" based on supermarket loyalty cards.
It would have to be handed over every time a form of non-renewable energy was purchased - at the filling station, or when buying tickets for a flight - for points to be deducted.
High users of energy would have to purchase points from low users, or from a central "carbon bank", if they wanted to use more energy.
The scheme applies the principle of carbon trading already accepted for industry.
The implications of domestic carbon trading have been studied for two years by the Tyndall centre for climate change research, which says the scheme is "feasible, affordable and fair".
The virtues of the scheme, according to Mr Blair's "green" advisers, the Sustainable Development Commission, are that it would provide a "virtually guaranteed" way of reducing fossil fuel emissions by 60 per cent by 2050.
That is the amount scientists say is necessary to avoid "unacceptable" climate change, such as the switching-off of the Gulf Stream, the melting of the Greenland glaciers and the die-back of the Amazon rain forest.
Domestic tradeable quotas have many advantages over carbon taxes, not least that they are independent from political control, the commission says.
It has recommended that the Government "formally consider" domestic tradeable quotas, "within two years".
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Elliot Morley, the minister for the environment and climate change, said the Government was committed to a review of its policies by the end of the year.
"We should have an open mind about the kind of levers that we apply and not be afraid to think the unthinkable," he said. "It is fair to say that for a lot of people personal carbon allowances falls into the unthinkable category.
"I don't think we should dismiss these approaches.
"There might be a decade of debate in it before we get anywhere with it, but my job is to consider quite radical new approaches."
The problems were the cost and making it work as a system that prevented cheating.
Kevin Anderson, of the Tyndall Centre, said: "Once you have accepted that we need a reduction of 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 - which it seems now that all parties have - you need to start soon.
"We saw what the public thought of carbon taxes in the protests over the fuel tax escalator. The beauty of personal carbon allowances is that you only need to make about a 1.25 per cent reduction in carbon emissions every year.
"This is a way that enables us to make the necessary annual changes without radical adjustments to our lives.
"It is about making the small changes year by year. It won't stop us going on holiday. But it might constrain how many times we fly.
"This could be up and running within four to 10 years."
A Private Member's Bill to establish DTQs and a trading system was introduced
recently by the Labour MP Colin Challen, but this is the first time it
has been seriously considered by ministers.
Dewey, Cheetum & Howe |
On January 29, 2005, we reported under the headline, “Dramatic Development,” that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit had issued a decision in Schulz v. IRS. The Court held that taxpayers cannot be compelled by the IRS to turn over personal and private property to the IRS, absent a federal court order.
In our January report, we quoted from the decision,
“...absent an effort to seek enforcement through a federal court, IRS summonses apply no force to taxpayers, and no consequence whatever can befall a taxpayer who refuses, ignores, or otherwise does not comply with an IRS summons until that summons is backed by a federal court order…[a taxpayer] cannot be held in contempt, arrested, detained, or otherwise punished for refusing to comply with the original IRS summons, no matter the taxpayer's reasons, or lack of reasons for so refusing.”On March 9, 2005, we reported under the headline, “IRS: Gut Schulz v IRS. DOJ: Court’s Opinion Threatens Tax System,” that on behalf of its client, IRS, the DOJ had filed a motion with the Court, requesting that the Court amend its decision in Schulz.
We reported that the DOJ stated in its motion that, “...the Court's opinion threatens to seriously impede the effective administration and enforcement of the nation's tax laws.”
We reported that the DOJ chastised the Court for “creating a false impression,” and “misapprehending” and “misunderstanding” and “misstating” and being “inaccurate,” regarding the “consequences that flow from the issuance of an IRS summons.”
On June 29, 2005, the Court issued its much-anticipated decision regarding the government’s motion to amend the Court’s earlier ruling. With a firm reliance on the Court’s primary role of protecting the People’s individual, unalienable Right to Due Process guaranteed by the 5th and 14th Amendments, the court soundly rejected the government’s pleading.
Writing for the three-judge panel, Judge Straub wrote, in part:
“…The government has moved to amend our per curiam opinion, reported at Schulz v. IRS., 395 F.3d 463 (2nd Cir. 2005) (“Schulz I”)… Having considered the arguments of the parties, we grant the petition to rehear for only the limited purpose and to the extent necessary to clarify our prior opinion and hold that: 1) absent an effort to seek enforcement through a federal court, IRS summonses “to appear, to testify, or to produce books, papers, records, or other data,” 26 U.S.C. Section 7604, issued “under the internal revenue law, “ id., apply no force to the target, and no punitive consequences can befall a summoned party who refuses, ignores, or otherwise does not comply with an IRS summons until that summons is backed by a federal court order; 2) if the IRS seeks enforcement of a summons through the federal courts, those subject to the proposed order must be given a reasonable opportunity to contest the government’s request; 3) if a federal court grants a government request for an order of enforcement then any individual subject to that order must be given a reasonable opportunity to comply and cannot be held in contempt or subjected to indictment under 26 U.S.C. section 7210 for refusing to comply with the original, unenforced IRS summons, no matter the taxpayer’s reasons or lack of reasons for so refusing.” [page 3].Soundly rejecting the government’s view of Congress’s tax enforcement scheme as “Draconian,” the Court said:
“…the government appears to argue alternatively, or in combination, that: 1) the government may use the federal courts to punish taxpayers who disobey an IRS summons even if the summons is never enforced by court order; 2) if an IRS summons is enforced by a court order, the court may punish disobedience of the IRS summons before providing the taxpayer an opportunity to comply with the court’s order; or 3) if an IRS summons is enforced by a court order, the court may punish disobedience of the IRS summons even if the taxpayer complies with the court’s order. In our view, expressed in Schulz I, none of these proposals is consistent with the comprehensive tax-enforcement scheme in which 26 U.S.C. sections 7210, 7604(a) and 7604(b) are situated, constitutional due process, or the relevant precedents of this Court and the United States Supreme Court…" [ page 5].Trumpeting the primary role of the Judiciary of protecting the People from unconstitutional acts of the other two branches of the government, the Court went on to say:
"…the IRS summons is administratively issued but its enforcement is only by federal court authority in an adversary proceeding affording the opportunity for challenge and complete protection to the witness.” [page 9] (emphasis in the original).Most significantly, the Court held, relying on a 1920 decision by the United States Supreme Court, that the principles of due process apply to all administrative orders. We take that to mean the Court’s order applies not only to IRS first party summonses, but also to IRS third party summonses, and to IRS levies and liens.
In what may be the most significant sentence in the 13-page decision, the court stated:
“The rule of due process upon which we relied in Schulz I, and upon which we rely now, can be stated thus; any legislative scheme that denies subjects an opportunity to seek judicial review of administrative orders except by refusing to comply, and so put themselves in immediate jeopardy of possible penalties ‘so heavy as to prohibit resort to that remedy,’ Oklahoma Operating Co. v. Love, 252 U.S. 331, 333 (1920), runs afoul of the due process requirements of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.“ [Page 10].Although the objects in contention in Schulz were IRS administrative summonses, it is unavoidable that the Due Process issues raised and articulated by the Court in Schulz have direct implication for all forms of routine IRS administrative process including liens, levies and seizures. This decision reiterates those constitutional principles.
The Court's reaffirmation of Schulz I is clear: any legislative scheme that forces a taxpayer to make a “Hobson's choice” between either capitulating to an IRS administrative demand, or risk bearing the pains of IRS's wrath if she refuses to comply -- without access to judicial review, violates the Constitution.
The Court granted both Schulz and the Government 45 days to file a petition for an en banc rehearing.
Although the Second Circuit's decision has profound implications in its own right, to date, neither the Court nor the Government have addressed the fundamental issue underlying the original litigation – i.e., Schulz's claim that the IRS summonses were issued to him for the sole intent of infringing and defeating the First Amendment Right to Petition process that Schulz and the WTP Foundation are championing and which challenges, on constitutional grounds, certain actions of the government, including the authority of the IRS to force ordinary working Americans to pay a direct, un-apportioned tax on their labor.
Part of this historic effort includes the landmark Right-to-Petition
lawsuit which is currently awaiting further action by the DC District Court.
In that lawsuit, nearly 2000 Americans have petitioned the Court seeking
a declaration of their Right to withhold taxes from their servant government
until their Petitions are answered and Redress for Grievances is secured,
a Right explicitly expressed in 1774 by the Founding Fathers, while sitting
as the Continental Congress after the war with England had begun. (Journal
Number 1, Continental Congress).
[We are warned that "the love of money is the root of all evil". We believe it applies to us and we should not want money to the point it becomes our god. This is true but we miss the other meaning. The beast is a system based on money. The beast system loves money because with money comes power. The beast system is trying to exert itself as the giver of life and rights instead of God. Think about what the beast system requires of you today, just to live. Look at the injustices of the beast judges and courts. They have been changed to a commerce venue and we have become a legal fiction created by the beast system. We have become inventory to them just as machines to a factory or can goods on a shelf of a store. Inventory, not man created by God, to be used by them to achieve their goals. All three branches of government have become tools of the beast system. All moving toward making us and our children a slave to the money and power driven beast. We will show our allegiance to the beast or we will not be allowed to live. We will accept and worship the beast or we will be destroyed. The ROOT of all the evil the beast system is doing to God's creation is, the love of money.
The kingdom of God also is not a place but a system. A system of freedom, as long as we obey the law of God. A system of righteousness. A system of equal weights and measures. If it takes a "dollars" worth of work to make a hat, the hat should sell for a "dollar". [[I think there should be room for profit as an incentive to take risks -- Tribble]] Freedom to be Stewards of all God's creation. The ROOT of all good in God's system is, the love of God.
If you love the things of this world to the point you are willing to accept and work in the beast system to get the money to have those things, then you have been [[already been -- Tribble]] marked in your hand and forehead. If you are more interested in saving your life in this world, than you shell surly lose it. [[Matthew 10:39, Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, luke 17:33 -- Tribble]]
If you love God to the point you are willing to deny the beast system and give up the things of this world, then you also have been marked in your forehead. [[But the mark if the mark of Israel (aka God) -- Tribble]] If you are willing to lose your life in this world, then you shall surly find it. [[find life in the Kingdom of Heaven -- Tribble]]
There is no middle ground. You are either marked for satan or you are marked for God.
Free will. What a concept. -- Rodger]
On Independence Day, it is sobering to remember that the U.S. has been a financial colony of Britain for almost 100 years. This is confirmed by the "Col. E.M. House Report", a chilling 10-page "progress report" dated June 10, 1919, which portrays the United States in exactly these terms.
The author is Col. Edward Mandell House (1858-1938), the Rothschild
agent who secretly directed U.S. affairs during the Woodrow Wilson administration.
Col. House was known as Wilson's friend and "alter ego." (He had not served
in the military and the term "Colonel" was merely honorary.) The report
is addressed to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, whose career
was made as a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization.
![]() |
The report details Col. House's progress in preparing "for the peaceful
return of the American colonies to the dominion of the Crown." The League
of Nations was a facade for British hegemony, which means the hegemony
of London-based international bankers.
House writes: "We have wrapped this plan in the peace treaty so that the world must accept from us the League or a continuance of the war. The League is in substance the Empire with America admitted on the same basis as our other colonies." (Emphasis mine) The report oozes contempt for Americans. "The plain people of this country are inveterate and incurable hero worshipers," Col. House explains. A man with a slogan that expresses their "undefined aspirations" can manipulate them easily. |
Afterwards, they will trust the sloganeer no matter what he does. [Woodrow] Wilson has gained this trust and this accounts for "his exceptional usefulness to us."
Rep. Jacob Thorkelson (1876-1945) introduced The House Report to Congress in Oct.1939 and published it in the Congressional Record (Oct. 13 1939, pp.598-604). Attempts to delete it were thwarted. The complete text is available on line. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/house.htm
British bankers took over the U.S. during the Teddy Roosevelt Administration (1901-1909) when Rothschild front J.P. Morgan alone controlled 25% of American business.
"Crown" refers to the owners of the Bank of England. Their identities are an official secret. According to E.C. Knuth, the "international financial oligarchy uses the allegoric 'Crown' as its symbol of power and has its headquarter in the ancient city of London...the giant Bank of England, a privately owned institution... is not subject to regulation by the British parliament and is in effect a sovereign world power." (The Empire of the City, p. 59)
Col. House continues: The "peaceful return of the American colonies" can only be brought about with "the consent of the dominant group of the controlling clans."
Col. House relates how these classes are being taught to accept "British" leadership. He details how the universities and press are staffed by "British-born" or Canadians.
"Through the Red Cross, the Scout movement, the YMCA, the church, and other humane, religious, and quasi-religious organizations, we have created an atmosphere of international effort which strengthens the idea of unity of the English speaking world."
The Overseas Clubs, service clubs, and war charities "enable us to pervade all sections and classes of the country."
We "hold all American newspapers as isolated from the non-American world as if they had been in another planet instead of another hemisphere. The realization of this by the Associated Press and the other universal news gatherers, except Hearst, was most helpful in bringing only our point of view to the papers they served."
He boasts that the United States "while still maintaining an outward show of independence" is identical with other colonies in its relationship to the Crown. "Has not President Wilson canceled the big Navy program and dutifully conceded to us the command of the seas?"
He boasts that "the Anglo American alliance" has become "the unchallenged financiers of the world."
He congratulates "our fiscal agents Messrs Pierpont Morgan & Company" for "putting this country into the war." They exert "widespread influence on newspaper policy" through advertising and lent $200,000,000 to Japan to build a fleet to compete with America (making the U.S still more dependent on England.)
Col. House boasts that the "Crown" used money lent by the U.S. government for war purposes to buy up oil fields in California, Mexico and Latin America.
"The war has made us custodians of the greater part of the world's raw materials... [We] now largely control the oil fields of the world and thereby the world's transportation and industry."
The pressing issue now is to "transfer its dangerous sovereignty from this colony to the custody of the Crown. We must, in short, now bring America within the Empire."
The first step was Wilson's plan for the League of Nations "which we prepared for him."
"Any abrupt change might startle the ignorant American masses and rouse them to action against it. And us. Our best policy therefore would be to appoint President Wilson the first president of the League... he will be able to satisfy [Americans] that far from surrendering their independence to the League, they are actually extending their sovereignty by it..."
Foreshadowing The Patriot Act, Col. House says Woodrow Wilson "alone can father an anti-Bolshevik act which judicially interpreted will enable appropriate punitive measures to be applied to any American who may be unwise enough to assert that America must once again declare her independence."
Col. House goes into great detail about how Wilson must be messaged and manipulated. Many people think someone else wrote this Report but only Edward Mandell House knew Wilson this well.
For example he says Wilson "is easily slighted and remarkably vindictive." The new British ambassador should be a "Wilson worshipper" and "a gentleman-in-waiting to the President." He lists the gifts Wilson already has been given.
Col. House suggests staging the first session of the League of Nations in Washington.
"This will convince these simple people that they are the League and its power resides in them."
He recommends a "series of spectacles by which the mob may be diverted from any attempt to think too much of matters beyond their province."
"While awaiting these diversions for the vulgar, we are incessantly instructing them in the wonders of the league. Its praises are thundered by our press, decreed by our college presidents, and professed by our professors. Our authors, writers and lecturers are analyzing its selected virtues... we have enlisted 8000 propagandists for the League. We have organized international and national synods, committees, conferences, convocations, conventions, councils...to herald the birth of the League as the dawn of universal peace."
"Agriculturalists, bankers, brokers, accountants, chemists, and all other functional groups capable of exerting organized professional, business, financial or social pressure are meeting to endorse the League in the name of peace, progress and prosperity...Our film concerns are preparing an epoch-making picture..."
"In short, our entire system of thought control is working ceaselessly, tirelessly, ruthlessly, to ensure the adoption of the League. And it will be adopted, for business wants peace, the righteous cannot resist a covenant, and the politicians, after shadow boxing for patronage purposes, will yield valiantly lest the fate of the wanton and willful pursue them."
The House Report unveils the reality behind globalization and the United Nations. If ever we needed proof of a long-term conspiracy to subvert national sovereignty and ensnare humanity, this is it.
Thanks to the valiant opposition of Republican Senators, the United States rejected the Peace Treaty and with it the League of Nations Nov. 19,1919. The plot was temporarily foiled.
But the British bankers' covert campaign to impose world tyranny has not abated. They financed Hitler and engineered the Depression and World War Two. The League of Nations was resurrected as the United Nations in 1945 and the "Cold War" hoax initiated.
Now we have the 9-ll and "War on Terror" hoax. Many believe we are in the prepatory stages of "World War Three." Society continues to be propagandized with the virtues of the UN and "Free Trade." National institutions are subverted. The press and education continue to be controlled. Politicians are figureheads.
Americans are helping to build the 'new world order' for its master, "the Crown." In Col. House's words, Americans will be colonists who have to "petition at the foot of the throne."
The references to control of oilfields suggest that oil is first and foremost an instrument of world domination. The final stage of world tyranny involves gaining complete control of Middle Eastern oil.
This explains Iraq and portends an invasion of Iran.
The New World Order, world government and globalization are all extensions of British imperialism which itself is the expression of the financial hegemony of central bankers and their minions.
The threat cannot be characterized as strictly "Jewish." The Rothschilds have received a degree of collaboration from the world's financial, cultural and political elites so as to render this point mute. Lemming-like, Western elites have embraced a death-wish for civilization.
Related, my "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism." http://www.savethemales.ca/000447.html
Make no mistake, it is terrorism. The only question is who all are the terrorists. I may one day have to eat crow on this, but I the attacks today in London, are against the people, and not against the government. Just like the attacks in New York and Washington DC in 1991, they are against the people. The reason can be for what the government did (or not), but if the people are threatened, they promptly resort to emotional responses. These responses include turning to their master (gov) to get help. The greater the perceived threat, the greater the willingness of the sheeple to submit to an authority figure.
As with other terror acts in history, including this past century, the real perpetrators are not necessarily the ones who go to jail or make the headlines.
Be careful and be not quick to judge.
Follow the money trail, learn from history, if their lips are moving they are probably lying. On go the warnings.
In the case of London today, this action occurred immediately following London winning the Olympics site for 2012. Is that a coincidence? Is it calculated that just as the people have a reason to live (a future looking better), they are attacked?
By the way, have you yet wondered how all the HIGH SECURITY (including cameras all over town) and NO GUN laws of London DID NOT stop this act of terror? Yet, these measures are supposed to make us safer. Oh really?
"An estimated 4.2 million cameras — largely concentrated in
London and other major cities — observe Britons as they go about their
daily business, whether they're waiting for a bus, riding a train, lining
up at a bank or parking a car in a public garage."
700 people are injured, and the authorities say they hope they can use the video to catch the "terrorists" - after the fact. Is not the HIGH SECURITY measures supposed to prevent violence? What is wrong with this picture?
Already, people are saying that we need to be more like Great Britain with a national ID (Gak, we fought a 2 world wars over this and other issues).
Will you be surprised if this or some other attack is used to be the
excuse for attacking Iran?
the man behind the curtain** |
drink the Kool-Aid* |
Dewey, Cheetum & Howe |
& am here to help you - NOT |
* What does "do not drink the kool-aid" mean? [click this line] or goto this link http://www.tellme1st.net/rockyview/kool-aid/do not drink the kool-aid.html
** As the ‘Great And Powerful Oz’ once said to Dorothy, “Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain!” because appearances can be deceiving. You HAVE TO look behind to curtain to learn the truth.
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